Glasgow Dance


‘) l'niversity Avenue. 3305522. Exploding Chestnuts and Other Old Camels Hi 25 & Sat 20 ()ct. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). (ilasgow-Nuremberg Dance Alliance presents a new dance piece which is the result of an international choreographic exchange.


232 Hope Street. 332 9000. III. \\'(‘. WA]

Drumming Sun 27 ()ct. .S’pm. £(r £l(r. Rosas. the higth rated I2-strong Belgian dance company ol‘ Anna 'I'eresa de Keersmaeker perl'orms to a score by American minimalist composer Steve Reich. Acclaimed as a masterpiece for its athleticism and hypnotic power. the show has been raved about over the world. Carmen .\Ion 23 Oct Sat 2 .\'o\. Spin: 'l‘hu ck Sat 2.15pm & 8pm. £10 £35. l.a Quadra di Se\ illa l'uses theatre. music

and dance to create a flamenco spectacular back in Scotland alter a run at the start of the year when it was acclaimed for its passion and authenticity. not to mention its onstage horse.


25 Albert Drive. 08-15 330350l. ll’. Tl. W(‘. WA]

Body Document liri 2S & Sat 26 ()ct. 8pm. £(i t£3l. ('olette Sadler presents a choreographic installation that questions how we think about dance. Journey the 2‘) Oct Sat 2 Nov. Spin: Wed & Sat 2.30pm & 8pm. £8 £l0

(£2 £6). See (ilasgow theatre listings.

Edinburgh Drama


l,adywell Way. Musselburgh. (r05 22-10. ]I’. ll. 'l'l'. W(‘. WA]

The Good Woman of Setzuan l'ntil Sat l‘) ()ct. 7.30pm t'I'hu trial

l.-l5pm). £7~£‘) (£3.50 £5). Ages l3+. 'l'ag 'l'heatre ('o presents Brecht’s classic parable about a good-hearted prostitute who is rewarded by the gods. but can only do harm to others through the mechanisms of capitalism. James Brining's production excels in creating a world full of the dilemmas of poverty. Ahoy There! It’s the Happy Gang Mon 2| & Tue 22 ()ct. See Kids listings.

Chalk Marks Hi 25 6’; Sat 26 ()ct. See Kids listings.

Johnnie Jouk the Gibbet Mon 28 Oct Sat 2 Nov. 7.30pm. £6.50 (£5). St Michael's I’Iayers Amateur Dramatic ('lub presents the story of a Lord Provost recruiting a suitable hangman.


33a Morningside Road. 220 434‘). [I’. II] Translations Wed 23 Sat 26 ()ct. 7.30pm. £(r.50t£5.50l.'1‘he Iidinburgh I’eople's 'I‘heatre performs Brian I‘riel's pow erl‘ul Irish drama 'I‘runslulions‘.

listings Theatre


1372‘) .\'icolson Street. 52‘) ()000. III. WC. WA]

The Rocky Horror Show Mon 2l-—Sat 26 ()ct. 8pm: Sat (rpm & 8.45pm. £l3.50 £23.50. See (ilasgow. King's Theatre.

Vagina Monologues Wed 30 ()ct—Sat 2 .\'ov. 7.30pm. £l2.50 £20.50. live linsler’s critically acclaimed collection of witty and moving stories embarks on its national I'K tour. starring Michelle (‘rome/. Miriam .‘dargolyes and l'na McLean. See preview.


Iilm Row. I.eith Walk. 3l7 303‘). ll’. W(‘. WA]

Contemporary Canadian Performance: Contexts and Currents Mon 2l ()ct. 7pm. I‘ree from ()I3l 3I7 3926. Professor Robert Wallace from the (ilendon ('ollei—‘e. York I'niversity. ('anada gives a lecture on contemporary (‘anadian performance.


Or you could surprise yOurself and get into the amazing bu// of live theatre. YOu don't have to get dressed up. You don't have to plan ahead. Just come along. have a drink and en]oy yourself. You don't even have to book. To frnd out what’s on call 0141 552 4267.



Theatre Bar Restaurant

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Macbeth Macbeth

See (’Iassreal See (‘Iasstcal

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See ('Iitsstcal

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Friday 25 _ Saturday 26 Sunday 27 Monday 28 2 Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30- Thursday 31

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Citizens Main Citizens Circle Citizens Stalls Cottier Th Gilmorehilthz King’s Ramshom RSAMD Theatre Royal



'lranslatrons Iranslatrons

'IIre Rth) Horror Shrrw IIre Ruk) Horror Show lIre (iorpse' (‘otpse' \liss Sargon \lrss Saigon

'Iarnrrrg ot the Shrew

\(‘k' I‘llllx

translations Ru'ky llouor Show (Itlllkr'.

.\lrss Sargon

larnrng ol the Shrew

See I'Hlk

llody l)oeurnent Itody I)oeunrenl Journey Journey Journey Possible .t’Srurniax I’msrble .‘Spuilaa- I’trssible ./Spooul;u‘ Su'Ru'ktkl’op SomalraYellow Sunalta. flirtlreWaIl. (ILrlk \i.uks (balk .\l.uks Johnnie .Iottk Johnnie ,louk Johnnie Jouk Johnnre Iouk

Sn" Ruk & I’r up Vagina Monologues

Roek'n'koll Ile.r\en Roek'n'Roll lleav en Rock'n'Roll Heaven

\Irss Sargon _\Irss Sargon \lrss Sargon

'I'amrng ol the Shrew 'I’amrng ol the Shrew

lurctory (irrls I‘actory (irrls

\agrna Monologues Rock'n‘Roll Heaven \Iiss Sargon

'l'anung ot the Shrew

I‘actory (irrls

Church Hill Festival Th King’s Playhouse Royal Lyceum St Bride’s Traverse 1

III E z or c :u o :

l.' fit (let ."tM‘ THE LIST 67
