Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


lb4 Woodlands Road. 332 0028. Mort—Fri l0am~5pmz Sat

ll)arn-— 12.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'ntil ’t‘hu .‘sl ()ct. A selection of works by \ariotis artists including [in Pattullo. lid llunter. James Watt. Frank ('olclough. James (hr and many others.


253 Argyle Street. 0001 022 0300. Along the River that Tue 2‘) ()ct. L'sing found rubber moulds of the stone carvings on tlte banks of" the ('lyde. artist Beth llamer creates casts of these hidden treasures.


1‘) Parnie Street. 552 777‘). Mon Sat noon—5pm.

New Scottish Figurative Paintings iii 4 -Tue 2‘) ()ct. l-‘iguratiye paintings by a selection of artists including (‘hei'ylene Dyer. Jacqueline .\larr. Jackie Anderson. lan Macdonald and Ben Jenkins l)a\'i,s. NEW SHOW.


185a Bath Street. 222 2830. Tue Sat l()atn—5.3()ptn.

Alexander Millar Hi I l ()ct-Suit 24 Nov .-\ .solo shim of figurative uorks by Newcastle artist Alexander .\lillar.

High Water t'ntil Sat 5 ()et. .-\ solo show of nets paintings by liuan .\lc(iregor.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 134 Blytitsyy'ootl Street. 3.52 4027. Mon—Fri 9.30am 5.30pm; Sat l()am—v-lpm.

Christine McArthur Sat 5 Tue 2‘) ()ct. Nets paintings.

Andy Glass Sat 57l'tie 2‘) ()ct. .\'eys ceramics. NEW SHO‘L’.

Russell Wright and Jung-Ji Kim Sat 5-'I'uc 2‘) ()ct. (‘ontemporary jeyyefler‘y.


f0 King Street. 553 0733. Mon Sat l0.30am- midnight: Sttri l>-~f lpm. Beyond Imagination Sun (i Sat 26 ()ct. l'p-and-coitting photographer l’eli exhibits \y'or‘k ranging frorn images of mannequins. Scottiin landscapes and still lifes.


350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Sun-Wed f lam r (ipm: 'l'hu Sat Ham-Spin.

Bill Drummond: How to Be an Artist t'ritif [iii 4 ()ct t(‘('.’\ (H. Bill l)rumriiond purchased .rt Smell of Sulphur in [he ll'im/ by ltis fayotirite artist. Richard Long iit l‘)‘)5 for 820000. Three years later he decided to thy itle the work tip into 20.000 pieces and is selling each bit for one dollar each. This process is documented here iii an exhibition. performance and book.

Bill Drummond Performances Thu 3 ()ct. Spin. £5 t£4l. t(‘(‘:\ (it. A performance by Bill Drummond that describes the process of di\ idiiig tip a work by Richard |.ong.

Stephen Healy: the Greenhouse Project Launch firm is lit 4 ()ct.

3 9pm. Stephen llcaly launches his site- specific project which takes place \y itfiiit a (ilasgoyt allotment. Playing on the desire for the increasing demand for

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Tom Corbin If by Franco Fanelli on show at the Edinburgh Printmakers

perfect looking products. llealy is attempting to manipulate the form of fruits arid \egetabfes by encouraging them to gum in glass-liloyyn rnotilds replicating human organs. The eshibitioii continues at Queens Park allotments. 45 I.atigside Road on Sat 5 N Sttii (i ()ct. 5:? N55 Sat 5 ()ct Stiti H) .\'o\. .\ lie“ project by this collaboi‘atiyc group of artists based iii (‘opcnhagctt arid .\lalmo iii association with \ll"('.r\. I'itll' the ('('.v\. they will be installing .SIIUI’. a shop u here people cati e\chaiige things \\ itltotit the tise of money as well as make contributions. borrots aitd syyap things. Sec prey ieyy. (ilasgtm life. Sec Illllisl. Nl_‘.'.' 8l7l()\.'..

N55 Gallery Talks Sat 5 ()ct. 2pm. ('i‘itic and curator l.ars Hang l.arscii giyes ati introduction to .\'55 practice iii the contest of the (‘openhageit arts

N55 Discussions the S fun I." ()ct.

Sth ()ct. l0th ()ct. l5th ()ct tk l7th ()ct Spin: lith ()ct 4pm. .\ series of discussion cy ents facilitated by the collaboratiye group \55 and guest speakers.

N55 Gallery Talks Sat l2 ()ct. 2pm. (‘tii‘ator for .\'ll-'('.-\ Rebecca (iordon .\'esbitt is in coityci‘satioti \\ itlt N55. Gender Culture Power: Past and Present Sat I2 ()ct. the. .'\II interdisciplinary conference presented by the l'ni\crsity of Strathclyde iii (ieiider Studies e\ploi'itig gender iit relation to cultural politics. l‘or more information gt) tti \t\y\y.sti'ath.ac.ttk/l)epai‘tiiients/scigs.


l'tiiyersity of Strathclyde 22 Richmond Street. 548 2558. Mon l-t't lflam 5pm: Sat iiooit 4pm.

Heavier Than Air: Tom McKendrick Sat 5 ()ct Sat 33 Not. .\ nets installation by tom Mcls’endrick inspired by the eyoftttion of tire aeroplane. comprising paintings. kinetic sculptures. projected imagery and ambient soundtracks.

COMPASS GALLERY I73 \Vesl Regent Street. 22] 0570. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Diana Leslie: Next Tuesday that \\'ed 2.: ()ct. .\ solo shots of nets paintings.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) 1000. Mon 'I‘hti tk Sat lllant 5pm; liri Stiit flam 5pm.

Re: Place iii 4 ()ct Sun 5 Jan. Specially commissioned \iork by Susie Johnston and Rachel .\litniec which responds to tlte lltsltll'les tll' tlte gallery building


Rotikeii (iiefl Road. 020 0235. Mon. 'I'hti. l’i'i tk Stiii fill 5.30pm; Sat

ll..5l);lttl 5.30pm.

Small and Beautiful Stiii (t ()ct Sat In Not. ;\ mi\ed shots of siiiall—scale paintings including \sorks by Jennifer .i\lltlel'still. Margarctattii Bennet. fs'ii'sty Whither. .'\ie\;llltief‘ Robb aitd l)a\ id .\larttit.


'45 “est Regent Street. 22l 509.5. .\foii Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.

Donald Clark t‘iitil Wed 0 ()ct. .\'e\s paintings front .'\tll\lef'tl;flll.

Tom Shanks \cst tip is Tom Shanks with tie“ \yatei'colotirs.


l2 Rtlse Street. 552 bl2b. Ii. \\A(‘. Cuban Poster Exhibition t'iitil ’f‘lui 3f ()ct. .'\ll e\hibitioii of rare (‘tibait film posters as part of the (ilasgoty u idc Si (‘tiba l‘cstiyal.


22 N 25 King Street. 552 (V04. 'l'tic Sat 10am 5.30pm.

0 John Byrne t'iitil Sat 0 .\'o\. .\'c\\ work by the artist. \\ rilct‘ and director John Byrne. Ill this his first itiajoi' shots since his retrospectiyc at l’atsley .\lusetmi and .-\it (iallet'y. Scc t'cy te\\ aitd llitlist.

Harry Magee t’iitil Sat t) .\'o\. fiitaglio prints by Harry \fagee which continues his c\p|oi‘ation of familiar aitd itoi so familiar laitdiiiai'ks.

Pink Ribbon Show that Sat ll .\'o\. ;\Il e\|tibttioit and auction of work by

ltl\ itcd :tt'tlsls illltI celebrities ltl fillse money for breast cancer charities iii .St‘ttllallti.

listings Art


Calum Colvin - Ossian: Fragments of Ancient Poetry Pan studio-constructed still life. part photographic and part computer- manipulated images. Calum Colvin investigates themes of histOry. time. memory and myth in this new body of work. See preview. National POitrait Gallery. Edinburgh, Fri 4 Oct—Sun 9 Feb.

Ken Currie A solo show of new work by the internationally renowned Glasgow-based artist Ken Currie to coincide with the launch of a new book on the artist by historian Tom Normand. Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow. until Sat 76 Nov.

Hammertown New works produced specifically for the exhibition by six young Canadian artists. selected for their affinities with cultural productions. See preview. Fruit/narket Gallery. Edinburgh. Fri 4 Oct—Fri 22 Nov.

N55 Based in Copenhagen and lvlalmo. collaborative group N55 iiivite yOu to step inside their SHOP. where yOu can exchange things without the use of money. make contributions and borrow things. See pf'GVleW. Glasgow Life. CCA. Glasgow. Sat 5 Oct—Sun 70 Nov.

Evergreens and Nevergreens From complex building projects to the ageless appeal of his chairs. the work of Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen is celebrated in the only UK showing of this major exhibition. The Lighthouse. Glasgo'rv. until Sun 3 Nov.

Howard Hodgkin: Large Paintings 1984-2002 Last chance to see these beautiful interpretations of situations and memories in colour. Dean Gallery, Edinburgh. until Sun 6 Oct.

John Byrne The multi-talented Paisley-born John Byrne exhibits his latest works in his first major show for two years. See review. Glasgow Print Studio, Glasgow, until 9 Nov.

Jon Schueler Spending his lifetime between New York and lvtailaig on the west coast of Scotland. an exhibition of paintings by the American abstract expressionist. See review. lng/eby Gallery; Edinburgh. Sat 28 Sec-Sat 2 Nov.

.«T ‘i ' 0.". .3032 THE LIST 95