Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder
About Schmidt HI 0... \lnandcr l’a_\nc. l'S'. IiNl‘I Jatk \It'holxon. Kath} liach. llopc l)a\Ix 134mm l’uttmg axIdc all \aIIItx. and cxchcumg hIx lullcr xInIlc and t'_\t'l‘ro\\ arching. \Icholxon dommatcx cxct) lramc ot thIx blcalx coIncd} about a Icccntl} II-IIII-d Inxurancc aIlIIImetranr on a Ll'H\\- tottnlr) oil) xxL‘} .'\x llL' rm lelx lllc placcx ol hIx childhood, “am-n Schmidt decmcrx that thc map ot hIx tro/cn human ltcatl Ix coniprixcd. IIkc hIx nath \I‘l‘l‘hl‘n. moxtl) ol llal. cmpt} xpaccx l'lIIx Ix \Icholxon'x film. but kndox Ix alxo doc to thc \lllllll'llk'kl dIIcclIon and xubtl} comic obxcHatIonx ol l’a)nc and hIx xtI’IptIng partnct JIIII la} lot. “ho pro IoIle} collaboralcd on lltc xalItIcal lllgll \cltool c’IIlllL‘Il} /'./¢'I IIIIII (it‘llclal l'L‘lL'dxt' ‘l'he Agha (Zugurt Aga) Iccrt Iht I INt-xli (‘olgcchL 'l'urkc). 1035i VIIIIII lllh cottch} about a good hcartcd landlord lookx at thc cnd ol Ihc tcudal x_\ xthn III Southcaxt ‘l‘urkcI and Ihc Inllucncc ol urban lI\Ing. l'Ilmhouxc. lidmburgh.
All or Nothing I ISI 0... I.\likc l.chh. l'K. 2002i 'l'Imoth) Spall. l.cxlc} .\lan\Illc. :\ll\0ll (iarland. llhmm. Pin! [3ngch ISpallI Ix a doun-at-hccl IIIIIII cab drncr in mg on a South London C\l.'IlL'. \\ Ith \Iilc l’cnn)
I.\l;m\ Ilch and childrcn. Monc) Ix a conxtant Ixxuc. ax Ix thc dercxpccl Ihc pcrilouxl) owIIII-Ight Ror) \hIMx l’cnn). Ax alcohothn. dcprL‘xonn and \arIoux l’orInx ol' xoctal and xcuIal d)xl'untionalll} run Inc on thc L'\l.'llC. cach ol Ihc filIn'x multiphcit} ol' charactcrx rcachcx for thc lcu unhcallh) cxcapr axailablc. ’l'hcrc'x lcxx huInour than l.CIglI'x prcx Ioux uork. and lhc piccc xloxtl) axquan Ihc poucr ol a lingcnc ()'.\'L‘Ill tragcd}. but \IIllI unpalronixcd uorking claxx characlcrx. .-\t tImcx thc lonc makcx Ihc film a gltaxtl) “alclt. but thcrc'x an IIIIIIIICxtIonablc xtrcngth III l.L‘lf_‘lt'\ lle' Ul cloxc-up. “ltllc lllL‘ Ix-rt'ormanccx llUlll thc ccntral cnxcmblc arc xupcrb l'('l. ('lIdcbank; ('Incuorld. l‘alkIrk. Animal Farm lb! .0. Ilohn llalax (& Jo} liatchclor. l'K. 1955i \Vith Ihc \oicc ol' Mauricc l)cnham. ’Smin. Rcaxonablc attcmpt Io tranxlatc ()rucll'x claxxIc Into cartoon l'orm. \IhIch Ix too carncxl to rcproducc thc IIo\cl'x lcxt In a xatleactor} ua}. (’CA. (ilaxgou. Anita and Me I I2.-\I ooo I.\tcun llnxc_\m. l'K. 2002i (‘handccp lfppal. Anna Brcxxxtcr. Kath} Burkc. 96mm. lt'x 1972 and lucbc-)caI«fld Mccna Il‘ppall |I\cx In a .\lId|andx InIIIIng \ Illagc “llll hcr xlrugglmg lndIan parcntx “llCll Ihc blondc. In} xtcrioux .-\Inta Ilircuxtcri cntcrx hcr lllt‘ unh hcr dccpl} Il_\xl'unctIonal lillllll). .\lccna bccomCx beottcd mth thIx .-\r_\ an \Ionn. but It Ix a lllL‘lltl\lllP that Ix to tuxt hcr laIIIIl) along \\ Ith hcr xcnxc of cultural hcrttagc. Mccra S}al hax donc a grcat Job ol‘ adapting hcr noxcl for thc xcrccn. managing to prcxcn c the tonc of long xummcrx and deplaccd lo}alt) that pcrmcatcx the book, .\lorc problcmattc. houcxcr. Ix “th) III \\ ho handch thIx tcndcr coInIng-ot- agc drama “fill all thc xubtlct) of a l.calhcrhcad crickct ground graxx rollcr. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow
The Apostle I lit 0... IRobcrt l)u\all. l'S. I‘M?) Robcrt l)u\a||. Farrah Fancctt. Miranda thhardxon. 148mm. Actor l)u\al| turnx \Iritcr-dtrcctor l‘or thIx gcntl) abxorbing talc ot‘ a charixmatIc Pcntccoxtal prcachcr’x fall from gracc and xcarch l’or rcdcmpnon. Duvall'x acknoulcdgcd Inxpiration ix Kcn l.oach. “llll nhoxc “ork thIx xharL‘x a gcncroux. non-judgcmcntal naturahxm. Slightl} o\ crlong. but mm mg and thought- prmokmg noncthclc'xx. lidmburgh Film (itnld. Edinburgh.
Astorix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra lP(il IAIaIn ('habat. Francc. 2002i (‘hrixtian (‘lax icr. (icrard Dcpardicu. Monica Bcllucci. l08InIn. Scrccncd with xIIbtitlcx. Goxcinny and l'dcr/o'x (iaulixh llL‘I'OC\ makc thc lcap l'roIn comic book to big xcrccn for the xccond mm In tmcc ax man}
)carx ('laxicr and l)cpaIdIcn IcI‘IIxc (in: twlcx ltoIII .lei III and Him [II III): I": ( in mm .-.x
rcxpcctncl} Ihc xIIIall blond lcrrzcr and tit; in; ch-hcadcd lllllllllI‘\ lhIx IIIIIc around tl'Ic bo)x lcaxc tlIcII \Ill.:;c xxIllI Itx mid lM‘aI banquch bchInd to conic to thy .zxxzxfa:1_c w! thcyumgarclntctt ldItionhha. l1.:.’.ltc‘ punncr} u ho hax bccn oIchc'd I"; ll‘Ic flint-qr: ol thc \Ilc IliclluctII to coInplt-tc Ihc tonxtructionot Ill.I\lxl1l\:l.tcClI'l In; Roman Iulcr. ('(‘:\. (ilaxgov.
Auld Reekie on the Screen \L‘ll Itvxt \lIII tbc local filIIIIIIakcI Ian Rzntoul I‘chcntx a film programmc o! l'.IlIIIbIIIglI'x b} cont- da)x. \orth ladmbngh \Itx (‘cntIta ladmburgh
Avalon I130. -liaII} Ic\InonI.l \. lWHI Armin Vucllchmhl. lzh/abcth l’cz'mnx. Joan l’lIm right. .-\Idan ()IIIIIn l‘lomm Japancxc amIIIc “1/ ()thI «Imm: :I: :in
llm III/II I Inakcx a loIa} Into Ihc lI\c .IclIon arcna \Hlll thIx ch-fi thIIlch cholxmg around a \ II‘tual Icalit} gamc nanch .v\\alon \ct man nnnamcd luaxthn lanolin-an countI} land filmcd III l’olIth at an IInxpchficd tutuIc datc. thc action cholxcx around a gIoup ol )oun; pcoplc \\ ho .uc addIctcd to thc gamc III \\lll\ll Ihc} don bod) armouI and hI tcch :Icapom} to do battlc \I. Ilh automach opponcntx '\x )ou‘d cwcct. ()xlnI cIIgmchx xomc pIctt} xtunnmg \Ixualx. Inning Ictro commumxt liaxlcrn litiropc xctx and propx Ix Ith contcmporar) dIgItal cltcclx lllllH\.tllI\n\. lloncwr. lllc xlor) lx .Ix old .Ix .\lat'xltall link lathcr'x granddad \Vorxc. though. Ix llIc gcclx lactor: t'rom I'clcrcnccx to I'olc pla} mg gaInI-x through muddch ArthurIan lcgcndx to xoullcxx (ioth hcrocx and hcroIncx. xlIuI'mI Ix dccidcdl} adolcxccnl, (il’l‘. (ilaxgou.
The Bandit (Eskiya) I 15I IYa\ ll/ 'l'urgul. 'l‘urkc}. lWoI 121mm. l,chuI‘cl) and xociall} cngagcd actIon film draInatIxIng thc cxploitx of thc xolc xtIr\ I\oI' ol a bandit gang. I'clcaxcd l'rom prixon atlcr 35 _\carx bcIng lockcd up liilmhouxc. lidinburgh.
The Banger Sisters I IS» 000 Iliob l)olman. l‘S. MUM (ioldic Man II. Suxan Sarandon. ‘me. Sackcd lroIn hcr Iob. all dICxxcd up but \kllll no onc lo blon. loI‘IncI groupic SII/cttc Illav. nI xlIc cmbai'kx on a road trip to l’hocnn to track dou II hcr old budd} \‘Inmc ISarandonI. ()II thc \Ia} xhc pIckx up llarr} l’lumbcr IRIIxh I. an obxcxxnc- compulxnc xcrccnxxI‘Itcr. and “th1 xhc docx find hcr lclloxx 'Bangcr SIxtcr'. xhc. likc llarr}. :x uptIghI and In dIrI: nccd ol looxcnmg up, ()n cuc. llau II rcprIxcx Ihc rolc ot Ihc Iowablc l'rcc-prrIt. oncc agaIn xhoumg oll hcr grcat axx In a likcablc comic drama Sclcctcd rclcaxc.
Belle De Jour I 1M 0... Il.qu llunucl. Francc/ltal}. 1967i (‘athcrmc Dcncuxc. Jcan Sorcl. MIchcl l’Iccoh. 100mm. 'l’hc bcautIlul but borcd \IIl'c ol a xurgcon xpcndx hcr al'tcrnoonx \xorkIng In a brothcl uhcrc xhc Incctx an odd axxortmcnt ol' charactcrx Bunucl'x trcattncnt of thc hourgcoixic Ix t}picall_\ cool but untorgn mg. and hIx blurrIng of thc lmc bctnccn lantax) and rcalit} xo xIIcchxl'ul that b) thc cnd. “C arc unxurc ll thc \xholc mm Ic could haxc bccn drcamt up b} Ihc protagonixt. \Vondcrl'ull} amoral coIncd} of manncrx. (il’l'. (iluxgtm.
Bend ll Like Beckham I III 0... I('Iurindcr (’hadha. l'K. ZIMZI l’arInIndcr K Nagra. KcIra Knightlc). Jonathan Rh)x- \lcxcrx. llZInIn. 'l‘hc parcntx ol lloiInxlIm tccnagcr JC\\ INagraI \\ ant hcr to conccntratc on her xttIdch. to lcarn hon to cook traditional lndIan food. and to Inarr} a rcxpcclablc _\oung man. JCxx. houcxcr. Ix lar morc paxonnatc about plaung football. and Ix axkcd b} lL'llU“ xchoolgirl Julcx IKIIIghtlc) I to IoIn Ihc local uomcnx‘ lcam. .-\x \\ Ith Blur/I on {III‘ I)" (11 II and ll‘lIuI'I (Imklllg’ ‘. \IrItcr-dIrcctor ('hadha confidentl) ll\C\ coIncd) to mplorc xocIal. racIal and familial Ixqux. \Hlll looll‘all a dmicc to Inthtgatc u hat It Incanx to bc young. female and xcltlconfidcnt III contcmporar} Britain. l'(i(‘ chlrc“ Strcct. (ilaxgou; l'(i(‘. Edinburgh
Berlin in Berlin Iccrt tbcI ISman (‘ctIn. Turkcx/(icrman). I‘NRI Wmm, .-\n cxploranon of attItudcx Iouardx rachm In Berlin \Ihcrc a (icrrnan man accidcntall} lullx Ihc hUxband of a Turkixh \Ioman and Ix xubxcqucntl} Imode uith thc dcad Inan'x l‘aInIl} in a moxt bI/arrc ua}. l‘Ilmhouxc. Edinburgh
xi * *‘k "ONE OF “IE BEST FILMS"
02002 Unwersal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
'1 THE LIST 27