Edinburgh life

Thursday 1 0 continued

Tom Devine l'tli\‘cl‘\il_\ or lidinhurgh. l’layl‘air l.ihrary. ()ld ('ollegc. South Bridge. 6.30pm. £2 redeemahle against purchase. llixtorian and researcher asks \\'ll;ll it means to he Scottish today.

The Forth Stanza Netherhou Arts (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 556 957‘). 8pm. £5. lidinhurgh-hased poetx including Douglax \Vatt. .\lartin .‘\laclnt)'t'e. lid .\lc(‘ahe. Ste“ art .\lerccr. and Jim Murt) read from their own \\'()l'l\'. interxperxed \\ ith Scotx and (iaelic song.

Other events

Beginning Botany Rina] Botanic (iarden. lm'erleith Row. 552 717].

7 9pm. £55. l.earn to identity familiar plant speciex and tlchlop art understanding of their l'unction and ecology. Aimed at the complete heginner.

Big Word Performance Poetry: National Poetry Day Special The 'l‘ron. ‘) lltmter Square. High Street. 555 2707. 8.30pm. £4 (£5). l.o\ .-\ngele.\-ha.\ed .\lam poets .lune .\lclh) and Katie ()‘l.oughlin guest at Big Word's hyperactive performance poelt‘} night. Joining them are regularx including Sandie ('raigie. .\lilton Balgone. Jenn} l.llltl\;l}'. 5t) “ord storyteller Stephen Barnah)‘. (ieorge Kay. Simon Spoor. 'l'rac) l’atrick. .\lichael .\lc(iill and comperex .lem Rollx and Anita (iman.


Edinburgh Rugby v Newport Meadowhank Sptil’lx (‘entre. 13‘) London Road. (iol 535i. 7.50pm. Heineken (’up rugh} tie.


An Old Woman Cooking Eggs, 1618 by Diego Velazquez National (iilllCl’) of Scotland. the Mound. o24 (i200. 12.45pm. l‘ree. Aidan \Vexton-lcu l\ ptll\ \ela/quc/‘x l'ainotix painting under the \pttlllglll.

Book events

Courtyard Readings Sc‘tilllxlt l’oetr) l.ihrar_\. 5 ('richton'x (‘lo\e. (’anongate. 557 287(3. 2pm. l-‘ree. The School ol’ l’oetx hoxtx poetr} afternoons in the court_\ard “here )ou can read your favourite poem\ and lixten to others reading their\.

Other events

Tracking liour Windx lllxpll‘illltitl (‘entre. the I’m ilion. |n\ erleith l’ark. .-\rhoretum Place. 332 222‘). £25 pllh materials. Practical \\ot'k\ltop led h_\ KitlL‘ lledges.

Make a Basket in a Day Roytl Botanic (iarden. lmerleith Ron. 552 7l7l. 10am 5pm. U5. ('reate hand- made hasketx thing local plant

llouxe. Braid Road. .\lorningxide. 4-17 7l45. l 4pm. l‘ree. Be prepared to get )tllll‘ handx dirt} and help tid_\ up the hunt.

Monday 14 Talks A Personal Appraisal of Western Art in the 20th Century National (killer) ol~ .\lodern :\rt. Bell‘ord Road. (12-1 (i200. 12.45pm. l‘ree. l’rolexxor l’eter Sel/ iron] the l'ni\er\il} ol' BL‘t‘kL‘lL‘). ('alil‘ornia gi\c\ hix perxonal \ ieu of 20th centur} art.

Other events

Papermaking l.auri\ton ('axtlc. 2a ('ramond Road South. 5% 2mm. l()am 4pm. £7. .\d\ance hooking required. An adult \\t)l‘k\lltip in papermaking \\lllt‘ll incorporate\ the l'alling leach ol Laurixton.

Tuesday 15

Book events

James Naughtie l‘cxtiutl 'l'hcatre. l3 2‘) Nicolxon Sll‘L‘L‘l. 52‘) (lllllll. lplll. £4 tL'2 l. The author talks ahottt and \ignx copiex ol' hix neu hook. [IA/1U Rim/x. See photo caption.

Richard Morgan and Ken Macleod \\'ater\tonc\. l3 H l’rinccx Sll‘L‘L‘l. 55(3 5034. (3pm. l'll'CL‘. .\ \L‘l-ll e\cning \\ itlt the l\\o itlllllot‘s dixcuxxing and \igning copiex ol' their latext \\ot‘k\. .l/li'n't/ ('tu'lmn and Dark lie/II.


Scotland v Canada liaxtcr Road. I: .\lhion l’lace. ()(ll l.\’75. Spin. Sal‘eua} International (‘hallenge toothall match.

Wednesday 1 6

Book events

Tony Buzan \Vaterxtonc'x. I28 l’rincex Street. 22o 3600. (rpm. Free. The author ream l'rom hl\ nc\\ \Hll'k. [Inn to Him/- .lIu/t.


Roman Holiday: the Grand Tour of the 8th Duke of Hamilton National Portrait (ialler). l Queen Street. o24 (i200. 12.45pm. liree. Nicola lx'alinxk} gi\e\ a talk.

Book events

Steve Jones \Vateixtone‘x. 128 l’rinccx Street. 220 2(i(i(i. (rpm. liree. The author read\ from r: The Drum! ()l'llt’u. Ted Honderich .lamex 'l'liin. 53 5‘) Sottth Bridge. 622 3222. (3.30pm. lirce. :\ chance not to he mixxed lo dehate \\ ith the author ol' :l/It'r 'I'lu' Ali'rmr. a cottlt‘o\et‘\i;tl look at the \train\ and the e\ent\ leading tip to and poxt-‘l/l 1. Richard Holloway Jamex 'l‘hin. 53 5‘) South Bridfle. o22 S222. (ifilllun. l‘ree. .-\ clltll‘l\lll;tllc \peaker and conumtted promoter of a \mrkahle modern moralit}. the lormer Bixhop ol' lidinhurgh talkx ahoul ltix t'cccttl \\ork. (hi /'itl'k'i\'¢"1<'\\.

t.» . t, ‘t‘: Street. EVE} wok. fw- H.523. looks at the persona t. of l)()li‘.l(2f; Il‘ Nev. l £1l)f>.l'. t‘it31lt3t;(:til;<;(l .'.!t.‘t '.'.'t'. {t'l(l |l‘l(}llltl(}ll(li: {12; tit-:3 not _:'<;-$;t:'tt<:v (Iii-(ff; it t“, o." The '.'.'£tll illf3|t}l‘l Into int:- ‘.’.'()l’l(l ()l \.'."<:-5;t:t‘.t't:;'_-:;t, (LINN: £il<)l‘<_l {mi lltx'll do out". 't""s:,-::l‘ speak about HIE; Iztttss‘t

‘..’()H\ as, ..t,'|l as. ' a, alas? we. “atom.

James Naughtie l..-:,- ‘5: Oct. r (35;. .

(3000. ‘ttt‘t. S 7- 5‘1).N;t;.<t"f.<;:;o<2.'. i ' "; lilzt' 'I'UIJ“: 'trtgtfmr‘5‘ti:

materials and the guidance ol' l.i\c liL‘L'll.

Plant Medicine l{t)_\;tl Botanic (iarden. lmerleith Rim. 552 7 l 7 l. lllam 4.30pm. £l2l). Introduction to licrhalixm. health and ltoli\lic medicine. l.earuing ahout the plant\ and making creamx. maxxagc oilx and hath preparatiom.

Pruning or Chopping ltt\cre\k l.odge (iarden. lmerexk. near .\luxxelhurgh. (m5 IS55. 1 3pm.

[I [2. lmercxk'x head gardener \hat'ex lll\ tipx on \uccexxl'ul pruning.

Fun Fungi Foray .\‘euhailex. .\luxxclhurgh. 055 5505. 2 3.30pm. L2 (U l. l.earn more ahout the laxcinating \xorld ol' ltmgi on llll\ hegitmerx‘ ualk.


Ice Hockey .\lurra} l’ield Ice Rink. Rixerxdale ('rcxcent. 313 297'". opm. [S ([5 l. Sec ltlL‘ X.

Other events

Holyrood’s Harvest llol_\rood l’at'k. 55h lqol. l‘ree. .\d\ance hooking required. lhe rangerx let )ott into the \ecretx hehind nature\ \\ ild har\e\t. Marvellous Mushrooms Roytl Botanic (iat'dett. ltt\ct'lctllt Ron. 552 ,"l"l. Illam .lpm. L25. ()ne da} \\ot'k\ltop teaching _\ou l1o\\ to identil'} the dillerent kindx ol' l'ungi.

Braid Burn Clean-Up llcrmilage

Edinburgh Zoo fSlIl ’i‘.'€:(l Ill tr. '.."€: tl-p'"? "-:.-'-:: '5 'l . at (L 8"?" .t-v'. '1 ~' -v;: "Strut: 17" Hit? ‘. ll‘é? century t“..r;t:-t."t "<7..t;*."gt ()ot'fatortiltt'tt:Hoar).(iii-1 i\/l£t"l1l(:f;f; t;‘ l .t“ t"<i';.'.; *" ,t‘ .: '.' t. 'l Palace Of lie .1" (3m 1"" * l‘o'w: ll‘.l(?ll‘{l'.l()".{ll{Z1};i?tii()l‘:§ 9‘)". Dad} E);m:- (Son. xxas; taut: :" t'tt; ‘Rto g:"-’:, Holyroodhouse t; a in." ot' 't"(>Y‘ of "attt'a' Motor).

if 53'- “f'w: lat'tt', t:<;kt.-°_ ctrt‘tttt‘, lg. gratin-mots 8' Museum of Scotland i-l::,;t t'vl -::. "5:"; " H ' .' ct tttzitt-O: geolong :;t:to":f-:.>.

4'20 S‘Q‘CC’Z. \.".’ttl<;l,' ‘.".'-i.t;iti‘ l%r;.::t: £t"’l (Liar' t,-f-':;, film-'1 . 2).: . ;! '3: fined. "if. y: Hack tiled-:3" f(}17llfli)l(?{". glint t"t‘- £t(:(;‘.:l)‘.(:(l21$;()"€:<)ii'tt: ‘.‘.’ti.att‘- Ailzttt‘ I'. liirtlf;‘:?, ~19" '. Mm" t-igtf EV.“ i‘: :21!" . 4w 1 to" :tétfifil‘Vl’TWi H<?<7<7'il°«?‘-<7‘<i'3f¥- 373139-31? ltl‘tfi'Sl /<J<>f‘> .." llt’ttziltt. ‘tl'l‘ffil‘nfltlfi zitvl gets/wk. w t '53‘.’ ' ‘w-f \ lt > .Stttr“ l in t" " t't-a tztt-tt'1gt"-:>tt’. (?X"ll37°. ops: fl‘tn'ti'f; Mont, More To <;r>||t:<;t<,-<i t;. 1W.- ‘;t"r;l, ,r‘ :31"; 3.4: (13;: ‘sit't a: t-x-"tt-a'ytfzr .tl‘.l 1'. t .t [of s; /";:'.;:;f". mu: ["0 “will”3133’”? an altovttrxrt. one" tilt,- past 3.01; ,uzi'x l. t” " l'€:-T: '."-:- mm i u .r - l t ;:" >' I'm 'tl, tit-.3 /: '. (3;:

()l‘tk‘Jtil‘t £1‘.‘.’ll()l(:<i£l‘, .f Museum of Childhoo l2 . ,f-xt . . " M: wt l t . .\l'., in ,1: t x ' l‘; t ,- tit Scotch Whisky

you tzikt: vol..." ll'l‘.(:. lot: ~1I’llitittStt<:t:t.SHELF-1ft. "r f' l. t" 1' " :t-'.- ' a l~' - 't' t - tTt. ' : :tttxi'a't' : v" Heritage Centre “‘3"'-’l‘/‘l/‘“"’~ Al"'(?<’“‘ lmllf’) MW" SH? Wit" Ur ‘S' :" :. t'v l .rt‘r «2 at rm": txtr; .:'l:l ttfitr'tlflif'» t: at 2-1:x".'t '.'_>.'tf1t"» .-§:'>1(3;t:;ta>"‘. ,lllé‘.’ Howl: afortlalzttttztédx;'.':t:.'.'<)‘ l't:t:.l<,titvt-':’itr‘1335,. . lttf’Ylta/l-xl .1.“ .'~.,- .13.)“ ltxll‘t‘ .lf;tl‘. M "idiot-1.1? Dal. Tl“: (111.1 tl'“:"‘..‘;r::1"t*tgti, “m,- :" :"';- 14,)“ t '. ' t'tt: '."-.' :;..";"‘-a!_ ‘47.i"i Smith E‘t‘ja.‘ Hopetoun House waltz; qalim -’,-:; to at " ,.' l25.‘. Royal Botanic Royal Museum $11,504 ‘a'trllt, Short;- Howl, Sotittt "‘gtt‘tw 0‘ éllltriitf ti; 1" _. :l‘ 1' '2- II‘ it, " 1 Garden f:".:"tltt-t:;81'0th g‘.'..' tow: :"' ltlvx-I? a lt)"tt) ()tiotztts;ft:t'rj.; lifé‘ 7.15.1. tu'a‘. "t; to (.lrkr” »: l-T--. '. : I' ll. :' " ':' Mw't Sat thong“ t’w flittllf'ii'ltl l.)ztt|‘,«1’_)zttt‘ :';.Iif,t;trt_ f'l?’..."l" 'M: a: -' a l ' ' : H ' ital, ' f>t>"‘; 8.." t1".(l"t§i(‘,"_.ti‘:,t?'

37/0 5‘5). l‘w; stator, {:liit'ltl’: "l’tlif. '9, ' ' z ' ' - ' ' ‘t 't ~ -. A t ' l. tia' mut‘ drunk at 1;": Y'ttliy homo. part of .'.’?‘.';tt i, i-ilxl/ :u' .’.‘:. ftw '- --'. ' 1' -t- " a" l .' "‘-~ tt' f-t' i'tt A ‘.:Z~°." titt<2v41;‘t:‘.t3 .tti'atft'o'x

106 THE LIST 2 'f 1’...