Clubs listings




Jon Pleased resident at the Mercury Lounge, Fri and Sat


I Bennet’s at Bennet's.

l l .3tlptn 3am. £3.50 (£l .50). Weekly. Sara takes control once more in the club famous for madness and an. ahem. liberal chat-up policy.

I Biva at the Mercury Lounge. Xpnifiam. £4 before llpm: £5 after. 18 Dec. DJ Michelle pt'oy‘ides the soundtrack to this ysomen's night featuring drag king performances.

I Cubata at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Scotti B and Junior (‘ampos join the dots betyyeen ia/I. funk. soul. hip hop. Rtle and Latin to deliy er a yyorldly musical mix.

I Elastik at Barfly (fortnerly the l3th Note ('lub). llpm 3am. £2. Weekly. DJ ()na (aka Amanda from Bis) and DJ Mingo-go. take oy er the musical selection for the foreseeable future yshile 803 takes a break to concentrate on other things. Injecting some much needed oestrogen into the world of DJing and playing some damn fine electro mixed into a randomly selected soundscape.

I FAB at Baba/a. l lpm 3am. l‘ree before I lpm; £4 (£3) after. Weekly. DJ Skud blends garage. R&l3 and funky house. playing to a dressed—up croyyd

Back of A List card

who help to make this one of the busiest midyyeek nights in (ilasgoyy.

I Joints and Jams at (‘ube.

l lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. The award- winning clttb brings you the best Rth. hip hop and soul l)Js in the city. Residents Martin llesketh. John Lyons. l’uppa Shango and DM(i on rotation ey'ery Wed. With regular guest l)Js s and l’As. it’s no yyonder that Joints and Jams is the longest running R&B night in (ilasgoyy.

I New Flesh at l’riy ilege. ‘)pm 2am. £4 (£l ). Weekly. Alternatiye rock. punk. rap. industrial and indie night. playing eyery thing from A(' D(‘ to Aphey ’l‘yy in. and all of this on a Wed night‘.’ loo intriguing to pass tip.

I People Music at MAS.

llpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. .\'eys night of hip hop and house from tyyo of the better underground (ilasgoyy boys. Michael Peck and Tom Reeye rack them up and knock them doyy n. (ireat for a \Ved.

I Stud’essential at Jonglettrs.

9pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. liresh student night at the comedy club in the big building. l‘ree entry and a shitload of drinks promos mean that the ct’oyy d yy ill be in fine fettle.

This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card.

You can use this pass

want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, you can get a brand new card in the next issue.

as many times as you

Valid from: 02/01/03

Until: 15/01/03

The Lists A LIST card is a discomt scheme only and is available to those aged 18 years and older. All partimpating clubs reserve the right to refuse admissmn. The pass has no monetary value and is ‘/<’ll!(l for only one person.

62 THE LIST 1' it, .,.u. 7%”.




Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Ballistic at ('ity (life. 9pm lam. Free. 2 Jan. l‘ortnightly. Belieye (iigi (Sysitch t'p. Big Bad Jiye Dcy'ice). Wreckage (Wall ()f Sound Records) and Mikey Magic (Big Bad Jiye Dey'ice). Breakin' in the neyy year yy ith the finest selection of nu-skool. breaksteppin’. ftmk. sotil. hip hop and RckB.

I Beluga at Beluga Bar and (‘anteen Restaurant. b’pm lam. liree. Weekly. Deep grooyes of the house and garage yariety froin Anthony Small and old skool lit/l frotn the inimitable Big Beat l)Js Stuart Bennet and Simon llodge.

I Changes at Bu (formerly Bam Bolt). 0pm. l‘ree. Weekly. ('raig Smith and guests host a freesty le session of sotilfttl sounds as the lluin llush ct'eyy join the dots bctyycctt old skool nuggets and future classics.

I Eccentric at Bti (formerly Bam Bou). ()pm lam. l't'c‘c‘. 3 Jan. l-‘ortnightly. liuan James. Ales Ayery and Murray play l'S hottse at this oriental style bar session.

I Human Be-In at lluman Beln. ()pm lam. l't'ec. Weekly. .\'ast l’ drops his unique fusion of hip hop. funk and alternatiye beats (2 ck lo Jan) yyhile t'ncle l‘ayyar/ mises up hip hop along yy ith his oyy n smooth gt'ooy es (0 Jan). I Immersed in Music at l’iyo ('affe. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. The ayyard-yy inning ('lech theme bar launches a new DJ schedule. featuring the cream of local talent (and a ten (ilasgoyy lads).

I Juicy at lguana. l()pm 3am. l‘rce. Weekly. The freshest RcKB. hip hop and urban sotil from DJ l.yley (Scratch) and his pals.

I Radio Oxygen at ()yygen Bar and (irill. 0pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. liunked up selection of iii-house l)Js stipply the eclectic beats.

I Yo! Below at Vol Beloyy. 0pm lam. Free. Weekly. The stishi style bar gets funked-up l.atin ~ia/x and yyorld music from DJ l.el.


I CC Blooms at ('(' Blooms. lt).3()pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. 'l'rip the light fantastic to lli—NRG datice action at this eyer-popular gay bar.

I Chango at (‘abaret Voltaire.

llptn 3am. £4. Weekly. Residents Berts. Bob (‘airns and Jim (‘omb (on rotation) yy ith their yyeekly dose of Afro-beat. funk. Latin. ska and \yorld music. \\ ith a smattering of liyc acts just for good measure. Studio 2 falls into the control of some of Scotland‘s best drum & bass l)Js: Queen B. liN() and Vader (on rotation). Special guests this fortnight include Jibhet'ing Records (DJ set) yy ith the 'l‘el’()()Ka drummers (2 Jan); liyc funk nine-piece l‘leamarket (9 Jan) and the drttm & bass meets bluegrass sounds of Apache ( lo Jan).

I Genetic at ('itrus (‘lub. llpm 3am. l-ree before ll..‘~()pm; £2 after. Weekly. Still a mighty popular soircc that

shoyy cases alternatiy e. indie and lo-fi. .\'o smoking at the bar. mind.

I Groove Collective at Berlin Bierhaus. Itlpm 3am. Free. Weekly. Home and other grooyes from the DJ tag team behind nights such as l‘risco Disco and Blast: Martin Valentine. Steye Wanless. (iay Anderson. llarry. lluggy and Markcll.

I Intergalactic at 'l'ey'iot Royy' t'nion. llpm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. A night of indie goodness in the company of Barichello. yyatch ottt for exclusiye album play'backs and Various freebies.

I MIBZ at liros & lilite. ltlpm 3am. Weekly. The best in [S hip hop and R&B from 'l‘ce-lN'l‘. Jay ('ee and Mr ll. Returning after a brief hiattts but back yyith the same music you all loy ed so tnttch yy hen MlB was based at Massa ((‘lub Mercado). yy ith plenty of drinks promos to back up the music.

I Nexus at Studio 24. ltlpm 3am. £1. Weekly. A new night that mixes the best of rock. metal. industrial and goth with a touch of cheese. From your hosts Smelly. Kynon. Bal. and Ross.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.

9pm -3am. £3. Weekly. lirik da Viking yyith his blues and soul folloyy ed by Stey ie (i with timeless vocal house. disco and party tunes.

I Snatch and Chemistry at the Liquid Room. 10.30pm 3am. £3.50 (£3). Weekly. A filth fixated funky disco-cum- cabaret.comically compered by Mr llarry .-\insyyot‘tlt and deck manipulated in a cod funk and hip hop stylec by Babes. Biggie and Spanky. And good neyys for the Snatch faithful 'l'rendy Wendy is_joining as a neyy monthly resident. t'pstairs in the test tube (’hemistt'y provide the action

yy ith residents l’hase4. 'l‘om AI) and guests spinning hip hop. breaks. electro techno and house. Also featuring regular contributions from local y isual artists.

I TLC at l’o .\'a .\'a. ltlpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. .\'eys night for the Arabian theme bar yy ith a selection of hot house. commercial dance. cheese and charty action.

I Traffic at lleriot-Watt l'niyersity t'nion. 11.30pm 2am. l‘ree. Weekly. DJs bring you the best in indie and alternatiye tunes at this student shindig.

Chart & Party

I Clubstars 2 at Subyyay' West lind. 7pm 3am. £3 (£1 ). Weekly. Your chance to yy in a ride in the Subyyay limo (bubbly included) at this kitsch karaoke challenge. I Flipside at Why .\'ot'.’ llpm 3am. liree. Weekly. A night of harmless gambling fun. gamble of drinks. music

ey en cloakroom space. You could make it a free night ottt if you play your cards right.

I The Subway at Subway. 9pm 3am. lirec before llpm: 3 (£1). Weekly. .\'eigh on a ('oys gate institution of commercial dance and chart hits yy ith the odd indie classic.

I Vinyl at Massa (formerly ('lub Mercado). 8pm 3am. liree. Weekly. (‘ommercial chart and dance courtesy of Paul Funkstet'. pltis drinks promos aplenty for those yy ho \y ant to start the yyeekend lashionably early.

Edinburgh Fridays


I Bass:Trap Sessions at Bu (formerly Bam Bou). 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. Wise Manga master (i-Mac hosts his \yeekly fix of hand-picked narcotic breaks and beats. including all the latest hip hop. 2-step breaks. R&B and drum ck bass.

I Beluga at Beluga Bar and (‘anteen Restaurant. Spin lam. l-‘ree. Weekly. liuan Robertson spinning soul. _ia//. funk and hip hop. (iood times music to fit those l‘ri y ibes.

I DJ Kid at (‘ity (‘afe. ()pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. (iet in the mood yy ith the drum & bass stylings of DJ Kid resident at Manga for the last seyen years and one of Scotland's leading resident l)Js. ()ne of the best places in toys n to yy arm tip before your clubbing proper (pool table and eyerything).

I Human Be-In at llttman Be-ln.

()pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. Scott Rapsoa playing future soul and iaI/y beats (3 ck l7 .lan) and the Big Beat l)Js playing their classic fusion of funky (an. Bra/ilian grooyes and Afro beats ( ll) .lan).