ol ey‘ery' month. The usual array ol

w hacked-out hands. silly competitions and quality soul. ltmk arid early alternatiye. playing at one ol'(ilasgow‘s linest Venues.

I Syntax at Soundhaus. l lpttt 5am. £3 (£7). 7 l‘eh. Monthly. l’ttssypow er. ()ptimo and. ol course. Syntax. unite to show tts what a real nigltt ol tecltno sounds like. 'l‘w itch. .laee. .\'ik ('raig and Terry play out at tltis class night. I Traxx at Soundhaus. l .3()pm 5am. £9 (£7). Memhers and their guests ottly. I l-‘eh. Monthly. Join tlte 'l‘raxy crew one tnore time as tltey take tts tltrough house. diseo. electro and e\ erything else that is good it) the world.

I True People at .-\d l.ih. Next date the.

I Vegas at the Renlrew l-‘erry. 9.30pm 2am. £S (£(t). l l‘eh. Monthly. (iet dow n to the lounge cltth otte more time. This is the on: eltth that you really should dress up lor.

I The Winchester Club at the Woodside Social. 9pm 2am. £3. 7 Feb. Monthly. l.iye hattd Sons and Daughters. comprised ol memhers ol Aral) Strap and redolent ol Low and the Delgados. will he playing until

1 1.30pm. attd then it's Winchester His time.

I Violate at Big Joint. Next date the. I Wired at .-\s_\ ltnn. ('aledonian t'niyersity t'nion. lllpm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgow 's longest rttnning alternatiy'e indie night with drinks promos aplenty.

I Seduce at .-\rchaos. l lprn 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. ('harty dance attd Rtle rtot to mention an unltealthy smattering ol cheese on this huge Sat nighter.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bennet’s at Bennet‘s.

l l.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. ln wltich we are eonlronted hy a strange parity. 'l‘ont plays tttnes loy ed hy l2-year-old girls. pltrs some hangin' handhag. to eqttally appreciatiye gay tttett. l‘unny old world.

I Bite at the (’athousc.

“l.3()pm 3am. l’ree helore l l.3()pm; £2 (£l.5()) alter. Weekly. .\ tttilder mi\ ol indie and rock than you’ll lind at the city‘s premier rock yenue on l‘t'i or Sat. I Club Tropicana at the (iarage (.-\ttie). llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lndie. hoth classic and ct)ntemporary. with a healthy dose ol Britpop.

I Come to Bed at Bed (l-‘ormerly the \'el\'et Rooms). l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Scotti I3 and .Mttl‘ls l)onelly are your hosts at this rtew karaoke night. replete w ith real heds and microphones. Indulgence just reached new heights on Sauchiehall Street.

I Cut the Crap at MAS.

l lprtt 3am. £5. Weekly. ('ut the ('rap latmch the new twisted house and electronica night at this smart \entte. I Disco Badger at Banthoo.

5pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. A night that will hring together guests lrom all oy‘er the (ilasgow eluh landscape. Sole. the now deceased Volcano attd a plethora ol' other cluhs w ill he donating spinners in the coming months.

I Dream at Straw herry liields. l().3()pm 3am. £15. Weekly. l‘ilteen qtrid to get in'.’ You're 'a\ in' a laugh. ain‘t ya'.’ But w all: the hat is completer lree all night. so stop tnoaning and get drtmk.

I Hard Wired at Bat'lly (lormerly the l3th Note (‘luh). 9pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. A night so roekin' it will haye Kurt wishing he hadn’t been qtrite so rash. llappily ayoiding 35-year-olds in shorts with a sketchy know ledge ol rap (no nu metal) and l.'()real-ahtrsing poodlers. Hard Wired will play tunes lrotn lelt ol the middle hig hitters such as \Vee/et'. l‘oo l‘ightet‘s. Red Hot (‘liili Peppers and Hundred Reasons iii the downstairs area.

I Kinky at 'l‘rash. l lptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. l’aul .\"Jie plays hard lunky soul and hip hop. while Steyie Brown plays ottt the party tunes elsewhere on the premises.

I Life’s a Drag at the Mercury Lounge. Spm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. .\ night ol music lrom l)J ('olin |)a\ey plus regular drag perlornutnces.

I Liquid Cool at Baha/a. 9pm 3am. £5. Weekly. .'\.l. Kris ls'eegan and Ian 'l'hontpson play top-notch \oeal garage and house to a cltth packed w itlt hyper- hetionistic twentysomething reyellers. all ol who seem to tune lorgotten that they haye work iii the morning. Il qtrality tunes and glamorous antics are your hag. Sun at Baha/a is tmmissahle. I Miso at the ('aptain‘s Rest. .\'e.\t date the.

I One Sunday at the Tunnel.

llpttt 3am. £4 (£1). Weekly. The Rtkll continues with the Tunnel crew on this sinlul Sahhath celehration. Wear nice clothes lot‘ admission. please.

I Optimo at the Stth ('luh.

l lpttt 3am. £thc. Weekly. Weleotne home. hoys. ()ptimo say a tnighty ltowdy doo to their spiritual home. w itlt this night electronic.

I Streaker at Shack.

ll).3llpm 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. [)1 James ‘the Boy. (iardner spills tlte tracks lor those enjoying itmnatttre antics and naked lun. Iltis sounds like a good laugh. eh‘.’

I Sunday Surgery at (‘nhe

llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘ameron ('raig dispenses some salye lor your soul in this diyerting w iruler-downer with a tnedical theme.

I Sunday Best at the Shed. l().3()ptn 2am. £3 (£2). Weekly. The Right Reyerend Jim l)a Best (llype. (‘uhe) plays whatey er the hell he wants eaclt arid ey ery Sahhatlt lot' the

htmgoy er ones.

I Transistor at the Polo lounge.

1 lptn 3am. £5. Weekly. Real pop l'or real people with l).ls .\'iall McMurray and Wayne l)i\on.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at MAS. l lptn 3am. l‘rcc lor stall ol' any puh or eluh: £3 to ey et‘yone else. Weekly. l).ls Norman and Zeus preside o\ er the higgest and longest running stall night ottt in history. l‘reedom lor the workers. and there’s also a guest appearance eyery now attd again.

I Don’t Forget Your Passport at the Shack. llptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. .lunior ('atnpos spins an eclectic selection ol times while some lucky person gets the chance to win a holiday or their hits lare hotne.

I In Bed with Jim Da Best at Red (lortnerly the \'elyet Rooms).

I lpttt 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. .littt inyites you to his hottdoir lor an eyening ol poptastic trash. ltmky shit and a whole lot else hesides.

I Passionality at (‘uhe.

l l.3()pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. [)1 Shawn ensures that the weekend is staying aliye with this post-weekend night ol pleasing chartistry'.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Boo at Bamlmo. l lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. (iraltam l‘erguson hosts and |)Js at this new (ilasgow student night.

I FUN at ('uhe. l l.3()pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. liunky unique and \ery naughty packed with pleasing pop music. lront Shawn and (ieorgcy Boy. I Laid at the Shack. ll).3l)pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. The liest and littesl indie—pop~rock—guitar-hip-hop-Rtle chart-dance. the ultimate student Tuesday.

I Juicy Tuesdays at llcd (lorttterly the \elyet Rooms). llpttt 3am. £4 (£2).

Weekly. Stay lresh. stay young- (iet into hed on 'I‘uesday with Billy Milligan it] the hig hack hedrootn with mouth-watering student layourites while Scott ‘l-‘ingers‘ McMillan

pt‘oy ides some lull llayour lun iii the lront hedroom.

I Million Dollar Disco at MAS. llptn 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Loads ol ltrttky disco madness aimed straight at your lace. :\l Kent is the main man.

I Pink Pound at the Merctrry Lounge. lllpnt 3am. £l. Weekly. Big gay night lor only one hundred pennies. What more cottld you ask lot".l

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Bennet’s at nennet‘s.

ll.3()pm 3am. £2.5ll (£|.5()). Weekly. Sara takes control once more in the eluh lamotts lor madness and art. alien). liheral chat-up policy.

I Cubata at Bamhoo. 5pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Scotti It and Junior (‘ampos join the dots hetween ja//. lunk. soul. hip hop. Rtkll and l.atin to deliyer a worldly musical mis.

I Elastik at llarlly (l'ormerly the l3th .\'ote (’ltth). llptn 3am. £2. Weekly. l)J ()na (aka Amanda lrottt His) and DJ Mingo-go. take oy er the musical selection lor the loreseeahle lutttrc while S03 takes a hreak to concentrate on other things. Injecting some ttntclt needed oestrogen into the world ol l).|ing and playing some dartnt line clectro mi\ed into a randomly selected soundscape.

I FAB at llaha/a. l lprtt 3am. liree helore 1 1pm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. 1)] Skttd hlends garage. Rtkll and lttttky house. play ing to a dressed—up crowd

\\ Ito help to make this one ol' tlte husiest midweek nights in (ilasgow.

listings Clubs

I Jungo at .>\rchaos. l lptn 3am. l-ree (£2). Weekly. Student classics. indie and cheese are the older ol the day ttl this weekly Wed.

I Joints and Jams at (‘nhe

llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. The aw ard- witmittg cltth hrings you the hest Rtkll. hip hop and soul l)Js in the city. Residents Martin llesketh. .lolm l._\ons. l’ttppa Shango and l)M(i on rotation eyery Wed. With regular guest l)Js s attd l’.v\s. it’s no wonder that Joints and Jams is the longest running Rkll night in (ilasgow.

I New Flesh at l’riy ilege. ‘lpm 2am. £4 (£l ). Weekly. .-\lternati\e rock. punk. rap. industrial and ittdie night. play ittg eyery thing lrom :\('/l)(' to :\phe\ in in. and all ol this on a Wed night'.’ loo intriguing to pass up.

I People Music at .\t.'\S.

llpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. New night ol hip hop and house lront two ol the hetter undergrotnul (ilasgow hoy s. Michael Peck and Ion) Reeye rack tltett) up and knock them down. (ireat lot' a Wed.

I Shackass at Shack.

ltl.3()pm 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. the. cr. inimitahle l).l 'l‘oast spins the linest itt chart classics. w itlt a healthy smattering ol cheese also.

I Stud’essential at .longlettt's.

0pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. l~resh student night at the comedy eluh in the hig huilding. l‘ree entry arid a shitload ol drinks promos mean that the crowd w ill he in line lettle.

I Traffic Light at Red (lorntet‘ly the Velyet Rooms). llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Stop and the lights and get into hed eyery \Vedltesdlt}. 'l‘hey ill he intimate pillow talk in the lront hedroom and sesy RtUi attd pop in the hack hedroom. Watch ottt lor the trallic police who will giye lree alcohol to all those who dare to sit in the car seat.


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Valid from: 30/01/03 Until: 13/02/03

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