I Double bedroom in a 3 hcdrootn dctachcd housc sharing with 1 l'cntalc. Sccking soniconc in lull-tinic
cntplo) tncnt. l.ocatcd in Bonnx'hridgc. 7 ntilcs l'rotn Stirling. 5 ntilcs lt'ottt 1‘alkirk & 20 niilcs l‘roni (ilasgoxx. £300 pcm inclttding hills.
'l‘cl: 07740 897 939.
I Double room available in 2 hcdrootn llat olil' l3_xrcs Road. Suit prolcssional n/s. Axailahlc noxx. £300 pctn + hills. 'l'cl: 0141 337 1290.
I Flatmate wanted to sharc clcan. modcrn. txxo hcdroont flat on B} rcs Road.
xx ith lricndlx l'cnialc studcnt. l)ouhlc hcdrooiu axailahlc inuncdiatcl}. £250 pcm.
'l'cl: 01-11 339 1443.
I West End. Room to lct lo ga} l‘ricndl'x icinalc. n/s. xxith oxx n dustcr. £300 pcm.
'l‘cl: 0141 334 0235.
I Large sunny room. in lricndl'x. cas_x going. \Vcst 1'an llat. with all mod cons. l minutc from ercs Road. Suit prol‘cssional n/s. axailahlc .\'ox'cnthcr. £275 pcm + ("1‘ + hills. 'l'cl 0141 334 4025.
I Double room available in gay 1'ricndl_x. ll}lltlllllltl llat. l'sttal mod cons. 2 ininutcs l'rom train station. £250 pcm. no dcposil rcquircd. Axailahlc itnnicdiatclx hut datc ncgotiahlc. 'l‘cl: 0141 337 3943. I City Centre. Absolutely stunning. douhlc. luxur} tui'nishcd room. in i'cccntl) rcl'urhishcd t‘lat. (i('Il. clcctt‘ic shoxxcr. high ccilings. hugc
xx indoxx s. polishcd floors & all hills lllL‘llltlL‘tl. £79 pxx + £250 dcposil. No USS. smokcrs & couplcs. 'l‘cl: 07974 232 537.
I Room available in spaciotis inodcrn lilat. lisccllcnt .shat‘cd liacilitics. I’rix'atc parking & gardcn. Suit n/s. £330 including ("1‘ & hills.
'l'cl: 0141 946 7549.
I Double & single rooms in lt‘icndly (ilasgoxx \Vcst lind hontc. .\1ust likc txso hlack l.ahradors. cats & oxx'ncr's cooking. £200—£240 pcm all- inclusix'c. 'l‘cl: (H41 946 4542. I Spacious room in tnodcrn l'urnishcd flat in thc \Vcst lind (York Hill 1. Sharc
xx ith txxo l'ctnalc studcnts. l'cinalc studcnt prcl‘crrcd. £60 pxx + sharcd hills. Room axailahlc itntncdiatcly.
'l'cl: 0141 3320292 da_xtintc. 0141 339 9940 cxcning. or tnohilc 07860 40-1 03 I.
I Dennistoun. Bright room in lull} l'urnishcd thrcc hcdrootn l'lat. :\xailahlc inuncdiatclx. :\11 mod cons. £175 pctn + cxtras. (‘losc to unixcrsitics & cit} ccntrc.
'l‘cl: 07870583073 tox'icxx.
I Dennistoun. Female wanted for room in largc. ga} 1'ricnd|_\ lilat. (i('ll & all mod cons. .\1tist ltax c oxx n dustcr. £240 pcm including gas. clcctricil) & ("1‘ hut + £100 dcposit. 'licl: 07817 255 204 or 0141 550 3678.
I Flatshare in Dennistoun. ()nc pcl'son sought to sharc xx ith onc othcr plus cat. 'I‘astcl‘ul lilat. quict strcct. (i('ll & all othcr mod cons. £200 pcm + hills. 'l'clz01415562312.
I Flatmate wanted for tnodcrn. l'urnishcd llat in 1)cnnistoun ox ct‘look‘ittg thc park. lias)‘ acccss to puhlic transport & local antcnitics. £200 pcm + hills.
'l'cI: 07764 749 736.
I Bright spacious room in largc Southsidc llat. Battlclicld arca. (low to all amcnitics & good transport links. I.argc lix ing l'oottt & dining kitchcn. \Vould suit xoung pt'olcssiottal or ntaturc studcnt. 'l‘cl: 07970 569 587 cxcning or 01475 896 234 da}. I Room in Pollockshields Hat. 2 tninutcs from station & 9 tninutcs lo (’cntral. Surroundcd h} parks. Jttst likc thc \Vcst lind hut xxith parking. £175 pcm + ("1‘ + hills. 'l'cl: 0798-1 487 685. I Double room in 3- hcdroont hottsc sharing xx ith 1 othcr. 10 ntinutcs 1't‘oin('it_x (‘cnuc £300pcnif1‘c1: 07984 458 780. l’t‘ol'cssiottals 0111}.
I Large room in hcautil'ul ('it) (‘cntrc liast Hat. sharing
xx ith onc othcr. Suit rcslmnsihlc. rcliahlc. n/s prol'cssional. Rcla\cd atmosphcrc. £250 pcm + tlcposil. ittcltttlcs all hills L‘\L‘cpl thc lclcphonc.
'l'cl: 0141 550 8004.
I Sunny room available in spacious ltousc in Kinning l’ark. Quict location. prixatc gat‘dcn. closc 10 ('ll} ('L‘till‘c. lo sharc xx ith onc othcr pcrson. \Vould sttit studcnt or protcssional pcrson. £240 pcm including ("1‘ k hills.
'l‘clz 0141 429 6271.
I Southside. Friendly, n/s, pl'ttlt‘sslttllill l'ctnalc or studcnt to sharc hcatttilttl. spacious flat in consct‘xation at‘ca. l.argc littcd kitchcn. (i('ll. hugc loungc. all mod cons. £230 pcm inclusixc o1‘("1‘. + hills. 'l‘cl: 07799 (178 184 at‘tcr 6pm. I Large bright room in Southsith lilal. closc to puhlic transport. Suitahlc lot' cinplox cd 1'cmalconl_x. £220 pcm + tlcpttsll. ‘I‘cl: (ll—ll 423 ll3-l.
I Room available in light. spacious Southsidc 11:11. 10 tninutcs front ('it_x (’cntrc. .\lassixc lix ing room. largc kitchcn 1k cas_\. lt‘ictttll}
cnx ironincnt. l'cnialc prcl’crrcd. £240 pctn including ("1.
TN: 0141 429 6953 or 07786 043 I40.
I Shawlands. Large double room for t'ricndl'x. n/s prol'cssional icinalc. to sharc rcl'tn‘hishcd llat xx ith onc othcr. .'\11 mod cons & (i('11. £230 pcm including hcating.'1'cl: 0l41 6364973 al‘tct‘6pttt.
I One bedroom in traditional. lull} l'urnishcd lilat. Solc ttsc o1 sccond loungc xx ith tclcphonc. (i(‘l l. Sharc Iargc littcd kitchcn. hathrootn & shoxxcr. Axailahlc l'or 1 pcrson to sharc. £320 pcm inclusix c. L‘\L‘L‘pl tclcphonc. ‘l‘cl: 0775l 422 l 18.
I Shawlands. Large, bright douhlc rootn in loxcl} txxo hcdroont l'lat. (it‘cat location xx ith all mod cons. Would suit n/s prolcssional 1'cinalc. £220 pcm + ("1‘ + hills. lcl: 0141 636 6746.
I Southside. Double room in high qualitx lilat. ()ttict location. closc to all atncnitics. (‘itx on|_x l0 tuinutcs. lo sharc xx ith onc othcr n/s. £300 pctn including all hills hut + dcposil. lcl: (ll-ll 649 1613.
I Double room in hright. spacious Southsidc l'lat ncar Quccns Park. 10 ininutcs to ('it} ('cntrc. l.argc kitchcn & lix ing room. to sharc xx ith onc othcr. £240 pcm + ("II
'lcli 079l9 004 460.
I Double room in Southsidc 1‘1at closc to anicnitics & transport. Sharc xx ith 2 othcrs. :\xai|ahlc troin thc 4th .\'oxcnthcr. £170 pcm + hills. 'l‘cl: 07941 055 794.
I Southside. Bedroom in sharcd l‘lat. Suit prol'cssional to sharc xx ith txxo othcrs. (i('ll. sharcd kitchcn/loungc. l3itlltl'tttttll \\ llll L‘lt'cll'lc Slit)“ L‘l‘. li\ccllcnt transport hcing ncar undcrground & .\l8. £235 pcm including ('1'. ’l‘cl: 07890 8-18 736. I Flatmate wanted to sharc xx ith onc othcr in rcccntl} dccot‘alctl tttotlct‘tt Sotttltsitlc lilat. l’rixatc parking & good for transport. cspcciall} undct‘ground. Suit _xoung ltrol'cssional. .'\xai|ah|c 110111801 Noxcnthcr. £300 pcm + hills. 'l‘cl: 07815 771741.
I Spacious double room in popular l.uincr 'l‘oxxct‘ Dcxclopntcnt. .-\11 mod cons. \Vould suit n/s ntalc to l'latsharc xx ith prol'cssional ga) ntalc couplc. £300 pcm c\cluding tclcplionc.'1c1: 07753 930 386. I Gay friendly flatmate l‘or Southsidc gardcn llat.:\11 mod cons. (iood puhlic transport. 1)og «k cat c\isting tcnants. £240 pcm inclusix c o1 hills. l)cposit rcquit'cd.
lcl: 0141 883 1708.
I Room in upper coltagc flat in (’ardonald. to sharc xx ith prol'cssional icinalc. Sorr_x no studcnts. (i('ll. l)(i & all mod cons. 'lixxo ininutcs t'roin thc hus stop. 15 ininutcs ('it) (‘cnu'c or l’aislc). £200 pcm including ('1'. 'I'c1:01418914861.
I Single room in ('ainhuslang sharing xx ith onc othcr. (low to trains & huscs. £50 pxx inclusixc. l)cposit rcquircd. ’l‘clz (17795 080 8830. I Flatshare in Roseburn. ()nc singlc room in cotnl'ortahlc. lull} 1itlcd/l'tn'nishcd llat. .-\11 mod cons xx ith (}(’ll. Suit inaturc/intcrnational studcnt. .\'o DSS. £235 pcm inclusix c ol' hills. 'l‘cI: 01292 317 094 al'lcr 6pm. I Double room in shat'cd flat in l)cnnistoun. Bright hcdroonts. lull} turnishcd. dining/kitclicn 1k hugc loungc. £250pcnif1‘cl: (17946 525 004. I Housemate wanted to sharc 4-hcdrooni housc xx ith 1 othcr. l’t'olcssional prclcrrcd. n/s. l)ouh|c room xx ith oxxn hathrootn. 20 minutcs to (ilasgoxx. £250 pcm + hills.
‘l-cl: 079l9 281 300.
I We need flatmates lot a (ilasgoxx Iargc toxxn lilat nut to stihxx;i}. taking xtitt to St lnncrs Squarc in 4 niinulcs & \Vcst [find in 10 niinutcs. Just dccoratcd. clcan & tnodcrn. £230 pcm including ("1'. Would likc clcan l'ricndlx tnatcs.
‘11-]: 07789 176 560.
I Flatmate wanted to sharc xx ith 2 girls in cotul'ortahlc lilat. ll}lltll;llltl Road. £270 pm + hills. axail tnid—Nox. ('all: 079894-15 406 altcr 6pm
I A double room l'ot' rcnl. £240 pcm in (irantlx (iardcns. Shaxx lands. (ilasgoxx. l’l‘olcsslottal licntalc pll‘lt‘l'lt‘tl. l’lcasc call Roltllt 011
07764 627 .322.
I Young prof required to sharc stunning 4 hcdroontcd gardcn flat on llct‘iot Roxx. 2 hathrooins. a largc loungc. kitcltctt xx ith hright hrcak‘l‘ast room and a lull laundry room doxx nstairs. cht is £325 pcm. l’lcasc L‘Ultlitcl Ross - 07740 444 378 or .v\nd_x' - 07712 895 17 l. I Spacious box room xx ith dcsk lot a lt'icndlx pcrson.
'I‘cl: 07736 431 541.
I No single rooms axailahlc in \tlltll}. spacious llat in (la) licld Sqttarc. £180 & £215 pcm including ("II ()xcr 27xcars & n/s prcl'crrcd. 'l‘clz 0131 556 8550.
I Broughton Street. Double room. xx ith douhlc hcd. httrcatt ck xxardrohc. All mod cons. including xxashcr/ dricr «k lull kitchcn. Spacious flat has stud}. largc sitting room xx ith x icxx ox cr thc liit‘th & hatlu'ootn xx ith shoxxcr. £300 pcm. '1‘c1: 0131 557 1949.
I Central room in hright. spacious flat. in Broughton Strcct. n/s onl_x. £280 pctn + hills. Tcl: 07703 293 336.
I Cosy room in sunn}. spacious Bruntslicld l‘lat. .'\11 mod cons. (1(‘11 & largc l'ricndlx lix ing rootn xxith lithulous x icxx s. £100 pcm + ("1' + hills. .\'/sonl_x.'lc1: 0131 4470776. I Large single room axailahlc from 1st l)cccinhcr to 1st March 2003 in thc .\lot‘ttittgsidc arca. Suitahlc l'or prolcssional n/s. £250 pcttt + ("1‘ + hills. 'l'cl: 0131 447 6765. I Friendly person wanted for sunn_\. spacious rootn. in sociahlc llt'untslicld l‘lat. .'\x:iilah|c lst I)cccnthcr. £234 pcm + ("1‘ + hills + dcposit.'1c1:0|31 228 8341.
I No double rooms in hright. spacious. Morningsidc flat in lidinhurgh. lnuncdiatc cntrx \Vould suit pt‘olcssiottal. £250pcni + hills. 'Icl: 0131 466 2065. I Double room available in l'ricndl}. ccntrallx localcd. gax lt‘lclltll} 1'lat. £250 pcm + hills. ’l‘cl: (1131 477 7859 or 07789 767 508.
I Comfortable double room. in Shandon ('olonics housc xxith all mod cons. Suit cas_x going. cnx irontttctttall) axx arc prolcssional. [Xistgraduatc or maturc studcnt n/s. £220 pcm + ("1‘ + hills. 'lclz 0131 337 3827.
I Responsible professional wanted tor quict. calm. clcan. ga_x l'ricndlx. ccntral l'lat. strictl_x n/s. £187.50 pcnt + ("1‘ + hills.
'l'cl: 07759 950 121 al'tcr 6pm. I Opportunity to rent sought—altcr singlc room. in attractix c. (‘orstot‘phinc lilat. cht to hc ntutuallx agrccd.
'1‘c1: 0131 334 6790.
I Room to let in a t'ricntllx 1'1at. £220 pcm + hills. Sttitahlc lint" :ttt}l\tttl}. 'licl: 0781 l 886 798. I Large, bright, single room. in .\lurra_x1icld to sharc
xx ith 3 xxorking othcrs. l.ocatcd ncar dirch htts routc to x
xx itltin short xx alking distancc of thc ('itx ('cntrc. £230 pcm + ("1' + hills. :\\ailahlc lrotn thc 16111 Noxcnihcr. 'l‘cI: 0131 337 3457. IVery friendly, relaxed l'atnil} honic in ( 'orstotphinc. xx ith largc gardcn. cat is also a ntotoihikc 1oran_x xxould hc ntotoihikc lansl £250 pcm xx ith lood or £200 pcm
\\ illtolll lixxl. 'lt‘l: 0| 3| 467 6l2l or 07833 353 710.
I Large double room in 1ox'c|_x 2 hcdrooni llat. locatcd in thc hcautil'ul sctting ol (‘olinton Villagc. 15ininutcs(’itx(‘cntrc. l‘t'cc parking. Suit n/s. chctarian licntalc. £300 pcm including hills. 'l‘cl: 07887 704 608 or 0| 3| 313 5300.
I Large bright double room in (’raiglockhart flat. All mod cons. £250 pctn + ("1' + hills. Would suit pt‘olcsslttttitl n/s. 'l'cl: 0131 443 2733. Wcll \\'ot‘llt x'icxx iith
I Young professional female xxantcd. for room in tnodcrn flat to draw with 2 othcr l'cnialcs. (3(‘11 & |)(}. £198.33 pctn + ("1" + hills. 'I'cI: 07816 846243.
I Bright double room in 1'ricnd|_\ & ccntt‘all) locatcd llat closc lo lltc \\'c.s1 cntl oli l’t'ittcL‘s Strcct. £250 pcm + £40 ("1‘ + hills. 'l‘clz 0781 l 394 596.
I Bright room in hcautil'ul .\lttssc1hurgh llat h_x' thc sca. Suit n/s pt'olcssiottztl lictnalc to sharc xx ith onc othcr. :\11 mod cons. £200 pctn including hills hut + (‘1'. 'l'cl: 07718 387 283. I Flatmate required for a douhlc room in (‘anonntills flat. £200 pctn + ("1‘ + hills. 'l'cl: 07761 646 489 or 07810 483 804.
I Bargain! Cosy room in cxtrcinclx ('cntral Stockhridgc (‘olonics llat. Sharing xx'ith 3 othcrs. 2 girls and 1 guy tcarlx 20s). .\1alc prcl‘ct'rcd. £200 pcm + hills. 'l'clz 0131 332 3698 or 07967 048 0l3.
I Single room available in spacious. n/s lilat. sitttatcd ol'l' Broughton Strcct. Suitahlc l'or liricndl}. )oung prol'cssional. £210 pcm + ("1' + hills. :\\ailahlc lst Nox ctnhct‘. 'l‘cl: 0131 5576004 cx'cning or (17759 934 258 or 07814 955 464.
I Single room in .\'cxx
loxx n hascmcnt llat. Would suit xtitttig. cas} going n/s prolcssional. to sharc xx'ith onc othct'. £230 pcm + hills hut including ('1'. 'l‘cl: (1131 558 9730 or 07736 065 694.
I New Town. Double hcdrootn in hcautil‘ul. spaciotts. lull} l‘urnishcd lst lloor lilat. 1‘u11x tnodcrniscd xx'itlt (1(‘11. n/s prclcrrcd. :\xai1ahlc li'oni thc 15th Noxctnhcr. £250 pcm + ("1' + hills. 'l‘cl: 07740983 295 or 01315570812.
I Stockbridge. Professional, n/s licntalc xxantcd l'or singlc room. in spacious. t'ricndl) 1'1at. £200 pcm + hills. .-\xai1ah|c cud oli ()ctohcr.'1cl: 0131 226 2746.
I Stockbridge. Professional n/s l‘cntalc \xantcd l'ot' hright singlc room in spacious l'lat. sharing with 3 othcrs. £220 pcm + ("1' + hills. .'\xai|ahlc thc 1st Dccctnhcr. 'I‘clz 0131 220 0005 al'tcr 6pm.
I Haymarket. No double hcdroonis. in spacious lull} l'urnishcd l'lat axailahlc noxx. \Vould sttit _xoung prol'cssional or studcnt. £260 pcm + hills + ("II 'l‘cl: 0131 229 7850.
I Single room available on l.othian Road lroni ()ctohcr. to sharc xx ith 3 otltcrs. (Ea) l'ricntllx £175 pcm + hills. 'I‘cl: 0131 228 3706.
I Flatmate needed for )L‘lltxxx room in crlookittg thc Mcadoxx s. Studcnts & rcccnt graduatcs prclct'rcd. 'l‘cl: 0131 478 2433.
'-'- N:“. 31311.3 THE L'ST 131