We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Other events

Brazilian Boat Party Renfrew Ferry. (‘lyde Place. 339 8541. 9pm 3am. £3 £5. Subcity radio celebrate their six month broadcast with this fun Bra/ilian party. Bebado 1)Js. Nick Peacock. liye rriusicians. capoeira dance and a (‘aipirinha or two should make this a bash to remember.


Carlo Levi Conference Ramshorn Theatre. 98 lngram Street. 548 3314. 10am. 'I‘he 1'niyersity of Strathclyde and the Piedmont Region host an international conference on the life of artist and writer ('arlo l.eyi.


Embroidery at the Burrell Burrell Collection. 3060 l’ollokshaws Road. 883 1063. l 1.15am. l‘ree. .-\dyance booking required. A guided tour of the Burrell's embroidery collection.

James Gordon Royal (‘oneerr Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 1pm. £3.50 £4. :\.s founder of Radio (‘lyde and political editor for Scottish 'l'eleyision. James (iordon has had what you might call a successful career. lain .-\nderson talks to him about his successes and the history of Radio ('lyde.


Movement and Dance with Wolfgang Stange 'l’ramway. 35 Albert l)ri\'c. 07980 845903.

10am 3.30pm. £36 (£15). lrulependance hosts a workshop for dancers and care staff to proy idc dance opportunities for people with disabilities.

Other events

Star Gazing .\1ugdock ('ountry l’ark. ('raigallian Road. .\lilngayie. 956 6100. 7.30 8.30pm. £1. (‘ome along for a short talk followed by a chance to search the skies for stars.

Saturday 1 6


Carlo Levi Conference Rarnshorn 'l‘heatre. 98 lngrarn Street. 548 3314. 10am. See Hi 15.


The Mindstore System (ilasgow Royal (‘oncert Hall. 3 Satrchiehall Street. 559 5330. 8.30am 5.30pm. £199. :\ two- day course run by the well known motiyational and personal deyelopment

speaker Jack Black.


Art Gallery 8. Museum, Kelvingrove

Argyle Street. 70/ 2090. Mon-Thu 2’. Sat

10am 8pm; 1 r (9. Sun Ham—13pm. l tee. lhrs fine example o‘ ate Victorian architecture houses a permanent collectron ot '.'.'orl~; b, such names as Rembrandt. Botticelli,

98 THE LIST M: 7e No.1 7002’

Whistler and ()adell. plus numerous historical sauce 1 1150 and the Tanner artelaets and animal

Burrell Collection 2000 Polloksha'srs Road. 287 2:350. M()r‘.~lhu {-3. Sat l()arn>:">prri;1r18. Sun 11am—5pm. free. Sir William Hurrell's world famous collection of beautiful art ()1)](3(Zlf; from around the globe. housed Ill a specially designed. Zi‘.‘/£tf(l-\.’Jllllltttg l)tl!l(llll<l. Glasgow Cathedral Castle Street. 5.5.12 titéltt. Mon Sat 0.30am 2 0pm: Sun Q frpm. tree. A stone l)tl|l1 church

Movement and Dance with Wolfgang Stange Partick Burgh Hall. 9 Burgh Hall Street. 07980 845903. 10am 4pm. £36 t£15l. See l-‘ri 15. Performance Poetry Workshops ('(':\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 1 1am 6pm. Free. Limited places. Workshops include w riting e\ercises and performance techniques culminating in informal presentations and performance opportunities.

Other events

Arts & Crafts Fair llillheatl library. Byres Road. 339 7333. 10am 4pm. Free. :\l‘1s and crafts show featuring hand woy'ett scarycs. paintings on silk. jewellery. w all-hangings. photography. glasswork and woodworking by (ilasgow artists.

GNRB: Live! Buchanan Street. 616 6306. .\'oon 3pm. liree. (L‘sR8 inyite young people to join them in a liyely roadshow packed full of dancers. liye intrsic. graffiti artists. guest speakers and more. The afternoon eycnt is follow ed by the opportunity to be part of a '1‘\' audience aiming to answer the questions on young people's minds.


Artist Talk Switchspace. 1/3. .34 (’ranworth Street. Hillhead. 07813 605745. 3pm. liree. (‘raig .\1ulho11and talks about his current exhibition at S“ itchspace.

Diverse Dance . . . Catch this unusual

and colourful collaboration of traditional Spanish flamenco and Indian kathak dance choreographed and performed by artists Felipe De Algeciras and Jayeeta Moulik. They will be accompanied by live classical Indian and Spanish musicians as well kids from local schools and groups.

I Mano Y Tat Kar Cottier’s Theatre, Hyndland Street.

423 2294. Fri 22 Nov.

7-8pm. £3 (£2).

has stood or: this site

church contain; the shrine of St Mungo. who died around (31?: he's/exer most of the present building dates from the 1.3111 or lf>th centuries.

Glasgow School of Art

l'ie Mackintosh Gallery. 101' Heritr'ew Street. 111511 1:500. Glasgow Sc‘tooE of Art rs ()ltarlei; Rennie l\/1a(;krntosh's greatest .‘l<:1l!e\.'erner‘.t and It <;()1‘.'.'l'..'(:'f'. 2:) "lingue and ursprre '. stars from all over the .'./orl<1.



The Mindstore System (ilasgow Royal ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 559 5330. 8.30am 5.30pm. £199. See Sat 16.

Other events

Christmas Lights Switch-on (ieot'ge Square. 5pm. lights on at 6.30pm. Free. (ilasgow ‘s festiyal illuminations are turned on in a fun- lilled ceremony with a 15—minute firework display from the roof of the ('ity Chambers. with music and entertaimnent accornpanimerit.

Monday 18

Other events

MAX/MSP Night School (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 6.30pm. £40 (£301. A course in real- tirne interactiye and generatiye programming for artists.

Tuesday 1 9


Discovering Antarctica llunterian Museum. l'niyersity Ayenue. 330 4331. 13.45pm. l‘r'ee. (iraham Durant asks the question: did geology kill ('aptain Seott'.’

Francesco Bonami (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 7.30pm. £5 (£4 1. The appointed curator of the 3110.5 Venice Biennale discusses the controyersial circumstances oyer his appointment and his outline for the Bicnnale.

Glasgow Science Centre 1'50Pa(:rfr(:(.)uay. 4'20 53000. Daily 10am~0pn‘..


House for an Art

Bellahouston Park. 10 Dun‘br’eck Road. 13:33

Wednesday 20


Accommodation Talks SYllA Youth Hostel. 7 8 Park Terrace. 333 3004. 7pm.

liree. James llodgson talks about his work.


Designs on Your Gardens llilllieatl Library. Byres Road. 339 7333. 7.30pm. .1\ Royal Horticultural Society talk giyen by Sue lloy.

Other events

Reindeer Parade l’rinces Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 331 0334. 6pm. l‘rec. l’r'inces Square's ('hristmas lights are turned on in style with a reindeer procession starting on Buchanan Street. Big Word Performance Poetry \ice'n'Slea/y'. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 0131 555 3797. 8.30pm. £4 t£3l. .\1('s Jenny Lindsay and Jem Rolls bring you this night of hilarity and poetry with performances by Sean McBride. Rachel l)ury and Mark Rafferty.

Other events

Mano Y Tat Kar (‘ouier‘s 'I‘lieurre. Hyndland Street. 433 3394. 7 8pm. £3 (£31. A project which brings Spanish flamenco and Indian kathak dance together in a liyely and colourful performance. See photo caption.


Chinese Ceramics Burrell ('ollection. 3061) i’nllttksliims Road. 387 35.51). 3.30pm. Free. Jenny Inglis leads a themed tour of the Burrell's oriental collection.

Other events

Glasgow’s Brightest Sparks Sr linoch ('entre. 55 St linoch Square. 304 3900. l lam 5pm. l‘r‘ee. Test your general knowledge on the Scottish (ias Bright Sparks Roadshow with Radio ('lyde and attempt to w in the tasty £100 prize. for eyery question answered correctly Scottish (ias will donate £1 to the charity 11151.1). DADA Black Tie Ball Moatltottse Hotel. l-innieston Quay. 0870 3301 1 16. £65. Put on your posh frock or new trousers and dress to impress your peers. The ball is run by the new l).-\l).»\ group and giyes you the opportunity to mix with like-minded people while haying a jolly good night out.

Other events

Christmas Fair (ireenbank (iardens. l'lenders Road. ('larkston. 639 3381. £3 (£3). 15estiye fair to inspire your pressie shopping.

Seeds for their Needs l’ollok ('ountry l’ark. Pollokshaws Road. 633 9399. 1.30 4pm. liree. Make a bird feeder and help out these feathered friends suryiye the winter.

museum crammed wrth buses. trams. tire engines. ships and other paraphernalia. devoted to

£13.50 5‘1-11331'5‘101. Situated on the site of the 1088 (Harden

1 estly'al. (Elasgoy'r‘s S‘ffun ‘.’|f;|1()f£1Hl'é1(iil()1flSilllllllO of information on science and technology. Holmwood House

(31 (31% Nether‘lee Road. ()athcart. (331' 2120. Daily 1.130 15.30pm. 80.90 1339.90. Designed by the famed 10th century arelntertt Alexander ‘(1r‘eeis'

ll‘or :son.

3.7715. Daily 10am—5pm. 55.550 159.5301. Initially designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh for a competition rn 1001. this unfinished y'xor'k has been completed by n‘-odern day architects and designers 111 true Mackintosh style. Museum Of Transport KOlVEH Hall. 1 Burnhouse Road. Q‘tl' I) [120.

Mon 111118. Sat

liltin‘ 5)!)11‘; 11.8. Sun 11am :'>pm.1-ree./\

the history of transport People’s Palace 8- Winter Garden Glasgoy': Green, 0223. Mon—Thu & Sat 10am—5pm: Fri 8. Sun Harri—53pm. Free. Glasgow's best-loved institution has recently undergone a lllilef facelrft to celebrate its centenary year.

Scotland Street School Museum Museun‘. of Education. 1225’» Scotland Street. 281‘