Chart & Party

Clubs listings

on THE DECKS - "

Aim (feat Kate Rodgers) ‘The Girl who Fell Through the Ice' :Graiv: Centrali oooo Skip the SS‘.‘.’(3£;'. or f": functional original and ge'ge ;.:>..'s-:;v‘ on Andy Votel's hanoieds a ‘1)

thousands-tot)ped (:reaiit t:'-:;- ;:‘ '(:lt‘: x on the flip. Yum.

Cosmo Vitelli ‘Party Day’ V'gin oooo Kinda Rook). kinda :tatiit: electro pop which until delg-“t as t;()'." warm-up bubbier or COIN-(E iii} anthem.

Corp69 v Howie B ‘Elastronik‘ tWhite iabei‘i moo Ineessant. nagging and wilfully dark (?()lli‘tl)()l'£tl|()t‘. between CltlSi‘JC Edinburgh (too and the baldie. bearded tinsang genius proving eleetro doesn't. na.e to tie test cheesy or siea/';.' ‘t; be t’v'ightta‘tngig, good.

DJ Gregory ‘Tropicalsound Clash' iDet'eeted‘ ooo Don". be :>..t : the amateurish dietiei‘ Here. the tacking Latin moeg tiaezs et' int,- K< Dope remix is enough to «eet: tt‘e SOUl brimming ‘.'.i"tlt

Philadelphia Experiment ‘Philadelphia Experiment' (Ropeadobei oooo AthIét Biaes' Charlie Dark reworks “‘38 US "ill;- hop ia/z (.ttiartet's groove into a staccato funk epic. Uiii_)reti'i(:tab1(:- and lt)‘.’(:l‘,'. Slam (feat Dot Alison) ‘Visions‘ tSoma; oooo A raft of remixes bolster this passable ‘iiiai singte f"om the Avon Radio 'nitg til;ij.'<;-r‘. Vtaizr: buiids the mood, f)"{}itt£t into a" excellent Drama Somme" meets-Did sotiiidelasti white l‘.‘.'(; lope S‘JJOltlSlttOtt and Wm K'(:"Ett‘ not: some dubbx.i space-dust and surging dynamics respectixeti to the sonic ff? smelting pot. Bedrock ‘Emerald‘ ‘litftl'tXIK:

000 Filteriiead/ t(}'l(l a deft flick of 13 the E0 to help shape this progg; Gregg's sausage tozi of a track hit; a f; palate-tingling SIZ/lltig steak sarnie. UMEK ‘Tilonal’ tNovaintitei moo Techno. madam? C(El'lt'tllll" non-x

.".’()Lit(l)'(l.i1t\(: :7 Heat: (“1"(1 stating}; ‘.'/lt|l(3 reta 'iing an Ejiltlleink groove and a futuristic bent? Hoax/s anotit to." tracks ‘.‘/()t’llt then? took out ‘0' 71s S.o.eii.ati's .miiiinen'. appearamt; at "en: t riiiibtirgh iitglit Open to 'ltx'tane i-'=<:a, ‘1 ()ctotaa».

tit/tam liiitaa’fs'fl‘:

I Bonkers at Bonkei'x. llpm ittlll. L31 hel'ore midnight; L5 alter. \Veekl}. \Vho are u e to ai'gtie \\ ith lllt\ night ot' tinhridled poptilarit} attd sill} ltin'.’ \ltiiitxti'eatii pop minglex \\ ith the ltll\ ot the Ktix and tlte Cl't)\\tl go \\lltl \\ et'k :tllt‘t' \\ eek.

I Boogie Nights at Media. llpttt 3am. to. \Veekl}. Step haek iti time to re\el in the lllllL‘\ ol the 7l)\ and Stix. :\l'l‘l\ e earh to atoid a ei'tixhing tll\;tppt)lllllltt‘lll.

I Classic PM at l'tir} \ltii‘i'}\.


llpm 3am. to tut. \\'eekl_\. .\'ieel_\ named night ol' happinexx item the old eltih undergoing \ttlttL‘llllltg‘ ol‘ a renaissanee. l)atiee elaxxtex atid part) tunes. \\ ith alternatn e and t'oek ltlltL‘\ upstairs iii 'l'\\ ister.

I The Garage at the (image.

ltlpm Sam. [5 (Lil het'ore llpm: to t L‘Ji alter. \Veekl}. ()tie ol~ the l‘lt\lt‘\l nights iii lt)\\lt. Stiper-etiiiimei‘eial pai't_\ \tttllttl\ on the main daneetloor and indie elasxiex iii the Attie.

I Graduate Club at g3. l lpiii 3am. £4 (23!. \VL‘L‘kl}. Designed to suit tltoxe \xlto hate ahta} \ enjo) ed a (iat'age-xt} le night out. but teel a little loiig in the tootlt \\l1L‘ll surrounded h_\ l'rexh-laeed. lager-stained )oungxtei‘x. Ste\ e Hat is pi‘o\ ides the pad} anthems.

I The Shack at Shaek. ltl. itlpm 3am. La Its I. \Vt‘ckl}. (.ltt‘LW} L‘lltttl ltltte\ alttl eommereial danee traekx limit 1).] (ii'aeme. I Seduction at l)L'\llll}. ltlpm 3am. to het'oi‘e llpm; L.“ alter. \Veekl}. tonight the eltih \totild like )0“ to die“ to impith \thile enio} mg the ll\ll'.tl eomniei'eial house‘ii'tt'anee pap.

I Strawberry Fields at Sttxttttieir} l‘ields. ltlfillpm 3am. [5. \Veekl}. (lawn part} ttoiixettxe li'oiii the (ith to last week.

Glasgow Sundays


I Budda at Bar Btidda. hpm midnight l'll'L'L‘. \VCL‘hl}. l)t\[tL‘l lllL' ltlg‘ltlitl'lt‘l' ltltlt‘\ \\ itlt l).l (‘olin \Valker ol the \eu York :\llianee. \tho \till he plating onl_\ the tlL‘L‘PL‘d littllw ttlltl llltt\l progrexxhe gt'ttt\\e\.

I Divine Intervention at Brel.

‘lpm midnight. l’i'ee. \Veekl}. l).l llll\lt]tlll\]\} ltlL‘Iltl\ mod. old gi‘oot e and ltink into a pleasing mash. \L‘l'\ ed \\lllt \ottte line hotixe red.

I Elilots at lilliot'x. hpm midnight l'i'ee. \Veekh. .\ ltL‘\\ open deekx night at thix \tihtl} [ttMlltttllCtl hat' in tlte ol'tiee distriet Bring along _\ei‘ t'eeordx. htit onl} it the} ‘i'e good. No trattee please.

I The Hustler at .'\ll' ()igaiiie.

5pm midnight. l‘i'ee. \Veekl}. Straight out the ‘lttttttl ltt )tttlt' neek til the \\tttttl\1 Johnnie Bla/e and his oeeaxional guests \tippl} gl'tto\t'\ so smooth the} 'd mo\ e to‘ momma'x ass.

I The Man with No Suitcase at the (irit'lin). t\'pm midnight. l‘ll't‘t‘. (i ()et. .\lonthl_\. See otit _\otii‘ tteekend \\ ith a smile as KlllL‘l'\\;tll prexentx the original mi\ oi ettlt \ l\ll;tl\. eool themes. killer heats. eonipetitionx. pri/ex. the iiitilti ehanneled Killei‘ttatt Sttap Shop. hi/ai'i'o halloon modelling and the world latiiotix eelehrit) \naek game. Desert Island ('i‘ixpx. Your host. I)r Ashton l.atttont. presentx a \et‘itahle \ ideo least ol' the stars and \lltt\\\ ol- )exter} ear ax _\oti‘\ e no er seen them het'oi‘e. l)-l Kai‘lxki supplies the etilt themes. tregi'ettahlei \l;tlt\ at eelehrit} pop \tai‘doiii \kill'till} mi\ed \\llll a side lielpttig ol’ \haolin heat\.

I The Medicine Room iii Brel.

8pm midnight. l‘iee. \Veek‘l}. .\ledieitie Room l).l\ turn a naxt) lttltl-NH'L‘k itiood ittto a smooth. \edtietit e e\ ening \L‘\\lttll. I Moloco at .\loloeo. 5pm tttidiiiglit. l‘ree. \Veekl}. Martin St John keep\ it mi\ed tip. \\ ith a \eleetion that takes in \toinpiii' northern \tttll. roots. i‘oek and reggae.

I Mongo’s Hi-Fi at Bloe. .\ll tla_\. l'i'ee. \Veekl}. l.o.ttl tip oit tltih atid gitili as \longo hits ll\ \\lllt eooking \lll}l all da} \ahhath. .\loiigo like eaiitltl

I Nico’s at \it‘o's. ‘lpiii iititltiight. l'iee. \Veekl}. 'l'tit‘ii that lltt\‘.ll ll[l\|tl\‘ doe. it. Bill} \lilligan. the lait .\lel|i\ ol tlaiiee llllhlt'. till-VIN gt ellt‘t‘\t‘l\tt;tl’tl til lttt \lttall \at'iet}.

I Phonic at .\ltt\klltt. “pm midnight. l'lL‘L'. \Vt‘t‘kl}. 'l‘lttNt' l’lltttttt' lt‘lltm \ alt‘ poppiitg tip e\ei'_\\\here. \Vindmg dott it the \Keekend. Gordon and Stexeii pla_\ oiil_\ the L‘ltttteexl lttttht‘ ettlx.

I Passionality at (ttl‘t‘. llttlpm 3am. l'iee. \Veekl}. l).l Shaun t'lt\lllt'\ that the \teekend l\ \lit}lll_‘_' ;tll\ e \\lllt this post “Ct‘lkt‘lltl night ol pleasing t‘ll.tlll\ll_\.

I Ross McMillan at _\'teo\.

‘lpiii midnight. l'i'ee_ \\’eekl'\. l\’L‘\ttlt‘lll presents the eheexiext ehart ta\otii'ite\ to lll\ \lett.\ ll'lL‘lltl\.

I R&B at Bar lit. "pm midnight. l'i’ee. \\'eekl_\. lx’e|a\ \\llll lx’th tiaekxiiiither} and take atl\aiitage ot the generous tll'lllk\ pt'otthw at lltl\ elaxx) eit} eentt'e hat.

I Scratch’n’Sniff at .\le(‘lititll\. ‘lpiii ttiidiiiglit. l't‘ee. \Veekl}. \eu pre eltih \enttit'e. lt‘dltll'lllg‘ l).tiiii) Bai'hotir

plat ing house. garage and \thatetei‘ elxe he


I Soulful Sundays at 'l‘t-liai (iota

3 “pill. l'il-L‘C. \VL‘L‘kly ll.\ all ettlltltlelu‘ ltt a deep sense ol ehill: drink ohxetii‘e teas. pla_\ ehesx. gi\ e tour hod} a rest. llt‘\lt‘tl

h} lx’a} iiiotido and Rotli'igtie/ tl'ttttl\ ()iil_\ t.

llll\ l\ a \tttllllll \t‘\\lttll to help reioiii the human t'aee alter the \teekend'x \llllllt‘\\. I Sugar Shack at tlte Bah} (hand to lilm Bank (iardeiiw. .\pm midnight. the \Veekl}. .\ hleiid ot ttmk. ia//. soul and [aim li'oiii l).l \laieelo.


I Bennet’s at Beiiiiet‘s. llfitlpm 3am. U. \Vt‘ekl}. lit \thieh \\ e are eonli'ontetl h} a \tiange pai'it). loin play lllllt‘\ lo\ ed h} I: _\e.ti‘ old gii'lx. plus \oiiie haiigiir handhag. to eguall} appi‘eeiath e ga} men. l'lllttt} old \torld.

I Bite at the ('athotixe. ltlfitlpm 3am. l‘i‘ee heloi'e lldllltm; “I tL'lStli alter. \Veekl}. .\ milder ini\ ol' indie and roek than )oti‘ll tind at the eit} \ premier t'oek name on l‘i'i or Sat.

I Bump’n’Grind at tlte \el\et Rttttlttx llpiti iaiii. [-1tEZi.\Veekl}.\Viiiddottn the \teekend \\lllt l).\l(}\ mi\ or Rth and \ll't‘et \ttttl.

I Chittlin’ Hoedown at Bai‘l'l}.

llpm 2am. (I. \Veekl}. .\ llt‘\\ night dexoted to prett} iiitieh \\ll;tlt‘\ er the l).l\ please. iiieltitling duh. hip hop and eleeti'o \\ lllt tttltlt‘tl \[tl;t\lte\ til ttttlte \ltlll'.

I Club Tropicana at the (iarage t.-\ttiei. llpm 3am. L'.‘ tEZi. \Veekl}. liidie. hoth elaxxie atid eonteiitpot'ai'}, \\ ith Lt health) tlttw Uli Bt'tlpttp.

I Dream at Strauherr} l‘lields.

ltl. ‘ttpm 3am. US. \Veekl}. l‘it'teen titiid to get in.’ You‘re “min a laugh. ain‘t _\a.’ Bttt nail: the hat is eottipletel) li'ee all night. so stop moaning and get drunk.

I Hard Wired at Bath} ttoi‘merl} the |31lt \ote ('ltihi. ‘lpm 3am. l’i'ee. \Veekl}. .\ night \o i'oekiii~ it \\lll hate Kurt \tixhing he hadn't heen quite so rash. llappil_\ a\oiding 35 tear old\ in \llttl'l\

\\ ith a \keteh) knott ledge ol rap ttio iiti inetali and l.'( )i'eal .tl‘ll\l|1;_‘ pootlleix. llaid \\ tied \\|ll plat lllllt‘\ lroiii lett ol the middle hig lllllt‘l'\ \tlL'll .t\ \\'ee/ei. loo l‘lg'lllt'h. Red Hot ('hilli l’eppeix .iitd lltiiidied lx’e;i\oii\ in the do\\n\taii\ area, I Liquid COOI at Balta/a, ‘lpttt laitt. “t‘t‘kly .\.l, Kl'tx Kt‘t'g‘dll illltl l.tll 'l‘hoiiipxoii plat top noteh \oeal garage and littll\t' to a eltih paeked \\tllt Inpei llL‘tlHlll\llt' t\teiit_\\otiiethitig re\ellei\. all ol \\llttllt \t‘t‘ltl to hax e loi'gotleii that the} hate \toi'k in the iiioiniiig ll titialit} lllltt‘\ and glantoiotix .lllllt‘\ .iie totit hag. Sun at Balm/a ix llllllil\\;ll‘lt'_

I Miso at the (".ipt.iiii\ Rest

Joey Negro guests at Offset, Fri 4 Oct

"pm midnight. £3. (i ()et. .\lonthl_\. Another thrilling llt\l;tlllllL‘ltl trom l)eep Btii'iit. \\lllt \l-L'tll dh. hit'l'i'onie and o.aeaiii. Be iii t'till died.

0 Optimo (Espacio) at .\t..\.\‘ tllt axxoeiation \\lllt the Stilt ('ltthi.

llpm 3am. £5 tUi. \Veekl}. .leanx 'leam tKitt} »-\'oi lt'ttltl Berlin drop a set on (i (M. lixe \\ ith .\litte karaoke in the hat. then. a hit oi a eottp on IR ()et. \\ ith Add X to t.\i li\e.

I Streaker at Shaek. ltlfitlpm 3.30am. L; Hedi. \VCL‘hl}. l).l .l;tlttt‘\ .lllC BU}. (iat‘tlnet' \pttt\ the lt';tt‘k\ littt' llltt\t‘

ettio} mg imiiiattii'e antiex and naked t'tin. 'l'hix \otmdx like a good latiglt. eh'.’

I Sunday Surgery at ('tihe.

l lpm 3am. [5 t£.1i.\\'eekl_\.('ameron (‘raig tll\[‘t‘ll\c\ some \;tl\ e l'oi' _\otir \tttll in this di\erting \\ inder—dou ner \\ itlt a medieal theme.

I Sunday Best at the Shed.

ltlfitlpm Jam. [3 iL‘Ii. \Veekl}. the Right Re\erend .lim l)a Bext tll}pe. (‘tihet pla_\\ \\ hate\ er the hell he “ants eaeh and e\et‘_\ Sahhath tor the htmgot er ones.

I Transistor at the Polo I.otinge.

l lpiii Ram. l5. \Veekl}. Real pop tor real people \\llll l).l\ \iall .\le.\lurt'a} aitd \\‘;i_\ne |)i\oti.

Chart & Patty

I Atmosphere at Destiny ltlpm Ram. £3 het'ore l lpiii: £4 alter. \\'eekl_\. \Viiiding. hent metal \ttt't'ottittlittg\ and \etitiin-elad )otithx. all itiariitated in a gt‘ltt‘t’ttth ;llttttttlt[ ttl' eheap l‘tltl/C and lti'ottght to the hoil \\ ith onl} the eheexiest Ul- tt'aek \L‘lt‘k'llttlh.

I Disco at l’tir} \ltii'i') 'x. llpm Sam. [-1 IE3 t. \VL‘L‘kly (.ltt‘L‘\t‘-l;t\lte tll\L'U ltttl littl- \llltlt‘lll\. \tith l)a\e and Phil spinning the tll\L'\.

I Media at Media. llpm Rant. [2. \Veekl}. .\ lull—on l'latottt‘ed mi\ li'oiti rotational residents ltllh karaoke in room ttto. l)l'llll\\ pt'otttttx a homo tall drinks L'Z all iiigliti.

Glasgow Mondays


I Hector Monday’s Quiz at .\'ieo\. ‘)pm midnight. l'ii'ee. \Veekl}. ()i‘. to git e it it\ in“ title. 'lleetor .\londa} \ ()tii/ on a Stinda} etei‘) .\lotida}'. l’ri/ex galore. [tit/LN lttt‘ the \\ttt'\l tlt'L‘\\L‘tl. tlt\;t\ll't\tI\ hait'etitx. \llllll\ll anttex and general Illl\l\‘ll;l\ lttlll' make llll\ a i'eiiiai'kahle pre eltih speetaele.

I Salsa for Beginners at (‘iiha \ot‘te. “pm midnight. L31it.‘t.\\'eekl}.(‘antoti learn the \al\a.’ (it\ e it a right good go at llll\ high elaxx night ol toiiil'oolei'},

I salsa Vida at lla\atta. Ll. \\'eekl_\. l'eel the t‘ll_\lltttt. 'l'hix l\ a i‘ela\etl and them“) \alxa \"l;l\\ t\\ ttlt teaehei' .\lltl_\ Bairdi loi‘ those \\ ixhing to dip their toe\ in the \alxa \tatet.

I Cul De Sac at ('til l)e Sae.

‘lpm iiiidiiiglil. I‘i'ee. \\'eekl_\. \Vateh _\oti don't htirii _\ottr lingers oit l)r l’atil'x (‘llll/ ol l-ii'e.

Clttb I Burn at \l.\.\. llpm ‘am. l’ree tor