Film listings

Filmhouse: Edinburgh


The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers 02A) I250. 4.00. 7.30.

8Women I I5) 3.00. 000.

Abouna - my Father ll’(i) 3.30. 5.45. Punchtlxi 3.00.

Sweet Sixteen I 18) 8.50.


The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers ll2:\) I250. 4.00. 7.50.

8 Women l 15) 3.00. 8.50.

Abouna - my Father (Pm 5.50. 900. Sweet Sixteen I Is) 000.

TI’OI‘I ll’(i) 0.1.5.


The Lord ot the Rings: the Mo Towers ti2.'\) I250. 4.00. 7.30.

8Women I )5) 3.00. 3.30.

Abouna - my Father «Pm 5.30. 045. 3.15.

Sweet Sixteen l IS) 000.


The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers l 12A) 12.30. 4.00. 7.50.

8 Women l 15) 3.00. 3.30.

Abouna - my Father l Ptii 3.30. (i. I 5. Sweet Sixteen l Is) 000.

The Decline of the American Empire tIS) S.I5.

Ddeon Wester Hailes: Edinburgh

\Vexlxide l’la/a. I20 \Vextei' liailex Road. “exit-r Hunt-x. 0370 5050 007. [1)]. |li|. Adults: £5 (superior seats £5.50): helore (rpm £5.50. ('liildren/().’\l’/Student: £5.20 (superior \eatx alter ()pttt £4 ). l'amil} tieket: £12 (superior \eatx alter 0pm £l-l); helore 0pm £l2. Bargain Da} lue: £511“ \ealx. l’re-noon \lto\\\: £5.


DieAnother Daytt2;\t 2.20. 5.20. 840.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretsd’m ll.5l)ani. l.ll). 2.30. 4.40. 5.40. 3.00.

Like Mikett’m I220.

The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers ll2.v\) ll.50ani. l2.l0. 2.l0. 5.l0. 4.00. 020. ".00. 8.00.

TheSanta Ciause2tt') l.ll). 5.30. 5.55. 8.30.

StarTrek X: Nemesisdlvh 5.40. 8.20. Sweet Home Alabama I I2.\) I00. 5.5.5. (x05. 3.40.


Deathwatch I )5)

Please phone eineina l'or timex

Die Another Day I 12A)

l)ail}: 2.20. 5.20. Nil).

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ll’(})

Please phone einema l'or times

Like Mike tP( i)

l)ail): I220.

The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers I DA)

Hail): ll.5l)am. l2. )0. 2.10. 5.10. 3.50. 0.30. 7.00. 7.30.

The Santa Clause 2 it)

Dali): l.2l). 5.50. (L20.

Star Ti’ek X: Nemesis l I 2A)

l)ail_\: I240. 5.30. 5.40. 8.20.

‘I like the queen. She is one of thebiggest gay teens in this country with her gloves, handbags and glittery and multicoloured outfits.‘

Paul Foot declares his monarchism, see Gay,

page 55.


Sweet Home Alabama I l2:\) Please phone einema lot” times

lRIDAY ii) lllURSl)AY 1t“: l’rogramine likel) to he similar to the pre\ ltillx \\ eek. l’ltotte 0870 5050 ()0" tin details and times. .\'e\\ liliil\ due to open on l’ri ll) .lan:

Gangs of New York I Is)

The Tuxedo l l2:\)

Ddeon: Edinburgh

" (.lL'l'l\ Street. lil5l ()(3—5 (N? I. lltlt) and (‘(’ hooking: 0870 50 50 00". liar. |l)| \ereenx 2 and 5. .-\dult: £5.50 thelore 50111 Tue lliu: £4). ('onex/eltild: £5.20. Bargain Ha) e\et'_\ .\lon: £5.20. l‘amil) tieketx e\ei'} da_\ until “pm: £14.

I) iUItSD/W 2

Die Another Day I l2.v\) 2. I0. 5.00, 7.50.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretsd’m I50. 5.40.

The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers tl2:\i I I.()0am. I250. 2.45. -i.|5. (L5H. 3.50.

The Santa Clause 2 ti) ll.05;uu. Star Trek X: Nemesis l l::\) (i, :0. 000 Sweet Home Alabama l l2;\i I2. I 5. 5.00. 020. 8.50.


Die Another Day I I2..\)

Hail}: l.5l). 7.50.

.’\l\o late in t& Sal: ll).-l5.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ll’( i)

l)ail): 4.50.

The Importance of Being Eamest tt'i .\latinee 'l'ue: l|.()l)am.

The Lord at the Rings: the Two Towers ll2:\)

Hail}: l2.l5. 2.45. 4.00. 0.30. ".10. .'\l\o late l‘ri tk Sal: l0.05.

Star Trek X: Nemesis t l2.\t

Hail}: I245. 5.20. 0.00. x. :0.

.-\l\o late l‘ri & Sat: ll.l)().

Sweet Home Alabama I 12.0

l)ail_\: l2. l0 tnot 'l'uei. 2.40. (i. I 5_ 3.45.

.'\l\l) litlt‘ l'll & Sill: l l.lll.


Programme like!) to he \iinilar to the pre\ lt)tl\ \teek. Phone 0870 50 50 00," l'or details and illiiL‘\. .\'e\\ lilmx due to open on l‘ri l0 .lan:

Gangs of New York I Is)

The Tuxedo l t2.v\)

Ster Century: Edinburgh

()eean 'l'erniinal. ()eean l)ri\e. l.eitl1. 0| 5| 55 5 0‘00. .4\dult: £5.50 thelore 5pm Mon l'ri £4.50). ('liild lunder l5)/(’onee\\ion\: £5. Student: £5.50. l'dilill} tieket: £l4. Kids ('luh: £1.


Blood Work I I5) l0.5l)ani. l.ll). 3.50. l). )0, 350,

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tl’(i) l0,00am. 12.20, 1.20. 5.40. 4.40.

Hey Arnold! the Movie tt'i 10.05am. 12.05. 2.05.

The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers tl2.-\i 10.00am. ll.00ani. noon. l.l)t). 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 5.00. 000. 5.00. 3.00, 0.00.

The Santa Clause 2 It") I |.50;un. I45. -l. l .5. (1.4.5.

Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams tl') i0.|5am.

Star Trek X: Nemesis I I2..\) l0.5()am.

l2.l5. l.l5. 2.45. 5.45. 5.50. 0.50.

845. 0.15. Sweet Home Alabama I l2:\) 5.55. 3.25.


Blood Work I I5)

Hail}: 5.50. (xll). 8.50. .v\l\oniatineel‘ri Sun: ll).50am. l.ll). Die Another Day I l2.v\)

Hail}: 2.I0. 5.10, hill).

.v\|\o matinee l‘ri Sun: |l.l0am. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets l t’( i)

l);til_\2 5,-il). l.ll). 7.20. 3.20. 0.20. .r\l\oniatinee l‘ri Sun: 12.20.

Hey Arnold! the Movie tt‘t

l)ail_\: 2.05.

.r\l\oinatinee l'ii Sun: I0.l)5;un. I205.

Star Trek: Nemisis, the final frontier?

The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers I I2.'\)

l)ail\: 2.00. 5.00. 4.00. 5.00. 0.00. 7.00: 3.00. 0.00.

:\l\o matinee l‘ri Sun: 10.00am. ll.0l)am. noon. l.00.

;\l\o late l't‘i & Sat: l0.00.

The Santa Clause 2 it')

l)ail_\: 4.15. (x45.

:\l\t) matinee l‘ri Sun: ll.50atn. I.45. Spy Kids 2 - the Island of Lost Dreams tl')

Matinee l’ri Sun: ll).|5ain.

Star Trek X: Nemesis l I 2.\ )

I)aiI\: 2.45. 5.45. 5.50. 0.50. S.I5. 0.15:

Also matinee l-‘ri Sun: l0.50ani. l2.l5. l.l5.

Sweet Home Alabama l 12.x)

l)ail_\: 5.05. 5.55. 8.25.

.'\l\omatinee l5ri Sun: l().05ain. I225.

FRIDAY It) THURSDAY 10 Programme likel} to he similar to the pre\ it)tl\ \teek. l’lione 0l5l 555 0700 [or details and tiniex.

UCI: Edinburgh

Kinnaird l’ark. \eueraighall Road. ()l5l (ih‘) 0777. lilii) & Booking: 03-700 l()2050, |l)]. llil. .-\dult\: £5.25

t.\lon l’ri alter 5pm and Sat tk Sun 5pm on\\ard\). £4.25 t.\lon l'ri hel'ore 51111) and Sat tk Sun hel‘ore 5pm). Students £5.05 t.\lon—'I'liu & l‘ri/Sat midnightx on|_\ ). ():\l’/(‘l)iltli £5.05.


Die Another Day I I2.-\) l2.l5. 3.I5. 0.15. ‘).I5. 0.45.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ll’(i) ll.l0am. l.l5. 2.25. 4.45. 5.45. 845.

Like Mike ll’(i) ll.55am. 2.10.

Lilo & Stitch ll.) ll.2()ani.