Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Thursday 16


University of Strathclyde Talk Roin ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sanchichall Slt‘L‘L‘I. 353 3000. (rpm. l'il'L'C. lhc first of thc ('cltic (’onncctions talks discusscs Scottish \Vomcn. Part of (chic (’onncclions. Scc prc\ icu.


University of Strathclyde Talk Roin ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strch 353 (\‘(ll )0. (rpm. l’rcc. 'l‘alk discussng ('cltic ('onncctions nc\\ \oiccs and commissions. Part of ('cltic ('onncctions.

BBC Radio 3’s Hear and Now RSANH). lllll chlrcu SII'L‘L‘l. 333 5057. 03in. l‘rcc. llcatl of (‘otttposilitrlt at lhc Royll Scollish .'\L'&ltlL‘lli_\ ol' .\ltisic and Drama. (ioi‘tlon Nlc‘l’licl‘strlt Clittlt's ll tllsc‘llssitrli \\ ill] composcrs rcprcscnlctl in this cxcning’s BBC Scottish S}mpltoti) ()rchcstra conccrt. New Music from Holland.

Other events

Holiday and Travel Show Sl-L(‘(‘. liinnicston Qua) . 0870 040 4000.

l0am 5pm. £(r (£4l: lamil} tickct £30. liscapc tlic \\ intcr in [his holida} and mu cl lair ol'l‘cring practical atl\ icc on all 1} pcs ot' holiday. Scc photo caption.

Saturday 18 '

Other events

Holiday and Travel Show Sli(’(‘. l'iiiiiic‘stoii Qua}. 0870 040 4000.

Want (rpm. £0 (£4); l'amil} tickct £30. Scc Hi 17.

Flog It! .\Icrcliant Squarc. (’antllcriggs. 9.30am 4pm. l‘rcc. .'lllll(/ll('.\ RUtl(/.\/IUH' ittccts Bargain Hunt in this ncu BH(’3 Llltllqllcs scrics. ('omc along and hc part of thc fun as lhc) prcparc to film thcir nc\t scrics. Anti-War Conference \ertlsitlc Halls. ('artlonaltl Sti‘cct. 10.30am. £5 (£3 ). 'l‘his conicrcncc \\ hich discusscs lhc topic of thc ptrssihlc \\ar against Iraq. Spcakcrs incltltlc (icorgc (iallo\\a_\ MP. Bill Spcirs (S'l‘l '('l. Xaitl \Vahhch (Pl.()l. Lord Prourst .-\lc.\ Mosson. l‘ahim llamitl and :\amcr Anuar. Log on to


Other events Holiday and Travel Show Sl-L(‘(‘.

1/300 Prrl'oks'iasss Roar). ’r. 787' 7:350. Moii-»T".. 8. Sat ‘Tia'i‘ :"rgg'i‘. Fri 8. Suit ‘la'i‘. (rm; Free. Sir - ‘.‘.’.l vim Barre '5; no" (1 famous f‘f:"(}(l’.'(}" of 1“.

Art Gallery 8: trig-a Museum, Kelvingrove

.A »\ .i {71 5:1. J'iasSn.

12v" -* 'i l’(:-I:. 7" s ‘:"-:; (Last r.- St'eet. 23:72 8‘08. -.';- ;‘x"‘:n’: lat-I: “/ ';'.’,' a" Mo" Sat 0.30am 1pm 9%. avg" t~';’.'...'(: a 9‘ 0pm; 8J1? 53pm. l-ree. l ' ' Nee“. a" A strum-(gilt Search "at;

z " "'i'wx '.’ x: no. t'rs stt: sire-3- Ftt;",‘:,'.i"’:' [2.1: .it: " “i ét'ltl lllt: lt;‘.'.’t:." <:"..v<:l‘ sit,” a”: Cant/1. :, ft‘e frl‘l'llEiE o‘ 8'. . «, M M .".(l’,‘. .'.'l‘.() (mu amt/"l Hie'. x a' 1.2' ' i. 'r‘I/E *if:.'.l<:~.'er 'i‘os'. t)? tilt; ass/gig. mews".1:..rli'rotmtes


.r‘. f..! art otr,'e::ts fro'i‘ around t'ie giirriro heirs-:31 Arglr, (: Sire-(:1 9243f Lz‘tiéiéi. " a seer: a ties (yie'i.

" .""‘."l(}l)'.lli(i"(l.

Glasgow Cathedral

liinmcston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. l0am 5pm. £0 (£4): iamih tickct £20. Scc l-"ri l7.

Monday 20


University of Strathclyde Talk Ro}al (’onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strch 353 8000. (rpm. l‘rcc. Mark Slicritlan. composcr. talks ahout thc undcrl) ing thcmcs ot‘:\ntlrc\\ (ircigs' hook ll'ln'n l/itjr' l.u_\' lr’ru'r' and thc stagc transition. llc’s joinctl h) Pt'olcssol's .\lurra} Pittock and 'lctl ('orx an. Part ol‘ (’cllic’ (‘otmcclions

Other events

Real Time: A MAX/MSP Night SChOOI (3(‘.'\. 3.50 SiltlL‘ltlL‘ltttll Strch. 353 4000. (r.30pm. £40 (£30). Sonic :\t'ls .\'ct\\ork prcscnt an acccssihlc L‘ottt'sc in .\l.-\.\ USP. lhc \urt'ltl's Icatling still“ arc for intcractiw sound lltslitllillltrlls.

Tuesday 21


University of Strathclyde Talk Rtr_\a| (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Stt'cct. 353 3000. (rpm. l‘rcc. Roh (iihsirn pt'o\ itlcs the L‘\ idcncc that Scottish diaspora contrihutcd an important \oicc to thc t|c\clopmcnt ol' lhc \Viltl \Vcst. Part of (chic (‘onncctions.

Wednesday 22


University of Strathclyde Talk Rotal (‘onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Stt'cct. 353 8000. (rpm. l‘rcc. This talk looks at thc )acht Scotia and it‘s participation in thc Scottish National Antarctic cxpctlition I00 )CUl’s ago. Part oi ('cltic ('onncctions.

Book events

Lara BOYd \Vzllcrsltittcis. l53 L57 Sauchichall Strch. 333 ‘)l05. 7pm. l‘rcc l'rom hranclr. Lara Bo_\tl launchcs hcr tic“ hook I'lrsl l'irmtlx I'rlxl.


University of Strathclyde Talk Roin ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. (rpm. l‘rcc. Angus .\lac.\'icoll and Will .\lacl.can (llscllss lhc :ln l.¢'r1/)lIuI'-.\Iur. lhc (irt'ul Book of (im'lic and find tlic contcmporar} L‘tllllHllCltl. Part of (chic ('onncctions.

Other events

The Life of Mammals (ilzlsgtru Scicncc (critic. 50 Pacil‘ic Qua}. 430 5000. £5.50 £14 (£4 £10). I)a\itl Attcnhorouglr's landmark tclc\ ision scrics \ isils (ilztsgtm in thc l‘()l'lll Hi. this spccial BBC “llkllllt'L‘\llll1lllt)ll.

Burrell Collection



As well as music and workshops, Celtic Connections brings a diverse and interesting selection of talks to this year’s festival. The selection of University of Strathclyde talks takes a look at Celtic culture and history while raising important questions and telling tales. An ideal chance to

listen, learn, argue and be amused.

They kick off with the Scottish Women, introduced by Mark Sheridan (pictured), followed the next day by a discussion on the new and exciting voices and commissions of Celtic Connections. But it’s not all about music. Other topics include Scottish identity and how the Scots have contributed to the development of America’s wild west.

If history is more your thing then the talks to check out include the one on the yacht Scotia, which set sail 100 years ago as part of the Scottish national Antarctic expedition, and the talk about An Leabhar-Mor, also known as The Great Book of Gaelic, a 21st century Book of Kells which celebrates contemporary Celtic culture.

As well as looking back, you also have the chance to look forward in what is guaranteed to be a lively talk as politicians have their say on the future of Scottish culture. Check out the listings for dates and times of when and where you can get a better taste of Celtic life past, present and

future. (Jane Hamilton)

I S!mtir<:/trle U/r/vers/tv lit/ks. Clyde Foyer. Royal Concert Hall. 2 Sauclneha/l Street. (3:33 8000. Thu 76 (‘4 Fri 17. Mon 20—Fl'l 24‘. Mon 27—T/7u 37 Jan.


University of Strathclyde Talk Rti);ll (’onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 3000. (rpm. I‘rcc. Politicians (Ichatc on lhc topic of ‘30l4 and All 'l‘hat' and look at lhc \xa} ahcad for Scottish culturc. Part of (chic ('onncctions. Pre-Concert Talk RSAMI). loo chli‘cxx Strcct. 333 5057. (r.30pm. Iii'cc. l.}cll (‘t‘cssu cll (lisc‘tlsscs his nc\\ (’umvrlu [or ()n‘limlru \\ hich is pcrlormcd latcr this cwning h} thc Scottish (‘hamhcr ()rchcstra.

Other events

The Life of Mammals (ilasgnu Scicncc ('cntrc. 50 Pacific Qua}. 430 5000. £5.50 £|4 (£4 £10). Scc Thu 23.

The Tall Ship

(:er‘t..r es.

Glasgow School of Art The l\./la(:kintosir Gallery.

‘r'o'ir lt‘.(} liSth or li'rti‘


Jane Crawford on Gordon Marta-Clark (‘('.r\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4900. 3 5pm. Free. (iot'don .\Iatta—('lark's \\ idou', Janc (‘raxx ford prcscnts a slitlc lccturc on his \tork‘. Part of ('cltic ('onncctions.

Other events

The Life of Mammals (ilusgtm Scicncc (‘cntrc. 50 Pacific Quay. 430 5000. £5.50 £14 (£4 £l0). Scc 'I‘hu


Farmers’ Market Mansfield park. llyndland Strcct I)umharton Road. 387 3000. 10am 3pm. Free. A chancc to huy lrcsh prodncc dircct from thc tarmcrs.


Glasgow Zoopark Calderpark. U(l(lllthlOll. 77‘. 118:3. Daily

‘0/ Rer‘frew Street. 3:38

.ifrtli). Glasgox': School o" "7' Art 15; Charles Rennie Mackintos'r's (treat-est n ./

21(llll(}‘.'(?.'l‘.(}ll‘. anu il (I()!l'.:"ti(}8 to intrigue and estate r. sitors from all oxer the Levitt.

Glasgow Science Centre

1'30 Pacific Quay. 3.90 5:000. Dam. Khan-(rpm. liftfril 5‘13. (ST-rt—S‘tor. Situated on the site of the 1088 Caitien Festival,

(3 astrona's S‘l'friii \is‘ito" attraction is a ll‘lllO o"

liliilll‘illll)” ()l‘ SCiOl‘CO {llltl

9.3(Tarir—5pm. £46., (£2.70. A popular rraunt or‘ school trips. Glasgow /:::>::ark boasts a varied collection of animals. from il()l‘.S to guinea pigs. as well as a well-stocked reptile house.

Hunterian Museum University Avenue. 330 .3221. Mon—Sat 0.1%(Yam—5pm. Free. Dating from 1807. the Hunteran Museum is Scotland's oldest public museum. Wander arounu’ and appreciate the eclectic array on (lrsirlzn.