Art listings

Edinburgh Museums continued

Designing Ourselves Sat 23

Nov Sun 30 Mar. A fascinating insight into how dcsign can bc uscd on oursclycs. to cnhancc. adorn and

transform thc body. NEW SHOW.


Lady Stair"s Ilotisc. Lady Stair‘s ('losc. 539 490]. Mon Sat 10am 5pm. Takkin Tent Tae the Leid t'ntil Sat 30 .\'o\'. An insight into thc Scots languagc whosc cxtcnsiyc vocabulary has bccn rccordcd by thc Dictionary of thc ()ldcr Scottish 'I'onglic and thc Scottish National Dictionary.


t'niycrsity ol Dundcc. l3 I’crth Road. 01383 345330. Mon I-‘ri 9am 8.30pm: Sat 10am 4.30pm

Painted Spaces I'ntil Hi 15 .\'o\- (Lowcr I5oycr (iallcry). I‘inc Art studcnts Isobcl Morris and Sarah l‘orrcst cxhibit drawings and paintings which qucstion spacc and cny‘ironmcnt. Break the Silence t'ntil Sat to NM; l.imitcd cdition prints by oyct' 30 artists from South Africa. India. t'ganda. Scotland. lingland and many othcr countrics. brought togcthcr by thc Artists lor Human Rights organisation in Durban. South Africa.

Dundee - The City in Art and Photography I-‘ri 22 .\'o\- Hi 24 Jan. A look at how artists hayc dcpictcd thc city ol' Dtmdcc oycr thc past 150 ycars. l’caturing paintings. cngray'ings and photographs from thc t'niycrsity collcctions. NEW SHOW. Masters 2002 Thu 38 .\'oy Hi (i Dcc. Mastcrs cshibition showcasing thc diy'crsity oicontcmporary crcatiyc practicc. NEW SI IOW.


I53 thhcrgatc. 01383 909900. 'I’uc & \Vcd. Sat & Sun l0.30am 5.30pm: Thu & I‘ri l0.30am Spin.

{3 Eija-Liisa Ahtila: Real Characters, Invented Worlds I'ntil Sttn 13 Jan. I’ollow'ittg on from a major stll‘\ cy' ol hcr work at 'Iatc Modcrn carlicr in thc y'car. thc I)(‘A prcscnts a solo show of yidco and photographic works by I‘innish artist liija-Iiisa Ahtila. Exploring human rclationships. hcr work adopts familiar tcchniqucs from music \‘idc‘os, tclcy'ision conuncrcials and documcntarics. blcnding rcality with fantasy.

Egill Saebjornsson t'niil Sat 30 Nov (Jutc ('alc Bar). Vidco works by Icclandic artist and musician Iigill Sachiol‘lisson.

Footery l'ntil Sun I Dcc. Linking tip with thc S/iot' cxhibition at .\IcManus (Iallcrics. a sclcction ol itcms to put on your l'cct including (‘athcrinc 'l’ough's hcdsttcks and Icll \Iippcl's by Lil Ricc. Ice l'ntil Sun 3-1 Noy tD(‘A I’rint Studio). Anya (iallacio’s commissioncd prints. Ik/II'It’ Irv/[Huck I('(’. go on show along with scrccnprints by Sophy Rickctt. Dayid 'I‘rcmlctt and Matt I’ai'cnlioll.

Serial Context t'ntil Sun l2 .Ian t('cntrc l'ol' :\t‘tisls Books). All cxhibition which looks at scrial publications produccd by Iiuropcan artists l't'oiti thc Iatc l9(i()s to pl'cscnt day.

The DCA/School of TV Lecture Series Inc l9 & Inc 36 .\'oy. 10.30am. A scrics ol talks l'caturing innoy'atiy c artists and prolcssionals in thc licld ol' tclcy ision and imaging. Amy Hardie: Docspace 'l‘hu 2| .\'o\'. (r30pm t('incma 3). A spccial scrccning ol' cstracts Irom kcy work's oI documcntary lilmmaking.

Sarah Tripp on ‘Testatika’ Thu 38 .\'o\. 7.30pm. £3.50 (£3). A

94 THE LIST ‘4 7". Ni). 74’»?

scrccning oI acclaimcd artist Sarah Tripp's account of thc making of hcr lilm 'It’s'luliku.


35 26 Mid \Vynd. Mid \Vy nd Industrial Iistatc. 0|3S3 335983.

'I'uc Stilt noon 5pm.

Genies and Other Bottled Creatures l'ntil l-‘ri 15 .\'o\'. A group show of work madc spccilically for thc show Irom I'iot'cst Arts in lidinburgh including Aaron Mc(‘loskcy. Ailic Ruthcri‘ord. Alun 'I‘homas. Mary 'I'roddcn. Mikcl Krumins. 'I'cssa Smith. Iirica Stanga and Fiona Scroggi. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

l for an Eye t'mil l-‘ri IS .\'o\-. Aaron Mc(‘|oskcy. ol' I‘orcst Arts in lidinburgh. curatcs this cxhibition oI ncw work by Natasha I’cstich and Mikcl Krumins. ('rcating toddlcr-si/cd military uniforms. thc work cxplorcs thc rclationship bctwccn powcr and thc pcrsonal.


Albcrt Sqttat‘c. 01383 43308-1.

Mon Sat 10.30am 5pm: Sun

I330 4pm: 'I‘hu l0.30am 7pm. Shoe I'ntil Sun 5 Jan. A must for all shoc lictishists is this touring cxhibition which csamincs thc rolc of thc .shoc in contcmporary urban culturc through cxhibits l’rom contcmporary dcsigncrs. makcrs and Visual artists. I'caturcd works includc \‘idco installations by Matt llulsc and IIolgar Mohaltpt. sculpturcs by Jcnny Stol/cnhct‘g. paintings by Kimbcrly (iundlc and hand-madc shocs by Andt'cw 'I'ims. Maiko Dawson and Sttsan ('utts.

The World at Your Feet I'nlil Sun 5 Jan. 'I‘o complimcnt Shoc. a display ol~ historic shocs I’t'om thc city's pcrmancnt collcction ranging lrom an Indian paduka to Mary Quant boots.

Outside the Cities


Iiastwood I’ark. Roukcn (ilcn Road. 577 4970.

Glasgow Southern Art Club Sun I7 .\'o\‘. l 5pm. A onc-day cxhibition and salc of paintings by mcmhcrs oI thc (ilasgow Southcrn Art ('lub.



Iilmbank Ay cnuc. ()l5o3 55-13-13.

Mon 'l'uc & 'I‘hu I‘ri 10am 3pm: \Vcd & Sat l0am 5pm.

Lush Betty: Deirdre Nelson I'ntil Sat 33 \oyy .\'cw tcxlilc work by Dcirdrc .\'clson which rcy'cal an intcrcst in traditional tcxtilc tcchniqucs and tcxtilc history.

Solstice Sat to .\'o\ Inc 24 Dcc. the Dick Institutc's (‘hristmas cxhibition Iczittii'cs work by inyitcd artists on thc thcmc ol‘ ‘solsticc'. ranging from painting and digital photography to glasswarc and icwcllcry. NEW Sl‘l()\/\.’.



35 'I'hc Stirling Arcadc. 0I7So 4793M. 'I'ttc Sat llam 5pm.

Ladies’ Flock Sat lo .\'oy Sat 3| Dcc. 'I‘hc gallcry cclchratcs its lilth anniycrsary with this group show by- artists bascd in Iidinburgh and (ilasgow. I‘caturing thc work of Katy I)o\ c. Ray'dalc Dow cr. Kcith liarquhar and Mary Rcdmond. lhc show iocllscs on thrcc—dimcnsional objccts ol~ \ary ing scalc. Katy I)o\'c will bc sclccting lilm and \‘idco works in i‘clalioti to hcr animation work on Thu 38 .\o\, o.3()pm at thc 'I‘olbooth 'l‘hcatrc. Jail \\'y mi. Stirling.


MacRobert, Stirling, Fri 15 & Sat 16 Nov .0.

Italian theatre company, Teatro Gioco Vita, layers textures upon sounds in

three charming short stories about a rabbit, a bear, a mouse, a dog and a wolf. Live guitar plays under shadow projections, ‘chromatic’ projections where light shines through painted animal characters and lively dialogue. Visually the three short stories by French author Gregoire Solotareff of ‘shadows and of friendship’ are beautiful. Rabbits lollop about, sleeping bears float dreamily in a starry sky and wolves bowl to the moon.

But: un problema. All the dialogue between characters is in Italian. But for brief introductions of plot in English, tutto Italiano. Maybe the company believed that visuals, music and tone of voice would be enough to carry the stories. And to a certain extent they are. But sometimes the young audience is lost and frustrated. It is a real shame, because otherwise the worlds created would have been truly enchanting. And the themes running through of love, loneliness and belonging are handled sensitively. Fleur the rabbit’s first question (spoken in English): ‘Are we always alone in life?’ is echoed throughout the stories and answered in many ways. Unfortunately we

couldn’t quite understand all of them.

(Ruth Hedges)

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Activities and Fun

Children’s Pottery Classes .s‘ai to (k 33 .\'o\. llam lpm. LS. liircworks Studio. 35a DalhotIsic Strch 333 4909. l’otting l'or nippcrs in this ncw w cckly workshop.

Creative Colourists Art Workshops Sat to .\ 23 .\'m. l'rcc. lluntcrian Mtiscuin. I‘niycrsily Awnuc. 330 433 l. Agcs .' l-l. liudding artists and complctc noy iccs can honc thcir artistic skills in l0 w ccks ol arts and cral'ts


A Day in a Castle Sat to NM. l0.30 l|.30am. I330 l.30pm &

3.30 3.30pm. I-rcc. liurrcll (‘ollcctiotL 3000 l’ollokshaws Road. 3S7 3550. Agcs 5 S. l'ind ottt what lilc was likc tor a mcdicyal knight liy ing in a cold. draugth castlc and hauling ot'l' attackcrs. Booking csscntial.

Back to School Sun 24 .\'o\. 2 3pm. “.50. Scotland Strch School. Mascum. .\Iuscum ol liducation 335 Scotland Strcct. 3S7 0500. Join lcachcr Miss Itastcr for a In ing history class sct in Victorian timcs. Arriy c l5 lllilltllcs carly lo drcss up in pcriod costumc bcl‘orc sccing props. a gcnuinc gas mask and thc drcadcd hclt. CCA: Family Day Sun 24 No\.

l lam 4pm. £5 pcr lamily. ('(‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 4900, Artist-ch workshops lot' all thc lamily.