Music rock & pop listings
Thursday 1 0 continued
I Dan Sullivan and Richard Youngs West 13th. 13 Kely'inhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. Finger-pickin‘ good guitar work from the (‘hicago- based Sulliy'an w ho records using the moniker .\'ad .\'ayillus and whose other projects include arranging 'l'lte Rite of Spring for rock instruments and playing in a bluegrass band.
I The Beagles (irattd ()le ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 429 5396. 7.30pm. £6. An Eagles tribute band. ()h dear.
I Berd, Toulouse and Neon Underground Soundgarden. Starka (upstairs). 352 Brandon Street. .\lotherwell. 01698 276 644. £3.
I Canvist Studio One. (irosy‘enor Hotel. (irosyenor Terrace. 341 6516. 9pm. Free. Soul/rock covers.
I Open Mic Tchai ()yna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. Free.
I The Vagabonds The Scotia. 112—114 Stockwell Street. 552 8681. 9pm. Free. Popular coyers.
I Jam Session Samuel [)ow's, 67—91 .\'ithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free.
I Live Music MacSorleyK. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 9pm. Free. Local bands.
I Live Music Tinderbox. 189 Byres Road. 339 3108. 9pm. Free.
I Live Music Beanscene. 5 ('resswell Lane. 334 6776. 8pm. Free. lntimate sets from local sitiger/songwriters.
I Babacool and Rangan lleriot- \Vatt L'niyersity t'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 9pm Free. Babacool are an eseitable indie electronica soundelash that doesn't automatically tttake yott think o1 li.\lF. (‘an't be bad. Students and guests only.
I EM-J Berlin Bierhaus. Queenslerry Street Lane (West end). 9.30pm £4. :\ micheyious blettd ()1 rock and pop local singer/songwriter.
East Kilbride
I Ron E Carter — Play Hendrix East Kilhride Arts Centre. ()ld (‘oach Road. 01355 261000. 8pm. £8 (£6). The acclaimed guitarist plays his ow n interpretation o1 Hendrix’s works. interspersed with original material.
I Interpol, Simian and Pariah King Tut's \Vah \Vah llttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8pm. £6. Anglophile New York hand influenced by the doomy post-punk likes ()1 Joy
l)i\ ision and licho and the Bttnnymen but still actually really good. ()n .\latador and ('hemikal l'ndergrotmd tor a bit what other recommendation do you need‘.’ Simian are similarly moody. bttt in a kind of strange. uplifting kind or way. (io see. I Alternative Nation The (‘athouse. l5 L'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4. ()yer-l4s show.
I Martin Grech, Mew and Raar Barfly (formerly the l3th .\'ote (‘lttb). 260 Clyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8.30pm. £6. (irech is a Thom Yorke meets Trent Re/nor aspiring electroniea/ singer/songwriter who proyides the haunting soundtrack tor that 1.e.\us car ad with the bloke dt‘iy ing round Rome. Yott know the one.
I Macrocosmica and Elbow Wobble West 13th. 13 Kelyinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. Post-eyerything extreme .\'oise/tiuiet terror l'rom the ‘(‘osmica. (irt‘rr.
I Mostly Autumn The Ferry. ('lyde Place. 429 1010. 9pm. £10 pltts booking lee. (‘lassie rock.
I Taunt, Genepool and Seth Fury .\lurry's. 96 .\laxwell Street. 221 6511.- 9pm. £4. including entry to post-gig club. I Texas Express (irand ()le ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 429 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 members). ('ountry.
58 THE LIST T1-‘7' (112'. 221.2.
I Abba Tribute Bout-hon Street. 108 (ieorge Street. 5520141. 7pm. £5 (£14.50 with dinner).
I Crossfire .\lacSorley 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 9pm. Free.
I The Ragaels Samuel Dow's. 67 ()1 .\'ithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free.
I Indafusion, Range 1 1, Enki and Airborne The liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £4. ('.-\.\'(’1il.1.lil).
I Comfy Moss, the Kittens and Javelin Bongo (‘1ttb. l4 .\'ew Street. 558 7604. 717111. £3. .-\ll'onso Records present this triple o1 alternatiy e acts. See preyiew.
I Co-Exist, Errata, Broken Oath and Kaddish Studio 24. ('alton Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm. £3 £4. The best itt metal and hard rock action trom Zealous. I Canoes, Tigermoth, Potbelly, Time Bomb Soldiers and Felix Lighter (‘ommplex (l'ormet‘ly (’lttb Jam). 40 ('ommercial Street. l.eith. 555 5622. 8pm. £5. Quality line-up ol‘ local indie and rock acts.
I Ron E Carter - Play Hendrix (‘umbernauld Theatre. Kildrum. 01236 732887. 7.45pm. £8 (£5). See Thu 10.
ODeath in Vegas and Electralane Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l7niyersity (iardens. 339 9784. 7.30pm. S()l.1) ()l'T. .\1oody modish duo who blend guitars and electronica iii a \aguely Primal Screamesque lashion. ('urrent album Smrpio Rising is groaning with guests including Pattl \Veller. l.iam (iallagher and Hope Sandoyal.
I Bowling For Soup, Jesse James and Farse The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1 120. 7.30pm. £7.50. Our 14s show. 'l‘esan pop/punk battd with the most l'ormidahle looking guitarist since that scary one lrom the lliyes, who recently enjoy ed a stittt in the hit parade with their jocular single ‘(iirl All the Bad (iuys \Vant‘.
I Garlic, the Kittens and Sustained King Tut‘s \Vah \Vah llttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £5 pltts hooking lee. London- based indie combo who wrote Not ()\ er Yet'. later turned ittto a rayey anthem by some anonymous oltllll.
I Tippi Barfly (lormerly the 13111 Note (1111)), 260(‘1ytlc Street,0870911711999. 8.30pm. £6. Rising (ilaswegian singer/songw riter promoting the release or her second single ‘ltis a Phase'.
I Eva \Vest l3lh. l3 ls'elyinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. Delicate. wispy sounds with \iolin embelltshments.
I Bearsuit and My Legendary Gilrfriend The \Vinchester ('lub. the \Voodsitle Social (lob. .\'orth \Vootlside Road (opposite ls'ely inhridge l'nderground statit)111.9pitt. £4..\'ol'loll\‘s linest puryeyors o1 prickly pop Bearsuit team tip with the stupidly monikered clectro-pop tykes .\ly legendary (iirlt'riend.
I Police Chief and Viva Stereo (tbc) liast Kilht‘ide .-\rts ('entre. ()ld (‘oach Road. liast .\lains. liast Kilbride. 013552 61111111, 8pm. £61£4), lltl'eellotts dance grooycs lrom Police (‘hieli
I Open Stage Blues Jam .\'ice‘n'Slea/y. 421 Sattchiehall Street. 333 9637.2pnt
I Co-Exist, Madman is Absolute, Evidence of Trauma, Mendeed and Churn .\ice'n'Slea/y. 421 Sattchieltall Street. 333 963.". 6pm. £5. Another ()1 the regular Si\ llours o1 llate eyeningsoldeliglttlule\1reme metal. Additional acts still to be conlirmed.
I A Close Last The 13th .\'ote (are. 50 60 King Street. 55.3 1638. 9pm. £3. Pltts three bands to he conlirmed.
I Arizona Blue (irand ()le ()pry. Paisley Road loll. 429 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 mettibers). ('ountry.
I George Michael Tribute Bourbott Street. 108(ieorge Street. 5.5211141. 7pm. £5 (£16,511 with dinner).
I The People .\lct'huills.4011igh Street. 552 2135. 10pm. Free. Arthur hand.
I Jamie Barnes 8: Cochise .\1acSorley 's. 42 .lamaica Street. 248 8581. 6pm. Free. Residency tor the Rth
I Roost .\lacSorley 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 9pm. Free. Rth.
I Isis Samuel 1)ow's.67 91 .\'itltsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free.
I Open Stage The Hall Bar. 160 \Vootllalttls Road. 564 1527. 4 3pm. Free. Weekly session 101' local Itltlsieialts.
I Live Music The Hall Bar. 160 \VtHKllillltlS Road. .5134 1527. 4 9pm. Free.
I Vex Red and Biffy Clyro The liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £9, \'e\ Red were plucked lrotit obscurity by rock producer estraordinairc Ross Robinson (Slipknot.
V TWin play CCA Glasgow, Sat 5 Oct l.imp Bi/kit) to he signed to his 1 Am imprint. attd now leading the British contingent ol the ntt-metal phenomena. Support from (ilasgow noisnik geniuses. I Deadenstereo, Firing Squad arid the Rich Hill The .\lercat. 28 West .\laitland Street. 225 3861. 7.30pm. £4. lndie aitd rock triple hill and single launch night tor the Rich Hill.
I WLM Q-Bar. 5—11 l.eith Street. 557 5830. 8pm. £l--£3. R&B. garage. house and lunk with an Asian yibe from the West London .\lassiy'e. liy‘e attd DJs.
I Ron E Carter - Play Hendrix (‘arnegie llall. liast Port. 01383 314000. 7.30pm. £9 (£6 £7). See Thu 10.
East Kilbride
I Police Chief, Viva Stereo and Ursula Minor Iiast Kilbride Arts Centre. ()ld ('oaeh Road. 01355 261000. 8pm. £6 (£4). .»\n explosive rock/dance e\trayagan/,a headlined by the ever- toppermost Police Chief.
I The Gain, My Little Underground and Equally Screwed Leisure Bowl. Parkway. 01259 723527. 9pm. £3—£4. Punked tip triple bill of local acts.
I Don Williams Royal Concert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £22.50/£20/£l8.50. Country stalwart.
I Add N to (X) ()ptimo. .\las. 29 Royal lixchange Square. 221 7080.
l lptn. £6. The endlessly inyentiye Add X to (.\') contintte their mission to prove that analogue keyboards rock.
I Mushroomhead The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1 120. 7.30pm. £10. ()yer-14s show. S&.‘\1 gas mask- totittg metal combining influences from goth. industrial and techno. ()oh. scary. I 4ft Fingers, Gash, Whitmore and Mixswitch King Tut‘s \Vah \Vah lltll. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8pm. £6.
I Killer Foetus, Stigma, Spitroast, Fracture and Muff The (‘athouse. 15 l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.15pm. £4.50. ()yer- 14s show. Skate punk.
I Obi and the Love Machine Barlly tl‘ormerly the 13th .\'ote ('lub). 261) (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 1199‘). 8.30pm. £5.