
I Laura Cantrell Subway. 6‘) (my gate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £9. Bluesy country from this Nashy ille singer signed to (ilasgow 's Shoeshinc Records takes titnc off from her job on Wall Street for a huge investments firm ttrueli who counts Jolut I’eel as one of her biggest fans.


I The Holy Doldrums, Landslide and Proverbial Creek 'I'olbootb 'l‘heatt‘e. Jai1 \Vynd. 01786 274000. 8pm. £4 t£2.50i. Top of the Rocks goes for pop and melody in its local band line-tip this month.

Glasgow I David Gray SIi('('. I‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 6.30pm. £21.50. No age restriction on this show. See Mon 2. I Shed Seven Barrowland. 2-14 (iaIIow gate. 552 4601. 7.30pm. £12.50. No age restriction on this show. Indie survivors already esploiting that old Britpop nostalgia. I Patty Griffin The Arches. 253 .-\rgy1e Street. 0901 022 0300. 8pm. £10. Acclaimed singer/songwriter. originally froin .‘ylaine. who has emerged from the Boston/(‘ambridge 1011s scene in recent years. Her latest albtnn 1001/ [Hum is sweet. palatable folky country fare. attracting comparisons with singers such as Bonnie Raitt and Natalie Merchant. I Alejandro Escovedo and She- haw King 'I'ut's Wait Wait Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £8.50. Nina Nastasia and James Orr Complex Nice‘n'Slea/y'. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0637. 9pm. £5. See preview for Nina Nastasia. Acoustic introspection from the James ()rr (‘omple\. I Hate Eternal, Deranged and Kataklysm 'I‘he ('athouse. l5 I'nion Street. 2486606. 7.30pm. £8. ()ver- 14s show. 0 Sage Francis, Dislocated and Dioptre \Vest I301. 13 Kelvinhaugh Street. .576 5018. 8pm. £5.:\cc1aimed rapper and street poet from Rhode Island promoting his honest. witty current albtun l’t'rwmt/ .luurnuls with a little suppor't from his crew. I George Michael Tribute Bourbon Street. 108(ieorge Street. 552 1114!. 7pm. £7.50 t£24.50 with dinneri. I The Hours Brel. Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. I‘ree. Simon & (iarfunkelesque sounds. I Maria Leahy Beanscene. 1‘) Skirying Street. 632 8090. 8pm. Free. I Phil’s Session t'isge Beatha. 333 \Voodlands Road. 56-1 I596. 9pm. I’ree.


6 Ladytron and Pro Forma La Belle Angele. llastie's (Jose. 225 7536. 8pm. £7.50. See Mon 2.

Wednesday 4


0 Manic Street Preachers and Ian Brown Sli(‘(‘. l-"innieston Quay. 0870 0-10 4000. 6.30pm. £2 I .50. No age restriction on this show. See preview for the mighty .\Ianics. supported on their (ireatest Hits tour by King .\Ionkey Ian Brow n.

I The Cranberries and Aqualung ('Iyde Auditorium. SI{(‘(‘. I‘innieston ()uay. 0870 040 4000. 6.30pm. £22.50-£I8. Irish dull but worthies fronted by the trilling btit not thrilling Dolores ()‘Riordan. 0 David Holmes and the Free Association Queen Margaret I'nion. 22 liniversity (iardens. 33‘) 0784. 7.30pm. £1). Belfast I)J/temi\er/soundtrackmeistcr/aI1— round gee/er I)av id Holmes has formed an I I-piece hand. including many of the musicians he worked with on the ()(t’tllh l'j/r'it'Ii/(lul ()I Sig/II scores. to translate his groovy tunes into a live set.

I Disturbed and Blindside Barrowland. 244 (iallow gate. 552 4601. 7.30pm. £12.50. (‘hicago metal band who haye sold 3.5 million copies of their debut

album The Sickness. Yeah. but never mind about that the singer performs in an electric chairl Support comes from Scandinavian metal new comers.

I Gordon Haskell and Robbie Mackintosh 'I‘he Iierry. (‘lyde Place. 42‘) l0l0. 8pm. £13. Innocuous. jazz and folk-flavoured material from the man who has taken 30 years to become an overnight success with ‘Ilarry's Bar'.

I All American Solid Gold Rock’n’roll Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £21.50/£l‘).50/£I7.50 plus credit card booking fee. Touring nostalgiafest. featuring Bobby ‘the Night has a 'I‘housand Iiy‘es‘ Vee. (‘hris ‘I.et'.s I)ance' .\1onte/. fab girl band the (‘hiffons. the Big Bopper Jr and Brian Ilyland.

I The Lawrence Arms, the Take and Jerry Built King Tut's \Vah \Yah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22I 527‘). 8pm. £7.

I Pencilhead and the Aforementioned The (‘athouse. IS t'nion Street. 2486606. 7.30pm. £3.50. Pop/punk.

I Poolfire and Ripley Nice'n'Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. I Freddie Mercury Tribute Bourbon Street. 108 (ieorge Street. 552 0141. 7pm. £7.50 t£24.50 with dinner). I Solarise and Thousand Sounds (‘ellar Bar. Ramada Jarvis tIngramt Hotel. 100 Miller Street. 553 2515. 8.30pm. I‘ree.

I Linda Fletcher Brel. Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. I-‘ree. Lounge sounds.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Halt Bar. I60 Woodlands Road. 564 1527. 9pm. Free.


I anto, Pennyhollow, Kasino and Sugarcane Bongo ('lub. 14 New Street. 558 7604. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Baby 'I‘iger present another line—up of indie with skewed guitar sty1ltlgs from (‘ayto. l'ltwktls guitar tunes from Pennyhollow. stadium rock from Kasino and new act Sugarcane including members of the Remicks. All backed up by DJ (‘hris Knight.

I 2 Canoes, Terminal Blue and Diaz La Belle Angele. IIastie's ('lose. 225 7536. 8pm. £4. I‘unky rock with a bit of ska and a bit of reggae thrown in for good measure. 2 ('anoes have previotisly visited this line city many years ago and did a tour in the nude apparently inspired by talking peyote in the Mexican desert and were visited by John Lennon. Not the real live John Lennon you understand but the spirit of that dead fella from Liverpool. You have been warned.


‘3 Blondie and INXS Braehead Arena. The regenerated New York new wave heroes lumber through their formidable back catalogue in the company of the smart stadium rock band who were once .-\ustralia'.s most successful inusical export.

I Beverley Knight and Rhianna Barrowland. 244 (iaIIowgate. 552 4601. 7.30pm. £16. See panel for Britsoul diva Beverley Knight. who is supported by young soul pop pretender Rhianna who refreshingly equates soul with uplifting. emotional pop music rather than baw ling your guts otit in a showy fashion.

I The Vandals, Audio Karate and Tsunami Bomb The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 l 120. 7.30pm. £l0. ()ver- 14s show. Punk line-up.

I Tom McRae King 'l‘ut‘s Walt Walt Itut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £7.50. New singer/songwriter who is marginally more affecting than I)avid (iray but hasn't quite tirade the jump to blanket radio coverage on Radio 2 just yet.

I The Gelflings, Dayglo, Recliner, (dc) THEORY and Solus The Catliouse. l5 t'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.15pm. £4.50. ()yer-I-1s show. Rock/pop night.


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