

VI saw you no I didn't bttt phone me & get your ass to London big man. Susie Q. [.7458/ I V I saw you looking. I saw you looking. Love the new haircut. You cart squeeze tny spots if you promise to scratch my back afterwards! (iuessed who I am‘.’ M. U/458/2

V I saw you itt Brel. I love your long blonde hair (boardwise style) (ienderme movies are tny thing. [7458/3 V I saw you the first tinte I couldn't understand anytltittg you were talking about...hut just in that moment I realised we were going to be friends forever. I love you llatmate! U/458/4

V I saw you you had on bltte jeans. Your eyes couldn't hide anything. I saw you breathing out and I saw you staring out in space. [7458/5

V I saw you Mi .\'ina. so close yet so far. Today on the other side of the table & tomorrow a 1000 miles away. But I'll always be by your side. U/458/h

V I saw you Iiddie lizard lookalike. loved you fttnky grooves at ()ptimo. I want to play with your hair. can I be your .lo Brand'.’ [7458/7

V I saw you in Brel. manager of Big Blue. (iordon. love ur hooded jumper and [Ir glasses. geel, a phone! [7458/8 V I saw you Lindsey. Alison & Jar Jar fighting outside 'the Garage' + watching (ireece 2 xxxx. U/458/9

V I saw you Big Bad Al sitting in the Arches (‘afe Bar. flossing your teeth with a dangle missed a hit. U/458/lt)

V I saw you Mel + (icorge kissing behind the Arches cafe bar. U/458/l l

V I saw you standing on stools singing to Bohemian Rhapsody on the juke box in the New Regono Kinning Park. Yott are marvellous and beatttiful. I fancy you a lot. [7/458/ l 2

V I saw you in Tinderbox noticed neck ratchet jammed all OK? Sinky. [7458/l3

V I saw you Michael .I at Optimo. The way yott make me feel is thrilling - I want you on your back! [7458/l4

V I saw you Ross Mcl with a black mini cooper shirt on. Ooh yeah love Natalie. U/458/l5

V I saw you you see tne. send me info about Arches clttb. U/458/lo

V I saw you at 'kin' in Edinburgh. 1 got a page full of sauce recipes from you as my entrance ticket. Yott are truly saucy. with or without dressing. U/458/I7

V I saw you a lovely mature lady. You might be married. but if you're ever bored. chap my door. I'm Andy M. [7458/l8 V I saw you in Brel with 2 girls who were friends hopefully! Love the way you walk & act. you are dead sexy. C u soon. You look as lit u were up 4 it. Xxx. [7458/l()

V I saw you (‘lat-ke. in the back row of the (il-"I' with 8 lesbians! Has anyone ever told you that you look like superman? Life is good with you in it. U/458/2()

100 THE LIST 2 Jan—16 Jan 2003

V I saw you ill Lowdown. Yott took off your boots and pttt one up your jumper. Your bra w as pretty attd lloral. Please tell me I didn't hear you were emigrating to Australia. [7458/2l

V I saw you you were BIG! Very BIG! ()h your bosoms - how I'd love to drink in your sweet flesh my lovely lady beautiful. [7458/22

V I saw you Marky P playing (iary .\'uman tracks in Motto. l was DJ Mell looking on pushingly. [7458/23

V I saw you you broke my glass frame at borders and gave tne the money. I got a new frame for free. Would like to give your money back. [7458/24

V I saw you when you walked into my office. like a centipede with 98 missing legs. Yottr face was a perfect oval. like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master. Your mind is like a steel trap. only one that had been left ottt so long it hits rusted sltttt. Baby lets do lunch'.’ [7458/25

V I saw you Polis polls polis! I saw you P(' Hill in Aladditt on Saturday l4th December. so sexy and masterful blowing a whistle in uniform. Yes you. redhead with the beautiful smile and award- witming legs! (‘an I be your prisoner for a day '.’ l-‘rom the admirer of dancing shoes. row

Ii seat 12 \xx [7458/2h

VI saw you at the (’ltateau.

h/ 1 2/02. covered in blood with a grin across your face. I was wearing a blue unifonn and looking a little perplexed. Want to hold my tntncheon. baby”? I 7458/27

V I saw you Jallo. on the train to Stoke. Hope the shoot went well and that your foot got better! Martin. [7458/28

V I saw you the most beautiful girl in tny world at the ugc watching insomnia maybe 2 months by yourself so was i....u smiled as we left and then you were so beautiful (7458/29

VI saw you (lay at Pogo Vogue on I’ri 29th Not. You looked hot. We talked. l lo\ etl your sexy Voice. (‘all tne [7458/3l)

V I saw you [Q this peoples sewer tray cant tnove quik enough. Old Firm freebie words litter the £1.05 Allday floor. My Wed Nile hallucination at daylight fading; -|'d nes er noticed you like that....\ [7458/3]


VI saw you ('ockburn St in a crowd of [lead flow ers. You are my springtime. I pass yott silently. screaming skaterpunk songs of onc itt my soul. What is the

R()[ "II". to your heart.’ [7458/32 V I saw me and I loved it! [7458/33

V I saw you looking pretentious and eating chips. Your glasses are not as square as they cottld be. and your yoyo expertise is woefttlly inadequate. But apart frotn that . . . . .. [7458/34

V I saw you all far too much. l5 people. l5 hours at week. ltis all tai duo. He he he. [7458/35 VI saw you iii a different light after 2 long years. littnky hair. wicked laugh and landscajm"s hands. One day 1’ [7458/36

VI saw you at the [alinburgh Pub (‘luh ('an you be my guardian you (iinger ( iod'.’ [7458/37

V I saw you (d Blue. Show me ur shmoo and I‘ll tell you wltal to do. By the way. your name Vicki & l was on 'I':l2 - the guy with the glasses. [7458/38

V I saw you sexy dark bartnan in Igttana l3/l2/()2. You ltad forgotten our table. bttt we made an impression to last. [7458/30

V I saw you looking a bit scruffy off I.eith Walk. I know it‘s got character bttt do you want a new ra/ot".".’ [7458/40 V I saw you “t'ncle” Peter at the S()l)()l’$ conference. You cart proof me for typos and measure my column inches anytime! [7458/4l

V I saw you oh ringletted Jo with your pretty checks all aglow. those peppermint creams and your puddings: supreme! Your energy doth overflow! Kisses. [74.58/42

V I saw you Kate and Bailey in Planet ()ut/Xicoll lidwards. (iay c you wrong phone no. Bailey. Be good to get in touch with yous. Lizzie. [7458/43

V I saw you 'I'ltontas the Tank Ticket ('ollector on the Waverley /(‘)tteen St train. You were w lteely sexy! [74.58/44

V I saw you blonde httnchy girl working behind the l-‘ilmhouse bar. Your breasts were well proportioned. (ionna choke on my fudge cake. [7458/45

V I saw you wearin' those alluring Italian glasses your ma found under your bed. xx. [7458/4h

V I saw you W in I-‘ilnthouse. across the bar in a blue fleece with brown hair. We chatted attd something clicked. Me stripey top. Please contact. [7458/47

V I saw you Paddington Bear looking so sexy in your brown duffel coat. You bought me half a jumper btit you have the whole of my heart. Love your Boohoo. [7458/48

V I saw you 'I‘iara. Becci. Lainey. H and Lee - 'I‘MP

forey er! lgttana l3/l 2/2. [7458/49

V I saw you serving at ('osta llanos er Street. You 5'oish. l.atin looks with hair tied up at back and gold necklace. You were incrediny busy bttt still gave me a gorgeous slllile when l ordered my pepjmrmint tea. l‘ancy meeting not for coffee!'.’ ['/458/5() V I saw you Piers. ((1 (‘andy Bar - bttt no more! Tequila Damage to liver urgently required as recovery nearly cotnplete! Need session with livil Kiwi to pttt me on path of alcoholic righteousness. Please get in touch c/o The its don't w ant to lose great new buddy. (' [7458/5l

V I saw you at the Waterline Pub Quil. the Shore. Thursday 5th Decemlx'r. You: Pygmy(‘ with big grin. Me: l.('-team doing a double-take. I was so bashful. I noticed you had nice shoes as

w ell as a lovely stnile. [74.58/52 V I saw you at Ocean 'I'ertninal 'l'ackno. towering silver-haired god in tux - inc in long-sleeved T and sparkly tnulti-coloured mask. ga/ing up shy ly. did you notice tne down there‘.’ [7458/53

V I saw you HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR Rlil-IKII-Z!!!!! Wish I was celebrating with you. mainly so I know that you're behaving yourself. Miss you & love you. ('1 [74.58/54

V I saw you tit-in & Mike. my lovely. lovely friends. I love you both loads & miss you heaps. Lots of cltristmas kisses & bugs. ('1 [7458/55

V I saw you 1 Watt. 1 saw you getting out of your car. dressed all in black. You are gorgeous. Fancy a trip to (ieneva sometime'.’ [7458/5h VI saw you Morrison St Sainsbuty. Mon 9/ I 2 (rpm. You dark hair. long hooded tart coat & boots. tne black coat. We chatted about the joys of queueing - want to chat more‘.’ [7458/57

V I saw you Ria the yoga master. Keep smilin' sistah. lidinburgh really is the promised land. I‘estive hugs to you. Paddy and Al all the way frotn kiwiland. Yeehah - Spacky lac [7458/58

V I saw you wearing your red coat running down the Royal Mile. (ilad to know Iidinburgh never changes. Miss you loads. (ietns xxx [.7458/59 V I saw you at the Bootleg Beatles. December 15th. You: tall. very attractive brown eyed boy with lovely forearms! (l)rummer‘.’) Me: also tall. dark cttrls and long black coat; behind you to the right. I want to hold your ltattd... [7458/60 V I saw you (iavin at The Stand. I'm pretty sttre you nearly smiled. I‘ll put a smile on your gorgeous face... [7458/hl V I saw you at the Sealield duntp. You were lying to the guy there that the stttff was from your flat not your office. I was wishing I was somewhere else. [7458/62

You must supply your full name 3 and address with your advert. ' ;~

Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: Blue, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, lguana, Traverse, The Venue, Stills Gallery (Edinburgh), or Blackfriars, Brel, Cul de [ Sac, GFT, Borders Cafe, Tinderbox, The Tron,

The Arches (Glasgow).

You can reach us at Please supply a postal ' t address when using e—mail. ,_~ ~

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