draun tItto the pagex to undergo an e\eItIng and dangeroux ad\enture III a lattd ot lantax). l’axxable adaptation ot’ tlte .\lteltael linde bextxeller. \tItlt plent} ot eute lut'r} littlk ltt engage llte lxltltlle\. x\t'l\ ('entre. littxl Kilbrtde.
Night of the Living Dead I la» .... I(ieorge .'\. Rttlttet'tt. lb. l‘lttb't Duane .lonex. .ludttli ()'l)ea. Rtixxell StreIner. ‘ltttntn. Semtnal blaek eotned} \lttteket‘ \thtelt xpa\\ned Iuo inereaxtngl} naxt_\ xetittelx attd eountlexx unauthorixed Imitattonx. .-\ group ot people barrteade lltetthehex Into a littt'tttltttthe ltt xeek rel'uge l'rotti the hordex ol' t‘lexh»era/) ttttdead. ereated b} tItIxtit'Ing ttttlttar}. e\perttttentx_ l‘tlmed on a xlioextrmg tn l’tttxburglt. \\ ttlt real gore xttpplted b} a loeal buteher. ‘l‘ltottgh It no“ xeetttx dated. the rough and grain} qualtttex ot tlte lilm otIl_\ xer\e to ittake It more ltorrtbl} eom Inemg. (‘ameo. lidtttbttrglt,
Nosferatu tl’( it 0000. Il-\\' _\lurnati. (iernIan). I‘lllt .\la\ Seltreek. :\le\attdet‘ (iranaeh. (ilt\l.t\ \on \Vangenhetm. "3min Seltreek Ix a trul} tet't'tl}tttg ligut‘e ax llt'uttt Stoker'x tamoux \amptre. looktiig more like a xktnned bat than a human being. ;\ \Httttlet‘ltlll) \ txual mm Ie. “tilt l\\l\letl xhadtm x and xe\ttal undereurrentx plaetttg It \\ ell illltfie llte Klttxkt/llet'lttg remake. .\lael{obert. Stirling.
O t IFI 0... till” lilake \t'lxtttt. l'S. :lllllt \lekltt l’liler. .lttlta Sltlex .lttxlt llartnett. 05mm. .-\ tttodertt \erxton ol ()I/It’lll'. tranxpoxtng tlte xtor} to a high xeltool In the Deep South. ‘0 ix aIi eloquent attd htghl} rele\ant pIeee ol lilmtnaktng. l‘ltltke an} reeent llttll)\\ttotl take (in the Bard. tt hax gt';t\tl} attd darknexx. lla\tng xtarted lront a xet tip III “litell ()dttt/()tltello Il’lileri arid l)exI/l)exdettiona tStIlext are bltxxtttll} liapp}. \\ e are xltomt perleettott old} to xee ll \ttll'ull} tlextt'o} ed b_\ lltlgtt’lttgtt Illartnett t. 'l‘he tilm'x blood} elIInaette xequenee ix de\axtattttg. atid Sltakexpeare‘x te\t Ix Imbued \\ Itlt next
pou er In Itx tItodern. poxt~('oluttibtne xetttng. rettttndmg ttx tlttx Ix att_\tlting bttt 'qut an old pla_\'. l't‘l. l2axt Ktlbt'tde. Once Upon a Time in the Midlands t l5! 0... ISltane
.\lL‘dtlt)\\ x. l‘K. :lllll I Robert (‘at'l'\le. th}x llanx. SlIIrle} llenderxon. Ill-1min. \Vlten (ilaxgott pell} ertmtnal Jtlltttl} t('at‘l)|et xee\ lttx elttltlliootl x\\ eetlteart and e\ Slttrle} Illenderxont on the \itttexxa l'elt/ xlIo“. lle deetde\ to lake the pt'oeeetb Uli a bttttgled robber} attd lt';t\ el down to Nottingham to \\llt ltet' baek ll'ttttl her geekixh bo} lt'letttl l)ek tllttltxt. There are. hoxt ex er. a text obxtaelex III the ua} tor tlte toettgmg ‘t'ttttlttt}‘. IneIItdtng l)ek'x htx era/) xtep xtxter t Kath} Hurket attd lter e\lt';tttged (1k \\ -obxexxed ltttxbaltd (’harlte (Rick) 'lontlmxont. \leadou x direetx htx all- xtat‘ eaxt \ttth xktll. aware that tlte bext dontextte xtoriex are tlone tltat are told u Itlt xIttIplIett) and emotion. .\lotttentx in tlttx lilitt ean be elau Ing. not leaxt tlte treaele- ambuxlted ettdtttg. bttt .\leado\\x aittt Ix generall} trtte. .\laeRobert. Stirling.
The One and Only t ISI 00
(Simon (‘ellan Jonex. l'K. Ztlttlt .luxtttte \Vaddell. Rieltard Ro\bttrgh. .lonalltatt ('ake. ‘llnttn. ‘l‘lttx .\'e\\eaxtle aIId (iatexhead xet rotnatttie drama might be terttted ()ur l-ru'm/x in Illt’ .VorI/t-lite. xeeing ax Itx made b} tlte xame ereatn e teattt. 'l't'oplt} \\ tt'e Ste\ te I\\'addellt dtImpx lter ltaltatt lootball xtallion Sonn) ((‘aket l'or kttelien litter .\'et| tRo\burghi “hen the) tall ttt lo\ e at lirxt xtght. llo\\e\ er. the eourxe ol' xuelt ait Ill tinted. tl' ttot tll~ tnatehed. union doex not rttn xntootltl). \ettlter doex tlte liltn. The main problettt tx tltat itx xttx on the l'enee bet“ eett gt'ttt} \Htt‘kltlg elaxx eomed} dratnax xueh ax lt’rtint'tl ()l/ arid tlte l-ittu' Hi't/(IIIIL'\ brattd ol t‘ottreotned) here glatttottr and grit don't ttII\ Furthermore. the lilm’x xo bland It mtght be xet an) \xhere. ('Itexter lor e\antple. But then it \xould be HUI/\mlkm. “Ullltllhl tt'.’ See rex Ie\\. ('teneral I‘eleaxe. One Hour Photo t ISI .00 t.\lat'k Rontattek. l'S. ZtNL‘t Robin \Villtamx. (‘onttte .\'telxen. lirttl l.a Salle. 05min. S} l’arrtxlt a loud) pltoto teelttitetatt \tlio lindx to} tn tlte preetoux tnomentx ol' other people’x lt\ ex. tttoxt notabl} a ptetut'e perl'eet lattttl} \xlto'x e \ ixIted tlte Sa\tnart mtttrlab \\llel'e S} \torkx xtttee tlte btrth M then nIIIe-_\eat' old xon. lltx oun ltle de\otd ol‘ eolour and ltutttantt}. ax rept‘exented b_\ htx \torkittg enuronment ‘ the great “line eltureli ol' eonxuinertxm S} triex to take htx plaee tn the lrame ol the Ideal lattttl). When he tindx the pIettIre to be lexx than perleet. S} takex matterx into hIx ti\\ll eottxtderabl} px}eltotie handx. 'l'he eaxttng ol’ Robin \Villtamx tx lllSPll'L'tl likeable lieettthe lte\ gtttttl Ultl .\lt'x l)ttttl\lllt'e atttl terril) in}: for the xame reaxon. ('oneernx that pop prottto dIreetor Romanek hax tttade a tilm tltat ix xt)le o\ er xubxtanee tx not xo elear ettl. lttm e\ er. Seleeted releaxe. Orphee t l5t 000000000 Ilean (‘oeteatr l'ranee. 1050) Jean .\laraix. .\larie l)ea. .\laria (’axat'ex. 95min. (‘oeteau ereatex an ttnrnalled ementa lantax} III tltix xttttitttttg tttodern \erxion ol the ()rpheux legend. replete “lllt xttrprtxtng teeltnieal triekx attd
the dtreetot"x perxonal brattd ol‘ poetr}. (il’l'.
Orange County I Ijt (Jake Kaxttan. t'S. 3002i (‘oltn llankx. Jaek Blaek. Seltu)ler l‘txk. 82min. (‘alttornia xut'ler dude Sltautt llt‘ttttttlel' t llankx. xon ot lotttt \\;Illl\ to go e up the board lot” the pett attd go .xtttd_\ ereattt e \trittng at Stanlord l'tii\e‘t'xit}. llut “ltett ltix dun-\t ttted xehool gutdanee eounxellor mexxex up lIIx applteattott. dexperate Shaun ham to ltix drug‘addled loxer brother lattee Illlaekt to enxure htx entt'_\ tnto Statttord b_\ an} ttteanx neeexxar). 'l'hoxe titeanx go e rtxe to a xerIex ol’ eomte xet<pieeex til the gt'oxx ottl \artet). lt‘ \\ltlelt e\eexxi\ e aitttex Sliann'x x\\eet girll'riettd :\xlt|e} tliixkt ean old} look on “Illl a mI\tttre ol rextgnatiott attd horror. It ttttgltt onIttdx all \er} poxt l‘art‘ell} bI'otlteI'x. tht ()rtutee ('otutlt Itax xotne talent beltiitd the eatnet'a itt uriter Mike White It‘liut'k A'- BlltAl attd direetor lx'axdan l\\ lto pre\ totlxl}
Morton brings Morvern Callar to life
made the underrated /I-m [CI/It'll. See
prex 1e“. (ieneral t'eleaxe.
Passport to Pimlico tt't 0000 Illenr} (‘orneliux. l'K. 10-10) Stanle} llollo\\a_\. Margaret Rutlterlot'd. llaxtl Radl'ord. tS-lttttn. .\ l.ondon borottglt
dixeo\ erx an aneient eltarter atid deelat'ex ttx tttdeiwndenee aItd e\emption lt'ont rationing. \Vonderl'ul \xit attd tun ax the lialing Studon xatirixe Britixh red tape and but'eatterae). liilttthouxe. lidinburglt.
The Piano Teacher (La Pianiste)
t 13) OM" lelt‘lttlel llaneke. l"ranee/AIIxtI'Ia. Illtll t lxabelle lluppert. ll‘hntn. :\x \\llll htx pte\ totIx liltitx. ('Ut/e (ilk/tour] and l'IIIlIH (it/mm. llatieke \lltt\\\ ltlll tltte\tt.l tell. ll.\ lelt It) the audtenee ltt pieee together the detItrbed poem ol lurika Koltttt. the \‘tettttexe ptatto tutor ol' the title Illuppertt. llatteke tellx the tale tbaxed on lillriede .leltnek‘x no\eli through a xertex ol beauttlull} eontpoxed xeettex. editing them together \\ itlt the preeixton ol' a xurgeon. lluppert eapttalixex on her opaque \ Ixage. pt'o\ tding her dtreetor \\ Itlt a beattttlttl|_\ nttaneed ttttderxtated perlornianee. lt‘x a pleaxut'e to ‘read‘ thtx tilttt although it'x e\ll'etttel} ltarrotttng and no xurprtxe tt garnered both eotllt'tuet'x) attd auat'dx at the (’attnex l‘tltti textual. litltlll‘lll'g‘lt l-Iltn (ittlltl. lzdtnburgh.
Pilton Video t\‘at'tottx. t'K. IWI lttnot .\lin tbe. Varioux \Itleo \torkx made b_\ rextdentx lroni latltnburgh'x l’Ilton llouxtng lxxtate l'tlntltouxe. ltdinburglt,
Pollock I IN .0. tlid llat'rtx. l'S. Zttttlt lid llarrtx. .\lareta (la) llat'dett. l3:ttttt1.\el another tortured at'tIxt xlttt‘}. 'l'lte ltl'e ol' .'\lttel'le;lll abxtraet e\pt'exxtontxt painter .laekxon l’olloek ix reereated \\llll a lot'Inttlate approaeh. retealing notltmg lie“ about the lantotix painter. Though the aettttg attd direettng rentattt relatttel} tIttllau ed. llte \el'lpl lttll\ liltll, ll :tlxtt l'etltlll'e\ the audtenee to be o\et'l} x_\ Ittpatltette to a \tontamxittg \\tle beater. \o tltankx. .r\rtx ('entre. l'.axt Klll‘l‘ltle.
index Film
Possession t l:.'\l 00 lNL‘ll lallnte. l'S. Jttttjt (}\\_\neth l’altroxx. Aaron liekltart. Jerent} \ortltant. .lennil'er liltle. ltllmtn. .-\dapted t'ront .-\S ll}att‘x Booker l’ti/e \\lttlttltg Hotel. I’tmrmion takex plaee In l\\o ttttte lramex. ltt preerIt-da} London. ltt\\l_\ untxerxtt} rexearelter Roland Miehell tliekltarti attd brilliant letltlltlsl don Maud Baile} tl’altro“ t are lllt‘tHHl together by the dixeo\ er) ol' a eaelte ol' letterx that xuggest that [\H) \'Ietot'ian poetx Randolph llenr) .'\xh «\ttt'tlIIIittt attd (’ltrtxtabel l.a.\lotte ll'.lllL'l \\ ere xeeret lo\et‘x. lltll ;t\ the aeadenttex purxue a xeriex ol eluex. their tt\\ll e\perteneex begttt to eelio the I‘lth- eentttr} lo\et'x. \Vhtle l.alittte ean‘t hope to replteate the pleaxttt'ex ot the page. he doex bear ottt Byttt'x xl} tltextx that her \'ietorian eoIIple are lexx littttg tip about lo\ e and xe\ than tltetr angxt ridden modern eottnterpartx. Seleeted releaxe.
The Power of Kangwon Province teert tbet tllottg Sang xoo. Sotttlt Korea. I‘NSI lll‘Httllt. Sattg xoo‘x tollott -up to The [hit .l [’12 l‘l'l/ Into Illt' lli’l/ traeex the xeparate \\;tttdet'Ittgx ol a man “ho a \tontan \\lttt ha\ e reeentl} ettded tltetr eo\ et't al'lair. l'tlmltouxe. ltdittbttrglt.
The Powerpuff Girls It’tit tt'i-a‘tg
.\le('raeken. l'S. Ittttlt \‘oteex ol (Huh) ('madtm. lara Strong. lilt/abeth l)aIl_\. "3mm. liaxed oit the annttated :\Itteriean 'l’\‘ xertex. but lookIng tnuelt like a Japanexe aittitte. l'ltt' Potter/ml! (it/'lt .llot'ie pi'o\'idex ttx \\ tilt the ot'IgtII ot xttpergtt'lx Bloxwm. llttbblex arid Buttereup. ('reated b} l’rolexxot' l'tomutn alter he aeetdentall} tttI\ex the “long elteniteal eotnpoundx. thexe ettttex eourxe ha\oe III 'l‘omix\ ille “hen the) pla) a gattte ol xuper tag.
(ieneral releaxe.
Punk in London teert tbet :\\'ollgaitg littld. (ietntatt). l‘l""t .SJtntn. l‘tltned b_\ a
(ierman doeuntentat‘} ere“ in autumn 1077.
“he” the pttttk pltenotttenott ltad beeame a ttattottal obxexxton attd a ltteratn e tnuxie
buxtttexx \etlltll'e. (‘(':\. (ila\:_'ou.
’1: Bond: Die Another Day, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets excluded at Odeon.
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