with as Victorian cliai'actci‘x hi'ing (illl‘l\llll;t\ ;lli\t‘ l-(ll' (.;l\l|L‘ \ lxltot‘x
Light Fantastic St :\lltll'C\\\ Squai'c (iai‘dcnx. 5pm. ('oinc along and join in the ('lii'ixlniax tun as the St .'\lltll'L‘\\ Squaw lighh :ii'c \\\llk'llt'kl on in itxxot'iiition \\ itli thc Ro};il Bank ol Scotland.
Winter Wonderland Opening l’i'inccx Sti'cct (iai'tlcnx liaxt. l’i'int‘cx Street. .173 ~1600.6pin. £4.50 £5.50 i[3.5tl; [l6 l'oi‘ immn i. (‘oiuc and we the opening ot' llti\ \pcclactiliii‘ icc rink and ('hi‘ixliiiax tan ;1\ lltL‘) 1;!GC L‘L‘llll‘t‘ \ltlg't‘ ill lllL' ltcdl'l Ul- lidinhurgh. Sec ('apitiil (‘hi'ixtinax (.llk‘k‘lxllq.
Save the Children: Festival of Trees .\lll\L‘llltl ol' Scotland. (‘hainhci'x Sti'cct. 34" ‘13P). 6.-l5pin. 'l‘m‘lw uniqucl} tlcxignctl ‘ai'tixtic iinpi‘cxxionx' ol’(‘hi'i\tin;i\ tt‘ccx arc untlci‘ \ci'uiiii} at this cwning ol' chaiiipugnc and line dining. All proceeds go to Sili'e' l/It' ('lii/t/H'Ii.
Other events
Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour llccliiw lnn. (il';l\\lll;ll'l\k‘l. ".Rtlpiii. L“
tL'.i I. SCL‘ l't‘l 3‘).
Christmas Creeps and Festive Scotch \Vliixk) llci'itagc ('cntt'c. 554 (Xixtlchill. 'l’hc Roin .\lilc. 33001-1]. "fitlpin. £5. Moira! ‘l'oui'x lcatl )ou on a lathe uandcr through the darker lllllL‘\ ol lidinhtii‘gh‘x pad.
Book events
Angus Calder St-oiiixli l’ocli‘} lilwiuir}. 5 (lichlotlix ('lou‘. (Kiltoltgtllc. 5.5- .337». l3.l5pin. ‘l‘lic launch ot' ( ‘altlcr'x tic“ [\UL‘ll') collection. (‘o/oim o/ (rl'li'l. \\ itli i'catlingx and i'cl'i'cxhiiiciilx.
Other events
Farmers Market (milc Sli'cct.
‘laiii 3pm. l’opulai‘ waxonal pi'orlucc \Ulti licxitlc the hcauttl'ul l‘dk‘ixtll'ttp ol the L‘;l\llL‘. Provincial Booksellers Fairs .‘\\\L‘ll]l‘l.\ Rooinx. 5.1 (icoi'gc Street. 330 43-10. Illaiii 5pm. it. leading hookwllci'x l'i‘oiii throughout the IR.
Saturday Write Fever 4: 'l‘rmcrw 'l‘hcati'c. ('.iinhi'iilgc Street. 335 Hltl. llain ~lpin. £6 IL‘M. :\\\;ii‘tl uinning author ol' ()Hl/HIIL' /\/r1llr/\. l);i\ id (ii'cig. i‘iinx ;i p|a_\\\i‘iling \xoi'kxhop untitled. li’oug/i ll'riluig. Sec photo caption.
Scotland’s Whisky Regions Smith \Vhixk} llt'i‘itagc (‘cnti'tz 35»1('.i\tlc|iill. 'l‘hc Kit-\JI :3” ll” lllllll. i'l'L‘t'. l.t';ii'ii ahoul [H‘lxkll t'liai'at'tci‘ixlicx l'otintl in inth li'oin lllL' loui' in;un \Klll\l\} I'L‘lettllx ol Scotland.
Christmas Creeps and Festive Scotch \Vhixk} llt‘i'itagt‘ (‘cnli‘tz 551 (listlchill. 'l'ht' l<o_\;il \lilc. 33001“. ".Stlpni. L5 Sec l'l'l 6.
Other events
Scottish Holistic Health Festival 2002 lailiiilitii'gh (it) (‘hainhci'x High Sli‘ccl. (H.506 83330. Illain 6pm. l't'cc. l’i'iit‘ttt'ul atli ice on healing tlici'apicx
including ai'oinatlicrap). i‘ciki. lllil\\;lf_'k‘. i‘cl'lmolog}. atu‘a photograph) and
Christmas Decorations l<o_\;il Botanic Garden. lll\Cl‘lL‘llll Ron. 553 7|7’l. \oon 3pm. l'i‘cc. ('i'catc }Ulll' o“ n ('Iu‘ixtiiias decorations ll\lllj_‘ waxonal plants.
The Tale of Burke and Hare litlinhui'gli (‘uxlltn Rinal .\lilc. 335 0846. lpin. 3pm tk .ipin. L'H iL‘3 £6). Sec Sun I.
Tutored Wine Tasting 'l‘lic \VilL‘llL‘t‘} l1} lllL‘ (.§l\llL‘. (';t\llL‘llill. Ro}al \lilc. 335 5613.3 ~1piii.£l0. Sample a range ol' \\ lllL‘\ in the hcautil'ul \llt'l'ttlllltl\ ol' the \Vitclicr). Whisky Tasting SL‘olL‘lt Whisk} llL‘l‘ilitgL‘ (.L‘llll-L‘. 5.5-1 (XhllL‘llill. 'l'lk‘ Rinal Milt. 330 0—141. 3 -lpiit.
£10 £14.95 inc totu‘. .'\Ppl'L‘L‘lillL‘ l'oui‘ \L‘l'} dil'l'ci‘cnt Illillh at llti\ whisk) lasting mtrmagan/a.
Christmas Creeps and Festive Scotch Whisk} llci‘itagc (‘cnti'tx 35-1 (‘astlcliilt 'I'lic l<o_\a| \lilc. 330 tM-ll. 7.30pm. £5. Soc l'l'l 6.
Big Word Performance Poetry Slam [41 BL‘llL' .'\ll:_'L‘lL'. llil\llk‘.\ (lost. 555 3707. Spur. £4 (£3). lidinhui‘glh l'il'tli pocti‘} \ldlll lt‘illtll‘LN 35 \Iaininci‘x. including l)c\ (‘lai'ko and lli)\l\. .lcin Rolls and Anita (iman. The drum opcn at 7.l5piu \o get their curl} to hug )(ttlt‘ liltltll' \pttL‘L‘.
Monday 9
Christmas Wreath-making l.;ltll'l\lttll ('iixllc. 3a ('i'ainond Road South. 356 3060. Want Jpn]. £7 .r\tl\llllL‘L‘ hooking i‘cquii'cd. \lakc )iitii‘ on n (‘hi'istinas \xi'cath at this adult- \xoi‘ksliop,
Nosing Workshops Scotch \thlg Heritage ('cnti'c. 35-1(Iixth‘hillfll'lic l{(t_\;tl \ltlL‘. 330 (Ll-«ll. l lull]. l'il'L‘L‘. SL'L‘ .\lon 3.
Tuesday 10 Talks
Abra-cad-astra-Magic of the Cosmos Ro}a| ()hsciwatoi'} \"ixitoi' (’cnti‘c. ltlackt‘oi'd Hill. 663 3404. 7.30pm. £3.60. .lohii Bl‘it\\ll giwx a talk a\ part ol' the ()lixci‘uitoi'} \ \\ intci‘ pi'ogi'aiiiinc.
Wednesday 1 1 Talks
The Calton Hill Observatories Augustine l'nitctl (‘Iiui‘clL ‘ll (icoi‘gc IV Bridge. 335 6535. 7pm. [3 direct. the Old lidinhui'gh ('hih pl'L‘\L‘lll\ its lk‘cciiihci' lcctui'c. tiikcn h} (ii'ahain Rulc.
Other events
The Tales and Traditions of Christmas lidinhui'gh ('uxtlc. Rina! .\lilc. 335 0846. Hunt. noon. 3pm &
.ipin. [X i£3 UH. Sec Hut 5.
-',-/', : "Ei't, ' t‘ t," ' ‘ ._.'t .l" " l' " WT" ' " ’i t' '\ l..f ilte‘ . '.’ ' 1" :r:i«-~..l' i i .' :1 rr'i' ii (if i'r:"-':» . Tit ‘ 95--§'1;l'}l‘./l‘/(:J. x," "~ii'i.".'.':.t.i:'ili ' ,' l‘. ,i'./'|':'l, '1»,- '1"'"i-':‘r‘x.l’i"rifll'ii‘. ’ t2" / (1" ‘»-':"'l . t, " l’ :l‘u' ( ii)" 1, T ’1'. 'l”.'."' ""':’l"/'. i""7. f“)'t".' il‘f! 3'”.'l!‘."’l. l Lit; , an, a .-: Museum of ’r, .'.'.'.’.'.'.".'l‘f;:l"..ii\ Ir' ’2. 3‘ "‘1: Scotland f'fl 'i":'r: "‘riHi‘atw". 'llwcv. .'-,-i (L“'i'i:.:.-~.f3'.'-:r-.. i Palace of ’3' r u "l ‘ ' o Mar 5‘“: Holyroodhouse ,-,- " -;i-:';.:". ' :i'r ‘,;.i!', f}, it In: M r; fri‘ii' lti. Museum of ti'l l»,- [).i . l. ‘7- nl'l‘ 3:31"). Childhood ' :‘i 5-1:,'ii.l'-r- U153, S 5‘53; Z’ll }’ f;"‘:":’.,".:’.3 i)-/‘.W":'l‘r’ti" 'r ivK‘ .‘ filrl'i'l ) l/r f}. ' if") "H ll" ‘r i l 4"" .' :' lr f} i"‘ ' .’i':; ill Hut/liar "l i ")0: ' 5‘ ‘ .‘r l' ff) l . ' r t .t ' «’ rl":l i-r'i ."‘ti' aittl‘ l'tht' ;, r ' i u :1" t 'v ' i" ,'i‘ it .'.l"l"l’*'ffl '1
Edinburgh life
e- rgt'iri: «:":-.:".‘-‘7' Utllli :3 Jan :not 2:3 Deci. Princes .‘treet Gardens.
l0ariI—1 tpri‘. Come and jOllt in the tun as t.'<i'.ni>urgh's fanions grant '.'.’lt()(}l returns to iigltt tip Princes Street. A great opportunnyi to see the capital and Kit/inter \4'.":)nderzand in all their festzve glory.
flat’;‘:l“t§ti§§€§ Until 1': .Jan tnot 2:3 Dec». Princes Mall Roottoo Pla/a. Princes Street. 07020 870318.
Mon Fr: tilan‘néfipri‘: Sat-Sun
10: :n—‘tlpni. SP": for 13mins. Eiigtiy this nigh .‘lyrng experience as you're catapulted 0 metres hrgh to weightless treeddrii.
1:44.11».- ‘2 Until :3 .Jan -not 21') Dec». Princes Street Gardens East.
Princes Street. 5273 Stilt). itnlll‘~8[)ll‘.. Get a taste of a reat traditional German market at the heart of our fair cit; Willi (:tisteii‘ai}. ‘ood. drink and gifts on offer. The atticial opening takes place on Q8 Nov at f)..%0piii.
rtf :7.ti"t Nil?" 5"”
=l'3!7'.l.,'_fx .lllt l‘rtl
gt'oti"<l the
4r.“ .I .‘ . 3, wuss-f. ’.
. ‘4 g
t J agar
"=."‘=,;’ “ t r}; r; (not
fiat-:1 :..: 6 Dec—5 Jan
25 Deci. Princes Street Gardens
East. Princes Street. 473 3600.
10am— 10pm.
871.6 for family}
@460—5‘560 (£2.50: . Now in its fifth year.
Winter Wonderland 's spectacular fro/en playgrOund is bigger and better than ever before. Surrounded by
tWinkling fairy
lights and the (,lrainatic
Edinburgh skyline this is sure to capture the imagination of children and adults alike. As well as the ice rink. Winter Wonderland includes an awesome Snow Slide. a fairground and traditional food and drink to warm your cockles. The ()tticial opening
Castle Street.
takes place on Dec at 6pm.
;---.j. 7 Dec & 21 Dec. 473 3600. 9am—2pm.
Popular seasonal produce sold beside the beautiful backdrop of the
7—8 Dec. t/I‘utf') Dec.
Dec. Grassinarket. 47:3 3000.
1. lain—April. Scottish themed (:ratt fair
to delight all It
Boasting; a rock garden and Teri gilasstitiiises
‘r‘<>iii the tilt} ll()[)l(i£ll
ttilllf; of the ‘.'.’<)ll(l_ ttie
t‘tr'l‘rt‘i' l‘. ' ) TW ' .:.'i'...'. l".. in...” 3120 plants (i:,(iif'i‘~t:"fé; “new: ’l .t tetiiitetgite: :;(t t .l":l liii‘tfi', Mtir () “H4. .6(\,_,..‘ [3 . (‘yb‘). P H.... ,), tut, ii Wrath». ’.l .nu,tll.>()..(l.i<l\(,(ll "it" ‘ltlti‘iftii7i
./’/\':'ti'u§)t:itt ifr, exert-“Hunt
round t>l(>t]l£llllll‘.(? (if
extrii iitidiis.
;Sti‘eet. 9-31"
fi"'~’:lit To '34:»- ?;(>l.", 'rir lrtrli, ltegttitiftr it)! it 'i-ru, cusp ‘.'.'iiitei\,' ‘.'.'.'iik. Royal Botanic Royal Museum Garden .’ (Eligiii‘tier: l"‘.'t?"'f’i'.l‘ Hoar. frffi’ JPN). Moii Sat [‘f‘, t).:.‘, ‘(Tgiir :'>itvii;Suii
il.t'>li.rl.'ll -'.i,~ii‘. l iee. A t‘ttt)!‘ fitttii; l..e
am :>‘ tr;iii:i.. i'ti. .". '.'l-.’? ltlliiii t-Eiiii‘. ltee. /\ "i.:>:>.ilr (,‘l ting- <:.fi.. t"e ttlti‘ ;:eiit'.ii\. iiiiiseti'ii l5f>lll".1i(ii'l'tlir" :; "i()tl‘t‘ "easing; illl(}ll‘.lll!()tl(li
tr» .l .'.'-;>.i‘tt‘ ’>' ‘ tint titt'i‘ i‘(}lt?(7l|()"fl
at “(llllltll
’5' NA.
to family at Christmas.
history. geology. §;(2|(?":(Z(?_ technologt gi":i the decorative arts. pint; two penitaiient extirbitioiis: fut a /r.‘<ii/:;.'r'.’ (illil Hie /‘.". (la/It 2/ it.
Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre 3:33. (Zastleliill, the Royal Mile. 9%) t ‘13. l. Daily tilari‘ Split. H360 r8095) ~‘..:'>(); 'gi'i‘ih, ti(:ketS‘l~1r. take it ioriii: through the tiadifioris and 'llf;l()l\’ :it \.()tl' iieitzorial drink (it tl‘s fully :iiteractne attraction. last ziti'nussreri .1p'ii.
ll-u: i." THE LIST 93