Classified I Saw You

Flatshare .

I Double room in Bruntxlield l'lat \\ itlt (i('ll & xanded \\nnt| llnnt‘x. Stlit tt/x pi'nlexxinnal. £220 pcttt + hillx. IL‘II [ll 3| 400 999.2.

I Super cool double rnnttt axailahle iii a cleatt. hrigltt.

netx I) l’urnixhed t’lat ntt .\larchmnnt (‘rexcent .\'/x, xtudettt \tanted tn xhare an ama/ittg ntndern l'lat. £260 pent a\ailah|e l'rnm Ixt ()ctnher. 'l‘elz (ll 3] 477 7 ltl3 utter (tpm,

I “No rooms in xtllllt} liaxter Rnad l'lat. hull} lurnixhed & all ntnd cnnx. l)nuh|e rnnm £200 pcm. xingle

rnnm £|70 pcm. itnt inclttxi\ e nl'

hillx. Tel: 07780 227 SS7.

I Single room in large Brttntxlield l'lat. |i\ce|lent lncatintt. l.nunge. large kitclten. lull} l'ttrnixhed. all tttnd cnitx & (i('||. Sttit xtudent. n/x prel'erred. £200 pcm. .\\ailahle hegittning nl' ( )ctnher. 'liel: t)7‘)(tt\' 7S5 (NS ttl' (ll 3| 228 ‘)(t|7.

I Large double room a\ailah|e itt \Vext lind ('rexcent t‘lat. Drinking. xmnking & gaitthling ltnuxehnld \\ itlt idin- x_\ ttcretic/dal't nt'aitge cat. Sltnrt let nr utttaetile cnttplex \telcnttte. .\'n ttptigltt \egetarianx pleaxe. £205 pcm. 'IL‘lI [ll3i >4-“ |-4‘)3 ttl' H.770: 4S4 [|S2.

I Newington. Large roorn itt ttptttarket |'.t|\\;tl't|l;tll ltnuxe. .-\|| lacilitiex. Sttit _\nttng prnlcxxinttal tt/x. £75 p\\.'lc|1 07007 LS2 59‘).

I Three rooms available in xliat'etl xltac'itttlx IlUllSL‘. Still _\nung prnlexxinnalx. £227.50 l‘cm + hillx. 'l'eI: 0l3l 22l |(r00. I Room available in tartn cnttage (t milex \\ ext nl'cit} centre. £|70 pcttt. ‘l‘el: 0| 3| («)3 0|."(t.

I Room in lovely xtlttll} t'lat at \er} tnp nl’ liaxter Rnad tn xltare \\ itlt nne ntlter. tt/x. £220 pcm + ("l + hillx. ‘l‘el: 0| 3| (rhl 0237 ttl‘ [ll 3| 233 7530.

I Single room on tlte RU};|I .\|ile a\ailah|e nnxt until tlte ettd nl' Decettther. £200 pcm + hillx. ’l'el: (ll 3| 5.57 0774 nl‘ (|77Stl SSS 29‘). I Furnished double room itt ntndern Brnughtntt lilat. Sharing \\ ith l‘eittale nu tter & cat. l’at'kiitg & hike xhed. \Vnuld xuit n/x prnlexxinnal. £280 pcttt + ("l. + hillx. Tel: 07740 027 28‘). I Newly decorated double rnnttt. lierr} Rnad. Bttxex tn cit} L‘L‘lltl'L‘. I.L‘l[|t ck Stnckhridge. I‘cltlttic‘ 25+ tn xhat'e \\ ith l ntlter. £250 pcitt ittclttdittg hillx. Tel: 077]] 52‘) SH alter 5 pm.

I Morrison Street, two hedrnnnt lilat. Sittgle rnnm xuitahle l‘nr xtudettt axailahle Septettther. Kitchen/li\ittg rnnnt. hatlt/xhntt er. xeparate \xc. all tttnd cnttx. £200 pcm + hillx. ’l‘el: 0|3| 47h 0552 Mark.

I Double room available in [iaxter Rnad llat tn xhare \\ itlt nne ntlter. \\'nuld xtiit pt'nlexxinttal

lt‘lllitit'. £200 pcttt ||lL‘|ll\l\ e nl' ( "l'

+ hillx. 'l‘eli [H 3| 00] 0393.

I TWO rooms available [It large lriendl} \Vext lind l'lat juxt 5 mitttttex trnm l’rittcex Street. .r\l| tttnd. cnnx. .'\\ailah|e lrnnt ()ctnher/Xmettther. Studetttx prelerred. £200 pcitt + depnxit + hillx. 'l‘el: 0|3| 225 | |S2.

I Flatmate wanted for t\\n rnnnted Stnckhridge |.n\\ er ('nlntt} llat. .\[tth he ltnttxe trained & l'riendl}. l’rclerahl} male. Sltare \xith |i\el§ Intahle leittale. £250 pcttt + c\penxex llt'gttllitltit‘. ‘It‘li [l77l4 3[|[l Sll7.

124 THE LIST ' ':;--: '.

I Attractive large double rnnnt iti xltat'ed (’entral l'lat. l’rnl'exxinnal perxnn nnl}. n mnntltx tn I )eat‘ let. .«\\ai|ah|e l'rnm tlte lxt ()ctnher. £30 ptt ittclttding ("l‘ & hillx. 'I'eI: 0| 3| 53‘) 3703.

I Double room in quiet xtreet itt l)a|t'_\. Sltaring \\ itlt 2 adultx & 3 catx. .'\\ailahle iltttllc‘tilulel}. £240 pent + hillx. Tel: 0| 3| 4(t(t (L240.

I Bright spacious room itt heatttil'ttl Stnckhridge l'lat. £300 pcttt. 'l'el: 0l3l 332 ltS'3(t. ISunny double room in triendl} .r\ngle l’ark ‘l‘en'aee llat. Sttit ga_\ llic‘lltli} xtudettt / pt'nlexxinnal letttale tn xhare \\ itlt nne nther. £240 pcm + ('l~ + hillx. Tel: 07730052 303 nr0l3| 4"," I702.

I Single room in quiet xuntt} lilat. Stttttttittg \ lL‘\\x til ('it} & xea. liax} reaclt l’rincex Street. |"ree parking. .\latttre n/x prnlcxxinnal \tnman tn xhare \\|[Il | nther. £250 pcm + hillx. 'l‘el: 0|3l 552 ()475.

I Southside. Large double rnnm itt xhared l'lat. n/x prnlcxxinttal lemale tn xhare

\\ itlt 2 ntlterx. .r\\ailah|e lxt ()ctnher. £200 pcm + ("l' + hillx. ‘l‘el: 0| 3| (ihS' 4277.

I Female wanted to xhare ln\el_\ \Vext lind tlat \\ itlt lite nthet‘x. £|(i0 pcttt + ("l' + depnxit. .r\\ailah|e xtart nl ( )ctnhcr. 'I‘el:

[ll 3| 22.5 7.597 L‘\L‘lllllgx.

I Large bright room axailahle itt quiet xpacinttx Bruntxtield l'lat xharittg \\ itlt ttxn ntlterx. Suit n/x. £2hl pcttt + ("[1 .v\\ailah|e earl} ()ctnhet'. 'l'eI: (|l3l 228 5005 alter (tpnt.

I Bruntsfield. Large double t‘itnttt ttt xpztc‘ittttx l'riettdl} l'lat tn xhare \\ itlt l'nur prnlexxinnalx. £250 pcm + ("l‘ + liilix + tlc‘pttxil. .'\\ai|ah|e ()etnher lxt. 'l‘elz 0|3| 22‘) 0372. I Edinburgh's Riviera. Friendly n/x lemale xnught lnr xmall xiitgle rnnm \\ itlt dnuhle hed itt Intel} hrigltt cltilled nut lilat iii xunn) l’nrtnhelln. £225 pcttt ittclttdittg all hillx «("11 Tel: 07032 41‘) 233.

I Large room with a \ ic\\ [n Salixhur} 'lagx. \Valking dixtance ltt [ illi\el'xit_\. I’t'ittt‘t‘x Street etc. Suit mature n/x \tnman. £255 pcm including hillx e\cept telephntte. lei: 0| 3| (tltS 37lS .\[nit';t.

I Double room in hi'ight Xe“ 'l'ntttt lilat. l‘tt||_\ l'ttrttixhed. \tnnden l'lnnrx tlti'nughntit. \\ ell decnrated. .'\|| tttnd. cntix. Stunning \ [0“ x nl liil‘e & tlte cit}. Suit _\nung prnl'exxinnal. (la) l'riendl}. £300 pcitt + all hillx. Tel: 0131 557 (3067.

I Room in modern flat in |.eith near tlte xhnt‘e. 'l‘n xhat'e

\\ itlt nne nther. \Vnuld xttit pt'nl'exxinttal n/x. Axailahle immediatel}. £250 pcm + ("l' + hillx. 'I‘el: 0705| |‘)2 47l.

I Single room available nil l .eitlt \Valk iii hrigltt xunn_\ xpacinttx lurttixhed l'lat. £l‘)0 pcut + hillx. |)epnxit required. 'It‘li [l77(t(t [l(l7 7(t|.

I New modern flat. (;(‘tl. I)(i. Iillt‘tl INIIL'IIL‘II. \t‘pttl’ulc‘

li\ iitg rnnm. it/x. l0 mintttex tn l’t'ittcex Street. 25 mitttttex \xalk tn tttaitt lidiithttrgh ['ni cantpttx. 2 xinglex autilahle lrnttt lxt ()ctnher. Studentx pt'elerred. £255 pcttt + hi||x + £255 tlt‘pttxll. [I‘L‘I: U73 I 3 IX”

I Double room available tn xttit prnl'exxinttal lt‘lllilit'. n/x. l'ilat till lltt|_\t'tttttl RlliltI. £247 pcm l- ("l~ l- hillx. 'l'eI: 0l3l 557 3434 nr 0773*) 247 4] l.

I Sunny double room in Hill merlnnking meadtm x. I-'tt||_\ l'ttrttixhed. (i('l 1. electric Silt)“ er & all tttnd enttx. 'I‘n xltare \\ itlt It'lc‘lltli} n/x gradttate. \tnttld xtiit tlte xante. £240 peitt + ("l' + hillx. .'\\ailahle nn\\. Tel: 07855 3 I4 473.

I Carlton Hill. Room atailahle l'nr pl‘ttlexxlntlttl tn xhare \\ itlt nne nther. .'\\ailahle earl) ()etnhet'. £302 pcm + ("l' + hillx. Tel: 0| 3| (L55 4075 nr “7780 SN) MN.

I Double room in large Xe“ In“ it flat. clnxe tn Stnckht'idge xhnpx. .-\|| tttnd cnttx. Share \\ ith 3 ntllet'x. \\'nu|d xttit pt‘nlcxxinnal tt/x. £330 pcm iitclttdittg ("I‘ + hillx. tel: 077 l 3 007 435.

I Sunny single room n\et‘|nnking cnmtttunal garden. a\ai|ah|e itt hrigltt & xpacinttx .\larchtttnttt lilat. .\7x. li'iendl) pt'nl'exxinttaI/ptixt graduate \tanted. In xhat'e \\ itlt 3 ntlterx and ndd hall cat. Xn ('eline |)inn lattx tteed appl). £ l 75 pcttt + hillx. 'l‘el: 0|3l 22X 34(i5.

I Room in modern t‘lat iit Xexxingtntt. Sharing “Hit 2 ntlterx. l.arge |i\ ittg rnnm & tilted kitclten. £250 pettt + hillx. Tel: 07005 545 752.

I Lovely, fun, young prnl‘exxinnal pet'xnn wanted l‘nr dntthle rnnm itt nice. l.eith lilat. .v\\ai|ahle lrnm the [001 ()ctnher. £230 pcm + ("l' + hillx. 'I‘el: [) | 3| 470 4077 nr (|7‘)7(t .575 040.

I Double room in large hnttxe. .\|eadn\\ hattk area. All tttnd cnitx ittclttdittg cahle t\. large garden & (i('[l. Sltarittg \\ itlt .3 ntlterx. £IS5 pent + ("|' £02 pcnt + hillx. .\'n xtudentx. 'liel: 0| 3| (t(t| 4204 nr 07730 (tSh 44.5.

I Beautiful large sitting rnnnt \\ itlt xmall hedrnnttt attaclted lean he tlxed itttet'cltangeahl} t. .\larc|tntnttt grnuttd lilnnr lilat. xltaring IlL'\\ kitchen ck hatltrnnnt \\ itlt ntte ntlter. n/x nn|_\. £330 pent + ("l~ + hillx. 'l‘el: 0| 3| 007 3737.

I Room in large haxenient lilat \\ itlt garden iii the \\'ext lind. |-’tt||_\ lurnixhed \\ itlt 'l‘\'. Suit tt/x prnlcxxinttal. £275 pcttt + hillx + depnxit + t'el‘ereneex. Tel: 07753 700 74! alter 5pm. I Nice box room in (int-gie lilat \\ itlt large xunn} Inunge. In xltat'e \x itlt ntte \xnrkittg l'entale. .\7x preferred. £ | (it) pcttt. 'l‘el: (ll3l 337 0500.

I Large room in Marchmnnt lilat xltat'ing \\|[|l Jn. 'l'ntttm_\ ck Sam the dng. £350 pent including all hillx hut + £250 depnxit. Availahle imtttediatel}; 'l‘el: 0| 3| 22‘) 4316 Jn nt' 'l'nntttt}.

Flatshare Hotline


V I saw you ('atie .\t! (iet hack tn the ixlandx. “an e )00 itth cnttte l't'nnt tlte tanning hnntlt'.’ 'l'ltnxe Budapext hnyx dnn't kttntt \tltat'x gnittg tn ltit tltent lad}? [745l/l

V I saw you Lad} B. Biting neckx itt tlte .’\rt Scltnnl - Sat 3lxt Aug. \Vnttld lnt‘e )nu tn hite mine? [745l/2

V I saw you uritittg a tenanc) agreetnettt itt 'l'ittderhn\. lx tltere rnnttt tn xpare?? [745 l/.3

V I saw you hlnttde )tttlltg [liiltg xnttte“ llL‘l'L‘ lk‘l“ eett gull] attd l'lapper. xhntx ittg e\ et‘_\nne tip nn tlte ('athnuxe l'lnnr. Sltiitiitg hrigltt like in} gal 7 )Cul‘x gntte. Iit‘tttlllltll jailhait \enux tttatt tt'ap. [745 l/4

V I saw you Jillian. dniitg a tttaxxit e xtittket‘ actttal tart? :\|0llg In "I attt tlte rexurrectinn". [745 l/5

V I saw you Saint-din 23rd Augttxt night itt tlte |.ihrat'} Bar lnnkittg like '\'in l)iexe|' Bald + heatttil'ul. (’ntttact me'.’ [745 I/() VI saw you Bridge iii the [inn hat” - tltere are ntillinnx nl' \\ a} x in tall itt |n\ e \\ itlt tlte xattte perxnn all n\ er agaitt. [745 l/7

V I saw you xe\} ! You

anxxt er tn Juan. htit ix tltat _\nttr real ttante'.’ l gnt )tttll‘ mexxage l'nr a l'L‘lltIL‘lHtth? But it arri\ ed tnn late. Damn. \Vaitt tttnre. \Vant _\ntl. \Vrite xnntt? [745 l/S’ V I saw you _\ntlt' name ix Blnh. l axketl ill cnttld lta\ e a part time inh. httt _\ntt xaid nn )ntt dntt't hat e a hig ettnttgh gnh. xn l \xettt nll \\l[|t _\nut' ntate called Rnh? X\\. [745l/‘) V I saw you itt 'l‘inderhm Stttt .S'tlt. Rain} tI;t}x nt' .\IUIltIit}S l \tnn't let )tttl [|t)\\ll. Rememher running atttnk cattxex xtratttaxhex. [745 UN)

V I saw you ettte hlnntle eltick at I.II’S. \Vax [00 xii) In talk In )00 alter. tame} a cnl'l'ee xnntetinte‘.’ [745 l/ll

V I saw you nearing ittcredihle crimxntt pantx \\ hile .\lr Jnhn l. attd tlte pirate captain \\L‘lll ltead tn ltead itt tlte Bahhit} Bnttxerx. M} l'riend xatt ttx xpark attd cnttldn't quite keep lter grin tn herxell‘. [745 HI 2

VI saw you dixcn dancing \\ itlt lalxe hreaxtx. l'n\tt'nt. rltttmha attd xamha. Keep tltnxe clta elta heelx? l.n\e |.ad_\ B. [745l/l3

V I saw you igttnrittg m) [\tx ntte night cnx _\nttt' It‘ielttlx made )nu xh_\ . . .l dntt't tttittd. cnnte hack \\ itlt ttte. It'x _\'ntlt' e} ex that keep itte awake at nigltt? (it't'l'l'. . .J \. [745 l/l4

VI saw you "( )lnl'ttxn” at lunchtime. 27 .-\ttgttxt at receptinn dexk? We xtttiled at each ntlter. Yntt \x itlt xhadex & hag. tne \\ ith xhadex ck hag. _\ntt \\ itlt girlx. ttte \\ itlt auntie. call me. cian? [745l/l5

V I saw you attd. I think |

|U\ e )nu. )nu mean tttnre tn me than \\ttl‘t|\ can e\pt'exx. Yntt are tall aitd dark attd handxnme. Ynu meatt tttnre tn tne than I cart L‘\])I'L‘\\. I’IL‘ihL‘ |tt\ L‘ the hettxeett the Snutltxide and the centre. [745 |/|(t

V I saw you hnth \\ ith “the cracking lter xnl't

'lad} xhaxe' )nlk. It \Httlltl he gnnd tn xee )0“ again? l.n\ e ma\imttm pntt er? [745 l/l7

V I saw you running (u I745 [tie l0t|t Sept paxt 'l'iitdet‘hn\. [' li\ed tll' patttx ax ll \taited (H the liglttx. \\'n\t ?? l ittigltt take up running again. [745l/IS

V I saw you (“her itt (ireggx. _\nttr_jnhnxnn \tax ltattging nut. dnn't leltt\\ il' _\tttt nnticetl‘.’ [745 1/19

V I saw you limit} hn_\ Jamie. Ynu tttade ttx laugh l'nr ntte night Ulll}? |.n\ e limit the dental h}gienixtx. Still dniitg lunch??? XXX. [745l/20

V I saw you )ntl g‘Hix} falling thrnttgh the dnnr at 4am dixtttrhing m} heaut} xleep. Stnp [liking [htth L‘L'xlttxiex - _\ntl. )0“ limit that ltill? [745 l/2l

V I saw you iii the :\rchex at the ( ilaxga) launch patt}. \\ e e} ed each ntlter tip all night. [745 I/22 V I saw you (U the ntittihar iit Bath Street. \Vnt a cute a e. R ti xittgle'.".’ .\'nt an) tttnre. (innd luck + ha\ e lun nn )nur rnund Britain trip. Melanie. [745l/23 VI saw you mucking ahnttt itt ()ll'xhnre. “hat cart I xa_\ - )00 rnck m) \xnrld 1)] .\Ir l’eacltex. I think _\nu're xpecial ettnuglt. [7451/24 V I saw you itt ()ptimn. I had a haxic inxtinct ittcident \xith )tttt ntt the dance l-lnnt' - _\ntt't‘e a marine hinlngixt. [745 l/25

V I saw you penple ((1 :\t|-l.ih nn l‘rida} night the da} lnightl iii m} D] xet here itt (ilaxgntt. 'l‘hankx 4 all the xttppnrt. l’S. .'\nd a xpecial thatth tn l’ll5.5 t.r\ernd}namicnt. [745l/2ti

VI saw you .ligger Satchel iii the .r\rchex. alter the ( ilaxga) lattttclt. attd it \\;tx pure |n\e|} - )tttl \\ ere great attd l |n\e )ttll \\\. [745 l/27 V I saw you Innking ama/ingl} ennl (0 the l.ihrar} Bar. (innd luck nn [0‘ mini adxentttre ( iemma ck ('nlitt. (innd luck & (ind hlexx. [745 |/2S

V I saw you cute tin) \ unrking the hat‘ at the |.( iB centre. 'l‘hankx l‘nr the cnl'l'ee attd niglttcltthhittg ad\ ice? |.n\e (ilaxgntt \irgitt \\\. Still'.".’ [745 |/2‘)

VI saw you again attd again. |i\httme aitd cnttxttttte me. .\l_\ L‘ill'L‘il\\;t\\1t|lx)Utl \\\. [7451/30 V I saw you ltattging ahnttt iit ()l'l'xltnre. \\ itlt )nur hnntmiex. \Vhat'x that \\ hite jacket all ahnttt -\\nrd tn )tt mttma. [745 1/3]

V I saw you making itt (‘ul de Sac ntt a Mini night. | ltnpe l'nt ttnt hattned cauxe then I unuldtt't get In xee )nu. X\\. [745 l/32 VI saw you xueetie angel e) ex iii \\t‘\[L‘l11.'\ & [i pttttiitg a xtethnxcnix‘ In in) t'ihx. l)id \\ e xhate a mnment'.’ .\|eet again‘.’ [ 745 l/RR VI saw you l )J \Veegie iii the \VatehnuxeYnu hit) the \\atei‘hed. l'll hit} the glitter hallx and \te'll hat e a party? .\|x l‘axter Bunn} X [745 00) VI saw you itt 'Iinderhm 7.9.2. Ynu \\ ere nn )ttllt‘ n\\ n reading and drinking lint chncnlate. | \tax n\\ n in} n\\ n \\'l[ll a raxpheny .xmnnthie. (innd hnnk’.’ [745 l/70 VI saw you in St. tinneh'x (‘entre. .\lnnda_\ ‘)th Septemher arnund 4pm. Ynu nn \\;t} nut

\\ itlt l‘riettd. ttte ntt \\tl) itt \tearing red hiker jacket. | xmiled at )0“ attd _\ntt enttldn't xtnp lnnkittg n\ er )ntir xhnttlder. ('an't get )00 nut nl' in} head??? l.n\e'.’ l’leaxe \\l'|[L‘. :\ \\\ [745 l/7l

VI saw you Sttxan B:\ l4'.".’ lleatltt'tm tn ( ilaxgtm. the da_\ helnre nttr annixerxar). did _\ntt rententher.’ I'm xtill mem helmed? .ltlxl had [it tell _\tttl Y( )[l are llte |.n\e nl'm} lite. l ln\e _\ntt attdl ittixx )Utl. l’x that ttax a xtatement ttnt a quextinn. I.}lllt [745l/72

V I saw you .-\ttt t'rnin

Brixtnl. Bttt little hn—peep danced \\ itlt a xlteep attd |an the nne xhe'x dreamed nl. Sn l \tax xlnxhed httt l tltiitk )nu're it? Kixxittg _\ntt ix magic. [745l/77