I Trash at 'l‘ra.xli. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (L'ZI. Weekly. More ot‘ a xpectacle tliati a itight out. with drunken .xttidentx and l‘oothallerx front wall to “it”. lnxanel} cheap drinkx mean a huge queue altiioxt c\er) night. Mind the houncerx. tliotigli.
I 1210 at Baha/a. 8pm 3am. l‘ree heloi‘e l Ipm: £4 (£3) alter. \Veekl}. literall} underground cltth liotixitig xome huge \ocal houxe and garage lo\elinexx deplo) ed neekl) h} lait 'l'homxon and \ance.
I Nice Ass Nice at the \‘ehet Roomx. l lpiti 3am. £4 tl't'ee \\ itlt xtudent ll)l. \Veekl}. Don‘t he tooled h} the pltixli interior: the \el\el crc\\ could teach the )oung nhipperxnapperx oti the xcene a thing or three ahout alcoholic dancing. l'pxtairx. rotatiotial rexidentx take it ill turnx to pro\ ide the commercial RNB and hip- hop xelectionx. l)o\\iixtairx. Jamex l)oc Jnr pla)x lhi/a anthemx all night long.
Chart & Party
I Loveshack at l‘ur} .\ltii'r_\ 'x.
llptn 3am. £4 it'll. \Veekl}. (ioing through a renaixxance iii recent _\earx.
l-‘ur_\ 'x ix peopled neck in. neck otlt h} a crow d that “am a night ol unpretentioux partying. Jitti atid l’ltil mm them “till a blend ot‘ commercial claxxtcx. \ intage indie and a touch or dixco tor thoxe iii xeqtiinx. I Madhouse at Shack. ll).5(lplll Sam. [-1 till. Weekly :\ maxxnel) popular night. Student antheiiix are tltll} deplo} ed h} DJ (‘J.
I Rumble at the (iarage. I lptn 3am. £4 till. \Veekl}. llou popular ix thix night'.’ lltm man} people haxe tallen down the (iarage'x letltal xtait‘caxe and “oken tip ht'ui.xed the la} alter"? How cheap ix the hoo/e'.’ llon hig ix the queue otitxide'.’ \Vli} don’t _\oti go attd lind ottt lor )ourxelt'.’
I Shagtag at l’rixilege. l lptti 3am. £4 tt'3l. \Veekl}. lnxanel} xuccexxl'ul night haxed on a complex numerical llii'ting
x_\ xtem: L‘\Cl'_\t ne getx a nuniher upon entr). tlten. it' ximeone catcliex )ottt' e}c. _\ou write their number on the hoard next to )iitit' oun. \iith 'he idea heing that the} then ruxh tip to _\ou and get itito a hit ol' iiggyiigg). Muxc-nixe. it'x commercial hottxe arid trance trom Se\} Ste\e and Kllll'x‘} Kenn}. Bo xeleclal
Glasgow Fridays
I Ad-Lib at .v\d l.ih. 5 Spin. l‘rce. \VcekI). Rotational l)Jx prox ide the pct'lect xtitltitllt';ck to wind down to the \teekend iuxt ax t‘ie har xtatt xLl‘\ e tip the right cocktailx to take the edge till the neck.
I Bebadinho (Little Bebado) at the Hall Bar. Spin midnigtt. l-‘ree. .\lont|il_\. (‘hilled Bra/ilian l'la\orx l'rom the Behado l)Jx tllltl pet'cttxxionlxtx
I Bar Ce Lona at Mr ('e Lotta.
()pin midnight. liree. Weekl). ('ohort (ieoll .\lontl'ord xatiatex )our atx \\ ith a taxt) hletid it hottxe and dixco grooi ex.
I Barry Gemmel at .\ieo'x.
9pm itidiiiglit. l‘t'ee. Weed}. 'l’lie lilie\l Rtkli. hottxe atid garage to pleaxe the xmart} drexxed liri patt‘oiix.
I Budda at Bar Budda. Sim midnight. l’t‘ee. \Veekl}. l’tti‘\c‘}ot‘ ol' the lunk ('hi'ix llarrix xa_\x a xlammin‘ hello to the Budda clientele. \\ ho are tn tor a night ol' high claxx hottxe. lintt'} mil} to Hit xe nearing their dixco trouxerx.
I Carbon Records at Republic Bier Hall". 9pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekl}. ‘l'lic :\ to lot (’at'hon Mtixic. ax .\lattl c\t l’rall atid ( iuextx ttiap otit the coolcxt ctitx ol' paxt and prexent.
I Chi at .\lc(‘huill'x. Kpm midnight. l'ree. Werk'l}. 'l‘he ('hi xpinnerx hegin h}
tlet‘lo} ing a unique hlettd ol' mell m xhtolitt heatx and then unleaxh the heax iet' xtutl later on.
I Critical Mass at .\‘ice'ii‘Sle;-./_\.
Spill late. l‘ree. Weekl). Not t.\lltll lli-l'itl ard John niexx \\ itli _\otir head pla}mg ill.}llllllg lrom duh. ptitik. indie. reggae. liip ll ip, dattce itlltl rank to xotll and ltltlk. (ome along attd kick otit the iamx or go t.plo\\lt top t'ankin'. (ittext l).lx moxt ueekx. I Cul de Sac at (‘ul dc Sac.
5pm iiiidtiiglit. \Veekl}. (‘iil de Sac knoiix
u hat itx ctixtomerx u ant: good mtixic atid loads ol it. Kenn} llixlop takex to the tleckx t‘i'om 5 Spm. and then at 9pm Ste\e Sutherland ot' t'rhana .\luxic takex t)\ er. Sensor) merload.
I Delerium 7 at l5lll Note (’ale. \e\l LlillC the.
I Edward’s at lidnard'x. 9pm midnight l‘t‘ce. \Veekl} .-\n itllL‘l' ot'l'ice cloud ix uorked tip titto a hall ol' happinexx h} I” Keith l’} per. l’leaxe he cat'et'ul.
I Elliots at lilliotx. Spin ttiiditiglit. l'iee. \Veekl). Keith l’}pei' plaix xotillul hottxe atid garage iii thix xmat't central hoo/er. l)l'llll\\ pi'oinox and liappinexx are alxo part ol' the c\periencc.
I Friday Street at lilacklt'iarx.
Spin lain. H till. (‘laxxic mod. 'l'amla Motouti atid northern xotil at thix xtoinpl'ext in Blackt'riarx. Rexidcntx are Mike}. l’aul arid l)a\} Quinn.
I Kenny H ill \loloco (“c\l lilltll.
0pm midnight. l-‘i'ee. \Veekl}. l‘unk}
groo\ ex t't'om around the glohe. \\ ith a health) xmattcring ol' xotil thronn lll l'ot' good meaxttre.
I Modalicious at .\loda. 9pm latti. l‘ree. \Veekl}. .\lark l)ntt and .v\ll'\ Sandlet' pull otit xome lunk} \ocal ltouxe groox ex mi\cd \iith appetixtng garage atitliemx. htit it the} don't l'till'il then iuxt mariel at \iliat must he the coolcxt l'it'eplacc iii ltt\\ll.
I Mod Night at .\lc(‘huill'x.
Spin midnight. l'ree. l \o\. Monthly l’rida) Street t'egtilarx xpitt northern xotil and mod lunk at thix claxx hoo/et'.
I Moloco at .\lo|oco. Spin midnight. l‘rce. \Veckl). Rotational l).lx lrom the Butt cltth \xot'k the pre-cluh crond iti tlitx line \Vext lind hoo/ei'.
I Moskito at .\loxkito. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekl}. lhe Sole tlotl Ste\ ie Middleton \xarnix a lunk} ct'oitd under Bath Street. like all good l)Jx. lte\ tlol atraid to tlirim iii xometliing old. hol'l'o\\ ed or men hltte.
I Nico’s at \ico‘x. llpm midnight. l’t'ee. \Vcekl). .\’ico‘x \xarmx the Saucliiehall rexellet‘x tip \\llll liapp}. popular tntixic atid :l xelection ol alcoholic he\ elilgcx. .\ lto\ cl idea ll e\ er lllel'e “itx one.
I October ill the ()cloltel' (iiilc.
9pm midnight. \Veckl}. (iordon .\lil|cr [ttlls lllx dcckx to H1) good ttxe \\Illl ll‘ie hext iii \ocal liouxe and l‘S garage.
I Phonic at 54 Belou. ‘lpin midnight. l-tce. \Veekl}. ’liomc l)Jx Stexen Reill} aitd (iordon l.ogan xer\e tip xome qualit} llotl\e gl’om e\.
I Russell’s at Ruxxell'x (rpm midnight. l‘t‘ee. \Veekl}. DJ in“ klcln out the hext Rikli. litp hop and \\\ itigheat.
I Shift at lilacktriarx liaxeincnt.
Spin latit. U. I .\'o\. .\lonthl_\. l‘tmk) pt'c cltth \\;tl'llllll t'rom thexc Sliil't had ho} x.
\\ ho occtip} “hill iiitixt he one ol the coolch haxcmentx ill limit.
I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. ‘lpin iiiidtiigltt. l‘ree. \Veckl}. Another heatitil'til (iltlxgtm hat' \\ ith a lilting muxic polic). l'nderground liouxc. l.attn \ thex arid clioicext dixco lrom .'\lltl} l'nger. Shae-l) arid xpecial guext l).lx.
I Sound Museum at (‘(‘.'\ hat'.
0pm midnight. l'ree. \Veekl}. (’hrix ‘licanx‘ (ieddcx llicllc arid Schaxlianl arid lluxhpupp} ll)l\ inc. (iS:\l unco\ er a l'oi‘gotteii \xot‘ld ol xotitid. delx itig deeper and more cai'el'ull} than man) ittto loxt realmx ol' xotil. l.atin. ltllllx. dixco and c\otica.
I Stateside Sounds at the Slate liar. -1 "pm. l‘t'ce. \Veekl}. l’aul Sliicldx xelcctx alt.cottntt'} lawnritcx. rock claxxicx and hluex cutx. :\ night that xhould he commended loi' doing xometlitng dil'let'ent and 1m doing it uell.
Your pass to great club nights iii Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 85 for details
I Straight Ahead at Sp} Bar.
9pm late. l-ree. \Veckl}. l)ancc tloot' iii/l. northern xotil and tutik xpiiii h) the xupeth Straight Ahead cren.
I Surfer’s Paradise at \Valkahout. (rpm 3am £5 ttfl‘l \Veekl} l’art) ttme at thix ilc“ pic cltih piopoxition lltoxc \\ ho dttiik .»\tixtr.iliaii thtitk .-\uxti.tlian. xo c\pccl \x tdexpicad laittncxx and ctocodtlc hailing .\ot that “cite into \lelcolHlex oi an)thiiig.
I Therapy at the Medicine Room.
Spin lam. l'ree. \Veekl}. 'l‘he higlll} trained l)i\ine l)Jx dcplo} a xoothing _\ct potent treatment it] thix unique lie“ hat' run h} the o“ ncl'x ol' :\tl l.ih and lit‘el. lt'x eeril} )et handil} poxitioned oppoxite the (‘atliedraL Ro)al littii'ttiat‘) atid \ecropolix. and each clinic ol'l'erx a \aiiet) ol placehox.
I Abnormals Anonymous at the iron 'llteatt'e. lllpm latti. [5. l .\'o\. (ilaxga} launch night \\ itlt thix great cltth cclehi'ating all that ix good ahottt the ga} xcene it] our t'air cit}.
I Aerodynamico at .'\d l.ih.
llpiii 4am. £5. l \o\. .\lonth|). \ti-ia/l. xotil. t'unk atid hrokeii heatx \\ ttli PH 5.5. :\ great night ol mtixic tor a cultured ct'oxt d. I Afterglow at .-\d l.ih. llptii 4am. £5. 8 .\'o\. .\lonthl). ’l‘lie ho}x \\lltt hrought ux l’rtda) Street return to ;\d l.ih \iith their claxxic mt\ ol' mod xoundx. northern xotil atid tamla moutoun rare heatx. and (itl‘x and 7ll'x lunk.
I Basement Party at Blackl’riarx Baxement. New date the.
I Bebado at Ri\erxide ('ltth. Nev date the.
I Bogota! at (‘uha \orte. t)pin 2am. l'rec. \Veekl). Barrio and Radio Magnetic
main man .\li' peachex entet‘tainx the troopx.
I Burnin’ at (’aledonian l'nioii.
lllpm Jam. [4. I Not. l‘ot'tnightl). .\'e\t liotixc night at the union \xith li\e percuxxion limit the (ilaxgim llouxe 'l‘licot‘} lio}x.
I Concrete at Soundliaux. .\e\t date thc.
I The Cathouse at the (‘aihouxe lllfitlpm 3am. L'l helot'e llpin; U tUi alter. \Veekl}. Riding high oit the nu metal \xaie. thix ix oiic ol' the huxiext iiiglitx iii lo\\tl. Rock. grunge. indie and a daxh ot' hreakhcat acroxx three l'lootx at (ilaxgoix ‘x top name tor rockcrx arid altet'iiateenx.
I Coded at Vault. llpiii 3am. £5 iUi. \Veekl}. 'l'he) 'rc lt'oltl a record xtore. xo the tttnex are going to he l'rexh atid highl} lunk). aren't the) 1’ .\ rotating t'oxter ot' l)Jx alliliated to 33rd l’reciiict xuppl) hottxe-led groo\ ex at the tie“ cluh. Ste\ en .\lc('t'eer} ix the main man. htit the pool ol talent includex Bill} Kiltie. Bill} \Voodx aitd Amanda l’rice.
I Crash at the Shed. lll.3tlpnt Jam. [3 it‘ll. \Veckl}. ('t'axli into the \tcekeiidx \\ ith tltix litigel} poptilai night “ith the Soullixide xct. (image I” (iel'l') l.}iitix hoxtx the main hall \\llli the ultimate eclectic part) xotitidtrack arid l)J l)a\c .\lti|ltolland t('tihel takex the helm in the [oil upxtait'x “till a night ot claxxic Rtkli. 3 Death Disco at the :\lchcx.
llpiii 3am. LS tun. tx’ \tri. Motilltl). .\laxxi\e nen inonthl) ill at the :\tc|icx. liacli month rolling t‘cxidentx 'I lie l’i’eclance llellraixer. l)J Mingo-(io and DJ ()nna X tliixl \\ ill he xpinntng the tttnex along \\ ith lirxt claxx gucxt l)Jx and lixe actx. ('ttt tip ultrapop. tttialit) electt'oiiiaxh and cloxxo\el part} ttitiex loi‘ nonconl'oiiiiixt tip lot it t'e\ellerx. :\n intimate org) ol ttattx euio c\cexx'. (itiextx on the opening tiiglit ate Bjorn ’l'orxkc atid Kaptatn Kalihtc ol 'lcllc Rccot'dx. /'oI‘ l/ll\ (ltllt' tII1/\ it I.th i t im/ l1“/tll'l'\ gi'l Ill l'lt’l'lz. \i'i l'li’l:/:. it/l lite/II. I Foresight at (‘luh (it), ll).3llpm 2am. t'thc. ‘) \m. Monthl). Stet‘il p|a_\ out at tltix line night ol electronic c\pcrimciitation.
I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. llpiii 3am. [5. Weekly Michelle itlltl .'\lltl) lgllxe chatgc ol' the llltl\lc;ll dulch lll llllx delicionx Merchant ('it} mi\ed cltth. \Vlicthei }oti'i'c' in the ’lroplt} Rooiii or oil the danccllooi. the tttnex \\lll ltth )oni happinexx
I Fuel at l'tlel tltixhophiiggxi.
Ill.3ll|iiii 2am. H. \Veekl}. \eit cltth \cnttirc lroin the (it gioup. \\llo are
listings Clubs
Club 69 Sutekh (pictured) is one of those producers that has anonymously helped to shape the sound we now call house. Hts downteinpo. glitcliy micro house sound has infiltrated our collective consCiousness. Club 69. Sat 2 Nov.
Solevisions Album Launch A night showcasing the very best in house music from this city. The Sub Club donate Harri. the Jengaheads let Sole borrow their Martyn and Sole themselves let Ceott tvlonttord and Stevre Middleton onto the decks. Dave Jones of Lamerica is the wondertul guest at this celebratiOii ot Sole's new output. CCA. Sat 2 Nov.
Death Disco Another new night hits Glasgow and this time us With a lWlSled/ eclectic vibe. Guests on the launch night are Bjorn lorske and Kaptaiii Kalibre of lelle Records. whilst rolling residents Freelance Hellraiser. UJ tvlitigo-go and DJ Onna X make sure that nothing is ever expected in the Arches. Arches. HI 8 Nov.
Syntax Brilliant techno collective pull in a class guest respected London producei and DJ Pure SCieiice. With countless releases under his belt and a monthly residency at l-abric. this guy's CV Wlll make the trainspotteis cream their panties. SOLI/ld/le’IUS. Hi I Nov.
Colours with Deep Dish Seven hours With Deep Dish experience. and one for which Colours should be commended. This night is geing to be very. very special. Arches. Sat 9 Nov.
Mercury Lounge Launch Party New gay club at the space left by Alaska in Bath Lane Resident John Pleased is proVIding the quality tunes on this launch night. which promises something pretty special for all of those lucky enough to be inVited. Mercury Lounge (former/y Alaska). Thu I4 Nov.
a rare
attempting to expand the aierage (ilaxttegian'x idea ot' uhat neekending incanx. l’aul Rea pla)x cltth claxxtcx. RtKB. lunk and an)tliang \\ ith a gt'oo\e. Sotithxide and Northxidc tt'x xtartmg to get like l.ondon Ill here. :\ \\ cc hit.
I Funk Room at the :\t'chex. .\’ext date l5 \ox \\lllt l.ee l'lL‘ltlS and Stigarman 3 tin lat/irtlittru/t Iii/met for tlll i'ttI‘/\ [)I't‘l’tt’lt l.
I Gigantic at Barll} tt‘ormerl} the l3th Note (‘luhl 0pm 3am. H (Bl. Weekly lake on the pet‘xona ot' _\oui' choxen indie ltel'oe\. l‘roin the le) .\loi'rixxe_\. the hagg) llapp) Honda) x atid the too cool tor xkool Strokex. (iigantic plinx all ol the xongx )titi need to heat \xitliout itixtiltittg the intelligence ot the xclimitidie connoixxeur. oi hcitig too cle\et.
't‘.' '.'. My. .‘ THE LIST 83