Christmas Gifts
I Aspire Health Club. (ilasgou. l0-\\eek I’ilates ('ourse £80. 0-rnonlh g} in membership £00. I’ris'ale l’ilales Session £55. Tel: 0800 5I0 5747.
IWest End Women‘s Holistic I Ieallh. Aromatherap} .‘slassage. Snedish .‘slassage. Indian Ilead Massage and Reflesolog)‘. ’l‘reatments £ l 5-£25. (lift \‘tlllL'llL‘l\ asailable. ('all :\lllsoll on (ll-II 040 0084 or email:
aIIisonmckillopm hotmailcom.
Bands & Music
Female vocalist seeks pianist for a duo or \\ ants to be part of a band. Music area:
pop. lnusicals. tau.
Call Ulrike 0131 620 2803 or email
I Demo CDs produced arid recorded to professional standard for singers/ songss rilers/ bands. 'I‘op session musicians asailable (if needed) to help create your on n unique sound. In house guitars. basses. latest ke} boards. \' dmmkil etc. Promotion and marketing asailable. John 0l4I 557 2558.
I Bass player wanted to cornplele line up. Preferably in the Glasgow area. Recording. records and gigs. 'I‘eI ()I4I 052
5l75/07752 548 501.
I Christmas blues getting )otl do“ n‘.’ I’hone Marion ()sborne. I’erson -('enlred (‘ounsellorz 'l'eI: 0705I 527 245.
I Relationships. Do you \\ ant a parlner'.’ I.ife coaching transforms _\our life; gets results. It builds confidence and teaches skills to find someone “ho cares about you. ('all I._\nne 0I505 8l4 020.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Ilehm iollr'al I’roblems'.".’ Bad Habits)? Stt‘ess'.".’ .\'I.l’ can possibl} help _\ou to help Isourself Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
I Patron Of the Arts sought for artist disabled b) Mli so unable to earn enough to rent rooms. Adopt her in return for beautiful drawings. Box no. 455/].
I Longstay backpackers accommodation in Iidinburgh cit} centre. available ill shared. single. double or to ill rooms. Fully furnished: 'I‘\'. Ill- Ii. fridge. free/er. cooker. \sashing machine. bedding. supplies. etc. Including ('ouncil 'I‘as. gas. eleclr'icil} & 'I‘\' licence. Price range between £45-00 p/u. Tel no: 0| 5I 554 0507. Mob: 07950 582 290. limail:
Iongsta) backpackelsw Ilollllail.colll
City Centre Glasgow. I‘eslisal I’ark. I.u\ur_\ furnished. 2 bed top floor. I’alltaslic (‘l}de
\ less s. I)(i. ('II. parking. I'nderground/molorxsa) 2 rnins. £050 pcrll.
Tel: 07801 092 626. I Glasgow West End.
Delightful mess s collage merlooking tennis cllrb. 2 bed. 2 hath. modern. sunn). cos}. secluded. I'.\L't‘} extra. I’L‘I'It‘c‘l. I-‘riendls neighbour - .\II{T £700 pcm. 'Iiel 0I4I 554 5580 or 07807 804 055.
Fully furnished I bed flats ill Ballieston ck ('essnock. \L‘\\l} decorated \\ ilh modern fitted kitchen. ('Iose to amenities. £550 pm.
Tel: 0141 248 2768.
Piershill. F/F bright clean 2nd floor (top) flat. 2 \. large bedrooms. spacious lis'ing & dinirlg. fitted kitchen. filled bathroom. ('apacious storage. I'se (}(‘II. l)(i. Iiasil) accessible amenities illc‘ cit} centre. ample parking. shared back garden. £500 pcm + deposit.
Contact Sean.
Tel: 07729 251 443
I Leith (Central) bright. spaciolrs first floor flat. I single. l double. \looden floors. £500 pcm + deposit from Isl Janina}. Phone 0| 508 840 202 after-10m or lL‘ilVL‘ message.
Great flat to rent Stessart 'I’errace f Isl lIoot‘I l bedroom. fitted kitchen. li\ ing room/dining room. bath \s ith shou er. ('enlral healing. \Vasher/dr} er.
Tel: 07779 302 485 / 0131 447 6712. £420 pcm.
I Buccleuch Street - central. bright studio flat. \\'.\III. \sashing machine etc. as'ailable l/l/05. £580 pctll. 'I‘el: 0l008 082 205.
Grant Management We ha\e a fantastic selection of recentl} upgraded. 2-5 beds flats It] the cit). Nels l_\ deseloped. sanded floors. lkea furniture. (3(‘II.
Tel: 0131 220 6360 immediately to arrange a viewing, no fees, we can pick you up in our Bug (times permitting)
I Friendly, easy-going. honest male looking for room to rent in gas -friendI} flat luilhin l/2 hour \salk of St linoch’s) on all irregular basis. for l--2 \seeks exer} month on aserage. 'I'el: 0l47I 844 20l or 07755 805 20].
mum. mmmmmmm. munnwnmwtwrwrmmnu. warm:mmnmww‘mmummmmuvlJ}
saqoieo .rnoioo
(D '< CD
call our advertising department on 0131 550 3060
I Hyndland. 3rd employed soung female to share spacious West lilld flat \silh 2 others. Lounge. ls. dining kitchen. all mod cons. I)\\‘ & (i('II. £250 pcm + ("I + bills. 'I‘el: 0|4l 557 5582.
I West End. Large mom in traditional flat. Sharing \silh one other person. .-\Il mod cons. £200 pcm. 'Icl: 07‘)7I 004 050. I Sociable, domesticated n/s male slanted. Room asailable ill sociable. homel) \Vesl Iind flat sharing \sith 5 others. (3(‘II & all mod cons. \Itlsttl't be adu‘t'se to the odd part}. .-\\ailable 20th December. £200.50 pcm + ("I + bills. 'I'el: 0l4l 550 4045.
I West End. Room asailable in 5 bedroom flat. I.i\ing room & (i(‘ll. £258 pcm including ("II 'I'el: 0I4I 580 051 I.
I Large room with double bed. a\ailable in friendl} \Vest Iind flat. .-\Il mod cons tk (l('II. £550 pcm including ("II 'I'el: 0l4I 550 4 I 52 after 0pm or at \\ L‘L‘Iselltls.
I Rooms in large full} furnished house close to (ilasgoss I‘nisersit}. \Vould sliil students. £50 p“. 'I'el: 0l4l 248 2708.
I Gay flatshare with lolller. £500 pcm including heating «k lighting + I month deposit. Modern fIat close to (II) (‘L‘lllle Asailable l)ecenlber. Tel: 07770 800 02‘). I Flatmate wanted for double bedroom in clean. refurbished IIilIhead flat. currentl) let to soung professional female. Slril male or ferllale. (it‘ll ck pr'isate parking. £500 pcm including ("I + bills. .'\\;Illilhlk‘ late I)ecerliber/Janlrar). Tel: 07770 782 757.
I Spacious room in beautiful \Vest Iind 'I'ossnhoLIse. Beautiful features. impr'essise hall. modern kitchen & bathroom. Sharing facilities
\\ ith onl} one other person. ’I'el: 0l4l 884 005].
I Double room available Ill immaculate. refurbished flat located Ill sought alter Il_\ndl.lnd. 2 minutes from station k l0 minutes from Ilsers Road. Brand nexs lkea furnishings. :\\ailable Isl Januar). £205 pcm. Tel: 07880 527 054.
I Missing link needed fol” flat on (iarnethill street to share with 2 others 8 puss) cal. .\Illst be full) liouse trained & able to operation a horn er. £220 pcm + bills. ’l‘el: 07750 l74 247.
I Double room in a nice liltll It] the \Vt‘sl I'llltl. \er) L'IUSC to Ilillhead 'I‘ubc Station. :\ll mod cons. Sharing \\ ilh 5 other people. £200 pcm + ("I + share of bills. 'I'el: 07704 545 ll4 or 0I4| 554 027].
I West End - l-lyndland. I‘r'iendl} female professional preferred. n/s. 'fuo minutes from II}ndland Station «k shops. Ilealllifull} refurbished flat. I-lrll} furnished room in peaceful 2 bedroom flat \\ itll all mod cons. lmrnediale mme in. £280 pcm. ’I‘eI: 07775 880 042. I City Centre. Absolutely stunning. large. luxur) furnished. \sarrn room in lolall} refurbished flat. I'iour' poster Ik‘tl. chandeliers (K “(II etc. £85 pss including bills + deposit. Tel: 07074 252 557.
I Large room in 2 bedroom flat in Scotsloun. .v\ll mod cons ck securit} entrance. £2l0 peril + l months deposit. References essetllltll. ilt‘l: 0I4I 058 I408. Please ask for Jer'r}.
I Large modern executive West Iind flat to share \s ith one other male. State of art ll\\ll cinema \}\IL‘lll & double bedroom \s ith bathroom. £550 pcm + bills. .\Iusl be ga) friendl}. Tel: 07075 252 050.
I Beautiful West End flat. I’ull) furnished dollble room asailable. Suitable for Professional female. n/s. Must be seen. lIt‘l: 078 I 7 050 808.
I West End. Clean. freslll) decorated room \s ith \arnished \sooden floors «k all mod cons. Would suit n/s \sorking person aged 24+. (Nil) £250 peril including ("I + bills. Tel: (04] 040 25 l 5 or 07050 004 054.
I Large attractive room in spacious \Vest lind flat. (i('Il .k \\'.\1 etc. Suit mature. responsible person. £00 p“ including bills. 'I‘el: 0I4I 554 5825 e\ elllllgs.
I Luxury modern flat in West Iind. Kelsinhaugh Street. l’risale parking. .'\\ailable from end of Ni“ ember. £500 pc‘tll including ("I + bills. Tel: 0777] 0l8 252 or 0|4l 570 5828 leu‘lllllg‘sl.
I Room in tasteful Victorian flat. Would suit male or female n/s professional 20 )L‘tlrs+. Reliable. responsible attitude. £250 pcm + deposit. Includes all bills except telephone. 'I'el: 0707i 24.5 502. I Large, double room. in spacious l)ennisloun flat. Dining kitchen. bright lounge. comenienl for ('it} (‘entre. hospital ck Strathcl_\de I’nisersit}. £250 peril + share of ("I . ’I'el: 07040 525 004.
I Woodlands. Large double room. in spacious. ga) f'riendl) flat. 2 minutes from l'ndergrouml. firiendl}. n/s. professional preferred. Io share \sith I other. .v\\ailable immediatel}. £250 pcm + bills. 'IL‘II 07700 808 507 after 5pm. I Shawlands. Large double room for friendl} n/s professional female. to share refurbished flat \\ itIl one other. .r\ll mod cons & (l('ll. £220 pcm Including heating.
'I‘el: 0I4I 050 0075 after 0pm. I Southside. Friendly, n/s flalrnate wanted for beautiful. freshl} decorated South facing room to share \s ith one other «k friendl} cal. £220 pcm including bills. ‘l'el; 0I4l 500 I200 or 078 ll) 40I 284.
I Flatmate wanted Langside. large double room ill spacious flat sharing \\ rth one other. (low to amenities. £525 pcm including bills. ’I'el: 078I2 575 787.
..~, THE LIST 129