IzuI‘npc Inr lnculinn xhnnlmg. \Illl'llilll (\Iiilknx IL‘III \\;Il'lI\I1l\ ci'cu Ihul Ihc mun \xhn ix In phi) \Iixlcr‘gilii II);IInCI Ix u IIIL‘IIIUII IIL‘InI‘ \\IIn IIIIIIIIIle Illx I‘nIL‘\ CUIIIIIICIL‘I}. \\ II;II \IIII'IIuII huxn’l Inlil Ihcm ix Ihc mlcnl nl Iiix Iciul'x IiIllllIlill'lI} \\ Ilh IIIL' \HI} \ nI‘ lIlC IIIIIICUII. .-\\ IIIL‘ IIICIIIL'III- Iillcil xhnnI cnnlinIICx :md \IIII'IIIIII hccnmcx hlmiIl} UI‘\C\\C\I \\Ilh limxIIing Ihc pIcIIII'c. Ihc lilm IIIIImuIcI) I‘L'CUIIIC\ :I Innguc III L'hcck mnhlulinn nn ilII'chnI'x \\IIn \\ III «In :III}Ihmg_' In ch Ihc palm xhnl \Idk‘RI‘I‘I‘Il. Slirlmg.

She-Devil I ISI .0. ISiIxIm Sculclmun. l S. I‘IN‘II \IK‘I}I SII'ccp. Rnxumnc Burr. I'.\I Bugle) JI', 00mm. IV cnIIIcil} \Iill B.III‘ Ill.II\C\ hci’ xuccn Ilchul m Sculclmun'x IIL'.’I\ rl_\ \‘I‘IIIchcil \L'l'\lUll nl l/II‘ /.I/I‘I1III//uii \ HI” 5/11 /)I'II/, \\ IIL'II hcr lmxhuml I;I Ill;ll'\ cllnuxl} xIIIII} III-3:10 l lullx Ini' I‘Ulllilllllx‘ nn\ L‘Il\l .\I;II_\ I'I\I1L'l' ISII'ccp making; .\Iixx I’Igg) xccm II mnilcl nl lIIkNPIJII chIIumI i. lhc ilprnxxcxxcil xpnuxc iIm‘IIch In CIIIIK'I .i licnilixhl} \‘lllllllllf.’ rcwngc. lhc III.I\‘;II\I'C lccl nl Ihc nI'IgIIIul II;I\ IK‘CII lIIIk'IIL‘xI III I;I\IIIII‘ HI .I \l} I|\L'(I xlupxlick lail'cc. I‘lll Ihc lilm xIIll lcuwx )nII I‘nnIIIIg.‘ InI' Ihc \xnI'lil‘x llk‘\l IIIIll\L'\\IIL‘ xiipcrxlur. I'IIIIIhnIIxc. laihnhurgh.

0 The Shining - Director’s Out

I 18).... ISIuIIlL‘) Kubrick. [‘8 [K l‘).\‘(li Jack \Ichnlxnn. ShclIL‘} l)II\;II. Srulnmn ("Inlhcrx 145mm. KuhI‘Ick'x lull. llIIL‘lII. Inngcr \cI'xInII nI Ihc l‘IHII lilm. nrigmall} xlIn\\II III cmcmux in im Iippi‘nuniulcl) 35 mmulc xhnI'Im \chInII Ihix Ilk'“ In iIx hIII Ullfllllill \‘ul nI lIIL' Iilm mulmlcx IIIIIIICI'nIIx xccncx nnl xccn lwlni'c Hit 111an Iinliihlc nI lhcxc arc: \\L‘IIII} II)II\;IllI huclx III IInmc hux mg xm\ Ixul liuxhunil .IIIL'ICx (\IUIIIIIxUIII Ilcxu'nl mIn [I\}\'IIII\I\ and il lnngu. mnrc nn Ihc

m_\ xIci’Inux ‘I'nnm 23'“ and ;m mlcmlul. gI'ichnmc \L‘I\IUII nI Jack chnppm}: up I)l\‘Ix llullnrun \\lII1;lllil\L‘ I'IIIIIhnuxc. lzilinhurgh

Shrek II I 0.... I.v\nili‘c\\ '\II;IIII\UII. \Iclx} .ICII\UII. I'S. .‘IIIII I \'(‘I\'C\ HI \Illu' \I}crx. (lImcI'nIi I)I;I/. I'.kI(IIC \Iiii'ph). ()Ilmm XII/IA \\III I1;I\C \\;III I)Ixnc_\ turning; m hIx ci'yigcriig lIu-Ic Iiink lhix Il'llI_\

xlII“ CI'xI\L‘ unmmlcd Iilm lulu-x [ml xhnIx ;II I';III'}I;III' III}IIIUIUf_'_\. \xhilc xmglmg nIII I'IIL‘IL' \VIIII'x lu‘lm cil Slum II III/l.


gIIIxc nl II qucxl In I'cxuu' II pI'IIIu'xx li'nm il drugnn llllIIL'l'lilIxL‘ll h} Ihc cpnn} mnIIx grccn ngrc l\\IllL'II Liilx \\III lnxci. ~\"lmA .‘len l‘llIIIIL‘\\I_\ Iiilliigcx CUI'IIHI'UIL‘ I)Ixnc_\. x;IIII’IxIIIg le lhcmc purlxx and \‘\L‘\'IIII\L‘\. .’\II\I \xhn'x hchmil ull lhix.’ I’I'HIIllk‘k‘l .lclli'c} KuI/cnhcrg nI I)l\IIL‘_\ I‘I\;Il \IllIIlU


wanna" m Sandler c

I)I'c;III‘.\\'an\x. ;len lnrmcrl} IIk'de nl. )L'p. Dunc}. (‘IIIL-unrlil. l-IIllxIrk,

Signs l 12A! 0.. I.\li Night SII};IIII:II;III. l'S. IIIIIZI .\Icl (iihxnn. Iflilqlllll I’hncnn. Rnr} (‘ulkm IIIImIII. Sn IIIUIIII1\;IIIL‘I';III cwnl “Inch xliulch‘ul lIIx I‘cliginux I’uilh. m-mimxlcr (iI'uhum IIL‘\\ I(iihxnni ;l\\;lI\C\ m Ihc miilillc nI' Ihc nighl In linil hix chilili'cn III lhc mnlillc nl ;I cnI'II IICIKI xI;II‘m3_' ;II gi gigml crnp k'II'CIk‘. Ix II Ihc \\IH'I\ nl IIk'ilI [H'illlIxflCh HI' ;I run igulinnul ;IIil InI‘ .lIlL‘II\ 'I'hc ch up Ix xcll L'UIIM’IHIHI} [\‘IIIIIII\\‘\‘III nl l/II III/I u/ I/ll \lur/I/x. hill SII}.IIII;II;III cxyhmxx xpu‘lm‘la' III I;I\nm' nl nch |;III_«_'IIII§_' xuxpcnxc cimlnl nIII nl Ihc man mundane ilnIm'qu~ xIIIIuIInIIx. Sh);IIII;Il;III h;Ix ;I llilclicnt‘kmn gsmxp ni \‘llIk'lllille‘ lcchnnluc. kccpmy .Ilulicnycx III .I xIIIlc nl nun h) xIcIIml ;m\IcI} InI';Ilman I\\IiI1IIllI'x. Skull}. Ihc I;le lixc mumlcx ;IlL' ;mII \‘Illllilx‘llx' ;mi| lhc lilm'x ilcniIIIIIIIuIInIIull) lllI\[‘L'L‘lIl\' Icllginux ll]\‘\\;lj:k‘ Ix hnlh IIIIhInIIx gmil \\ Ixh_\ \\;Ixh_\. (icncml Iclcuxc.

Slap her She’s French I I_‘.\.

O. I_\Icl;mic \I;I)I‘niI. l S. ZINL‘I l’mcr l’ci'iihn. .limc \II‘( iI'c;nI. \Iichiicl \IcKmn. ‘IlmIII llnmu‘nmm): qumi SLII'LI (iI';uI_\ I.\I(( iI'cggnI I Ihmkx xhc’x gnl II mmlc, 'l he ’II glI'l' nl Splcnilnnii High. IICJII L'IICL'I'IL'IIIICI .md L‘IIIIIIUIIII nl Ilic (Illill'lk'lIIilL‘Ix m;I_\ haw llk‘l hcr mulch. hnxwwr. \xhcn l'IcIich lnI'chn cwhnnpc \IllIIL‘lII (icim Icw Irl’lnull lI’L‘I'ilI‘UI ;II'I‘I\cx In IlII'culcn Ihc I‘;lI.Ill\‘L' nl pnuci‘, Iii IIII IhIx. cllnI'Ix .II'c (haul) minlc In ClllllIillL' m xi} Ic unil xuhxl.mcc Iccn mn\ ch lIl‘c VII '\ .l/l l/IIII .mil mural xIIIIch xuch .Ix //( (ll/II l'\. I‘lll (Ik'\I‘IIC ll.\ III'le’IIIllxl} I‘I.IIIL‘IIIIIIIIIII\' IIIIC. XIII/I III-I. .X/II ‘\ In III /I Ix iI \ci} .'\IIII‘II\'.III [Hux- nl lccn lI;Ixh. (icncml Iclmxc Spider-Man i I_‘,\I 0... 184m Rdlllll. l8. Illllli 'I’nhc} .\I.I;_'IIII’c. KIIxIcn l)ImxI. |_‘lmm. .\ III; huilgcl I‘IIK‘IxI‘llxlCl huqu nIi ll hcxI xcllmg: xupcrhcin cnmu‘ hnnk )niI‘Il hc l'lfJIll In mpml xpccliu'ular cllcclx .mil h|.mil xInI_\IclImj_' m .I IIIIxh} hIII IIIIIIII;IIcl) «lull IIlmi (in xcc .lI/IIIA n/ [In (‘lum \ InI Ih;II pui‘llcul.” cwrcixc III I‘lllllellf.‘ III Ihc hn\ nIlIcc huckx. Slut/«r III/n. h} (IIIIII.I\I. Ix ;I III'IIgIIIIIIII} Immpu'lul m1\ nI xpccluclc ;mil cIIgi'nxxmg Illllllilll «llama, ll'x xIII'pI‘Ixmg IhIII Rillllll. \xlin mmlc hIx llillllL' \\llIlIIIL‘III_:1III} xl} II\L‘II gcmc [xixllchc I [in Izi I/ I)! III/I \IlUlIItI Incux xn much nn L'IIIIIIIVIL‘II 'I'hc (.le .Iuiml Ihcmxclwx \wll. ;I|Ihnug_'h I).IIHC humx up Ihc \Illum}, IIIII

RIIIIIII‘x IcIIII. Inlk‘} .\I.I;_'mic. hrmgx |IIxI Ihc

I'Igghl umniml nI knnxxmg huIIInIII' In I’;II‘|xg‘I',S]iIiIt'}. \xhich Ix I'IIIhIL'mulIc nI Ruimi'x uhnlc. \\ mmng upprnuch In IIIc lilm. SIN] IIuIIIIlInII.

harms Winona Ryder as Mr Deeds

index Film


is with the USA’s voice

Tal of conscience.


Manchester’s underground superclub comes back to Scotland complete with a strange haired man.

.. "It I

Who your vote: Ashcroft or Gough?


Including another chance to get your Odeon 2 for 1 movie ticket, a luxury break for two in our End of Year Readers Poll and tickets and goodies for Edinburgh’s new Warner Village.



You’ve got 15 days to live

‘1\ .. THE LIST39