money for breast cancer charities in Scotland.

GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM Top floor. 64 ()sborne Street. 552 1472. Tue—Sat noon 75pm.

Robin Bagnell Tue 24 Sun 2‘) Sep. New work.


(irotind Floor. l’rinees Square. Buchanan Street. 221 8162. Mon Sat 10am (ipm; Sun 1 |am~5pm.

New Artists A varied selection ol‘ work by tip-and-eoming artists leiltllt‘lllg‘ sculpture. textile design. photography. paintings and jewellery.


The Mackintosh (iallery. l()7 Renl'rew Street. 353 4500. Mon Fri lllatti 5pm; Sat l0am nooti (From 1 Oct: Mon Thu 10am 7pm: Fri 10am 4.45pm; Sat 10am ~noon l.

0 Ken Currie Sat 28 Sep Sat to Nov. .\'ew works by the internationally renowned (ilasgow-based artist Ken (‘urrie. in this his lirst solo exhibition in Scotland since 1992. A graduate of Glasgow School ol‘ Art. (‘urrie became known for his socialist realist-intluenced works and murals but since then his work has undergone changes in style and subject matter. (‘urated by Sandy .\lol't‘at. the exhibition coincides with the launch ot‘ a new book on the artist by the historian Tom Normand. See pt'ey iew. I’urt quhe [first Nights I't's'li'i'ul. NE W SHOW.

Memory Language the l ’l‘liii 31 ()ct (Atrium (iallery': 10am 8pm; Fri 10am: 4.45pinl. An exhibition ol' experimental work by Stephen Raw inspired by contemporary and historical langttage and 'imagined' memory.


182 Bath Street. 333 1991. Mon Fri 10.30am 5pm; Sat 10.30am lpm. Mixed Show t'ntil Thu 31 ()ct. A selection of oils and w atercolours by contemporary. 19th and 20th century artists.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY t.'tli\‘ersity' ol‘ (ilasgow. 82 llillliead Street. 330 5431. Mon Sat ‘).30am 5pm. Free.

Mackintosh in France t‘iiiil Sal t2 ()ct. \\'atercolour paintings ol‘ the landscape ot‘ the South ol' France. the place where Mackintosh chose to spend the final years of his life.

Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow t'ntil Tue 1 Apr. An extensive exhibition highlighting the University of (ilasgow‘s important Scottish ('olourist collection. l‘eaturing rarely seen works by (’adell. l-‘ergusson. Hunter and Peploe.

Scottish Colourists Tue l ()cl. 5.30pm. Philip Long. curator at the National (iallery ol Modern Art giyes a talk on the Scottish ('olottt'ists. Whistler to Freud l'iiiil Sat 2.1 Not. Recent acquisitions of drawings. prints

and etchings featuring major examples of

printinaking by Whistler and Freud. The gallery‘s strong collection has had oy er 700 works added to it oy er the last l'our years and represents almost all ot‘ the important movements and individuals. Pick One Picture Wed 2 ()cl. lpiii. Ten minute talks t‘ocusing on Jan ('ossiers' 'I‘lie .llurtynluni ul'Sui/il ('uilieri'iie.


200 Batli Street. 331 0722. Tue Sat

9am (ipin.

Peter Howson t'iiiil 'l’liu 7 Nos. .\'ew paintings and drawings by .\'ew (ilasgow Boy. l’eter llowsoii.


18 King Street. 552 2540. Tue Sat 1- 5pm.

No Pigeons in the Dovecote

l‘ntil S; Freemai. libi‘cglass

ep. New work by Michelle 'hristinc \iehot't' including ol' plant-like l'orms taken li'om contt .rary horror liliii landscapes . an installation made t'i'oin icing sugar. i \81 (illANCl 1O SH .

THOMAS KINKADE GALLERY Buchanan (ialleries. K4. l.eyel 4. 332 8080. Mon Wed. Fri tk Sat ‘lani (ipin; Thu 0am 8pm: Sun llam 5pm. Described as a "painter ol' light'. a gallery dedicated to the .r\inerican artist and deyout (‘hristiaii Thomas Kinkade.

THE LIGHTHOUSE 11 Mitchell l.ane. 221 b3f 2. .\1on. Wed. Fri tk Sat 10.30am 5pm: 'Iue 11am 5pm: Thu 10.30am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £2.50 iadiilt concessions and children l'reel includes entry to all e\hibitionsl. creativescotland t'niil .\loit 2 Dec tAll circulation spacesl. 'l'lirotighout the year. the lighthouse will be showcasing a changing display ol' the work ol‘ Scotland's ct'catiye entrepreneurs iii adyertisiiig. architecture. lasliion. design. liliii. \ ideo. music and digital media. The Big Issue t‘iiiil Sat 12 ()ct t('irctilation Space). A collaboratiyc project between the Lighthouse. The Big l\\ll(’ and the (ilA which examines the alternatiye to hostel lilc l’ollowing a decision to close down all lioslels ill line with goyerninent policy. mpf t'ntil Stiii 3 Soy i\'iewing l’ltlllill'llll. .'\11e\l1ll\llltlll looking behind the much talked about ian' lmissing presumed l'otllltll. tt \el'ies ol‘ black books w illl the works ‘read me' on the cm er which were lel't in places lor people to lind. Evergreens and Nevergreens l’iitil Sun 3 .\'o\_ A major exhibition celebrating the work ol' l)anish architect and designer Arne .lacobsen. widely ackttow ledged at otic ol' the greatest influences on 20111 century domestic design. ('reatcd by the Danish Design ('eiitre iii (‘openhageiL the e\hibition is conceiy ed as an abstract rendition ol' .lacoben's labyrinthine garden in Soliolm. Klampenborg. Young Nordic Design: Generation X l‘iiiil Sun 20 Oct. The best design work li‘oin yotiiig designers aitd design groups l'roni Denmark. Finland. Iceland. Norway and Sweden l'caturing ltll'lllltll'L‘. industrial. textile. graphic and tasliioii design. Fieldwork: Art and Architecture and Urban Regeneration t'iiiil Sim l7 Noy chyiew (iallery l. A collaboratiyc project iiiyoly ing artist l.otiise ('raw lord and architect lan Alexander ol' \lcls'eow n .-\lexander which ai s to generate debate about the role (it t: l regeneration \elleltleS. \\ llll particula 'l'erence to the Merchant (‘ity and Trong .e. Innovation Fund llltl it) Sep Mon 28 ()ct l(’irculatioii Space). An exhibition highlighting the grants limit the lnnoyatioii Fund created as part as the National Programme l'or Architecture which awarded protects that enable Scotland's people to engage more with the em ironiiient in which they |i\e. NE W St l( )l.‘.’. Getting it Straight Fri 20 Thu 2f» Sep t(ia|lery 5i. (‘oiiiiiiissioned by the Scoliosis Association l'l\' tllltl created by the celebrated photographer l’atrick l,ichlield. an exhibition ol' photographs ol clothed and ttitclothed backs ol- celebrities \\ illl scoliosis including Barbara \Viiidsor. linlord ('liristie. liwan .\lc( ircgor and Ronnie (‘oi‘bett Nl W 81 l( )‘l.°.".


Station Road. .\li|nga\ie. 578 8847. Tue Sat 10am lpm. 2 5pm. Robert Lillie l‘niil well 2 ()ct. .\ tribute to the gallery ’s lotiiidcr Robert|ic t 1807 10401 leaturiug a small selection ol paintings. drawings and prints.

62 after 62 Hull Wed 2 Oct. The

l.illie Art (iallery celebrates its 40 year since opening in mm with art exhibition ol' (i2 artworks drawn l'rom the

permanent collection including paintings.

works on paper. sculpture and ceramics.


7.3 Robertson Street. Suite (3. Floor l. 248 371 1. Tue Fri noon 5pm or by appointment.

Mary Redmond l'ntil Fri 4 ()ct. New

work by Mary Redmond.


22l \Vesl (ieorge Street. 248 9755. Mon Fri l0ain 5.30pm: Sat 10am-2pm. Mixed Show l'iitil Mon 30 Sep. A selection ol' Scottish watercolours and paintings.

Jessie King Thu 3 Sat 26 ()ct. Drawings and watercolotirs ol‘ Paris by Jessie King plus a display of recent acquisitions including works by SJ l’eploe. \Villiain (iillies. Leslie Hunter and William \Vells.


Albion Street. 287 5511. Mon Stilt l0ani 7pm.

Art of Can Tue 1 Sttii 13 ()ct. An exhibition ol' entries to the 2002 Red Btill ('reatiye ('oiitest which iny'ited people to create an art piece l'rom empty Red Btill cans.


30 \Vttshiliglotl Street. 22l 2l23.

Mon Fri llaiii 5pm. Free. (‘ale African Experience l'iiiil Thu 31 ()ct. Portraits and landscapes ol‘ Africa by ('athy Richmond and Kay Sey.


() \Vilsoli Street. Merchant (it). 552 0702. Tue. Wed N Fri 1 Iain (ipm; Thu llain 7pm; Sat 10am (ipin; Sun 1 5pm. w w \\.pl1tlelll.\ ctinternporary.eoin Alasdair Powrie-Smith l'ntil Sun l3 ()ct. Large-scale photographic artworks by Alasdair l’ow'rie-Smith.


[hit 2. Merchant Square. 552 5627.

Tue Sat llam 5.30pm; Sun 11am 5pm. Tasting Salt Tue 24 Sep Stiti (i ()ct. A tray elliiig exhibition of work by artists liying iii North t'ist.


('enti‘e For l)ey elopmental Arts. 18 Albion Street. 552 2822. MonvFri 10am 5pm.

Universal Print Show that l't'l 18 Oct. The 5th annual show of contemporary prints from national and international studio artists.


1 l8 Dotti-'las Street. 248 (3380. Mon Fri 10.30am 5pm; Sat l0.3()am lpm. Colourplay 3 t'ntil Sat 28 Sep. l-‘loralscapes. cityscapes. sea and landscapes by Syly‘ia Allen.


2 Satichieliall Street. 353 8000. MonasSat l0am (ipm.

Russian Painters Fri 20 Sep Tue 31 Dec. Art inspired by Rtissia and Scotland by a group of Russian painters including .‘ylaxiiii l)eltlltlt)\' and Vladimir ('hekhmarey. NFW SHOW.

Imagine that your dog had a subscription to The Face and only wears collars from Urban Outfitters this would be right up their street.

Carolyn Aiken goes shopping in the galleries, see Shopping, page 112.

a, «flgfiflaauiqa J».-

listings Art


; on: this fortnight

Ken Currie A solo show of new work by the internationally renowned Glasgow artist Keri Currie to coincide with the launch of a new book on the artist by historian Tom Normand. See preview. Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Sat 28 Sep—Sat 76 Nov.

Hiroshl Suglmoto Last chance to see one of the best exhibitions of the Edinburgh festival, a stunning collection of black and white photographs of 20th century architecture. seascapes and pinetrees by the Japanese photographer. Hiroshi Sugimoto. The Fruitmarket Gallery and Stills, Edinburgh. until Sat 27 Sep.

' Bill Drummond: a Smell of Sulphur in the Window Modern-day musical svengali Bill Drummond presents a performance. book and exhibition centring round his purchase of a 820.000 Richard Long photographic work. See preview. CCA. Glasgow, Mon 30 Sep—Fri 4 Oct.

Jon Schueler Spending his lifetime between New York and Mallaig on the west coast of Scotland. an exhibition of paintings by the American abstract expressionist. lngleby Gallery, Edinburgh. Sat 28 Sep—Sat 2 Nov. Evergreens and "evergreens From complex building projects to the ageless appeal of his chairs. the work of Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen is celebrated in the only UK showing of this major exhibition. The Lighthouse. Glasgow, until Sun 3 Nov.

xi Howard Hodgkln: Large Palntlngs 1984-2002 Beautiful interpretations of situations and memories in colour by the celebrated painter Howard Hodgkin. Dean Gallery, Edinburgh, until Sun 6 Oct.

Greyscale/CMYK Tramway hosts a major group show of work by artists from Scotland and the Nordic Regions. Arranged according to colour. the show encompasses drawing. painting, photography, film and video. Tramway, Glasgow, until Sun 20 Oct.

Miroslaw Balka: tiedtothetoe Polish artist Miroslaw Balka explores memOry and loss through sculptures. installations. drawings and video works. Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee. until Sun 20 Oct.

19 Sep—3 Oct 2002 THE LIST 89