Art listings

Edinburgh, City Art Centre

The Public Eye l‘nttl Sat 33 tel». llraii ll from the .-\rt\ ('ouncil of Northern Ireland\ collection of around lllflll \Htt‘le. thix c\hihition trace\ the aehtexementx in the ixual at‘tx in the pro‘. ince.

The Holocaust Artworks of Marianne Grant l‘ntil Sat I .\lar. linduring occupation. forced laltottr and concentration eatnpx. Prague-horn Marianne (il.tlll continued to pamt and \kt'tc‘li \‘.hat \ltc \au around her l‘irxl \hou at lltc .'\ll (i.t|let'_\ and \ltixeum. Kelxingroxc. tlu\ e\liihition of \ttt‘\i\ing \lxetchex arid \xatettolourx \llt)\\ dail} life iti 'llierextenxtadt ghetto. the dead in llctgen Belwn and x!~.etchc\ recording the ltlvcration It} l-‘ield \farxliall Montgomer) and the Iillllxll totem

Mystery of the Douai Manuscript: The Vestiarium Scoticum and the Sokieski Stuarts lint l 3 l’eli. 13.30pm. l)r Bolt .\lac| from the ('it} .-\rt ('entre gi\c\ a



33 3S ('oelxl‘t'tn Street. 33f) l3(i(l.

IUC Sun llatn 5pm.

Busco Similar l'nttl Sun 33 l‘elr Si\ .ntixtx from ldtnhurgh and (ilaxgoxt [ltt‘St‘ltl nev. mom in a range of media featuring \‘.tit'I\\ h} |.tli Reytauld. ()uen l’ipcr. Rodrigo (‘ienfuegox ()'(‘onnot‘. John Mullen and Rolun Scott. Sec te\ ie\\. Karen Loughridge: Culturestock l'ntil Sun 3.3 left. .\'e\\ \Htt'lx itt tlte protect room frotn Karen l.ouglitidge \xhieh lakcx the marketplace a\ a tneettng potttt lictwrett different t‘lllltll‘t‘x in tltc de\clopmg ttthan emitonment Sec


4| l)unda\ Street. 557 450‘). Mon l'ri 10.30am 5.30pm: Sat Ifl3llam 5pm. Mixed Exhibition t’ntil I-‘ri 3S Let» .\

~eleclion of [titlllllllgS h} gallct} .llllSlS.


IiL‘lI'tll'LI RUJLI. (LY-I Uzi)“ llt’t'ttltlc'tl infotmatton 333 330m. .\lon Sat

litam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

The Jorg Schellmann Collection of Joseph Beuys Multiples l'ntil Summer. .\ \election of the National (iallcrtcx' recentl} acquired collection of Ben)\' multiplex.


l lo ('ttttxt‘tt;t}xitlc‘. (W7 Uloo. .\1on Sal llfatn Sptn.

High Couture: Nikolay Sardamov lintil Wed 5 l‘eli. .\ touring one perxon exhibition of with h) the Bulgarian artixt and dexigner Nikola} Sardatnm. ltixpircd h} architecture. Satdamot reconxtruetx Manhattan \t}lc building» lo\\ er liltiekx attd \k} \ct‘apet'x into pieccx of icu cllcr_\.


N ;\tl\ttt‘;tle'\ (‘lo\.c. .335 9.37 I. Hail}

I l.3llattt 5.3(lpttt teloxed Wed).

The New Wave of Primitivism [Mitt] i\ all tttlS project L'SlilIlIISIlCLI ltl I990 h} a group of international :tl’liSIS \torking ttt Scotland. With a conxtantl} changing e\hiliilion of artuorkx. tlte galler} houxex \cttlpture. Stained glaxx and painting\ h} ttt'li\l\ \\|lo pt‘aetixe prttniti\ e art.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.auri\ton l’lace. 33l ()(ltltl. .\lon 'l‘hu lllam Spin: l‘ri Sun lflatn 5pm. School of Design and Applied Arts Ill“ 3() Jan \Ved l3 l‘cli. .-\n e\hihition of \tork h} third )ear \tudentx frotn all dtxeiplinex of the School of dcxign attd applied at‘tx. N! ‘.'.’ St l( )‘.'.’.


30a l)unda\ Street. 557 5003. .\lott l‘ri Illam 5pm; Sat lflam lptn.

Mixed Show l'ntil l-‘ri 3S l'el‘. .\

\election of painting\ It} galler} artixtx

ranging frotn traditional \\t)t'l\\ to the more

L't lllIL’lllpt )l‘ill‘}.

88 THE LIST , J.t' t:-: t ht,

- _ _ Surface No 22 by Steven Hood on


33 l‘nton Street. 557 347‘). litre Sat 10am optn.

Fragments Sat S l‘eh Sat 2‘) Mar. .'\ portfolio of pl'llllS h} (‘alum (‘ol\ itt \\ ith tc\t h} poct 'l'otn |.eonard. Nl ‘.'. 1()“.'.


SS l.othian Road. 33S 3(iSS. Hall}

lflam ltlpm.

We Did This! l'nttl Sat 1 l‘ch. Production and film \ltlIS taken h} \lattheu llatnmond of SK.»\.\I.\I (Scottixh Kidx are Making .\lo\ie\t.

Elena Rubio Sat I l-‘eh Sat I .\lat'. .\lo\atc\ h} lilena Ruliio.


‘) \Vext l’ort. 33l 0337. Hail} noon 7pm. Kevin Schmidt l'nlil Sun 3 l‘eh. l-‘olloxxing hix recent contribution iii the l/tllllllll'l'ltltt'll ediihition at the l‘ruitmarket (iallet'). Km in Schmidt prexenlx a collection of drau ing\ in this hix lit'Sl \olo \Il()\\ of tie“ \tot'k in tire lil\'.

Passport l‘ri 7 l‘eh Thu (1 Mar. Studentx and pt'aelixing artixtx Slit)“ paintingx. pt‘intx. art/inex. atid 3l) ho\e\ in thix e\hiliition of local talent. NE ‘.'.' SHO‘X.’


I34 Morningxide Road. 447 7SSl. 'l‘ue Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.

Winter Sale t'nttl Sat t5 t-‘eh. Rt‘tllleliollx on contetnporar} \xorkx h} Some of the galler} \ hexl—xclling artixtx


\‘ieuing on \Ved & Sat h} appointment call 550 “53. l-‘or more info:

\\ u \\.frietiongallcr).eotn or email

infow frietiongaller}.eom

James Norton: Distant Wait Sat 3 lich Sat 3‘) Mar. liriclion (iallct) ix a neu \pace ultich pro\ idcx a platform for tie“ :tt‘IISIS \\ itli an open curatorial approach. ltx inaugural e\hihition fealurcx a collection of paintingx and a \hort film h} Jamex .\'orton \xltich explore\ the l't‘ltllltlllxlllp hel\\een the indi\ idttal and the landxcape. Ni (MI I t HY.


4oa Raehurn l’lace. 3l5 3(i()3. .\lon Sat Illam 5.30pm.

Annual Sale l'ntil l‘ri 3t Jan. (ialerie .\lirage\ annual Sale featuring lll‘t off all Stock. \iliich includes _ie\\cllct'_\ and uorld interiorx.

Mirror Image Mon to l‘eh Sat t5 .\lar. :\n e\hihition of mirrorx from ltidia.

Morocco atid Indonesia plux jeueller} h} Britixh atid international dexigncrx.


(ialler) and Shop. ."7 l)tmda\ Street. 55h 3|5‘). .\lon lirt lttam (rpm; Sat

lllatn 5pm.

January Exhibition t‘nttl Mon to l‘eh. .'\h\traet and landxeape paintingx. printx. photograph} attd applied artx attd _ie\\e||er_\ h} galler} at'tixtx.

A Visual Language ’I‘hu l3 t-‘ch Wed 13 .\lar. .\ group Slit)“ of “ork h} Sonax Maclean. Maggie llmeridge. lileanor Barron. \icloria .\'e\\man. Kate l’ltilipx. Jan \Viglitman and 'l‘exxa .'\\t|llllIl Lanih. NE‘ rC)‘.'.'_


33a l)unda\ Street. 556 3lSl. .\lon l'i'i llatn (rpm; Sat lt).3()atn 5pm.

Small Pictures for Christmas t‘ntit Sat 1 l'clt. Annual feSIi\e \hou dixpla}ittg a \\ ide range of \mallet'. more affordable norkx h} met 50 artixtx from Scotland and abroad. l’lus printx. eeratnieS. glaxx. hron/e. \L‘tllpltll'e. ie“ CIIL‘I‘}. Silk \carxex, \tooden ho\e\ and Ruxxian craftttork.

Artists New to the Gallery Sat S l‘eh Sat l .\lar. A Selection of \tork h} nett gallcr} artixtx including ()u en (‘la\ton. lilinor Dctnpxlcr. .-\ileen Jorgenxcn. .\'eil l’atterxon and Kim and .\lorag Rcdpath. NE;‘.'.' SHOW


('axtleliill. Rinal .\lile. 473 3()()t). Hail} 0.30am lflptn.

Joanna Kinnerst-Taylor: Textiles l'ntil Sat 1 Mar. Printed le\lile\ h} (iIingU\\ -ha\ed artixt Joanna Kinnerxly la} lor.


o ('arlton 'l'crraee. 556 444 l. Wed Sal lflam 5pm.

Peter Lynch Wed 5 t-‘eh Sat .S' \far. .\linitna| paintingx h} (ilaxgou School of Art graduate l’eter l._\neh. Appl) itig la}et\ and l;t_\er\ of paint. l.) nch L‘Uttth the paint act'oxx the cantax \thile \cot'ing the \ut'face \\ itli IllS finger NF ‘.'.' St l()\".’.


l3 Randolph (‘rexean 335 53M». Mon Fri 0.30am (i.3f)ptn; Sal lflam l.3llpm. Contemporary French Theatre Tue 4 Feb .\lon 3| Mat: .'\ docutnentar} e\hiltition of poxterx on met‘ 30 plinut‘iglitx from the paxt 3U )carx of contemporar) l‘reneh theatre.


()0 (‘umlierland Street. 55S ‘)S73. Mon Fri Illam (rpm; Sat lflam 4pm. Pop Art l'ntil Sat 15 l-‘eli. :\n ediihition of print\ It} .’\meriean and Britixh l’op artixtx l’eter Blake. :\nd_\ Warhol. liduardo l’aolol/i and RH} I.iL‘IllL‘tt\lCitl.


()5 The Shore. I.eith. 553 5355. ’l‘ue l-'ri llatn 5pm; Sat llam 4pm.

New Faces 2003 l'ntil Sat S l'ch. I’lllllllllgS. ceratniex. \eulpture arid jewellery h) graduate\ from the four Scottish at't collegex.


33 Broughton Place. 557 SS44.

.\lon Sttn llatn 7pm.

Books, Maps, Atlases and Documents l’ri 3| .Ian. I lam. A \ale of hookx. mapx. atlasex and docutnentx including a \eleetion of book from the Ulnar} of the late Sheriff I)a\ id Bugle. Jewellery and Silver 'I'hu t.‘~ t-‘eh. l lam. :\ specialixt \ale of _ie\\ eller) and \iI\Ct‘.


S7 Broughton Street. 55S S77S.

Wed Sat noon (rpm: Sttn noon 4pm. Mixed Exhibition .\ changing Selection of uork h} 3(ltli centur} artixtx inclttding “(it‘lxx h} l’at I)t)ttllt\\;tlle. I);t\ id llttxie. Ste\en Hood and (ieoff Roper.


Belford Road. (i34 (1300 (recorded information 333 330m. .\lon Sat lllam 5pm; Stm noon 5pm. (Rife. Warhol to Koons: International Contemporary Art from a Private Collection l‘ntil Sun 5' Jun. An exhibition of \\ot'l\\ on long tertn loan including And} \Varhol. lid Rtlxelta. .lcfl' KUUllS. Bill Viola and Gilbert attd (ieorge.

Duane Hanson - Sculptures of Life l'ntil Stttt 33 l-‘ch. £4 (£3). 'Iimrixls h} Duane llanson ix a \ttper realixt Sculpture of No American [Utlt'ixh “hich liax been a fatniliar and faxotirite \ight at the galler} for man} )earx. In ttx onl} l'lx' \hoxxing. llllS maior e\hihition liringx together 3| of llanxon'x e\tt‘aot‘dinat"\ \eulpturex dating frotn the (i()\ to \Itortl) hefore IllS tlL‘ulIl. I'it'ttttt lIlL‘ Ctlt'l} tIL'I‘lL‘lL'tI