The Front

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i : Always remember the Highway Code

The things you simpiy h .

1 Amen

Film Costa Gavras’ extraordinary film puts on trial those who knew and did nothing to

stop the Holocaust. See review, page 27. GFE Glasgow.

2 Sigur Ros

Music Would you trust a band that calls their album ()7 Perhaps not. But against the odds, this Icelandic four-piece deserve it. See preview, page 45. Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh.

3 Hellboy Comic Three new volumes of Mike v Mignola’s devil-turned-good, fighting weird 1 a g «5 I,” . mm ,,. H, , supernatural evil wherever it lurks. See

review, page 106. Dark Horse/Titan.

Driven to distraction?

Cars kill many times more children than paedophiles, so why do we give them priority? Words: David Robertson

he decision to increase the number of hidden speed-cameras that flank our highways has caused some considerable consternation. The consensus of opinion among drivers is that they‘re fine. just so long as they’re visible. But why is it so important that they‘re conspicuous‘.’ It's because most drivers want to speed and are prepared to slow down only for the camera. Surely this is defeating the point'.’ If you don’t want to be punished. don‘t speed. It’s that simple.

The problem is that most drivers know that speeding is dangerous. but somehow believe that they are the exception. Like the way all drunk drivers think they are sober enough to get away with it. They don't realise that no one considers themselves to be ‘an unsafe driver“. This brings me to my main point: nine times out of tert. driving and selfish behaviour go hand in hand.

Most pedestrians will immediately agree with me. Walking is the original forrn of transport. healthy and environmentally sound. yet it is the pedestrian who has to wait to cross the street. If there were arty sense in the world. it would be the other way round. The car is an oil-guzzling. carbon-dioxide spewing monstrosity that . kills children. yet it gets to take precedence. car IS an

n g. .- -,_, . 'I I- Yes kills ehrldren During the reeent OI -guzz Ing’

wave of paedophile-r‘elated hysteria. did

anyone point out that cars kill many times carbon-

rnore children than paedophiles do every

single year"? Reducing the number of cars on '-

the roads would protect ourchildren far better spew'ng _ than any other measure. liveryone agrees that monStrOSIty there are too many cars around. yet no one is getting rid of theirs. .

We may yet all have to pay the ultimate price for the selfishness of this one section of society. At last month‘s [iatth Summit in Johannesburg. the World Health Organisation presented a slamming indictment of how successful our efforts to curb global warming and save our natural resources have been. It said that at current rates of over-consurnption. the planet will be urrinhabitable in 5() years. and added that the US carries the largest part of the responsibility (let‘s not be too smug: the UK comes a close second).

There are certainly a number of reasons for the US‘ huge consumption and corresrxrndingly high levels of pollution: for example its apparent lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. or the increasingly desperate attempts to prevent economic collapse by its oil-man president. But its love-affair with the rnotorcar is . a big factor. too. The American way oflife. particularly in the wide-open Mid-West _ y 10 3'" Drummqnd . and South. is based on the automobile; the malls are too far out of town to walk 9‘ A“ A smterzl. Of fufhur.t’: :28 Win10“, ha: to. and ever high-school kid has a car with a two or three-litre engine. 33:)zggzidiigrdoLotigvbhotggggftigfofk a

(ieorge Bush did not attend. App'arently See preview, page 87. CCA’ . Glasgow.

4 League of Gentlemen

TV The grotesqueries of Royston Vasey return for a third series. You’ll never want to leave. See review, page 101. 8802.

5 Cinematic Orchestra Music The grandiose jazz/electronic collective bypass the visuals and give it to you straight. See preview page 46. Liquid Room, Edinburgh.

6 Bill Bailey

Comedy The funniest old rocker in the business rolls into town, happily coinciding with his new role as team captain on Never Mind the Buzcocks. See preview, page 70. Usher Hall, Edinburgh.

7 Ken Currie

Art A solo show from the internationally renowned Glasgow artist helps launch historian Tom Normand’s book on King Ken. See preview. page 86. Glasgow School of Art.

8 Streetrave

Clubs X-Press 2, Danny Rampling and Heather Small help celebrate Streetrave’s 13th birthday bash. See preview, page 74. Arches, Glasgow.

9 Ten

Film Abbas Kiarostami employs a car and two characters to gorgeously simple effect. See review, page 29. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh.

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