cralicd xior}ic|liiig and xolid drama which he iiiluxcx u ith a great dcal ol wry humour. l)l\C()\‘Cl_\' lhcatrc. lxlc‘ ()l Bulc.

The Sweetest Thing 1 IS: 0

(Roger Kumhlc. l‘S. lellli (‘amci'on l)ia/. (’hrixtiiia .-\pplcgalc. Sclina Blair. 84min. So. oka)‘. likc. lhc plot alrcad}: Dial and Applcgalc arc girlx that juxl “anna hax c luu. l.on ol it. \\ ilh man) iiicn. 'l‘hcir llalmalc (Blairl. llo\\L‘\Cl'. likcx lo ha\ c llt‘l' lun \\ ith jtixi onc man. hut uhcn xhc and hci‘ lclla xplit. thc dixti‘aught girl lakcx lcxxonx in paroing lrom hcr roomiiialcx. lhc tahlcx arc lurncd \\llL‘ll l)ia/ mcclx Mr Right and liax lo ligui‘c out ho“ to i‘cplacc lucking \\ llll lo\ ing. \Vhal lollim x ix a coiucd} ol ci'i'orx (or ci'roncoux corned} l. “hcrcin Dial and Janc puxx} lool around onc aiiolhcr \\ ith lriciidx and laiiiil} and a wedding gctling in lhc na) ol li'uc |o\ c. The Sun'lt'xt 'I‘lii'ng lurnx oul lo hc lhc cloxing L‘l'L‘tllh. (ic‘llt‘l'ul I'ClL'uxL‘.

Swimf@n l 13A) 0.. (John l’olxon. l'S. 3002i chxc Bradloi'd. lii‘ika ('hi'ixlcnxcn. ()tlmin. Sn i'm/(‘I II ix part ol lhc ciiiail addrcxx ol ‘huim_\ hoilcr‘ and ncxx girl in town. .\ladixon i('hrixtcnxcni. u ho hax loiiiid ncu lli-lc‘c‘ll \tu} \ lo xliilk lhc ohiccl ol liL‘i' dc‘xil’c. hiin xchool x\\ imiiiing champ. llcn

tBi‘adloi'd I. With a hand} xci ol cloxcl xkclcloux [U W“ c. tllltl ii l‘lillltl gll'lll‘lt‘lltl llc‘ |o\ cx. licii hcdx ioi'. iathcr. poolxl lhc pi'ctt). ccllo-playng .\ladixoii. and dcliniicl) gctx inorc than hc hargaincd loi: ll ix handxoiiicl} mountcd. xhol ax it ix in a high-contraxt. colour-inuch xl_\ lc. hut lhc liliii lailx lo li\ c up to carl) promixc. ax it xlumhlcx to iix ralhcr routine and \UlllL‘\\ hat pi'cdictahlc coiicluxion. Scc i'c\ ic\\. (icncral rclcaxc.

0 Talk to Her l is. 00000 ll’L‘tll‘o :\linodo\ar. Spain. Illllll .la\ ici‘ (limara. Dario (ii'andincili. Roxai'io l‘loi'cx. Iconoi‘ \Vatling. 1 13min. llcnigiio i('aiiiai'ai and .\larco i(iraiidiiicltii arc in lo\ c \iilh l\\o uomcn holh ol “houl arc hoxpilalixcd in coinaloxc xlalcx. Bciugno hccainc a utii'xc xo lliat hc could carc lull liinc lor liix hclmcd oncc axpiring hallcrina .-\|icia i\\'alling l. ln lhc hoxpiial room nc\t door .\lai'co \ ixitx l.}tli;i tl‘loi'cxi. a lcinalc hiilllighlcr \xho \\ ax hutchcrcd iii lhc ring. ()ut ol lhcxc tragic circumxlanccx a lricndxhip lorinx hclnccn thc l\\o mcn. Iii/A In Her ix iiialuic :\lmodo\al'l Spaiii‘x iiioxt lamoux liliniiiakci' on top lorm. dcxcrihing complc\ chai'actci'x .iiid complicalcd cinolional xtalcx in c\pci't xlor}lclliiig laxhion. l’roin lhc gorgcoux photograph}. dcxign and iiiiixic to thc xci'ipl and rciiiarkahlc pci'lornianccx. Iii/A In Her ix a Ila“ lcxx lilrn and a trcal loi' cincuia lo\ ci'x. ('amco. lidinhurgh.

Tape I lSi .0. (Richard lcllllxltllt'l‘. [8. 3002! lilhan llan kc. l'ina 'l’hui‘inan. Rohci'l Leonard. 80min. :\ rcunion ol high xchool li'icndx \‘iiicc illau kci and Joliiin) ilconardl turnx xour \\llt‘ll Vincc accuxcx Jollllll} ol raping hix childhood xuccihcart. 'l'hc dialoguc xpiccx up uhcn lhc girl in qucxlion. Am}

I lhurmani. lurnx up and dcxli'o} x tlic piciui'c ol a i'apc that lhc ginx hax c huilt up. liach \crxioii ol iliai niglux c\cnlx liixlilicx lhc pi'olagoiiixt'x pci'xonal xlandpoinl. xo il'x tlilllc‘llll lo kno\\ \\llo lo hclic\c. Sci L‘Iilil‘t‘l} in a molcl room and plincd out in i'cal timc. lhc tlicalrical i'oolx ol Iii/n: adapch li'oin a Slcphcn Bclhci' pla}. ai‘c acccntualcd h} l,inklatcr u. ho optx lo liliii in lhc \l} lc ol the grcal (icrinan aulcur Rainci' \Vci‘nci' l‘axxhiiidci' l Illt’ 'Ii'tirx u/ I’i'lru lit/I Run]. in particulai'l. (‘incnorltl lialkirk.

Teenage Kicks - the Undertones lccrl Ihci l’l‘oin ('olliiix. Noi'lhci'n lrcland. Zillll l. "2min. l)ot‘lllllt‘lll;ll"\ ahoul lhc Northcrn li‘claiid punk haiid \xliich coinhincx lootagc ol John l’ccl‘x \ ixil to lhc hand'x hoinclonn l)ci'i') \\llll aichn c malcrial ol lhc hand and lhc placc, lhc lilin'x produccr \inn} ('uiuiinghain and l’iidcrlonc [)aiiiian ()'.\'cill \\il| inii'oducc lhc lllllli l'ilinliouxc. l‘diiihuigli 0 Ten um thci ooooo l.-\hhax Kiaroxtaiiii. ll‘.’lll. lllllli. ‘l-liniii. \Vliat \\ c ha\ c hcrc ai'c lcn xccncx ol a hcaulilul cai'ccr woman in lchraii di'i\ ing \.ll'|otl\ pcoplc li'oin oiic placc lo aiiotlicr. In cacli inxlancc llicii coii\ci‘xalionx hccoiuc Ililci'i'ogalnc. oi‘ conlcxxioiial. \xilli tlic \xoiiian xiinullancouxl} lcai'iiiiig ahoul. and lcaclnng olhcrx. axpcclx ol lilc. Kiaroxlaini liliiix philoxopli) \xithoul ncgaliiig ical lilc. and liliiix ii iii xucli a nu} that lhci‘c'x no iiilcllcclual lnciai'ch}. |llxl .i

inunhcr ol pi'ohlcmx cach ol iix poxxcxx hut that othcrx can liclp iix lo xolx c. l‘or all lhc xcnxc ol apparcnl .icxlhclic iiiloi‘iiialil}. lcn ix a rciiiarkahl} lull} acliicwd “ol‘k. Scc rc\ icu. l‘ilinliouxc. lidinhurgh.

Thomas and the Magic Railroad «ti .0 iliriu :\llci‘oll. l'lx’il '8. 3mm Voiccx ol .v\lcc Balduin. l’clcr l'onda. \lichacl li. Rodgcrx. 79min. 'l‘hix adaptation ol lhc Rcwrcnd \Vilhur :\\\di'_\ hookx ix auncd xquarcl} at under lcnx. \Vhilxl cliildi'cn \\lll hc lapping up lhc lalc ol 'l'homax 'l‘hc 'lank liiiginc aiding lhc (‘onducior i Baldu llll agaian lhc 0 il l)icxcl train. accoiiipaii_\ing guai‘diaiix \\ ill hc \mndcring \\ hat happcncd lo :\llL‘l’oll\ L‘lilxxlc \L‘l'lL‘x llill'l'ult‘il l\_\ Ringo Starr Surcl} ll \iax nc\ci' lliix iiixciiilcl (‘ai'lioiL Stirling.

Thunderpants ll’( n 00 ll’L'lL‘l' llcuill. l'K. Illilll llrucc ('ook lll. Rupcrl (il‘llll. \t'tl licatly 95min. .-\ crap kidx' llick that liiidx larting liiim}. iioi oncc or [\HL'C. hut lhc uholc liliii through. lhc ahilii} lo paxx gax ol cpic pi'oporiionx i'cxullx in humiliation and cwutual xa|\alion loi' lhc lilin'x c'lt‘\t‘ll-_\t';ll" old protagonixi. Skip lhix hour and hall ol crap lart iokcx. Slci‘ (t'llllll'). lidinhui'gh; SIM'. llainillon.

Time of Favori Ill .0. tJoxcpli ('cdai'. lxi'acl. lellli :\ki .-\\ iii. .'\\1 l);l};lll. lidan .'\llt‘l'lll;lll. llllinm .-\inci'ican horn. lxracl- i‘aixcd \\ rilcr/dii'ccloi' Joxcpli (‘cdar trim in a mud] \\a} lo rcdi'cxx tlic .inti Scmitic tcndcncicx ol lhc lihci'al prcxx \\llll hix lalc ol lo\ c. li'icndxhip and luinlaincntalixiii. .\lciiac|icin l.'\kl .v\\ llll ix a i'cxpcclcd i‘cligioux olliccr in tlic lxi‘acli arm} \xhoxc carccr ix hcing diclalcd h} lhc incxxianic Rahhi .\lclt/cr l:\xi l)a};ui. xoii ol .\loxhci. lhc Rahhi hax proiiiixcd hix daughtcr'x hand in iiiarriagc lo hix hcxi pupil l’ini il-.daii x\llci'iiian I. hut xhc hax alrcad} lallcii in line \\ ilh .\lcnaclicin. Hurt and angr}. l’ini dccidcx lo cai'r) out lhc

\ iolcnl drcamx ol lhc Rahhi. :\ not-xo-xuhllc critiquc ol lhc Icri'or ccllx that Mix! it iiliiii lhc l’l.(). Scc i'c\ic\\‘ l-‘iliiihouxc. lidinhurgli.

To Moscow with Ikea l Iii l.\lichacl ('haux ixircfl'hoinax l‘l'lL‘kL‘l. (ici‘iiiain/Ruxxia. Zillll I ‘)ll/l5iiiiii. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou,

Tom Conti in Conversation l lSi. .\lin lhc. .r\x part ol lhc .\lcl-.\\anx Scottiin l’coplc'x l'iliii l't'\ll\ill. lhc l’aixlc} hoi'ii acloi‘ lalkx ahoul hix cai'ccr in .in cxcnl \klllt'll iiicludcx c\traclx li'oin hix lilin pci'loi'inaiiccx (ii-'l. (ilaxgou,

Tree without Roots l IS, train in- .\lokaiiiincl. liangladcxli. llllll i lx’aixul lxlaiu .v\xad. Illlinin. l’art ol lhc lll'l'x touring linaginc x\xia lcxli\.il. Sc! in rural llangladcxh lliix dclicatcl} halaiiccx llic coincd} and lragcd} ol lailli and dcccplion l’ai't ol llll.l‘_‘lllt'x\Sl.'\. l'ilinhouxc. Izdinhurgh; .'\tl;llll Smith. Kii‘kcald},

The Trespasser I is. .00 lllt‘lo Brant. lira/ii. Illllji _\l.iico lx’icca. .v\lc\aiidrc Borgcx. l’aulo .\liklox_ ‘).\inin \daplcd li'oiii

\ Viv n V L, :9 w. e ~-

index Film


iii ‘, i" K i | I '4

Minor Mishaps, unfortunately the most accurately titled film of the year

the Marcal Aquino‘x Ilo\ cl ol the xamc iiamc. Braiit'x lilin ix a xhadon} and rcalixiic nco- noir xct on the mcan xlrccix ol Sao Paulo. .-\lraid ol hcing xqucc/cd out ol lhc conxtruction company the} xlancd. l\an lRlL‘cal and (iiha (Borgcxi hirc hitiiian .-\iiixio i.\likloxi to kill tlicir hoxx. .\ lliil|}\\ootl lilm \\ou|d ha\ c cliartcd lhc don nlall ol lhc [no huxincxxincii. )cl 'l'lii' Ii‘t'i/mm'r inxtcad lollonx lhc morall} corrupt xocial cliiiihcr .-\iiixio. ax hc inlilli'alcx and imadcx lhc l\\o mcn‘x \mrldx. prox iding an uncomcnlional and unxcttling lakc on lhc traditional iioir lalc. (il‘l‘. (ilaxgou: l‘ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh.

Min Peaks: Fire Walk with Me I l8; 0... ll)a\id l._\iich. l'S. NUS) Sheryl l,cc. K}|c .\lcl.achlan. Ra} \Vixc. l35inin. 'l‘hc mm c to thc hig xcrccn to clironiclc laxl \L‘VCll d;i)x in lhc lilc ol Laura Palmer alloux l._\nch to go to grcatcr c\ccxxcx than in thc TV xcricx. .-\ dark-hucd and dixlurhing miaxina ol xmall- lonn corruption and pcrx crxit}. lillcd \\ ilh l’cakic la\ cx and ncu caincox. l'(‘l. lidinhurgh.

Uckermark l l5i lVolkc‘l' Kocpp. (icrinaii). 2002! lllimin. Kocpp i'cturnx to lhc Brainlciihurg .\larchcx. nhcrc man} ol hix carlici' liliiix \\ ci‘c madc. lo docuincnl lhc li\cx ol lhc locals. l’ul'l ol lllc‘ (icrman l)ocumcntaricx xcaxon. (il’l‘. (ilaxgim. Underground Zero lccrl ihci (\ui'ioux, l'SA. 3002i. 7()llllll. Programmc ol .-\mcrican ariixt‘x lilmx. responding to thc cwntx ol Scplciiihcr l l. ('(‘:\. (il:lxgo\\.

A Walk to Remember ll’(il 0

(Adam Shankman. l'S. 2002i .\land_\ Moorc, Shanc \cht. llein. \chl pla)x high xchool had ho} l.aiidoii ('ai'lci‘. liglii \\ ilh thc iii- cron d hut going nowhere laxl. thii a xchool prank hackl'ircx. ax puiiixhiiicnl landon lindx himxcll lorccd io participatc in thc llL‘l‘tl}‘ xchool pla} and hclp dixad\aiilagcd kidx at \xcckcndx. Thinking thix likc xo uncool. hc xoon i'calixcx juxi hon loxt and \\lll]Ulll laith hc ix thankon honc} -\oiccd nightingalc .\loorc. :\ dc\out god-holhci‘ci‘. xlic‘x gol lailh coming out ol hcr arxc and ii'x iioi long hclorc l.rindoii lcclx lhc pouci‘ ol lo\ c in a good. clcaii (‘hi'ixtian kind ol \\;l}. The rcxull i.x a rather lcngth} puhlic xcrx'icc announccmcnt. much likc a lL‘uller L‘pl\()(lC ol [Mum/i '.\ (‘m'k ax xci'iplcd h)’ a Southern Baptixt pl‘cuc‘llc‘i'. (icncral I‘L‘lc‘zlxc‘.

Whisky Galore ll’(il 0.... l.-\lc\aiidci' .\lackcndi'ick. l'K. l‘M‘ll llaxil Radlord. Joan (ii'ccimood. Jcan ('adcll. 83min. .\lucli-lo\cd lialing coined} h} lhc latc Sand} .\lackcndrick. .\ xhip cai‘r} ing a cargo ol \xliixk) ix xliip\\I'cckCtl oil a SCUlllxll ixlaiid during \iartiinc. xo lhc localx dccidc it'x limc lo “ct lhcir thirxt. l‘ull ol \\ ii and charm that ollic‘l’\ can onl} hopc lo c‘lllllltllc‘. l'(i(‘. lidiiihurgh.

Windtalkers 1 l5) .O. (John \Voo, [8. 3002! Nicolax ('zll-‘C. ('hrixlian Slalci'. Adam Beach. H-lmin. Sc! in Saipan. Ill-13.

llimllu/kvn ccnli'cx on a pair ol Naniio Natiw .-\mcricanx \\ ho arc rccruilcd ax .\larincx and traincd lo uxc a xccrct miliiar} codc. haxcd on their nalix c languagc. liach ‘codc talkci" ix alxo axxigiicd an accoinpan} ing Marinc. “ilh ordcrx lo. ‘prolccl lhc codc at all coxtx'. Which incanx lhc codc talkcrx‘ xlor)‘ ix told through locuxxing oii ihcir l\\liilc‘l hod}guardx 1(‘agc and Slatcrl. l'ltimatcl}.

\\ hat could hax c hccii a lrul} intcrcxting xlor} cndx up gclting loxt in a xca ol nar mm ic c‘lic‘hc‘x. .-\x L‘\PL‘L‘lL‘tl. Woo tlc‘ll\c‘i'x on lhc action xccncx. hul it'x xtricll} gung-ho gull. Sclcclcd I‘L‘lcuxc.

Women’s Support Project: Screen Debates i ll) ll'K. Zilllli min. l-‘ilm and lchVixion prol‘cxxlonalx gc‘l togcthcr to lead thix dixcuxxion \xhich axkx: ('an xoapx xuch ax liriill'friilt'rx tacklc lhc ixxuc ol child xc\ual ahuxc‘.’ (il’l‘. (ilaxgim.

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) l lh’l 0000 l:\llonxo ('uaron. .\lc\ico. lelll l (iacl (iarcia licriial. Dicgo Luna. .\larihcl \‘crdu. 105mm. ln thix uphcal. raunch) road mm ic Julio (Rental) and childhood li'icnd 'l‘cnoch il.unai coin incc goi'gcoiix oldcr Spaiiixh nonian l.uixa t\'crdiii to join thcm on lhc road to an unxpoilt hcach kiiou n ax ‘llcawn'x .\louth’. The horn} ho}x' plan ix lo gcl into l,uixa'x pantx. uhich. ax itx lurnx oul. xhc ix quitc happ} xx iih. ()l coui'xc. \xhcn l.uixa xlccpx lirxt \\ ilh Diego and then Julio. lhc cmotioiiall} iiinnalurc ho}x lall out. and il'x lcll to their more c\pcricnccd parliicr to teach them xomcthing about low. 'l‘hc caxt gi\c ('uaron llau lcxx pcrloriiianccx. nhilc lhc dircclor and hix co-n rilcr hrolhcr ('arlox ciixurc lhc drama ix ai oiicc tcndci' and hoixlci'oux. lcclgood and lull ol pathox_ and \\ll()ll) lrcc ol cliche. ()dcoii .-\t 'l’hc Qua). (ilaxgon.

Nun- EI ':l

Tues 24th Sept

Amen (PG) 7:30pm Thur 26th Aug Birthday Girl (15) 7'30pm

Mon 30th Sept

High Society (U)

Cuppa I 7 for 7 7:30am 8 screening 7 30pm Wed 2nd Ott

Desktop Icons 7 30pm

A programme of work exploring digital technology and representation

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

'3) Set) 3 Oct L’t‘rll.’ THE LIST 39