Clubs listings
Glasgow Thursdays continued
I Madhouse at Sltack. lt).3()pm~3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. A massively popular ttight. Student anthems are duly deployed by D] (‘.l.
I Rumble at the (iarage. l lpm--3ant. £4 (£2t. Weekly. llow popular is this night‘.’ How titany people have fallen down the (iarage's lethal staircase and woken tip bruised the day after'.’ flow cheap is the booze? How big is the queue outside‘.’ Why don't you go and find ottt for yourself'.’
I Shagtag at Privilege. l lpm» 3am. £4 (£3i. Weekly. lnsattely successful night based on a cotnplex numerical flirting system: everyone gets a number upon entry. then. if someone catches your eye. you write their ntttnber on the board next to your ow n. with the idea being that they then rttsh up to yott and get into a bit of jiggy-jiggy. Music-wise. it’s commercial house and trance from Sexy Steve and Kinky Kenny. Bo selecta!
Glasgow Fridays
I Ad-Lib at Ad Lib. 5 --Spm. Free. Weekly. Rotational l)Js provide the perfect soundtrack to wind down to the weekend just as the bar staff serve tip the right cocktails to take the edge off the week.
I Bebadinho (Little Bebado) at the Hall Bar. 8pm midnight. Free. Monthly. (‘hilled Bra/.ilian flavors from the Bebado l)Js and percussionists
I Bar Ce Lona at Bar (‘e Lona.
9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. (‘ohort (ieoff Montford satiates your ass with a tasty blend of house and disco grooves.
I Barry Gemmel at .\'ieo‘s.
9pm- midnight. Free. Weekly. The fittest R&B. house attd garage to please the smartly dressed liri patrons.
I The Beat Museum at the Variety Bar. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. .Mark Macallttttt and friends spin otit only the best treats from the world of sotil. dance and house.
I Budda at Bar Budda. 8pm midnight. Free. Weekly. l’urveyor of fine funk (‘hris Harris say s a slatnmin‘ hello to the Btidda clientele. who are in for a night of high class house. lintry only to those wearing their disco trousers.
I Carbon Records at Republic Bier llalle. 9pm midnight. liree. Weekly. The A to Y. of ('arbon Mtisic. as Matthew Pm” and (iuests tnap otit the coolest cuts of past and present.
I Chi at Mc(‘huill's. 8pm midnight. Free. Weekly. The (‘hi spinners begin by deploying a unique blend of mellow sltaolitt beats attd then unleash the heavier sttiff later on.
I Critical Mass at Nice'n'Slea/y. 8pm" late. Free. Weekly. .\'o_i (Midi lli-l'il and John tiiess with your head playing anything from dub. punk. indie. reggae. hip hop. dance attd rawk to soul and ftitik. ('ome along and kick ottl the jams or go uptown top rankin'. (itiest l)Js most weeks.
74 THE LIST ill-QB Nov 7002
I Cul de Sac at ('ul de Sac. Spin—midnight. Weekly. ('ul de Sac knows what its customers want: good music and loads of it. Kenny llislop takes to the decks from 5-8pm. and then at 9pm Steve Sutherland of l'rbana Music takes over. Sensory overload.
I Delerium 7 at l3th .\'ote (‘at’e Next date tbc.
I Edward’s at lidward‘s. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. An after-office crowd is worked tip iitto a ball of happiness by DJ Keith Pyper. Please be careful.
I Elliots at lilliots. Spin midnight. I’t'ee. Weekly. Keith l’y per plays soulful house and garage in this smart central boo/er. Drinks promos and happiness are also part of the experience.
I Friday Street at Blackli‘iars.
8pm lam. £4 (£2i. 2‘) .\'ov. Monthly. ('lassic mod. Tamla Motown and northern soul at this stompfest in Blackft'iars. Residents are Mikey. Paul and l)avy Quinn. I Kenny H at Moloco (West lindi.
9pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. l'tinky grooves from around the globe. with a healthy smattering of sottl thrown itt for good measure.
I Modalicious at Moda. ()pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. Mark Duff and Ally Sandler pull out some funky vocal house grooves mixed with appetising garage anthems. bttt if they don't ftillil then just marvel at what must be the coolest fireplace iii town.
I Mod Night at Mc('huill’s. Next date (v l)ec.
I Moloco at Moloco. Spin midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. Rotational l)Js from the Btiff club work the pre-club crowd in this fine West lind boo/er.
I Moskito at Moskito. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. The Sole don Stevie Middleton warms a funky crowd under Bath Street. Like all good l)Js. he's not afraid to throw in something old. borrow ed or even blue.
I Nico’s at Nic‘ti’s. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. .\'ico's warms the Sauchiehall revellers tip with happy. popular music and a selection of alcoholic beverages. A novel idea if ever there was one.
I October at the October (are.
()ptn midnight. Weekly. (iordon Miller pttts his decks to very good use with the best in vocal house and [S garage.
I Phonic at 54 Below. 9pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. Phonic l)Js Steven Reilly and (iordon Logan serve tip some qttality house grooves.
I Russell’s at Rtissell‘s. (rpm midnight. l‘t'ee. Weekly. l)J Yaw kicks otit the best Rd’cB. hip hop attd sw ingbeat.
I Shift at Blacklt'iars Basement. Next date (v Dec.
I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Anotlter beautiful (ilasgovv bar with a fitting music policy. l'nderground house. l.atin vibes and choicest disco from Andy l'nger. Shae-l) and special guest l)Js.
I Sound Museum at (‘(‘A bar.
()pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. ('hris ‘Beans' (ieddes (Belle aiid Sebastiani and llushpuppy (Divine. (iSAi uncover a
will/[Ill] , I‘ H V_ :W
forgotten world of sound. delving deeper and more carefully than tnany itito lost realms of soul. l.atitt. funk. disco and exotica.
I Stateside Sounds at the State Bar. 4 7pm. Free. Weekly. l’aul Shields selects favourites. rock classics attd blues cuts. A night that should be commended for doing something different atid for doing it well.
I Straight Ahead at Spy Bar.
0pm late. l-‘ree. Weekly. Dance floor ia/x. northern soul and fttnk spttti by the superb Straight Ahead crew.
I Surfer’s Paradise at Walkabout. (rpm 3am. £5 (£3i. Weekly. l’arty titttc at this new pre-cltib proposition. Those who drink Attstt‘alian. think Australian. so expect widespread laii‘iness and crocodile- baiting. Not that w etc into stereotypes or anything.
I Therapy at the Medicine Rootit.
Spin latit. Free. Weekly. The highly trained l)iv itie l)Js deploy a soothing yet potcitt treatment in this unique new bar run It} the owners of Ad l.ib attd Bi'el. It's eerily yet liatidily positioned opposite the ('athedt'al. Royal Infirmary aitd \ect'opolis. and each clittic offers a variety of placebos.
I Aerodynamico at Ad fits.
llptit 4am. £5. 15 .\'ov. Monthly. .\'ti-_ia//. soul. fttttk attd broken beats with PM 5.5. A great night of music for a cultured crowd. For this (late UIl/\ '.\-l.t'vl't’ttrtl Ito/t/t'rv L’(’/ [I (tilt/nor prit't' tt/l lug/II.
I Afterglow at Ad l.ib. llpm 4am. £5. Monthly. .\'ext date tbc.
I Basement Party at Blackli'iat's Basement. Next date tbc.
I Basic Level at Riverside ('lub. Midnight 3am. £7 (£5i. 22 .\'ov. Monthly. Shawn Rudieman of 7 ('ity and ’l‘cchnoirc Records will be guesting at this line house and techno night alongside residents Jamie and Jonmac. ()ld analogue equiptncnt will be deploy cd.
I Bebado at Riverside (’lub.
Midnight 3am. £8 (UN. 3‘) Nov Monthly. Rocking Bra/illian flavours the way only they know ltovv. the Bebado crew take tts to the next funky level. The samba attd ('apoeira is the order of the day.
I Bogota! at ('uba .\'orte. ‘lpm 2am. Free. Weekly. Barrio and Radio Magnetic main man Mr l’caches entertains the troops. I Burnin’ at ('alcdonian l'nion.
lllpm 2am. £4. l5 .\'ov. l‘ortnightly. New house night at the union with live percussion front the (ilasgovv llousc 'I'heot‘y boys.
I Can’t Mix Won’t Mix at Bacchus Basement. ‘me laiit. l‘i'ee. I5 .\'ov. Monthly. Billed as the friendliest night iii the city. this subterranean mash tip showcases the best in soulful hip ltop. underground original disco. Tlls funk and rare groove and a mixed bag of .\'ew Wave and No Wa\ e.
I Concrete at Soundhatts. Next date tbc.
I The Cathouse at the ('athouse. l().3()pm 3am. £1 before I lpm: £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Riding high on the ittt metal wave. this is one of the busiest nights in tovxn. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of brcakbeat across three floors at (ilasgow 's top venue for rockers and alternateens.
I Coded at \ault. llpttt 3am. £5 (£4t. Weekly. They 't'e from tt record store. so the tunes are going to be fresh and highly funky. aren‘t they 1’ A rotating roster of l)Js affiliated to 33rd l’recinct supply hotise-ch grooves at the new clttb. Steven Mc('rcery is the tnain man. bill the pool of talent includes Billy lx'iltie. Billy Woods and Amanda l’t‘icc.
I Crash at the Shed. Ill..‘~(lpm 2am. £3 (£3). Weekly. ('t'aslt ittto the weekends with this hugely popular night with the Southsidc set. (iai'agc l).l (iet't‘y l.yons hosts the itiaiti hall w ith the ultimate eclectic party soundtrack and DJ l)avc Mulholland ((‘ubci takes the helm in tire |.ol't upstairs with a night of classic Rth. I Death Disco at the Arches. Next date l5 l)cc.
I Foresight at ('lth ()0. Next date l3
I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. | lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle tilld :\ttdy take charge of the musical duties in this delicious Merchant ('ity mixed clttb. Whether you're ill the Trophy Rootn or on the danccl‘loor. the tunes will fuel your happiness.
I Fuel at l'ticl (Bishopbriggsi.
If)..‘~f)pm 2am. £4. Weekly. New clttb venture from the (it group. who are attempting to expand the average (ilttchg'ltllhs idea of what weckending means. l’aul Rea plays club classics. Rth. ftiitk and anytltang with a groove. Sottlltside and Nttt‘lltsitle it‘s starting to get like London itt here. A wee bit.
I Funk Room at the Arches.
l lptii 5am. £lll. l5 \ox. Monthly. l'iiitk legend The Sugarman 'l‘hi'cc. featuring l’ields. play a rare live With a hairstyle inspired by the great James Brown. Mister l'ields. aka little J.B. and co. will treat you to a whole host of classic funk and soul hits including their brand new single ‘Shot how 115'
I Gigantic at Barfly (formerly the lith .\'otc (‘lubr 9pm 3am. £4 (£3i. Weekly. Take on the persona of your chosen indie heroes. l‘t'om the fey Morrissey. the baggy Happy Mondays and the too cool for skool Strokes. (iigantic plays all of the songs you need to hear w ithotit insulting the intelligence of the schmindie connoisseur. or being too clever.
I Glasgow House Theory at the chli‘evv l'ct'ry. ltlpm 3am. £5. 15 Nov. Monthly. (iuest DJ on this night is (ii'ant McDonald. recent winner of .l/ll;‘l/s maga/ine's Bedroom Bedlam competition. lle‘s flanked by Stuart Welsh. lan l‘it/patt'ick and Martin Todd. so this promises to rock titightily.
I Archaos at Arcliaos. l lpm 5am. £5 (£2.5(li. Weekly. .‘vlainstrcam chart dance. soul and cheese at one of the busiest l‘riday nighters in tovvti.
I GOOdfOOt til the Riverside Social. Next I Haptic at the Vault. \‘ext date tbc.
I Low Level at \‘ault. Next date tbc.
I Hustle and Bustle at Baba/a.
opm 3am (l)Js from I lpiitl. l‘ree before
I lpm: £5 after. Weekly. l’aul Tray noi‘ and Stewart Mc('allum rip it tip with some ltigltly charged Rtli attd hip hop mixed w itlt funky and funkicr tracks.
I In at the Deep End at Ad lib.
l lpitt 3am. £5. Weekly. Ad l.ib clear the tables away once again as Richard aitd lndica ltllse control. .ltickitt' beats and solid grooves dontinate while Bigfoot Monkey prov ides the finest qttality live percussion. I Life at life. lllpm 3am. l‘i'ec before midnight: £7 after. Weekly. Ke\ in Mcl‘ai‘lane (Beat tum attd (iordon Miller take on the two rooms with a solid funk. soul. garage and old-school classics selection.
I LiveVEvil at (ilasgow School of Art. llpitt 3am. £5 (£5). l5 .\'ov. Monthly. Resident Simon l) leaves the collective for a life of stttt. sand in the pants and sex. ()r something. Any way. the drum & bass night says goodby c to him the otin way they know ltovv with a bloody good big party.
I Latin Fever at llavana. ‘lpm 3am. lit'ee. \Vc‘clsly. l).l Keith T) splits tip some (‘olumbiatL (’tiban. .\'ew York atid African salsa. adding a tvv ist of l.atin chart. Rth and global beats to the rhythmical stew. Tasty.
I Keeping it Sound at the Medicine Rootn Bar. .S'pm lam. Free. Weekly. Tom (‘htirchill attd Matthew K present an evening of non dancefloot' music. covering all sty lcs iit their DJ set. lixpcct to hear ambient. dovv ntempo attd clectrontca along with soul. iax/ aitd reggae and ttllylhiltg‘ else they lccl like.
I Media at Media. llpttt 3am. £tbc. Weekly. In association with ('lyde l (iavin l’cai'son atid Adrian (‘oll on alternate l‘t‘i. U lroltt till admissions goes to (igtsh l'iot' Kids.
I Midi Hi-Fi at the (ilasgow School of Art. .\'ext date tbc.
I Jackin’ at MAS. ‘lpm 3am. £(v. Weekly. Marcello l)ella (‘rocc. Billy Woods. Danny Sharkcy are the hosts at
[his class l'lri house session.