I Racked Up at lguana. lllpnI lam. l'it'CL‘. \Vcckl}. l’urc l'unk. Illtl‘é uncut lil'Ulll ('llt‘istiiphc l)I)c‘lIL‘l'l}.

I Radio Oxygen at ()\_\gcn liar and (hill. 3 0pm. l'I'i‘L'. \Vcckl}. Sunda} hrunch sc'xxlims \\ ith a chillcd \ ihc and thc hcst in llUllSC. lunk. ~ia// and hip hnp. I Salsa Romantica at l-Lgn.

5 llpm. £8 (in). 1*) Jan. .\lnnthl_\. Ynu'll ncwI' gllcss \\ hat kind nl' music thc} pla} hcrc ch‘.’ \cp. hnt l.atin I'll}llllll\. \\ ith a hcginncrx‘ Cltlxx at 5pm Iundcr Ihc lutclagc nl \UlllL‘ nl' Scotland's hcxt dancc cnachcxl thcn I).l\ .lltlllL‘\ (‘nmlx Nann licrnandc/. l)r Salxa and gucxtx \pinning Ihc licxl in l.aIinn \nunds l‘rnin (IpIII Innt l‘nrgctling thc light hullct. \urprixcx. caharct and dcmnx (III iIllL‘l‘l.

I Sundae Social at Bu Il'nrmcrl} Bani Bnu). Spin lain. l-‘rcc. l3 .lan. linrtnightl}. llnuxc. Rtkll and hip hnp l‘rntn _\nur hnxtx l).l Matt and llugg}. pla} ing qualit) \nundx In \nnthc Ihmc L‘ltd (ll. \\ L‘ckcnd lIlltcx.

I Yo! Below at In! liclmi.

Spin midnight. lii'cc. \Vcckl). 'l‘hc \llxlll .xt} lc har pla'u hnxt Ina \clcctinn nl l'it‘c\h l".\l..\ l'llicsl.


I DKY at Studin 34. l lpm Sam.

5.. l .5” £2. \Vcckl). “KY \tridcx cnnl'idcntl} intn Il\ third _\car \\ ith rcxidcnt l).l\ .lnrdi. (iarcth and l)a\ c pla_\ ing I'nck. gnth. Inctal. induxtrial and punk. 'l‘hcinc nightx and lrcc gil‘tx cninhinc In kccp Ihiugx intct'cxling. \Icck in. \xcck nut.

I Escape from New York ill ('aharct antairc. [I In cxcapc. ()pcux \xhcn thc \un gtu‘x dimn. l3 .lan. I‘acclcxx l).l\ ll. l)rc\\ and l‘hlt\ pt'in idc an clcctrn \nuniltrack at llli\ nnn dancc l'ncuxcd cIcnt. .ktlcndccx arc in\ ich In cnnxpirc. ct'catc \culpturcx and unrkx nl art. \\ ith thc tnnlx and lllillL‘l'llllx

prnx idch thc nnl} input l‘rnin cxcapccx is crcatch.

I Fresh at l’ri\c (‘nunxil Illpni 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. Wind dimn _\nur \xcckcnil in st} lc \\ ith lidinhurgh‘x purcxl urhan spnt lnr Rikll and hip hnp nu annthcr lcxcl. l'rnnI Ihc rntating l).l tcam l‘ahulw. liax} it. \achn. .kiiihaxxadnr. Richic Rutl'tnnc. .\l(‘ l-‘lim. .\lr .\'i3_‘cl and Innrc.

I I Love Music at ()pal l.nltngc. .\'nnn 3am. l‘rcc hcl‘nrc ltlpm: £3 altcr. \Vcckl}. (iarcth Snmtncn illc Il‘ltragrnmcl lIII\l\ an all da} \c\\iim that L't'ti\\L‘\ thc Iniildlc grnuud hctuccu cluhhiug and chilling. l'caturing gucxt Dix and a plcthnra nl nquical st) lcx including hnuxc. l.atiII.ja//_\ grnn\c\_ (llSL'U and Rtkli. l‘udgc l'iingax and l.llitl\c_\ 'l‘ndd Iakc cat'c nl lhc da}tiinc scsxinn “lulc (iciIt'gc l lUlHS (iat'cllt latcr nu I.lan 5i. l‘unk) actinn lrnin KippS and H} cI' during lhc da} \\ ith Sinunnnc and (iarcth at night I ll .lanI. I Rehab at lign. ltlpm Sam. [4. 2n Jan. .\lnnthl_\. .lnin rcxidcnt Stuart .\lunrn. lnr a duhhcd nut tcch hiquc \ct. .v\ll lt'icndl} pcnplc \\ ill hc \\ clcnmc In cnnIc alnng and \cc nut thc \Icckcnd in \t)lc. l)rink\ prnninx until midnight.

I Tackno at .\la\\a Il‘nt'nIcrl} ('Iuh Mcrcadnl. .\lnnth|}. .\'c\l dalc In .Ian. I Taste at thc liquid Rnnin. 10.30pm 3am. L'S IUI Incinhcrxl. \Vcckl}. ’l'hc capital'x inl'amnux Sun night \cxxinn cIIttllllllcx apacc. l-‘ixhcr and l’ricc \llppl} a prngrcxxiw mi\ nl hnuxc and garagc in thc main rnnru \\llllL‘ Martin Valcntinc and SIM c \Vullclcxx \\tl\\\ lhc mi\cd ga} crimd u ith hix l'unk} l'S hnuw gcmx thrnugh lhc hack.

Chart & Party

I Devils’n’AngeIs at

('awndhh l)i\a. lilpin Sam. {the \Vcckl}. Sauc_\ lun at llllx nc“ l} rcl'ittcil club. w ith a lIcaxcn and hcll thctnc. l'ccl lrcc In (lt'L‘\\ In \llll and hnngic In chart ilancc all night lnng.

I Sundazed at Sulma} \chl lind. 9pm 3am. £3 (£1). \Vcckl). ('hcap

ROCK THE MISSION Studio 24, Edinburgh, Sat 4 Jan

Punk and garage rock have been getting a lot of attention of late, which isn’t a bad thing. But it shouldn’t obscure the fact that, for as long as anyone can remember, the biggest night out for guitar music fans in Edinburgh has been a goth night. Since moving from the Rocking Horse to Studio 24 in 1999, the Mission has been trouncing younger, trendier clubs in the only stakes that count: packing the punters in.

‘There aren’t that many goths left,’ says promotions manager Leo Federici, ‘but they all come to the Mission. The music’s not really goth, though. It’s evolved into something much more eclectic now. You get all genres metal, goth, techno. Some of the kids look like they’re really into hip hop, some of them really make an effort with make-up, some of them come wearing an AC/DC T-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.’

When Federici talks about the kids, he’s not talking about spotty-faced twentysomethings, either. Before the alternating Saturday night mainstays of the Mission and Asylum (which focuses entirely on modern rock and metal), the club runs the successful Junior Mission club for under 185. ‘We attract people who are a little strange and let them let off steam, give them a sense of belonging,’ says Federici. ‘One of the problems with the way we’ve evolved, with living in a city, is that there is less sense of community and we are more isolated and part of us realises that that isn’t quite right. I go to other clubs and there’s people drinking and pulling, but there’s no sense of community, nothing on the same scale as what we’ve got here.’

(James Smart)

I Hit? muss/(III, It),'f'i/i;/?.,‘. .m.’ i.Ilgiirrnif/Iii; a”, mi). 'II'I».

drink\ pl'tillliix and chart tuncx pi'm iilc a dchauchcd clinI;I\ In thc \xcckcnd.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Hobbes at l’i\n ('all'c. ()Illll 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. ~l-I'Iillltlc All thc llluc \iilc\ rcxidcnt takcx it In tlIc llltl\\c‘\ in a prc cluh \I) lcc. \\ ith a IIIi\ nl' ia/l. luuk. \nul. duh. hip hnp. hnuxc. drum ik haxx and IIInrc.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.nungc. Nnnn t)prn. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .la//_\ gl‘tiinL‘x and mu! \lartx call}. \\ ith llnh (‘airnx Innnn 5pm) and Ra“ .\ln\cnIcnt

I5 Illpinl.

I Yo! Below at In? llclim.

Spin midnight. l'I'cc. \Vcckl}. Scc Sun.


I CC Blooms at (‘(' lllnnnix. ltlfillpin .iain. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). llIingx Incllim nut Inr \n I|Ic_\ clainII at llllx ga_\ cluh. \\ ith an uphcat dixcn \clcclinu.

I Groove Bonanza at l’n .\';i .\';i. lllpnI 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckl). l).| Rndd}

.\lac llll\L‘\ up Sllx ClitSSlL‘\. l'ilth} dixcn and lltlll\t‘.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lnungc. 0pm 3am. U. \Vcckl}. Scratch'x l.}lc‘} drnpx thc cnnl ui'han grnnxcx and Rkli. I Secret at tltc lixtahhxhincnt.

ltlpnI .iain. U. \Vcckl}. .\ nc“ night lnr thnxc 'l'nk}nhlu lcllax I.ln|In lllllL‘lllll\Ull and lain (iihxnnl nllcring a lI'cxh hnuxc llll\ l'I‘nnI ttc'l'ii\\ thc glnhc.

I Spanish Fiesta Night at Iil Harrin. lllpin 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .\ right nld knccx up lnr tlIc Spauixh and Spanixh |n\ ing cnnununit} hmtcd h} l).l\ l‘cli\ and lidu and l'caturing llaIIIcnipIitn \traight thrnuglI In llixpanic \‘llttl'l llll\.

I Vod: Bull at thc liquid Rnniu. lllpin 3am. H. \Vcckl}. Studcntx ln\ c llll\ all nc\\ hip IIin hnntcnann}. llIISlk'Il h) l._\ lc_\ IScraIclII and hnmting alixurdl} chcap drinks prninnx all night Inng.

Chart & Party

I Funny Farm at Sulma} \\c‘\l linil. 7pm 3am. [I IlI'cc \\ith ll)crI. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc .\lnn night rcIIch} lrnnI l)I' Shnck

listings Clubs

and hix \\ ickcd Ini\ of chart tuucx and part) gatncx.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.nungc. .\'nnn ltlptn. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). (ilnhal jal/ until 5pm l'rnin Bnh ('airus. Ihcn snul. garagc and llIIlle‘ l'rnm l)nm l‘lanagan. I Yo! Below at Ynl Bclim.

Spin midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). Scc Sun.


I Opal Lounge at ()pal l,nungc. Itlpm 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. l'unkcd up \ncal linusc and claxxic dixcn l‘rnnI l’aul l‘unkstar.

I Punk Ass at ()piuIn. llpm 3am. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. \cu 'l‘uc nightcr as 1)] l’xxaul} dixhcx nut thc hcxt in hardcnrc. \katc and punk.

I Vibe at lign. llpm 3am. £2. \Vcckl}. \cu ga} night \xith .l;llllL‘\ l.nng\\nrth nn thc dcckx. Ihc Dancing Stitd Mullins. Ihc Singing llair) Blnkc and thc .\liining .\'un. l)nII'I \a} \\c didn't \K;It'tl}1t.

I Yerba Buena at In» .\‘a .\'a.

ltlpin 3am. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. .r\n cclcctic Iui\ nl’ glnhal l.alin hnuxc and funk. hrcakx and hcatx. rat'c grnm cx and hnt \tllxtl in tlxxnc‘ltllltm \\iIlI Bacardi. Irnm I'cxidcntx Martin Valcntinc. Stc\ c \Vanclcxx and .ltllllCS (‘nmho

Chart & Party

I Jackass at Sulma) \Vcst l-Lnil. 7pm 3am. £2 III I. \Vcckl}. .\ night nl \lltllllclc\\ Inn and gamcs. including ‘lind thc [Him in a himl nl' Inaggntx‘.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Beluga at llcluga Bar and ('autccn chtaurant. Spin lain. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). Bnh ('airnx \clccts thc hcst in glnhal ia/I grnnxcw lnt' Ihc lncal drinking lIIII'Ilcx.

I Immersed in Music at l’ixn ('al'l'c. 0pm 3am. l'it'cc. \Vcckl). With dccp hnuxc mmtcrx [cm and .latnic Buchanan.

I Kara-YOI-ke at In? liclim.

Spin midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Ncu karankc night hnxtcd h} lidinhurgh’s drag iluccn mtranrdinairc l’urd). :\l.\n pnp iIui/ and drink\ pl‘IItllIIs Inch )nu in thc mnnd.

I L’Adventure at Iguana.

ltlpin 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .\la\h up \cxxinn lcaluring lnxt dixcn classicx. \nul. Rikll and hnuxc. all cnurtcs} nl‘ that kind .\lr (iarcth Snnuncnillc.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.nungc. .\'nnn lllpin. l'it‘cc. \Vcckl}. l‘uturc ia/I lrnnI liuan l‘crguxnn Innan Spnil and |)a\ id .\lc( iiman and (Ear) .\l \\ ith a tnuclI nl' \Ulll thcrcal'tcr.

I Together at Bu Il'nrincrl} Bani l’Inul. ,"pnI Iain. l‘I‘cc. \\cckl_\. Bass huggin'. dirt) dixcnid lunk “ith _\nur hnxtx (irant .\lacdnnald and Alan l’aul I.\lu/iki/uInI.


I Big Bad Jive Device at (‘aharci \‘nltairc. ll)..‘~llpni 3am. U. S Jan. l‘nrtnightl). launch night as liclicx c Illnngic .\ln l)}II;IIIInI and .\likc} Magic pla} a lht'cc dcck llltl\ll up nl hip hnp. hrcakx nlil and ncu \\ ith a tnuch nl drunI & ha“ nn thc xidc. \Vliilc (‘hidi prn\ idcx an undcrgrnund Ini\ nl I'cal. \null'ul Rkll and L‘iItllliIixxL‘llt‘x hip hnp in rnnnI I\\n.

I Bling at l’n Na Na. lllpm 3am. l-I'cc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc hrnthcrx llarr} Hi and Ricn la} dimu Ihc l'incst R&B and liip lIin.

I Bootylicious at ('aharct \'nltairc. llpm 3am. [4. l5 .Ian. .\ thrcc dcck lrcakxhim nl' Rik” a cappcllax cut tip and \cratchcd n\cr hip hnp ht‘caks l'rnm Richic Rul'l'tnnc and l.) lc). |.i\ c grail \cxxinnx in rnnm 3. (limit) xpccial in axxnciatinn \\ ith 'l'lli' Big l.\.\!l('. l'iIr l/Il.\ i/illi' HII/\ '.l /.l‘.\/.(’(II'(/ IIUII/I'I‘.\ g’t‘! [I all i/uiu‘ [Ir/'i'i' liij/uri' midnight.

.) ltitltiti 90031115 LIST 65