Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Thursday 28

Book events

AL Kennedy ('(‘x\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. 8pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc prolilic \H'IICI' i'cads l'roni hcr ncu collcction of short slot‘ic‘s. IIIr/r'lib/r’ xlr‘lA.


The Regeneration of Glasgow’s Clyde Waterfront (ilasgoys Scicncc ('cntrc. 50 Pacific Quay 229 7545. 8.30am 5pm. £l75 (£45 studcnt). 'l‘lic Royal Incorporation ol‘Architccts in Scotland holds an important conl'crcncc to csplorc (ilasgtm ('ity (‘ouncil's plans to r‘cinycnt thc (‘lydc \satcrl'ront.


Lord Ian Lang Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. lpm. £3.50 £4. This ltn'lllc‘l' Tory MP lost his Scottish scat in thc 97 clcction. In a ncn rolc hc rccounts his ycars in and otit of politics as hc launchcs his nicnioirs B/llr' Rr'mr'IH/M'rr'r/ llr'l/s mayhc shcdding sonic cstra light on tlic ('urric-Major al'l‘air.

Saturday 30


Alistair Maclntosh and Divya Bhatia ’l‘ranma}. 25 Alhcrt l)ri\ c. 08-15 330350]. 2pm. .\laclntosh and Bhatia giyc a talk as part of tlic Hit/(It'll (irll'r/r'lts pic-launch cycnt. Parminder Singh Garcha and Rowena Huq 'l‘i'aiimay. 25 Alhci't l)ri\c. 08-15 3303501. 3.30pm. l‘ast hrcaking and pray cr lacilitics arc ayailahlc as talks arc gi\cn as part ol thc llr'r/(lr'rr (fun/wry pt'c‘lullllc‘ll \ycck’cnd.


Pick Up the Pen Workshops 'I'hc Archcs. 253 Arg) lc Strcct. 090! 022 0300. l lam 4pm. £7 (£4). l.cading gay Scottish play \\ right (’lii'is l)cans \in| hpr )otl gct startcd on that hook you’yc alysays hccn mcaning to \\ ritc. l’rrr'r of (i/usguy.

Other events

Body & Soul Health Fair Royal (’onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 353 8000. l lam (3pm. £3 (£2). Hcaltli and licaling thcrapics ott ol'lcr includc massagc. rciki. crystals. tarot. music and lots iiioi‘c.

The Hidden Gardens 'l‘raiimay 25 Alhcrt |)ri\ c. 0845 3303501.

I lam (ipm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc ma

organisation’s historic grccn spac‘L‘ projch ‘Iillr' Hit/(It'll (run/(71.x. is

prcy icucd in this opcn \\ cckcnd lcaturing liyc music. talks and an outdoor installation on thc thcnics undcrpinning nxa's dcsign. 'l'hc gardcn is duc to opcn in May 2003. Performance Poetry Workshops (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. l lam (ipm. l'rcc. Limitcd placcs. Workshops includc \yi'iting cscrciscs and pcrl‘orniancc tccliniqucs culminating in lllltH‘Illill prcscntations and pct'lot'tltaltcc ()pptit‘lttttilics.

Greek Scottish St Andrew’s Night lloltnnood llotisc. ()l ()3 thhcrlcc Road. ('atltcart. (i37 2l29. 7.30pm. £2” hooking L‘ssL‘ltllttl. :\ cclchration ol thc patron Saint of hotli Scotland and (ircccc as \\ cll as l'csti\itics to comincnioratc tlic coriiplction of thc lliad l'ric/c in thc dining room. liat. drink. daricc and hc mcrry

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day Workshop St Mary 's ('atlicdral. 300 (ircat Wcstcrn Road. 337 28(i2. 3 4pm. l‘t'cc. Join in this \\ol‘ksllop tor _\ottng pcoplc (oycr I4) and c\plorc this ycar‘s l'f\':\ll)S thcnic ol Stigma and l)iscriinination. World AIDS Day Sr Mai-y ‘s ('athcdral. 300 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 337 2862. 4.30 (ipm. l‘rcc. 'l‘akc time out of your husy day to rcl‘lcct and nicditatc on thc cll'cct :\ll)S has had on our \yorld. community family and lricrids. 'l‘xyo tliotiglit pl‘o\oking \ idcos \\ ill also hc slit)“ n.

World AIDS Day Service St Mary ’s ('athcdi'al. 300 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 337 2802. (3.30pm. l'il'cc. :\ scr‘y icc to rcmcnihcr thosc \sho hay c dicd from AIDS and also (or thosc \sliosc lix cs hay c hccn al'l'cctcd h) it.

Other events

Body 8. Soul Health Fair Royal (‘oiiccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. llani opiii. £3 (£2). Scc Sat 30. The Hidden Gardens trauma}. 2.5 :\lhct‘t l)t‘i\ c. 08-15 _3_3()35()l.

Noon 0pm. i'il‘L'L'. SL‘L‘ Sat 3(). Scottish Computer Fair Sli(‘(‘. l-‘innicston Qua). 0870 040 4000. 10am 5pm. llclp and adyicc and a chancc to hrrm sc and huy from a \\ idc sclcction ol computcr‘s and accCssorics.

Glasgow on Ice (icorgc Squat-c. 22o (i550. l0am l0pin. £3 £5: £l2 lamin tickct. ('hristnias markct. hars and cafes \\ itli an opcii air icc rink at its ccnti'c. right in tlic licart ol‘(ilasgou. Scc prcx icu.

The Stables Kirkintilloch Cycle BL'lls Bridgc. ('()l)gl‘css Road. 07932 460093. 1 Iain. l‘rcc. A C) L‘lc run h} ls'cly ittgl'o\ c park and along tlic l-ortli and ('lydc (‘anal to thc Stahlcs puh.

Asking for Trouble Writer, broadcaster and jOLirnalist. Sheridan Morley is in town to discuss his life in the world of showbusiness. Known as the man who wrote the authorised biographies of Noel Coward. David Niven and John Creigud he is also remembered for standing in a field wrth a cow and telling us that it would soon be known as Milton Keynes.

I Sheridan Morley Glasgow ROyaI Concert Hall, 2 Sauchre/ial/ Street. 353

8000. Tue 10 Dec. 1pm. £3.50—lf4.

Other events

Glasgow on Ice (icoi'gc Squarc. 220 (i550. l0aiii l0pm. £3 £5; £l2 lamin llL‘k‘L‘l. SL‘L‘ SUI) l.

Silent Auction ()slaiii Bookshop. 330 Byrcs Road. 338 (il85. l)rop into tlic hooksliop and put in your hid for this

\\ L‘L‘h.\ Pl'l/L‘s ()l. lic‘kc‘ls lo lltL‘ (‘L'iilk‘ ('oiincctions opcning conccrt. tour tickcts l'or 'l‘rcasurc Island. l‘our' tickcts for thc ()dcon cinciiia. tlic Quay or l\\() liot‘ Rt‘lliiL‘iki Sll'L‘L‘l. 'l'ltL‘ highcst hiddcrs \\ ill hc announccd at tlic crid ol~ thc \scck. (io on. it's for a good catisc. MAX/MSP Night School (‘(‘.r\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. (i.30pni. £40 (£30). A coursc in rcal-timc intcractn c and gcncratiyc programming l‘ot‘ ttt‘lists.


Discovering Antarctica lluntcrian Muscum. l'niycrsity Aycnuc. 330 422l. l2.-l5pm. l‘rcc. (it‘ttltittl) Durant giycs a short talk on gcologists in Antarctica.

Sir Jeremy Isaacs 'l'hcatrc Royal. 282 Hopc Strcct. 332 9000. 7pm. £4 (£3.50). Sir Jcrcmy lsaacs talks to Ruth Wishart ahout his rcniarkahlc carccr including his iiiyolycmcnt in ('hanncl 4. the Royal ()pcra and Ballct companics and thc Royal ()pcra llotisc in (‘oycnt (ial'dcns.

Other events

Glasgow on Ice (icm‘gc Sqttarc. 226 (i550. l0aiii 10pm. £3 £5; £l2 family tick'ct. Scc Sun I.

Art Gallery 8: Museum, Kelvingrove Argyle Street. j/‘tti'

2699. Mon llltl (s‘ Sat 10am~5priiz ill 8 Sun 11am 5pm. lr-ree. has fine example of lair:- Vi<;toiiari ilHlilllUtlltilt.’ houses a l)(:llllitllt:'ll (l()ll(3()ll()ll of Work tiy such names as Heriihrandt. B()lll(fi(,‘lll,

90 THE LIST 2:»: Nc. 7;" {1-,-

Wtiistier arid Ciltltill. plus riuriieious historical artel’atas arid aiiiiiiai displays.

Burrell Collection 12000 Pollokshaws Road. 98/ moo.

MOl‘, hit. 8. Sat ‘1)ariifipiii1li.& Suii flan~ fiii'n l roe. Sir VVilliari‘. Barron's W()tl(l tariious (£()ll(:(li|()ll of lieautrlul rill ()l)j()(ilt$ from around the globe. housed in a f;[)(3(il£lll\,’ (l(::;.g).".-::(t, a.'.ard .'.'.Hi..!ig innit .zzgt. Glasgow Cathedral ()itfill(:Sll(:t:i,51')? 8108. Mon Sat

Art Gallery 8. Museum, Kelvingrove

0.1%0aiir-lprii & 2—(3pm:

Sun 2-4pm. Free. A stone-hurlt church has stood on this site SIHCO 11130 and the lower (:hureh contains the shrine of St Mungo. who died around (512: however most of the present huilding dates from the 113th or 155th (:enturies.

Glasgow School of Art

lhe Mackintosh Gallery,

107 llenfrew Street. 13:51) 4:500. Mon Fri 10am fipm; Sat

10am 1pm. Glasgow School of Art is Charles

Rennie Mackintosli's greatest aeh.evement and rt continues to intrigue and inspire Visitors from all over the world.

Glasgow Science Centre

:30 Paeifit: Quay. 420 5000. Daily 10am (3pm. 823.5304‘1/1 (S‘-/1~S‘t()). Situated on the site of the 1088 Garden l‘estival. Glasgow's S‘75rii Visitor attraction is a mine of intor'iiiation on science and technology. log on to VVVVVLQJSC.()l'(l.tlk for a lull rundown of events.