Film index

Star Trek X: Nemesis l l_‘.r\1 0.. 18111.10 Band. I'S. 2002I I’.III'1cls SIc\\.1I'l. 'I‘nin Hard}. Ili'cnl Spinnci'. I lhnnn. In IhIs

|.Ilcsl \s.11‘p l.1cInI' .1d\cnIIII‘c. I'InnnIIch In lw

lhc |.1sl In lc.1IIII'c lhc \cu (icnci'ulinn c.1sI. Ihc h.1I'c hnncs nl .111 .1d\cnIIII'c In dn Ihc IinIcI'pI‘isc crcu pI‘nIId .II'c Ihci‘c. 'I'hc sci'ipl h) .lnhn I.0)_'.III IIhc ()sc.11' \\ 111111;; \\ 11111 n! (i/m/m/nri c111pln_\s Ihc lsind nl' c|.1ss1c.1l sInI'}IclIing_' dc\ Iccs Ih.1I IIlch Ihc HI'I;_‘Ill;lI Iclc\is1nn scI'ics .1hn\ c lhc |c\cl nl Inci'c sp.1cc snap npcI'.1, I)1'.1\\1n;; nn Ihc (ii‘cck II'.1gcd_\ ()I'I/I/HH Rm. I.n;_'.111‘s scI'IpI h.1s (‘.1pI.1i11 .lc.111 I.11c I’1c.11'd (Sn-“.110 Licc hIs IIII1111.1Ic ncmcsis: .1 inungci' \cI'sInn nI hiInscll \xhn IIII'ns nnl In hc .1 clnnc cnginccicd l1) Ihc Rninun IIkc \\.11‘1‘1ni' 1'.1cc Ihc anluuns. I‘nlnI‘IIIn.1IcI_\. IhIs 111IcI'csIIng: scI up hinlds In nnIl11ng_' mnI‘c 111.111 .111 mlcndcd cli111.1\ 1n\nl\111;_' .1 dn; IighI 1n sp.1cc.'l’hc1'c InIgghl hc plcnI} nl 111 inlscs lnI' Ihc l'.1ns .111d .111 npcn cndmg Ih.II's scqucl li‘iciidl}. hIII .1s .1 piccc nI cincnm spccluclc. .Vclm'xn d1s.1ppnInIs, Scc I‘c\1c\\. (it‘IIL‘I'III I‘L‘It‘glsc.

Sweet Home Alabama 1 I_‘.\I

0.. l.'\llII) ‘l‘c11n.111I. IS. 20021 Rccsc \Vilhci'spnnn. .Insh I,IIc.1s. (‘.'111d1cc Ilt‘I'pcn.

108111111. Il's.1111.1;_'1c.1ld.1} 111 .\l.1nh.1II.111lnI'

_\lcl.1nic (‘.11'n11ch.1cl. hci' l.1sI11nn dcsignci‘K c.11‘cc1‘ p.1Ih is p.1\cd .111d Ihc 111.1}nI”s snn hm hm pI'npnscd 111.11'1'1.1;_'c. IIIII hclnIc shc L'IIII L‘\[k‘l'IL‘llL‘L' lIlt' \\\ CCI \IIIL‘II Ul \llt‘t‘t'\\. shc InIIsI lii'sl I'cIIII'n hnInc In .v\l.1h.11n.1 In d1\nI'cc th' childhnnd succlhcni'l, \VIII

.\Ic|.1nicg_'n lnI'.1g1'c.Il gn} nI‘ lhc Iighl f2ll_\ .’

l".11|11}.1h|t‘ In \s.IIch \VIIIIcI'spnnn.1lIc1‘n.1Icl} pl.1}1ng hitch} .111d.1an‘.1hIc. .111d.1 gnnd suppnI'IIng c.1sl Icnds \xc1;_'|1l Inlhc.1cl1nn .1nd llIc snI11c\\I1.1I pI'chcI.1hIc l\\ Isis. (icncml I‘L'Icnsc.

Sweet Sixteen l I.\1 O... IKcII Ingich, (R, 20021 .\l.11'IIn (‘nmpsInIL \\‘1lI1.11nRII.1nc.(i.11‘} .\Ic(‘nI'In.1cl\. 10(1111111. (11ch \scsl cn.1sI Scnllund ncd l.1.11n 1(‘nmpslnni Is .1\\.IIIIng_' hIs111nIhc1"s1'clc.1sc lI‘nIn pI'Isnn. I’.1's11nl.11'nIInd.snl,1.11n.

chcI'Inincd In ;_'I\c his 111.1.1 11c“ hninc.111d .1l1cIIcI'IIlc. licgins dc.1l1n;_' drugs. I.n.1ch's 11n lI‘Ills \sni'king nIthnd s1Is \u'II \\IlII scI'ccimi'IIcI I’.111| I..1\c1‘l} 's slI'.113_'hllnI'\\.11'd \IUI'}IL'IIlll_‘_‘. \shich pI'InI'IIIscs ch.II'.1cIcI' dcu‘lnpincnl n\c1'I.111c} pInIIIng. III his first \L‘I‘L‘t‘ll I'UIC (il't‘t‘lliit‘h IIK‘JI (‘Ullllhlilli t‘\t'L‘I\ .1s Ihc Inngh ind “11h.1Icndc1'hc.11'l. .1nd II's his pci'lni‘niuncc “Inch Illls Ihc IilIn. 1111I1111n; 1I \silh hnlh \\.11'InIh .111d hIImnIII‘ .1nd cnIInIcI‘In; Ihc h.1I.1ncc hciuccn \snl'lh} pnlcinic .1nd IlljJIlI} \\.1Ich.1hlc d1'.1111.1. I'IIInhnIIsc. I'.\IlllI‘lll‘_‘_‘Il.

art loving, comedy laughing, attraction visiting, theatre going, hill walking, scotland touring, club dancing, beer swilling, sport crazy, film watching, music listening, hotel staying

money spenders?

" targett e



Arts, Entertainment,Tourism and Leisure Publicity Nationwide

Ol4| 429 3838

’- I“ V

34 THE LIST u "

lntemational filmakers deal with September 1 1 in 1 1’ 09” 01

0 Take Care of my Cat I ISI 0... Mac linn lcnng. Knrcu. 2002i Yn-xsnn. ()ls Ji-yIIIIIg. B.1cl)nn-n.1.

l I2min. .'\ll .1ss111‘cd .Ind cndcnring cnscnihlcdI'.11n.1dchuI 1111111 .l.1c-c11n. Sci in Ihc pnI'I cil) nl' Inchnn. iIs ch.11‘.1cIc1‘s .II‘c .1 gi'nup nl' _\nung \snmcn 1111111 .1 \.II'IcI_\ nl' huclsgrnunds. uhn .1I'c .IIIcmpIing In 111.1kc Ihc .1\\ls\\.11‘d II‘.1nsiIinn l'I‘nIn \chnnI In .IdulI Iil'c and Min .II‘c hiking iI in Iurns In Innk .Il'ch' .1 sII'.1_\ c.1I. Rnlhcr lh.1n cnnccnII'uIing nn Ihc I‘nmunlic .IIIuchIncnIs .IIId dilc1111n.1s nl' Ihc girls. I|1c lilm cxplni't's Ihcir shil‘ling l'ricndships \i'iIh nnc .InnIth'. Ihcir pi'nl'cssinnzil .Ispirnlinns .Ind IInch‘IuinIics .Ind Ihcii' II'nIthcd hnInc-liws .-\ gcncrnus. \s isIl'ul .Ind llllpl'L‘ssi\‘CI}' .Iclcd Illlll. SL‘C l'L‘\ it“. (iI'vI‘. (illisginx.

Taxi Driveri 181 00000 I.\I;Iriin St‘nl'st‘w. I'S. I970) ROIk‘l‘l I)L‘ \iI‘U. (Shill Shcphcrd. Jndic l-‘nslcr. 1 14min. .v\11 .1licn.Ich I.1\i dri\c1‘ in Nut Yni‘k is sn I'cpcllcd h)‘ Ihc squulni' .Ind Ihc 111nr.1l dccn} .11'nund him Ih.II hc is dri\cn In Icrrihlc \ inlcncc. ()nc nl‘ lhc kc) lilms nl' IIIC \L'\CIlIIL‘\ \\ llIl IIIC SL‘III‘\L'\L‘-I)C NIH) p.11'lncrship.1[ iIs pc.1k. (‘(’:\. (ilzisgnu‘. Three Colours: Blue I IS) 0... (Kr/)s/lul KIL‘\IU\\\I\I. I‘I‘uncc. I‘NM .lllIIL'IIC Iiilint‘llt‘. Ih‘llnil chcnt. (‘Ilill'IUIIL‘ Vcr}. l001nin. .-\ )nung \Hllllilll Irics In Isnl.1Ic hci‘scll' li‘nm li‘icnds and .In} nnIinn nl' .1l‘lcclinn lnIIIming Ihc dczilh nl‘ hcr cnmpnsci' hiislmnd .111d child in .I c.1I‘cI'.1sh. hIII shc c.11111nI cscupc l'I'nm Ihc likigmcnis nl' his unlinishcd cnmpnsiIinn. in \shich shc pl.1}cd .1 111.1inr p.1rI. An cxpi‘cssiw .Ind s}mhnlic lilIn lh.1l is .Ilsn cinnlinnull} s.1lisl'}i11g. liinnchc's undid-“inning pci'l'nrnmncc. in .1 film nl' pi'nl'nund hcuul}. is lIIL‘ hL‘\I UI~ IICI' L‘III‘L‘L‘I‘. (310100. lidiniiui‘gh.

Time of Favor I l2) 0.. IJnscle (‘cduiz lsI‘.1c|. 2002) Aid :\\ ni. :\sl I).I};III. Iid.1n .-\|Ic1‘m.1n. l02111in. :\mcricun-hnm. Isl‘IIL‘I-l'zlist‘d \\ I‘IlL‘l'/IIII‘CClUI' .IU\L'Ph ('L‘tIIII‘ I1'ics in .1 small \\.1_\ In I‘cdi‘Css Il1c.111Ii- Scmilic Icndcncics nl' Ihc Iihcrul pi‘css \\ ilh his I.1|c nl' In\ c. li'icndship .1nd lundumcnlulIsIn. .\icn.1chc111 I:\I\i :\\ III) is .1 I‘cspcclcd I‘cliginus nllicci' in Ihc IsI'.1cli .11'111} \\|1nscc.11‘cc1‘ is licing diclulcd h} Ihc 111css'1.1nic Ruth .\chI/c1'I:\si I).1} .111. snn nl .\lnshci. ’I‘hc Ruhhi h.1s pi'nmiscd his d.1ug_'hlci"s h.1nd in 111.11'1'i.1gc In his thI pupil l’ini Ilid.111 :\|Ic1'111.1111. hIII shc h.1s .III'cud} l.1llcn in In\ c with .\Icn.1chcm. “111‘! .1nd .Ingr). I’ini Ilccidcs In can) nnl Ihc \ inlcnI d1'c.1111snl'lhc Ruhhi. .-\ nnl sn- \llhllk' (110th Hi. IhL' lt‘l‘l'nl’ t‘L‘IIs lh.1l L'\l\I \siIhin Ihc I’ll). (il’l‘. (il.1sgnu.

Tron (I’(il ... ISICH‘II I.IsI\Cl'gt‘I‘. I'S. IUXZI .Icl'l’ lli'idgt's. Brucc Ilnxlciincr. I).1\1d \Van'ncr. Uninin. ()nc nI' Ihc liI'sI lilms .IhnIII cnmpIIIci' gaming. Ihis IhI‘iIch‘ sccs

Bridgcs' gumcs dosigncr rippcd nl'i' by his hnss .Ind \llhst‘qllt‘llll}' suckcd min .1 Virtual \snrld \shcrc hc Inust phi} against his 1m 11 prngrummcs In s11r\ iw. l'iIInhnIIsc. Iidinhui'gh.

Trouble Every Day Iccri 1th COO ((‘lurc I)cnis. I-"I‘uncc. 200] I Ilculricc I).1llc. \‘inccnl (i.1l|n. 2002111111. l)cnis‘ lilm. in

\\ hich I).1I|c .Ind (i.1lln.1rc c.1sl .1s kind nl‘ scxuul c.111nih.1|s nl' Ihc dark IIhc .Il'Icrmth nl‘ snmc duhinus l'L‘\L'2ll'L‘Il “mixing in Alricui. incnrpnrulcs numci'nus gcni'c clcmcnis \.1mpirc. hczisl nl' scicncc. l}t‘.111tl11‘11p}. 'I‘hc lilnnnukcr is hci‘c hlcnding \.1I‘inus hnI'rnr gcnrcs In lind lhc lii'sI principlc li‘nm which Ihc} I‘uncIinn. But \s'hilc I).1llc is cxccllcnI .Is .1 \snnIun \shn‘s gixcn IIL‘I‘scIl' In cr [(1 lhc dark sidc nl' th‘ pIc.1snrt's. (i.1|ln is lcss cnm incing. Suhscqucnll). Ihci'c isn'I much Icnsinn nnr 1‘.1Iinn.1l hcrc. mcrcly 111.111) .1 gnrc 111nmcnI \s'hcrc IlUl'l'III"s nu 11 id is gixcn .1 l‘I‘cc I'cin. l-‘ilmhnnsc. lidinhurgh.

The Tuxedo I I2.-\I (Km in I)nnm.1n. [-8. 2002) JIIL‘IKIL‘ ('IIIIII. ICIIIIIIL‘I' I,11\ c lion in. lawn ls.1.1cs. 98min. ('hun dncs Jumcs Bnnd. Skirting nuI .1s.1 11ml} chuul'l'cur lnI‘ IIIiIlinnziirc ls.1.1cs. ('h.1n

sis it'll} grudunlcs In inIcI‘nuIinnul sIIpcI'sp} sI.1Ius \shcn his hnss is iniurcd in .1 c.11' .IccidcnI .Ind Ihc m.11'Ii.1l .II‘ls cnniic .1ccidc11I.Ill_\ Irics nn his suit. uhich wins 1111! In hc hursling .11 Ihc scams \s'iIh gudgcls. 'I‘hcrculici‘. (‘h.1n [cums up \\ iIh IIL‘“ III's nn\ icc sp) girl In crack .1 cI'inIc ring inIcnI nl \sni'ld dnminulinn. clc. (icncrul I‘clcusc.

28 Days Later I ISI 00. 10.11111} Bnylc. I'K. 2002)('il|i.1n Murph). .\'.1nInic. l 13min. 'l‘hc lult-si pinich l'rnm Ihc lilmmukcrs uhn hi‘nughl 'I‘I'uinspnuing In Ihc hig scrccn Ihci'c cnll.1hnI‘.IIii1g \\ iIh ‘I‘III' IfI'ur/I .inlhnr :\lc.\ (i.11‘|.1nd. npcns \\ iIh sninc r.1Ihcr c.1I'cIcss .Ini111.1l I'ighls .IcIi\ isIs \shn unuiIIingl) unlcush .1 ‘I'.Igc \iI‘us' nn Ihc lli'iIish pnpnlucc. '1'“ cm} cighl Il.1}s l.1Icr. c)clc cnuricr Jim (Murphy) suikcs up l'I'nnI .1 cnmu In lind Ihc sII‘chs nl~ I.nndnn L‘L‘I'iI} IIL‘NL'I'IL'II. Thai is IIIIIII IIIL‘ ‘iIlIL‘t'lt‘tI' sI.11‘Ich.1sing him. Shnl cnIircl} nn digiiul \ idcn. Ihis pnsIr-.1pnc.1l.\ plic chilch‘ Innks l'.1nl.1inc. ISIII dcspilc snInc gcnuincl) Ici‘I'il’) i113: sccnt‘s. Ihc sci'ipI lacks cnhcrcnl dcwlnpmcnl .Ind Ihc dininguc .Iin'l 1'\.Icl|_\ Shukcspcnrc. .\l.1cRnth'I. SIiI'ling. Whisky Galore II’( I1 0000. I.-\|c.\.1ndc1' \luckcndrick. I‘ls'. I‘l-l‘h Basil Rudl'ni'd. Jn.1n (ii'ccimnnd. .Icun ('udcll. 82min. Much-Inwd Ii.1lin;: cnnch} h} Ihc |.1Ic Sand} \luckcndrick. .-\ ship can) in; .1 curgn nl \\ hisls) is ship\\1't't‘kt'd nll .1 Scnllish is|.1nd during \\.11'Ii111c. sn lhc InL‘IIIs IIL‘L‘ILIL‘ H‘s IllllL' l0 \\ cl lIIt‘II' IIlll'\I. I‘IIII nl \\ il .Indch.1r111 Ih.1I nlhcrs can nnl} hnpc In cmuluic. (il"l‘.(il.1s3_vn\s.