Film listings
Showcase: Glasgow East
8110110100 1.01s11r0 P1011. 1.111132111110 R0101. (1111110111110. 11111111110: 01230 434434. ('(' 1111111111112:012304315000.[l)|.[111125.00 1123501101100 (1pm M1111 1'11; first show Sal/Sun (it h11111111}s1. ('I11111/().-\1’/Slu110111: £3.50.
The DangerSlsters1151 12.211. 2.411. CatchMeltyou Can112..\1 11.0011111. 1.1111. 2.1111. 4.1111. 5.110. 7.00. 3.110. 111.011.
Chlcago112..\1 11.1511111. 2.10. 4.45. 7.25. 111.011.
DleAnotherDay112A1 111.15. 8M1101151 11111111. 2.30. 5.00. 7.40. 10.10.
FinalDestination21151 12.15. 12.45. 2.45. 5.15. 5.111. 5.40. 7.20. 7.50. 9.45. 10.15.
CangsotNewYoriulm 12.511. 4.15. 7.45.
Ghost Shlp1151 5.115. 7.35. 9.50. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets11’(11 12.111. 3.30. 7.00. ISpy112A1 11.101110. 1.311. 5.50. 7.05. 9.25.
TheLordottheRlngsztheMo Towers
112A) 12.30. 4.20. 8.00. TheTuxedo112A1 8.00. 111.211. Twon Notice112.1\1 12.111. 12.40. 2.30. 3.00. 4.50, 5.20. 7.15. 7.45. 9.35. 10.05.
TheWIidThornberrys11'1 11111111. 2.00. 4.110. (1.011.
BID/iii :1-_Tt1LRSD_/§Y. 2.0
CatchMettyou Can1l2A1 01111): 1.111). 4.00. 7.110. 10.00.
:\Is11111101-'r1& S111: 11.00. Chlcago112A1
0101}: 11.1511111. 2.10. 4.45. 7.25. 10.00.
Also 11110 1‘11 8; S111: 12.301011. Daredevll1151
[)1111\': 12.10. 12.40. 2.40. 3.10. 5.00.
5.302 7.25. 7.55. «1.45. 111.15. Also 11110 Fri & S111: 12.151011.
8 Mile1151
D1111)? 7.35. 10.10. Also 11110 Fri & $111:
Final Destination21151
Daily: 12.15. 2.45. 5.10. 7.20. 9.40. 10.20.
Also 11110 Fri & $111: 0111111131111. 12.30100.
40 THE LIST 13—27 Feb 2003
Gangs of New York 1 Is. [)1111}: 12.50. 4.15. -50 .-\1s11111101'1'11& S111 1115. ChostShip1151
[)1111): 9.50.
.-\1s11111101'1'11k S111: 12.101011.
Harry Potter and the Chamber at Secrets 11’(11
1)10I_\: 12.05. 3.311. ".00
The Hours 1 I2.-\1
[)1111}: 112511111. 2.05. 4.40. ".15. 9.55.
:\|s1111110 1‘1'1 1M $1111 12301011.
I Spy 1 12.'\1
D1111}: 11.101011. 1.30. 3.50.
The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers 112.-\1
D1111): 12.30. 4.20. 8.05.
.-\1s11 1:110 l‘i'l & 51111 Treasure Planet11'1 D1111}: 11.0011111. 1.10. 7.40.
No Weeks Notice112.1\1
0101}: 12.10. 12.411. 2.50. 5.110. 4.511. 5.20. 7.15. 7.45. 9.35. 10.05. :\1s11l1110 1'11 1% S111: 11.55. TheWildThornberryS11'1
D1111}: 11111111. 2.00, 4.00. (1.00.
5.20. 5.50.
l’rogr111111110 111101) 111110 0110110101110 [1101 1o11s 11001.. 1’1111110 01230 434434 101' 1101111|s 111111 11010s. .\'0\\ 111111 1100 1111111011 on 1'11 21 1011:
Showcase Cinemas: Paisley
(11111111 .-\\'00110. 1’11110111\ Bus1110ss P101. 0141 887 001 1. 111111: 0141 S157 0020. ((2 I1111111111g:014l 81570011. 11)]. 1151125 (£3.75 11011110 5111111. (’111111/( ).-\I’/Slll110111: £3.75.
The BangerSisters1151 12.20. 2.40. Catch Me it you Can 112.-\1 1 1.001101. 1.1111. 2.110. 4.110. 5.110. 7.1111. 8.110. 111.111).
ChicagO1I2A1 11.151011. 2.00. 4.45.
7.25. 111.1111. 8Mlle1151 11111111. 2.30. 5.1111. 7.40. 10.10. 10.25.
FinalDestination21l51 12 2.45. 3.15. 5.10. 5.40. 7.2 9.45. 10.15.
.15. 12.45. 1. 7.50.
5 :- ‘1.
Robert Louis Stevenson and outer space in Treasure Planet
CangsotNewYortr115‘1 1245. 415. -4.
ChostShip1151 1205. 2.20. 4411. ‘35. 9.50.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretsd’m 1210. 5.50. 7,110. lSpy112.-\1 505. '20. *1 .15
The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers 112.11 12.30. 4.15. 5.011 TheTuxedo112.-\1 "55. 10.111 MoWeeksNotice112-x1 12.10. 1240.
2.30. 5.00. 450. 5.20. ‘ I5. 45 9.55. 111.05
The Wild Thornberrys11‘1 11111111. 2.00. 4.00, 11.00.
11311))34 ‘-1--11’€1j1381)/\\1/.51 Catch Me It you Can 1 12.11 0.01}: 1.00. 4.110. “.1111 .s.1111_ .-\1so 11110 1:11 1k 5.11: 11.00. Chicago 1 12.\. D1111}: 11.151011. 111.00. 12.50.00. Daredevll1151 1111111: 12.10. 12.40. 2.40. 5.10. 5.1111 550'. ".25. “.55. 11.45. 111.15. .r\|so 11110 1511 1& S111: 12.151011. 8 Mile1151
D1111}: 4.40. 2.35. 10.10. :\|s11 11110 1511 1& S111: 12.351101. Final Destination 2 1 151
111111}: 12.15. 2.45. 5.111. “.20. 11.45. 10.15.
.1\1so 1100 1'11 1k S111: 11111111132111. 12.251011. Gangs oi New Your 1 11s.
D1111}: 12.45. 4.10. 7.45. .'\1s11|1111'l"1'11k 8111: 1115.
Ghost Ship 1 151
D1111): 9.50.
.-\Iso 11110 1511 1& S111: 11111111112111.
2.1111. 4.45. ".25.
Harry Potter and the Chamber at Secretso’m
D1111): 12.05. 3.30. 7.00. lSpy112.-\1
1)111|_\: 11.5011111. 2.30.
.-\Iso 11110 1‘11 1% 5111: 12.3011111.
The Lord at the Rings: the Mo Towers 1121\1
D1111}? 12.30. 4.15. 8.00.
.»\|so 11110 1'11 1& $111: 1 1.30.
Ti‘easure Planet11'1
[)1111): 11.0011111. 1.10. 3.20. 5.30. 7.40.
No Weeks Notice 1 12m
1)1111_\: 12.10. 12.40. 2.30. 3.00. 4.50. 5.20. 7.15. 7.45. 9.35. 10.05.
:\ls11 11110 1511 1% S111: 11.55.
Undercover Brother 1 12.-\1 11.111} 12.20. 2 25. 4.55. 7 511. -\Is111.110 1-‘11 .\ 5.11 1111110112111
The Wild Thornberrys 11'» H.111} 41111_
*1 55
11111111. 2110. 111111
ERID~\\ _“ 7110135;th 2‘" 10111211011100 111101} 111110 s11111110'101110 1110\11111s 110011 1’1111110 0141 887110201111 1101.11Is.11111 10110s.
llCl Clydebank: Glasgow
(11110 R03211111.1I(011110.(01101101111. 1157110 1030311 [111. {5.1111141111161001 5111111. (111111. (3251511011 1111110111111 110101051110. :3 251 ().-\1" [31111. 8111110111s‘ £3.95.
About Schmidt1151 s45.
Catch Meityou Can112.\1 5.011. 510. (
ChicagO1l2.-\1 4.00. 0.45. 9.15. 8Mlle1151 4.45. ".15. 9.45. Final Destination 2 1 151 .150. «1.50,
Gangs of New Yortuls: s45. ISpy112..\1 4.00. 0.15. TheLord ot the Rings: the Mo Towers 112M 4.15. 8.00.
111110 Weeks Notice112.\1 4.00. 0,111. 0.00.
TheWNdThornberrys11'1 4.50. 11.45.
All or Nothing 1 101
1110: 7.00.
Catch Me It you Can 1 1211 D101}: 2.30. 5.45. 9.00.
:\1s11 11111111100 1'11 100: 11.151011 Chicago 1 12.-\1
[)1111}: 3.15. (1.00. 3.40. .1\1s1111111111100 1'11 100: 12.45. Daredele 1 151
D1111): 4.15. (1.40. 9.15.
.-\Iso 11111111100 1‘11 100: 1.45.
8 Mile 1 151
111th $101 11111: 9.30.
Final Destination 2 1 151
[)1111}: 4.40. 7.10. 9.40.
:\ls11 0111111100 1'11 100: 1 1.4511111. Gangs of New York 1 1111
1'11 \\011: 9.00.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 1I’(11 5111111100 1511 1110: The Hours 1 12.11 [)11111: 3.1111. 5.30. 11.30.
' 12.15.
.-\Iso 11111111100 1'11 100: Ice Age 11'1
5111111100 S111 1110: 11.001011.
The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers 1 12.-\1
D1111}: 3.30.
.-\|so 1111-81111 1&11111: Ring 1 151
8111: 9.30.
11111: 9.00.
Treasure Planet 11'1 D1111}: 4.30. 7.00. :\1s11 11111111100 I‘r1 1110: 1 1.301101. ‘Mo Weeks Notice 1 12m
D1111}: 3.50. (1.20. 15.50. :\1s1111111111100 1'11 100: 1.20. Undercover Brother 1 12m D1111}: 2.50. 5.05. 7.10. 9.30. The Wild Thomberrys 11'1
D1111): 2.40. 4.50. (1.50. .-\Is110111111100 1'11 1110: 10.3011111.
FRIDAY 21—THURSDAY 27 Progr1011n10 111101) 111110 s11111111r 1111110 pr0\'1oUs 110011. I’honc 08700 102030 110 11011111s11n11 111110s. N011 111111du0 1o 11p011 on I-‘r1 21 15011: