I Office Party at (’ayendish/Diya. 4pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. .\'ew night of after work silliness and cheesy fun. Bucking broncos. games and more to keep the suited masses entertained. Buffet for pre-booked parties (as well as a btts pick up seryice).
I Push! at Peppermint Lounge.
l()pm 3am. £3 £4 (free before
tnidnight ). Weekly. (‘hart. dance and R&B tunes. with fttnk and hip hop in the back rootn.
I The Subway at Subway. 0pm 3am. l’ree before I lpm: £3 (£l ). Weekly. See Thu.
Edinburgh Saturdays
I Beluga at Beluga Bar and ('anteen Restaurant. 8pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. llouse. garage attd jaI/y beats with a touclt of northern soul from the infamous Yogi llattgltton and Jay l-‘eeney with liye sax from Kenny T.
I Bugged Out! at (‘iiy cure.
()ptn lam. l-‘ree. 23 .\'oy. First in a series of pre-club sessions for the underground superclub with the Merry l’t'anksters (using exclusiye Vinyl Scratch technology) attd the Jengaheads playing weird shit for da kids.
I Decks in the City at (‘ity (‘ate 8pm lam. l-‘rce. l4 Dec. Fresh Air l’M launch this new open decks night. so catch all the latest spinners before they hit the big time. Jttst bring along your records or book a slot online at
w w w .freshairfm.co.uk.
I Extra Width at (iilded Saloon. 0pm lam. liree. Weekly. .\'oisy guitars. lo-ft and e\ en a touch of ghetto-tech. and seeing that it's run by Mr and Mrs Mogwai it w ill cottie as no surprise that guest hands and indie types drop in to spin the wheels of steel.
I Human Be-In at llutnatt Be-ln. 0pm lam. l-‘ree. Weekly. Beany drops new and old skool breaks and heats.
I Immersed in Music at l’iy'o ('affe. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. The ('/ech style bar launches a new DJ schedule to get the party started in a progressiye house and tech-trance stylee. With rotating DJ dtities including ('raig Smith hosting aback to mine session ( In No\ ) and Sublime's Key Wright (23
No\ ).
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. noon 0pm. liree. Weekly. All day session with Bertie‘s mix of soul attd funk till 5pm then Raw Moy'ement and (iraeme McLean take o\ er on a ja/ly sottl tip.
I Radio Oxygen at ()xygeu Bar and (irill. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. A hip tnix of house and nu ja// sounds from a rotating team of residents.
I Scratch Techno at Magoo‘s Basement. 0pm lam. l‘ree. l() .\'oy. Mixed tip. scratched tip cutting-edge house. techno and electro from Richy Key -'l'eclt. Wolfjal/ and Shady Day e.
I SOHO at iguana. l0pm 3am. liree. Weekly. Trinity Soul's .Andy Baker (and a few guests) drop the best and freshest soulful house and [S garage.
I Static Cult at the Meadows Bar. 8pm 0.30am. l‘t'ee. lb .\'oy. Monthly. A tnighty mash tip of punk. hardcore. etno. ska. math metal. new w aye and no w me. I Yo! Below at Yo! Below.
8pm midnight. liree. Weekly. ('hris l-‘lexen flexes his futtky house grooyes at the sushi style bar.
I Ascension Goth Club at 'rey-iot Row l'nion. l0.30pm 3am. £3 (£3 members). lb .\'o\. Monthly. In association with lidinburgh l'niyersily 's (ioth and Rock Society comes this cheery tnix of tip-to-date darkness featuring all the latest goth. rock and industrial greats.
I Atomic Baby at La Belle Angele. l0.30pm 3am. £l0 (£8). 30 Noy'. Monthly. l’rogressiye hottse night with added gt'ooy es from Michael Kilkie and Stuart Duncan.
I Audio Deluxe at the Honeycomb. llpm- 3am. £10. 30 Noy. Fortnightly. Smooth. soulful house at this shindig hosted by resident ('raig Smith (llttsh llush) with special guest Terry llunter (.\'Y(').
0 Badalado at (’ommplex (formerly ('lub Jay'a). 9pm 2am. £l0 (£8). lo .\'oy. A new night of all that is hip and happening in Brazil. .\'ot just the latest in bossa nova but also new hip hop and drum & bass straight from South America. ()pening night sees a liye set from ('arioca musician Jakare do (‘ayaco (liye show. starts at l0pm) of samba atid pagode. as well as capoeira and samba demonstrations. For this date only ‘A- [.fSI'cUI‘d Ito/(fem ‘le'(’l [3 (lift/nor [)I'it‘i' all night long.
I Blue at Peppermint Lounge.
l()pm 3am. £4 £5. Weekly. Dance and house. soul and funk across two rooms. (3 Bugged Out! at the Liquid Room. l()pm 5am (tbc). £l-l. 33 .\'o\'. New to lidinburgh and sure to be one of the biggest ttights itt town. launch night sees (it'een \'el\‘et (liy'e). Rob Bright. Jengaheads and Nasty (i and l’lasatron (Mogwai). ()ne of the biggest nights to hit lidinburgh for a good while so get .Vcrself down there. All to be broadcast liye on Beat l()(i to boot. See/curtain
I CC Blooms at (‘(' Blooms. 10.30pm- 3am. Free. Weekly. DJ Ally is back again with more of her trademark high-camp-to-house decknical expertise at this always hoaching gay yenue.
I Colours Live! at the Liquid Room. l()pm 4am. £lo. 30 .\'o\'. Scotland's yery own super clttb seems to be stepping tip a gear at their lidinburgh residency as they haye some blinding line-ups on the way. And this is no exception as Seb l‘ontaine and at Me set frotn Junkie XL. the man behind the niassiye No.1 lily'is remix. I Conception at 'l‘es-iot Row t'nion. l()pm 3am. £2 (£l members). Weekly. (ioth night specialising in rock. industrial and metal eyilness.
I Diggity at the listablishtnent.
l lptn 3am. £6 (£l off with flyer). Weekly. DJ liabulo/ and Harry l.(i get down with their bad sely'es. playing wildstyle R&B. hip hop arid street soul.
I Digital at the Venue.
l0.30pm 3am. Free. 33 Nos; l-‘ortniglttly. Jacking techno attd electro funk goodness from residents J(‘ and Daye Brown. joined by the Boogie Mo Dynamo team as Stnack and Wreckage supply the breaks and beats. Whilst room two starts tip a new ghetto-tech yenutre with DJ Deburgh. Attdio l’et‘yet't. SB 80 and Mt' Mooks supplying the freshest iii booty bass.
I Disco Inferno at ligo.
l().30pm 3am. £8 (£6 in fancy dress). 30 Nos; A night of disco cream on two floors. (ilammed tip and iii your face disco action from [U l.o\e. Nick Sily'et'. M(' ()tis. l-‘unkmaster l‘ryer attd l)J ('asanoy'a.
I Do This Do That at Honeycomb. l()pm 3am. £l0. lo .\'oy. Fortnightly. l’loughing a deliberately underground yibe while still attracting the best guests itt town (and award nominations) along the way. Resident .\'eil Anthony is joined by former (‘reatn resident and one half of l().()(l() B(' Yotisef.
I Dolphin Boy at the Beat Ja/I Basement. l()pm 3am. £2 £5. 30 .\'oy only DJ Dolphin Boy takes to the decks to celebrate the release of his new IZin (remixed by Dublex) on Tummy Touch records.
I Eye Candy at Massa (fot‘ttlet‘ly (‘lub .‘ylercado). llpm 3am. £l0 (£8). Weekly. Residents the if} e ('attdy Twins and .\'ejat Barton host their infamous glam and mainstream house party iii the newly refurbished yenue. Remember to ‘dress glam or scram’.
I Fiesta Latina at 'l‘ey iot Row
t'nion. 0.30pm 2am. £4.50 (£3.50). to Noy‘. Monthly. Still going strong after ten years of supplyitig the best iii salsa.
merengue. mambo attd other Latin rhythms courtesy of DJ Pancho with a free dance class from the Salsa Angels at 0.30pm.
I The Flow at the Beat Ja// Basement. l()pm 3am. l(i .\'oy. .\'ew(isli) night for the beat with freesty le masters Dan and DH itt control. and dropping by for some liye action it's Martin Kershaws funked-up. beats inflected ja// outfit (irecn Juice.
I Fly at the Beat Ja// Basement. Monthly next date 7 Dec.
I The Funk Train at l’otterrow Student l'nion. l0pm 3am. £3 £5. lo No\. Monthly dose of funk. dancefloor ja// attd other rare grooyes.
I Give it Some! at Bongo (‘lub. llptn 3am. £5. lo .\'oy. .\’ew night for the Bongo. featuring the best ill funk. soul. ja/I and all that inspired hip hop. I Green Monkey presents Dreamcatcher at Nichol lidwartls. Monthly next date 7 Dec.
I H:24 at lleriot-Wait t'niyersity t'nion. 8pm latii. l"ree. Weekly. l.iye DJs. chilled atmos and international beer promos all add up to the perfect Sat night alternatiye at your l'nion (students and their guests only ).
I Headspin at Bongo (‘ltih
l0.30pm 3am. £7. 30 .\'o\. Monthly. The best iii hip hop. funk. soul. house and breakbeat from the resident DJ display team featuring Allan. the Resonance (Daya arid (’olin Millar) attd Steye Spin. Tonight they are joined by the Boogaloo lnyestigatot's. a full-on liye piece funk act all the way from sunny (ilasgow.
I Joy at ligo. llpm 3am. £l0 (£8 members). 23 Nos. Monthly. l‘p-front. dirty house grooy es on the maitt floor frotn Maggie and Alan Joy. l’lus 'I‘rendy Wendy attd Sally l-‘inlay's cheeky ntix of sotil. funk attd chart iii the downstairs suite. .\'ote that Joy is a club for gay people and their friends.
listings Clubs
I Majestica at the Venue.
|0.30pm 3am. £l0. l(i \oy. Monthly. Down and dirty house night featuring
residents l)a\‘id Amos. lid l). 'l‘t‘eyor (i and Bruno l‘-l\' across two floors. (iay friendly. straight friendly generally
jttst friendly. Joined by special guest
l.ucien l‘oort.
I Messenger Sound System at Bongo (‘luh llptit 3am. £7. 3.3 Soy. l‘ortnightly. Bass of bowel shifting proportions as the mighty Messenger Sottnd System blasts out the best in righteous roots and dttb reggae. Yet another special guest this fortnight as top l'K artist Tony Roots drops by.
I Mingin’ at Studio 34.
lll.3l)ptti 3am. U) (£5 before midnight). to .\'oy. l-‘ortnightly. Residents Brian Dempster and Alan .loy partake of the Usual Mingin’ madness. play itig filthy house and twisted trance for a frisky and predotninantly gay crowd.
I Mission Jnr at Studio 24.
7 l()pm. £5. Weekly. (ioth. rock. punk and of course all that nu metal stttff that the kids craye so mttch. So if you eyer wondered w here all those black— clad youths from the top of ('ockburn Street went after dark look no further. the best atid original under 18's metal gathering in town.
I Mission at Studio 34. l()pm 3am. Weekly. .\'ight of metal mayhem. goth rock and more front the dat'kside a real lidinburgh institution that refuses lay down and die.
I Nameless at La Belle Angele. l0.30pm 3am. £0 £l0. 23 \oy only. Nameless pops tip again for another irregttlar appearance on the lidinburgh scene. and you know they only turn tip when they hay e a guest worth shouting about. and this time around it's house legend Marshall Jefferson. prepare for a night of classics.
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow & Edinburgh
Valid from: 14/1 1/02 Until: 27/1 1/02
PARliCIPAilNG CLUBS: (please see individual Club listings for discount details)
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V'- .‘r-1 \‘c. THE LIST 81