Art istings

Glasgow Galleries continued

The Great Book of Gaelic t'ntil Stm () .\lar. ('onlemporar} (‘eltie eulture ix eelehrated in thix e\hihition about The (il‘t’di Hun/t. a 2 l xt eentur) HUN/x HI /\'(’//\ “lllk'll l‘l'lttg‘S ltig‘t‘lltt‘t' lllL' \tork ot' tnore than 2()() \ ixual artixtx. poetx and ealligrapherx l'rom Seotland and Ireland. l-'eattii'etl artixtx inelude .lohn l§_\rne. \Vill .\lael.ean. ('alum (‘oh in and Ste\en ('amphell and the e\hihition at (i().\lA ix the xtart ol~ a major tour ol‘ the arttxork hel‘ore it ix linall} hound together into one eomplete hook.

Nu l‘ntil Sun to l-‘eh. (‘olour portraitx and \ ideo \tork lrom .\'tt.-\rtx. a eoltahoration hettxeen photographer .lim l’tt}ltt‘l' and \ ideo lilmmaker (iraham .\lael\er. \xho worked \\ith the )ottng people \\ ho eongregate outxide the gallet‘) the goth. roelx. hip hop atid xkate latix gt\ ing thent a ehanee to gi\ e o\ er their \ ieupoint.

GATEHOUSE GALLERY Rouken (ilen Road. 02” 0235. Mon. 'l'htt. l-i‘i tk Sun laitt 5.30pm; Sat

| 1.30am 5.30pm.

Christmas Exhibition l'ntil the 24 Dee. A mi\ed xhou ol' \\til’l\ h} in\ ited galler) artixtx inehiding paintingx. eeramiex. xeulpture and Vie“ eller}. l'eatured artixtx inelude .lennil'er Anderxon. Shona Barr. lid Hunter. l’attullo and (iordon

\\'_\ llie.


l-ltS \Vt‘xl RL‘g‘L‘ttl .Slt'L‘L‘l. 22l 3005. Mon Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.

The Winter Collection t'tttit Ht 31 Jan. A \tinter xeleetion tililtilittlttlf1\ ineluding \\t)t'l\\ hx the (ilaxgotx Boy, the Seottixh (‘olourixtx. llouxton. Blaekaddei‘. liardle}. Redpath. (on ie and man} more.

GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 12 Row Street. 552 Sl2tS. Hugh Walker t'nttl the SI l)ee.

Reeent photograph} h} Hugh \Valker.


22 a 25 King Street. 552 070-1.

The Sat lilam 5.3(lpm.

Adrian Wiszniewski: Dream On l'tttil Sat 25 .Ian. .\'e\\ paintingx e\ploring themex ol~ lite and death h_\ Adrian \\'ix/tiit‘\\xki.

Christmas Print & Craft Show l‘ntil Tue 21 Dee. (il;txgo\\ l’rint Studio artixtx \llti\\ a multitttde ol' xmall printx l'or (‘hrixtmax at a \\ ide range ol prieex.


lop lloor, (i-l ()xliot‘tte Street. 552 I472. 'l'ue Sat noon 5pm. Something Haptic t‘ntil Sat I4 l)ee. A grottp xhtm ol' \xork h_\ Rttth Barker. Stephatiie (‘onnell'\. Neill

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery _. r

Green Leaf

100 THE LIST ‘.

.\laedonald. Andre“ l’earee. lleelx} Sik

and ‘l‘orunn Skielland.


107 Renl'rext Street. 353 4500. Mon 'l‘hu l()am 7pm: l‘ri

IUam ~l.~l5pm: Sat lilam noon. Action Replay t'nttl Wed S .lan (Atrium (ialler_\ i. An e\hihition of

work h} lit'xl )t‘;ti‘ xtudentx lrom the xehoolx ol' dexign and line art ax part ol‘ an e\p|oration ol‘ the ereati\ e potential

ol' dra\\ ing.

Textile Department Exhibition

l'ntil Hi 13 Dee tNt-txliei'} (ialler) ).

An e\hihition ot' \\Ut'l\ h} xtudentx trom the te\tile depat'titient.


.i l’ark (‘ireux. 332 2555. Mon 'l‘hu lilam (tpm; l'i'i Illattt 4pm.

Gunter Grass: on Drawing and

Writing lilllll \Vt'tl l3 “CC.

doeuinentar} e\hihition to eelehrate the lite and \xork ot (itmlet' (iraxx. one of (iet‘man_\ 'x moxt important eontemporar}

\\ riterx.

JOHN GREEN FINE ART 1S2 Bath Street. 333 I‘M]. \lon l'ri lilAllillH 5pm: Sat It)._it);titi lpm.

Winter Selection t'tttil tit-t 3t Jan. .\ xeaxon xeleetion ol' paintingx ineluding

\xorltx h} Anne Redpath. .\lar_\ (iallat‘her. Hamixh \lt'l)onald. l’eter .\';trdini and John Cunningham.

I6 November - 24 December 2002 ( :i (" Adrian Wiszniewski Dream On

30 November - 24 December 2002

Christmas Print & Craft Show

V 7 w _tj'it£‘-3';

New work by Belinda Guidi on show at the CCA

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nixerxit) ol‘(ilaxgo\x. S2 Hillhead Street. 3305431. .\lon Sat

0.30am 5pm. l-‘ree.

Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow l'ntil Tue 1 Apr. Ali e\tenxi\ e e\hihition highlighting the l'nixerxit) ol'(i|axgo\\ ‘x important Seottixh (‘olourixt eolleetion. l'eaturing l';tt‘L‘l} \L‘L‘tt \\til'l\x l3} (iilklk‘ll. l't‘l'thlxxttll. llttnter and l’eploe. Season’s Greetings t‘tttil Sat 1 1 .lan. A group of light—hearted eardx donated h} .\'e\\ Yorlx eolleetor l’hillip Bruno. featuring \\til‘l\\ h} Red (iroomx. .\lilton Axer) and Leonard llaxlxin.


ltS’ King Street. 552 25—10. the Sat

1 5pm.

Digital Harmony t'ntil Sttn IS l)ee. .\ll‘A graduatex lt'ottt (ilaxgott Sehool of Art. Belinda (iuidi and Maria l)o}|e prexent neu \tork aehie\ ed through animation. l)o_\ le ix interexted in xtor}telling and xlttmx a xeriex ol animated drau ittgx dra\\ it from her exer)da} e\perieneex. (iuidi. \xho ix rexearehing the idea of light. prexentx a xeriex ol' light amniationx tixing eomputer attd xound. [ASI ()HANCI 108M


I l .\litehell lane. 22I (i302. Mon. Wed. Thu. l‘ri & Sat It).3()am 5pm; The l lam 5pm1Stm noon 5pm. Sooper Double D t'ntil .\lon (i .lan ((‘it'eulation area). Dundee-haxed graphie dexign eonxttltane} Sooper l)ouhle I) re\ ie\\ the emergene) e\it xign at the lighthouxe in thix ('|)—Rotn prexentation.

GIA Annual Awards 2002 t‘ntil Sun l2 .lan t(}aller_\ 4). A dixpla) ol' the xhortlixted pt'ojeetx lor the Annual (ilaxiloxx lnxtitttte ol' Arehiteetx Award \thieh ineluded the eategot'iex houxing. ol'lieex. healtheat‘e and edueation. Discodog Limited - Talkshop l'ntil Sun l2 .lan tAleme. |e\el 4). An e\hihition highlighting the \\t)l'l\ ol~ tllxetttltig ltltttlt‘tl \\ lltt l)l\l\ ttlt‘ a range ol' internet xer\ ieex.

Tait & Style l'ntil Sun l2 .lan t('ireu|ation area). A them on the \xork ol ()rlxne} —haxed te\tile eompan). ’l'ait tk St}le. In reeent )earx. Paul Smith. .lohti Roeha and Shirin (iuild ll;l\ e

eommixxioned lahriex for their on n L‘UlleL‘titmx.

Bennetts Associates t'ntil Sun 26 Jan (Re\ ie\\‘ (ialleryi. A xpeeiall} eommixxioned exhibition t'oeuxing on three reeent projeetx h)‘ award-xx inning arehiteettiral pt'aetiee. Bennettx Axxoeiatex: the l.oeh I.omond (iateu'a) (‘entt‘e. the .-\xtt'onotn_\ 'I‘eehnology (‘entre iii Seotland and the Hampxtead 'liheati‘e in London.

Glasgow Design - 2nd Batch l‘ntil l’ri M Jan (Vat'ioux xpaeext. .\'e\t dexignx l-t'tim the (ilitxgtm ('tillL‘L‘litm'x 2nd Bateh ineluding a permanent inxtallation til~ .\lil Stt'it‘L‘Vie'x Stilt/t Wilt! heneh.

The Axia Chair Thu 12 Dee Sun l‘) ltlll l.'\lL‘t)\ L‘I l.C\ Cl 2). .'\ tllxpltl) highlighting the A\ia ehair. dexigned and manul‘aetut‘ed in the Netherlandx and xttpplied h} Seotlatttl-lmxed eompany Alttox Beech.

Mack Chandeliers: from Junk to Funk Sat l4 l)ee Still 2 Feb tYoung l)exignerx (ialler) i. The rexultx ol~ a xeriex ol' one-day \torkxhopx in \xhieh primary xehool ehildren created eliandelierx from junk. ttxing the dexignx ol' (’harlex Rennie .\lael\intoxh ax inxpiration. NH"; St tOV‘J.


Station Road. Milngaxie. 578 8847.

Tue Sat Itiam lptii tk 2 5pm. Christmas Art Show t'ntil l-‘ri 30 “CC. :\ l'L'Sll\L‘ \t‘lL‘L‘lltttt til. paintingx. printx. eerantiex atid te\tilex h} Seottixh titalxerx.

Making Faces t'ntit \Vett l2 l'eh. An e\hihition e\ploring portraiture l'rom xeltlpot‘traitx to xttidiex ol latitih and triendx. At'tixtx inelude .lohn Bellati}. l)ann_\ l't‘t‘g‘ltxtttt. Lexie} Bankx and .loan I'iill'tllC}.

LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 200 Bath Street. 331 ()722. the Sat ‘lam ()plll.

A Closer Look t‘ntit Wed I2 l-‘eh. Nature-inxpired printx h} Stte l’almer. e\-\\ ile ol' the xinger Robert Palmer.


322 tk 324 Duke Street. l)ennixtoun. 5(i-l (i(tt)2. ltlL‘ Sat noon (ipm.

Call for Entry t'tttil Sat t4 l)ee. Alter a xuhxtantial period ol‘

rede\ elopment. Market reopenx \\ itli a group xho\\ ol' \tork. “hieh eelehratex the di\erxit} ot'eontemporar) art