Film index
28 Days Later t 18) .00 10min} Boylc. l'K. 2002) ('illian Morph}. Naomic.
1 13min. 'l'hc latcxt projch lion) thc lilminakcrx \\ ho hrotight Il‘tllllxllulllllt’ to thc hig .xcrccn thcrc collaborating \\ 111) 7710 [lair/i author Alcx (iarland). opcnx \\ itli xomc rathci' carL‘lex animal riglilx ilL‘llVixlx who unnittingl) tinlcaxh a ‘ragc \‘irux' on thc Britixh populacc. 'l‘u c111) cight tl;l}x latcr. cyclc coui‘ici‘ Jim (Morph) ) «.1ch up lroni a coma to lind thc xtrcctx 01' London cct‘il} tlL‘xCllL‘tl. ‘l‘littl ix tttilil lllL' ‘inlcclcd' xlill'l chaxing him. Shot cntircl} on digital \ idco. thix poxt-apocal)ptic chillcr lookx l'antaxtic. But dcxpitc xoiiic gciitiincl} lCi'l'll) ing xccncx. thc xcript lackx cohcrcnt dcxclopincnt and thc dialoguc ain't cxactl) Shakcxpcarc. (lcncral i‘clcaxc.
Une Affaire Privee (A Private Affair) 118) 1(iuillamc .\'icloti.\. l-‘rancc. 2002) 'l'hicrr} l.hcrmittc. Marion ('otillard. Samucl l.c llihaii. l20niin. h} l.hcrinittc ax a loncl} prix'atc dctcctixc lacing hix ti\\li cniotional dilliculticx \ihilxt alxo \ioi'king on thc caxc of a mixxing girl. Nic‘loii\'x xinixtcr lilm iiiarixx a xignil'icant changc ol' dircction l'or l.hcrmittc who ix morc coiiiinonl) lxlit)\\11 l'or hix i'olcx in inainxtrcam and coincd} liitx. (lltlxgtm l'llllli 'l‘hcati‘c. (ilaxgim: lhc l-‘iliiihoiixc. lidinhiirgh.
Une Femme De Menage (A Housekeeper) l 15) 1(‘1autlc Bci'ri. l-‘i-ancc. 2002) Jcan-l’icrrc Bacri. liiiiilic chucnnc. Brigittc ('atillon. 91min. A romantic coincd} in \xliich. having hccn lcl‘t h} liix “llt‘. a xticccxxl'iil xoiind cnginccr dccidcx to hirc a hotixckccpci' to hpr maintain xomc kind of ordcr in hix apanmcnt. ‘l‘hc progrcxxion ol' thcir i'clationxhip \aricx according to llacri'x l'cclingx a mi\turc ol' rcxcntincnt and apprcciation ltmat‘tlx thix iicii iiitrtixion in liix lilc. (ilaxgou l-‘ilm ’llicatrc. (ilaxgon: 'l‘hc liilinhouxc. lidinhurgh.
Une Pure Coincidence (A Pure Coincidence) l 15) (Romain (iollpll. l‘rancc. 2002) .-\lain (‘} l'tilillllL‘lx. Romain (iotipil. ()llVlL‘l' .\lartin. 92min. l-‘octixiiig on a group of l‘ricndx altciiipting to la} opcn a uhitc xlawr} ring opci‘atiiig undci' thc cow)” 0) a curi'cnc} mchangc huxincxx. tlic lilin ix acttiall} haxcd oi) a ti'tic caxc ol' c\lot‘lioti and rcl'tigccx )i) l’ai‘ix. .\ t}pica|l_\ political xiihicct iiiattcr l'oi' (iotipil. thix ix a talc ol’ i'acc and conxpirac} in modci'n l‘i'ancc. (ilaxgon l‘iliii 'llicatrc. (ilaxgmx; illic l‘ilmhotixc. lidinhurgh. La Vie Promise (Ghost River) 1 I8) i()li\icr Dalian. l’rancc. 2002) lxahcllc lluppci't. l’axcal (ircggoi'). .\latid l‘oi'gct. 93min. 'llic xcciningl} \irctchcd li\cx ol' a pi‘oxtitutc and hci datiylitcr l'urthcr dcclinc al'tci‘ l.atii'cncc \\ itiicxxcx hcr iiiothci' hcing attackcd h} tno mcn. ’l‘hc onl) optioi) lclt loi' thc t\xo \HiliiL‘li to run aua}. :\n intcrcxting changc in xtihicct and x1} lc loi l)alian l'i‘oin tlic l'antax} adwnturc. [.0 pct)! puiu’r'l. (ilaxgoti l'lllll 'lhcatrc. (ilaxgoii; 'l’hc l'ilinhoiixc. lidinhiirgh.
Viridiana l 18) 0.... il.iiix lltinucl. Spain/Maia). 1901) Silxia l’inal. l‘rancixco Rahal. l't'l’llillitlt) Rc). Margarita l.o/ano. 'lchxa Rahal. 91min. .-\ maxtcrpiccc ol darkl) comic hrutalit} lion) thc Spanixh iiiaxtci' of tlic xui'rcal. l’inal xtarx ax a Viridiana. a goldcii- licartcd nun \\ ho oll'crx xuccour to a coiiiiiiunit} ol’ hcggarx. htit ix ridicuch and
Super Troopers aims for te oice Academy market
38 THE LIST 14'. 28 No'.’ 2’19?
chcatcd. With a .xupcrh \ ixiial clan. Buniicl xatirixcx thc ingratitudc and harharit} ol' humanit}; ol'tcn \‘c‘i'ging on hlaxphcm}. \iith thc rcxult that thc llllli \t‘ax iniiiicdiatcl} hanncd in hix homc countr). ('anico. lidinhurgh.
Vivre Sa Vie t 15) 00000 thati l.uc (iodard. lirancc. 1973) Anna Karcnina. Sady Rchhot. Andrc l.aharthc. 85 minxniiii. lii thix talc in tiiclxc partx \x c \\ itnc-xx thc dcclinc and tall ol' 1(iodard'x thcii \\ ilc) Karina‘x proxtittitc .\'ana ax xhc gainx incrcaxiiig control ol' lici‘ coiixciouxncxx hut cwntually loxcx llCl' lil‘c. (iodard‘x proicct ix haxcd on thix mind/bod) prohlcmatic: to livc \xithin thc liinitationx of thc cxploitcd llcxh. or thc l'rccdom ol‘ thc mind. in thc lilm'x moxt laiiiotix xccnc
Karina looking at l‘alconctti'x lacc in l)i'c_\ cr'x 'l‘lit' l’uuiuii n! ./U(l/I or .vlrt‘ \\ c xcc thc \ta) onc can coinhinc thc hcaut) ol mind and hod} in thc xpirit. lt'x ol' coiii'xc \ihat (iodard himxcll ix tr} ing to acliicxc in hix man} mclaiichol}. i‘cllcctii c xhotx ol' Karina'x lacc. .\lacRohci't. Stirling.
Watson’s Windup Ilhc) 12002) thcmin. Jonathon \Vatxon and a xtipporling caxt dclitcr 12:0.“ (llitl xle'lL‘liL‘x litlwtl 011 thc \\ L‘L‘l\\ 0c“ x. all 01 ultic‘li ix t‘ccot‘tlctl 101' Bi“. Radio Scotland and ti‘anxinittcd thc nc\t da}. (ilaxgou l‘ilm 'llicali'c. (ilaxgoxt.
What Time is it There? (Ni Nei Pien Chi Tien) itth 0.. i'l‘xai Ming-Hang. lainan/l‘rancc. 2002) [cc Kaiig-Slicng. ('hcn Shiang-(‘h'xi l.ii Yi-(liing. 1 10min. \Vritcr- dii'cctoi‘ Ming-Lian; i'I‘lir Rii't')‘. 'I'lii' [In/(’1 orchcxtratcx anothcr ol' liix minimalixt ohxciwationx ol urhan ixolation and l‘aiiiilial
d} xltttictioiialil}. ('liai'aclci'x xli‘tigglc to coiiimiinicatc and tail to lind cniotional iiitiinac} in thcii‘ llccting xc\tial ciicoiintcrx. )ct xiinultancouxl} Ming-Lian; xiiggcxtx thc xti‘angc conncctionx that can Iic hctuccii indi\idua|x. ll‘luit Iinn’ i\ ii 'I'In'rt'.’ unnindx in long. xtatic takcx. in \xhicli lhc cainci'a lingcrx o\cr pcoplc and locationx. allotx ing \ lC\\C1'\ thc xpacc to conxtruct thcir o\\ n intcrpi'ctationx ol' tlic lilni‘x m_\ xtcrioux cxcntx. (‘(’.-\. (ilaxgou.
Witchtinder General 1 18) 00000 i.\lichacl Rccwx. l'K. 1908') \"inccnt l’ricc. laii ()gih). Rtipcrt l)a\icx. 37min. ()nc ol tlic hcxt 1300in horror lilmx c\ c). tittcil) hlcal. and lilch \xith thc iiiliilixiii ol' dii‘cctoi‘ Rcc\ cx 1“ ho coiiiiiiittcd xtiicidc a )car altci' itx complction). l’i'icc ix at Iiix iiioxt coinplctcl} cxil ax [THC-lilt' “llClilliltlL‘l' \latthcix lltipl'xlih. xadixticall} ti‘a\c|ling_' thc colour} to toi'tui'c tinl'orttiiiatcx in thc iiainc ol church and xtatc. (‘amco. lidiiihurgh.
XXX I 12A) 0. iRolx (‘ohcn. l‘S. 2002) V10 l)icxc|. Saiiiticl l,J;1L'lx\tili..-\\l;t.'\l'gL‘lil(i. l24iiiin. l)icxcl. thc gi'iil'l haldic xtai' o1 [711' I‘m! um/ I/lt’ I'iu'iuux pla} x Xaiidci' ('agc. an adi'cnalinc iiinkic \\l1tillillllx\ hc'x an aiiarchixt hut prohahl} can’t cx cn xpcll thc mud. \thn hc 32ch into ti'oiihlc \\ ith thc Ian hc ix gixcn a chancc h} \SA .-\32cnt (iihhonx tJaclxxoii) to \xipc thc xlatc clcaii h} going.) on an tindcrcmci' iiiixxion allci' xoiiic naxl} tci‘i'orixlx 111 l’i'aguc. ('iic cndlcxx action xcqticnccx. “hich. thouin \icll cxccutcd. drag: on intcrminahl). 'l'hix docxii’t c\ cn hai c thc rcquixitc catchphi'axcx or xaxx) Iiiicx that oiic hax coiiic to c\pccl l'i'oin lliix lo“ cxt common dcnoniinatoi' gcni‘c. (icncral i‘clcaxc.
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore
Bombay Cinema: Glasgow
5 l.ornc Strcct. “mix. (1141 419 0722. £5 (£3).
For thix \x‘cck'x programmc tiincx. plcaxc contact thc cincma on 0141 419 0722 for dctailx.
CCA: Glasgow
350 Sauchichall Strcct. 0141 352 4900. £4 11.2.50).
THURSDAY 14 NOV Talkto Her115) 0.15.
What Time is it There? (iii Net Plen Chi Tlen) llhc) 0.30.
Lantana115) 9.00.
Lantana l 15) 0.30.
What Time is it There? (iii liei Pien Chi Tien) tthL‘) 9.00.
Mildred Pierce (1’0) + Mommie Dearest t 15) 1.00.
Mildred Pierce ll’(i1 + Mommie Dearest (I51 0.10. Film-Making Exposed 0th 7.00.
Teenage Kicks - the Undertones llhc) 0.30.
What Time is it There? (N1 iiei Pien Chi Tlen) (thc) 8.30.
Lantana ( 15) 0.15.
Teenage Kicks - the Undertones tith 8.45.
Ma Femme Est line Actrlce115) 0.30. Chop Suey118) 8.45.
Chop Suey t 18) 030.
Ma Femme Est line Actrlce l 15) 8.45. SUNDAY 24 NOV
Ma Femme Est tine Actrice115) Chop Sueyil8) 3.15. MONDAY 25 NOV
Everything Put Together ithc) 0.30. Ma Femme Est line Actrlce115) 8.30. TUESDAY 26 NOV
Rude Boyit8) 0.15.
Everything Put Together iihc) 9.00. WEDNESDAY 27 NOV
Everything Put Together (thcl 0.30. Rude Boy 1 18) 8.30.
Glasgow Film Theatre
12 Roxc Strcct. (1141 332 S128. ('al'c/har. All pci‘l'oi'manch hoolx'ahlc. (1)). [ii]. livcningx: £4.75 (£3.50). .\latincc.x: £3.75 (£2.50). \Vcd thcl‘orc 5pm): £3.75 (£2). l)ouhlc hill £5 t£3.50). (ll-'1‘ .xaVcrx: £19 t£l41 livc tickctx for thc pi'icc 01.4 (Valid for thrcc monthx).
1.Morvern Callarit5) 2.15. 4.30. 0.40. 8.45. 2. Donnie Darko ( 15) 8.30.
l.00. 3.30. 0.00.
1. Bowling for Columbine t 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. Watson’s Windup llhc) 1.00.
Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to llave) 0')
line Femme De Menage (A Housekeeper)
l 15) 5.45.
Tanguy 0’0) 8.15.
SATURDAY 16 NOV 1. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
1 12) 1.00.
Bowling for Columbine t 15) 3.30, 0.00. 8.30.
2. Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) it‘) 300.
line Pure Coincidence (A Pure Coincidence) ( 15) 5.45.
L’llomme Du Ti*ain (The Man on the Rain) 1 15) 8.15.
1. Bowling for Columbine l 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. line Femme De Menage (A Housekeeper) l 15) 3.00.
Du Poll Sur Les Roses (iiair under the Roses) 1 18) 5.45.
L’Auberge Espanole (Euro Pudding) l 15) 8.15.
1. Bowling for Columbine t 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. Col Amour-La (A Strange Kind of Love) 115) 3.00. 8.15.
L’liomme Du Tiain (The Man on the Rain) (15) 0.00.
1.Bowllnglor ColumbinetI5) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. L’Auberge Espanole (Euro Pudding) ( 15) 3.00. 8.15.
Peut-Etre (Maybe)115) 5.45.
1. Bowling for Columbine I 15) 1.00. 0.00. 8.30.
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood 112) 3.30.
2. Rue Des Plaislrs (Love Street) I 18)
3.00. 8.45.
Dix-Sept Fois Cecil Cassard (17 Times Cecile Cassard) 1 18) 0.15.
1. Bowling for Columbine I 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. Dleu Est Grande, Je Suis Toute Petite (God is Great, I’m Not)11’(}) 3.00. 8.45. La Fille De Keitoum (Keitoum’s Daughter)
115) 5.45.
1. Bowling for Columbine I 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. Watson’s Windup tlhc‘l 1.00.
Les Eniants De L’Amour + Shorts 1 15) 3.00.
Inch’Allah Dlmanche (Thank God for Sunday) ( 15) 5.45.
Les Morsures De L’Aube (Love Bites) 1 18) 8.45.
1. Fairytale: a True Story it“) 10.30am. Bowling for Columbine l 15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.
2. Le Petit Poucet (Little Tom Thumb) 112.-\) 2.00. 8.15.
Les Morsures De L’Aube (Love Bites) 1 18)
1. Mother India tl') 2.30.
Bowling for Columbine t 15) 0.00. 8.30. 2. Monsieur Batlgnole 0’0) 1.00. 8.45. Swing (IS) 300.
Beilany: a Life, Death and Besunection (12A) 5.00.
DrownedDuttt') 0.15.
1. Bowling for Columbine 1 15) 2.30. 8.30. Mother india 0') 5.15.
2. Swing t 15) 3.00.
Leaud L’Unique + The 400 Blows (Les