8v arrangement With PRIMARY TALENT 2:. Jihl'uat'il‘v it .'.-zt. tit ; it w‘ :m . l: The an - mc lmon’r8tbutler DIVINE COMEDY 38" Hill's ' lee g Sgow qmu rnontilt‘ry LiOtngseptzrrlitier GIaSQOW Barrowland - A

+ support: Kayak Edinburgh Corn Exchange Wed 18th Sept

. . t Tuesday 1st October H -

:5, 4:".4.‘ guilty”? .mf't l5 AHIISIS

a I .. _ f I ! l: ‘. in " ‘l ' " 3 ‘V

By arnngrmrnt mth lilil‘I’liR SKI€I.’IT£R G g e 1 Wednesday 2nd October ( + The Bandits + Hoken Clones Edinburgh Queens

. . . . Hall Friday 18th October - p- Glam Item Wood Hall Sat 21st Sept - . ,

g , Q . g ; ; , - . |i\ .Ill.lll}:\'”ll'li[ \xrrlr lll'.l,'| Ht \KHTFR

:0 . . -. . - . The Electric Soft-Pam QMU Mon 28th 0 ._ l’SY('ll

Glasgow Barrowland Thu 19th Sept

I" with support lrom HUM REG!!!

8y arrangement with HELTER SKELTER


W'“ "' m GLASGOW BARROWLAND ~ A e » Liquid Room - . - [TE/1 'igffl-QQZ-flflfifi \‘ T

I , t. ,l m I g -~ +£1th Ltovofi me (Tiescem';

" " " ' Gh’fisc‘ OW . MQTHEBIUELL Concért Holl Sun 23h Oct‘ . _ 5r I; sue e nuuoéficqrrdnen

u V 7- ., GLENROW‘IGS Rothcs Holls Tue 29th Oct“ "‘5' m. ‘A' ° rt Glasgow Barrowland n u. G SGGw'B‘rroonnd Thu 31st or race -

L- I v ' l l J ' \ I r. JJ v p qwmmmmuum ' ' 3 I M . .e 5. ., , ,, 'V.,* x )xre Z’ku lllllti {illtll‘ltl ti . I J. ' . ~ Plus special g‘ue‘sts: Fingathmg " llm linpppvpul -

(ilasgow Barrowland Monday 28th October filasgmu narrowly!!!" m "m, yummy“ . u. ,- e -. a“ ~ e1

m I. The Private Prue out now. The on single Six 0551' out 14th October

1‘: it, "Miran:

GLASGOW OMU 1 *y . re

' Saturday 16th November

retrrymyn {Boy .

By arrangement wrth ASGARD


Glasgow Barrowland Saturday 23rd November -

a solo performance I‘ 4 0 : ' ' EDINBURGH USHER HALL I = ' 0' , _ ¢/ ,. " 4 Sunday 24th November ' v . ' '

- n‘ r. {14A

4‘ I. I H” " . ' a u a . . u a! " I r ;‘I‘RFI2'I' . . ~ . 3. .. . v" ' *? BARROWLAND I - - '3 3rd - - |i\ JILIHEI'IlHCl" \utlt lllil HzR \Klil HzR Y IJRI- pee-sewers ' ' ARMIAJDA“Wye”s

. December '._ .. . . v GREATEST HITS TOUR gin» my

a _. , A , .. VH“ "Millw- hl‘lvl nth 06DECEMBERmum. Glasgow Barrowland

Wednesday 4th December ' orAsonw snacc r . ; WlEl) l)l:(2 (M ' '

8y arrangement with SOLO —vu I. o I' I‘


‘02 By arrangement with ITB

'y ' Glasgow _ . ""2 Clyde Auditorium - ., : ' 1' -- t" ' H H"

m Wednesday 4th December GLASGOW BARROWLAND Sun 15th Dec i n - O r. o- a I-

The new. album 'Stars - The Best of the Cranbemes' out 16 Sept. inmcranbemesre

gum, mms m ftttt‘tr‘rrtm r.‘r, rt'r WItH ms

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SECC _ 5' "“"‘-"‘3‘5’E7‘ (Y GLASGOW Clyde Auditorium

-‘ e; 'w t « _ t " ' _ <1 Saturday 18th January 2003 SOPHIE an s raw ~

3}: L“. .re. u f5th aunt? :1 'ri-if gr m tic-7 m dgde' 11).] K 4.

The album ‘Reod My Lips‘ out now wwwesophieellisbextorcom

mums: '5‘ 24HRS: 0870 169 0100 tic/gm—ster In Person: ctoLAscow szcc - 0870 040 4000, Virgin, Missing, Ticket Centre @ Buchanan Galleries, EDINBURGH Virgin, Ripping. And Online: Q www.scotland.ticketmastenco.uk