Kids listings
Join us every Saturday throughout October and November for fun-filled Kids activities in our Children's Department (First Floor).
Every Saturday from 26th October to 30th November at Ham and 3pm.
Saturday 2nd November from 12pm to 2pm.
Saturday 16th November. featuring competitions and 'mmm brownies. . .'
Saturday 30th November. featuring competitions.
Waterstone's. 128 Princes Street. Edinburgh EH2 6AD Tel: 0131 226 2666
The last word in books
Tickets are not required for any of the above activities. Balloons and Goodie Bags available while stocks last
104 THE LIST "
This Book Belongs to Me t'niil ‘l‘hu .iI ()ct. National I.ihi'ai'} ()I Scotlantl. (icoi‘gc l\' Iii'itlgc. 320-1531. l-.\p|orc thc mciting and colourful norltl oI cliiltlrcn’x liookx I'i'oin thc original l-Ilt cciitiii'} 'I'oin lltllllll‘ to thc Iatcxt Ilari'} l’ottci‘ lilockhiixtci'.
Hallowe’en Stories from the Shadows Thu 3] ()ct. ".th ‘Httpin. {ti IL‘ii. Rinal Botanic (iai'tlcn. lincrlcith Ron. I-IS 393". .‘\tl\ilIIL‘t‘ hooking rcqiiirctl. .\j_‘t'\ S-‘r. Rt‘Stthttl Slitt‘} Ic‘llL‘t‘ ('latl't' \Itilliollantl and thc .'\llltl .v\|Iiancc 'I'hcatrc oI Slitt'HL'lllttj.‘ antl Sliatloiix pi‘cxcnt an cwning ot' Spook} cnchantincnt.
Stories in the Stars Sat 3 Sun 3 \m. 2 lillpttt. l'lt‘t‘. Rti);tl ()l\\L‘t'\;tliiI'} \-l\lllll (critic. lilacklortl llill. (itih' S404. .v\gc\ 5+. .Ioiirnc} thronin thc \tarx ahoartl thc Starla. an intlatalilc planctar‘itiiii. ax .lczin) I)ockctt tcllx (ircck in)th\ and lcgcntlx ot' thc \tarx.
Outside the Cities
Activities And Fun
Hallowe’en Event tho it Oct. Spin. I'rt'c. \Iiixctiiii ()t' SCUIIISII ('oiintr} lilc. \VL'SIL't‘ Killtit‘lhttlc. l'.;t\l Kill‘l'lllt‘. (II 355 334m. (’clchi'aic Ilallozic'cn \\tlll applc tlookin'. gaincx aniI Spook} \lttt’lL‘S. Hallowe’en Happenings 'l‘hii 3| ()ci. Siltpin. I-rcc. I’alaccrigg (‘oiintry I’ai'k. I’alaccrigg Roatl. (iiinihcrnatiltl. (Illih 730017. \Vi/arilx and \\ itchtw. crcaturm oI'
Tales from the darkside with The Spookmaster—Scary Stories For Children, Thu 31 Oct , Edinburgh; Tue 5 Nov. Glasgow; Sat 9 Nov, Falkirk
()ct. III.3II;iiii & Li. \IacRohci't. I'niwrxit} ot' Stirling. Stirling. III"S(i ~l()(i()()(i. ;\gc\ S l3. .\ pla} \\Ill1ltlll\lL’ about making no“ Iainilicx.
Starlight hi i .\'m_ iiisoam .\ INIpin. £3. .\Iacl{ohcrt. l‘niwi'xil} ot Slll‘llltg‘. Sltt‘liltg. llquti ~l(i(i(i(i(i_ .v\:_'t'\ 3+. .\ liltlc pli\\lllll \ctx out on a ioiirnc} uhcrc Iic lllL‘t‘lS his I'i'icnilx. i'ahhil. Itit'ltiISt‘ illlll (m I. \\ ltt‘t't‘ Iltt‘} tlht‘tfi L‘t‘ lllL' magic ol' starlight.
Aladdin Sun 3 \m. 2.30pm. £5; tlircc IN I; I 3.5“. .-\Il\ci‘t IIale. l)tiinharton Roatl. Stirling. (IIESo 453544. :\gc\ W. .loiii .'\lillllllll on hix iiiagical atlwnttirc to rcxciic l’rincc“ Yasmin in this ptippct \pcctacnlar l'roin l’tir\c\ I’tippctx.
The Spookmaster - Scary Stories for Children Sat 0 \m.
I Iain. [3.50 it'lF-tii. I-alkirk 'I‘oxxn IIaII. \chl Iii‘itlgc Sti'ccl. l'ttllxlt'lx. til ill SilliSSII. Scc (ilaxgim. 'I'roii 'I‘Iicati'c. Loulou’s Friends Inc 13 Sat to .\'o\. Inc 'I‘Iiti IIUIIani tk I._il)piii; l’ri Illittani & "pm; Sat llain & 2pm. £3. .\IacRoltcrt. I'niwi'xit) ot' Stirling. Slit'llttg'. Ill—Sh -l(i(i(i(i(i. .\f._'L‘\ ‘l t. It‘ltlt'i) (iioca Vita prcxcnt tlircc \toricx tor chiltlrcn ahotit tlttlltIHIS looking t'oi‘ ll'lt‘llllS Ii} Icatliiig I‘i‘cnch author (ircgoii‘c SolotaicI'I.
The International Purves Puppets Iiiggar I’iippct 'Ihcatrc. Iii'oiigliton RUilll. IIIS‘I‘I 33W».i I. [5 it'll: Iainil} tickch {33 t\' No. Hook in .itI\ancc ax lllttL‘S arc xiihicct to changc.
thc night. \ho“ )ttlll'SL‘lH'S no“ onth Rt‘llllL‘lItHlS t'or particx ot' liw or lttUl'L‘. cwning ol' tright. Spook} \ialkx to Icarn aII Slum \ on Ullt‘l' mcr' tlic nc\t I\\tt \\t‘t'l\\ ahoiit Ilalloxic'cn. arc: Friday Hip Hop Hi l k .S‘ .\'o\. Pips and Panda Meet the Three 3 3.3lipni. USU pcr \wck. llU\\tlL‘II l’ark. Bears Sat 2 & Sat ‘) .\'o\. Zpiii; \Vt‘tl (i llU\\llL‘|l. l.i\ing\ton. lll5lllt 43303-1. .'\gc\ .\'o\. Ill-15am. .v\gc\ 3 “. I’ip\ antl I’antla ‘ "51 II) It). \VcckI} hip hop and hrcak dancing. llllll thcnixclwx inccting \\ itli thc tliicc
Hallowe’en Happenings Sat 2 \m. I Iain Ililipin. LI Smith .'\rt (iallci') anil \Iiixt‘iiin. Dnrnharton Road. Stirling. (II—'So
caII Jacqui Sharplcx on (INNS Rio-'71.
T Shirt Designs not (i \m,
Illiliain noon & | 3pm. [25“. .\Iothcr\\cll llcritagc (critic. I Iliin Road. \li)lltL‘t'\\L‘ll. (INNS 35 IINN). :\gt‘\ S4» Hooking c‘xxcntial. ('i‘catc )ttlll' on n 'l' \lltl'l design and print it onto a \ihitc/Iight colonrctl 'I' \ltll'l.
Theatre & Dance A Family Cookbook l‘niil tho it
Iit‘arx I)atltl) Iicar. \Itiiiiiii) Iicar. antl Bah} Iicar. .v\long thc \\;t_\. l’antla llllll\ Iiiinxcll II} ing through thc air \\ lllll‘
T.‘ WWI". :\gc\ 5 It). Stoi‘}tcllcr Sion [angling mm a kitc. l.ot\ oI songs too. ,1" Iiai‘i‘iiigton lcllx Illl‘ chilling lillL' oI lhc l.a\t Pips and Panda at the North . V. Dragon lo 'l'hi'catcn Stirling and ti'atlitional Pole Inc I: .\'o\. III-15am. :\gc\ i a f 5‘ tlookin' Ioi' applcx ix |lISI onc ot thc I’ip\ and I’antla lIIItl onc ol Saiit;i\ to} " actix iticx on oIIcr. .\ Ircc lollipop tor t'\L'I'_\ \ackx. 'I'Iic} hcar noixcx coining Iroiii tli'cxxctl up \xitch or \\ i/artl. iiixiilc. \Icct thcir nc\\ Iricntlx in llIl\ RSNO Family Workshop Sun i Nox. (‘lii‘ixtnias puppct \ltti\\. i" I 4pm. £2. Iicllxhill ('iiltiiral (‘cnti‘tz .Iolin , Sti’ccl. lit‘llxlttll. (HMS MINI)”, .\;_:t~\ 3+, Storyto mg ,5 .'\n altcrnoon ot' IIItISIt‘ inaking t'oi' all thc Animal Tails and Plant Trails Sat kl. tainiI} \iith thc RS.\'(). Io hook a placc 2 .\‘o\. 2pm. I’i'cc. .\Iniontl \';illc_\
Ilci‘ilagc Ii'iixt. \Iilllit'ltl. l.l\ ingxton.
lIl Sill) vll-l‘)57. :\f_‘t‘\ 5 ‘. Slttt'ti‘S lt'ttttt aroiintl thc “Ulltl \\ lIlt lintla \ViIIianixon. Tales and Tunes at the Tolbooth Sat 3 .\'o\. 2.30pm t\' [I (13.5“). ’l‘ollmoth 'l‘Iicatt'c. .Iail \\_\ntl. Stirling. It] "so Timur. _\gt‘\ m, SIMI'MCIICIN Ilcatlici \iilc .lllll .IoIin Ilainilton tclI talcx Ii'oin ilItIlIIltl thc \iorItI to thc iIi_\tIiiii ot tIic tli‘iini .llltl lllL‘lttllIt‘S on tlic ('|;ii\ac|i.