Sexual hedonism in Cabaret at the GFT, Glasgow


Taste The Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 225 2564. l lpm 3am. £l() (£8). Weekly. Tasty brew of house and garage with guest [)1 Pete l)oyle lSociety. l.i\‘erpooll Sun l5 Sep.

Edinburgh Mondays

Cinema All About my Mother l’ri 13 Thu l‘) Sep. See Thu.

Groups Gay Men’s Swimming Group (‘all 226 4476. 8pm. Weekly. Informal.

Edinburgh Tuesdays

Cinema All About my Mother tn 1.3 Thu 1‘) Sep. See Thu.


Vibe ligo. Picardy Place. 478 7434.

l lpm 3am. £2. Weekly. James Longworth proy'ides the sounds at this popular. sparkly. charty party.


Bennet’s ‘)() (ilassford Street. 552 576]. llpm—3.3()am. £3 £6 t£2---£5l. lixcellent dance action Wed to Sun and a student night on Thu.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8‘)‘)().

I l.3()pm—3am. £3 (£2 with llyerl. (‘heesy chart gay nights on Mon (Passionality) and Tue (FUN).

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 1221. ll)pm—3am. £5. Downstairs in the Polo is the place to be for dancing with club nights Fresh. Lush and Carry on Polo. Fri to Sun.


Candle Bar 20 Candleriggs. 564 1285. 9pm. Free. Liy'ely bar which is a disco delight on Wed. Fri and Sat. Angie hosts an outrageous cabaret karaoke on Sun while Chris Miller takes the reigns on at Thu.

Court Bar 6‘) lltitcheson Street. 552 2463. 6.3() l()pm. l-‘ree. Popular traditional bar where yoti can chill all week. listen to liy'e music on a Sat afternoon and join in the karaoke on Sun. Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. ‘)pm. l’ree. [Us on l'i'i. Sat. Mon. Tue and Wed. mm on Thu and karaoke on Stiii.

LGBT Centre ll I)i.\on Street. 221 7203. | lam Midnight. l’ree. The l.(iBT cale/bar is not only perfect for coffees. food and drink btit also has karaoke from Hi to Stiii.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. lllpm lam. liree. Iintertainiiient from Mon to Thu with laid back sounds and liye music from Tom and Marj at the beginning of the week aitd ftitik. disco and requests nearer the weekend. Revolver 6a John Street. 553 24%.


OOT on Tuesday The Stand. 6 York Place. 558 7272. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). Tue 10 Sep. Monthly. The Stand‘s monthly dose of cainp comedy and gay friendly laughs. (‘raig llill hosts while Jill Peacock oyersees the (‘ampest competition.

Edinburgh Wednesdays

Cinema All About my Mother l-‘ri l3 Thu l‘) Sep. See Thu.


Women’s Group Drop-In l.(il% Centre. 6() Broughton Street. 478 706‘). 7pm. Free. Weekly. Informal. Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group Nexus. Broughton Street. 557 8847. 7pm. Free. Weekly. Social group. Icebreakers (‘(‘ Blooms. 23 24 (ireenside Place. 556 ‘)33l. 8 ‘).l5pm. liree. Wed ll) Jul. Monthly. (iroup for lesbians. gay men. bisexuals. and transgender people.

8.30pm. liree. Weekly. Popular bar with [Us on the first liri of the month. a free jukebox crammed with incl 6()()() top tunes and a well priced pool table. Sadie Frosts 8 ll) w‘esi (ieorge Street. 332 8005. Noon r.\lidnight. l-‘ree. I)Js (Fri and Sat). karaoke (Thai and qtii/ tWedl. Tue combines the lot and comes tip with gut/eke.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 22‘) 5891. Noon—Midnight. Well known gay bar with [Ms Thu—Sun.


Clone Zone 45 Virginia Street. 553 2666. Mon—Sat l lam—9pm; Sun .\'oon—‘)pm. Brand spanking new premises stocking a wide range of clothing. \‘ldCOS. magazines and toys.


Beyond Barriers LGB'I‘. Dixon Street. 574 ()242. Challenging homophobia through training. information and education. More information

infow beytindbarriers.oi'g.tik or

w w whey

Bi-G-Les ('/() l.(}l3T. | l l)i\on Street. 22l 72()3. Sttpport for l.(iBT under 25. Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 5010. Sttpport for those affected by lll\'/.-\ll)S.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Saiidyford Place. 2l | 6700. liiloriiialion for women and specific sery ices for lesbians.

Glasgow Lesbian Line Pt) Box also. (i3 7Tl.. 552 3355. .-\d\ ice and support. Glasgow Women’s Library lll‘) 'l‘rongate. 552 8345. “pm Tue Hi I 6pm: Sat 2 5pm. Women's literature and the lesbian arcliiye.

Phace West 4‘) Bath Street. 332 3838. The main sery ice in the West of Scotland

GAY FILM SEASON GFT, Glasgow. Tue 10, 17 & 24 Sep

What makes a film gay? Is it the characters. the directors or the audience? For John Binnie. playwright and director. his first experience was a homo-erotic kiss he saw in the film Sunday Bloody Sunday as an t t - year—old boy.

Binnie. also known as the person who started up the gay section in The List. will be asking these questions during the GFT's season of gay cinema in September. It Will take place on every Tuesday in September with a mix of film. diSCusSion and debate. The first event on 3 September looked at the delightful lesbian coming-out film Show me Love and generated an interesting array of ideas and views on what people felt ll‘ZldO the film gay for them.

The format for the events is a short introduction looking at the context of the film. the background and the reaction it received on its release. After the screening 8‘.’Gl\"l)()(ly is

listings Gay

John Binnie: ‘A different way of life’

inVited to the GFT cafe for an informal chat about the film and its ingredients. Binnie wants to look at people's personal reactions to the films as well as their Views on what makes cinema-going a special event. 'For some it is the darkened auditorium and a connection to the huge screen.‘ he says. ‘Gay people can often feel .soiated and this makes then‘ feel connected. If is also a

chance to see a different way of life.'

The films still to be screened are the controversial Sunday Bloody Sunday. the ultimate alternatiye famin l‘.‘.()‘.'l() Torch Song Trilogy and But for a Cheerleader. the stop; of a teenage lesbian girl who is sent away to summer camp to become straight. The ll‘lX of lesbian and gay. old and new. funny and emotional. has been made ‘to create an open door policy' and attract a ‘.'./|(l(} audience of all

ages and sexuality.

It is definitely not intended to be an academic discussion but as a way of meeting like ll‘lll(l(}(l people to discuss. dissect and deliberate over a selection of storylines. characters and directors. And know/mg Binnie. there \‘Jlli also be a large slice of gossu) served up ‘.'.’|lil your .iims. iJane Haiiiiltoni

for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Steve Retson Project 2 Santiyt'ord Place. 21 l 860]. Open Tue is Thti

5.30 8.30pm. Sexual health adyice and counselling for gay men.

Strathclyde Lesbian & Gay Switchboard P() Bo\ 38. (i2 2Qli. 332 8372. Open 7 lllpm daily. (’onfidential adyice.



CC Blooms 23—24 (ireenside Place. 556 933]. l().3()pm—3am tbar frcm 6pmi. I-‘ree. A bar and club with a playlist of high camp and disco classics.


Blue Moon Café l Barony Street. 557 ()‘)l l. Mon—Fri l lam—l l.3()pm. Sat-Sun ‘)pm—l2.3()am. liree. Edinburgh's longest running gay cafe.

Nexus 6() Brotighton Street. 478 706‘).

l laiit l lpm. free.

The l.('iB (‘eiilre's cafe.

CC Blooms 23 24 (ireensitle Place. 556 ‘)33 l. ll).3(lpm 3am tbar from 6pmi. free. See (’ltlbs.

Habana (il‘L‘L‘ltsitle l’lttL‘L‘. 5.53 T27“. .\'ooii lam. l‘ree. Popular drinking and mingling spot with [Us eyery lit and Sat and qtii/oke on Tliti.

Flashback ‘) Hope Street. 226 until. 4pm laiii. 7l)s arid 80s feel with cheesy disco and pop Mon to Suit.

Frenchies Rose Street. 225 .‘oSl.

lpm laiii. liree. Popular chill'ii'chal spot. The Gilded Saloon 233 (‘owgatc. 226 655i). ‘)piii lam. l’ree. liyei'y Stiii the Saloon holds the pre-club session for Taste at the liquid Room.

The Laughing Duck 24 How e Street. 220 2376. Mon Tliti llain Ilpiii. l‘ri is Sat llam lain. Stin ll.3()ani llpni.

Stylish. comfy bar. conduciye to chatting and merrymaking. hosts the goth'n'S is M night. \‘elyet (Trains. eyery si.\ weeks. New Town Bar Dublin Street. 538 7775. Mon Thu .\'oon lam. l‘ri Sat

.\'oon 2am. Sun 12.30pm“ lam. (lay cruise bar attracting a slightly older crowd. Sexy underground club at weekends.

Planet Out (ireenside Place. 524 ()061. Mon—Fri 4pm lam. Sat-Sun 2pm lam. Free. Time bar with l)Js ey'ery Mon night. a quiz on Tue attd Trendy Wendy tTacknoi doing her sttiff every second Mon and bingo hosted by Ima lloore ey'ery Wed.


Out of the Blue Barony Street. 478 7048. Mon—Fri l lain-7pm. Sat

I lam—6pm. Sun l2pm—6pm. Books. mags. toys and Videos.

Bobbie's Bookshop 220 Morrison Street. 538 706‘). Mon—Sat loam—5.30pm. Stocks a wide selection of gay maga/ines froin the [K and abroad.


A.D. ('ontacl 556 404‘). For lesbians in er 4“. Meets monthly to plan social L‘\L'lll\. ('all for more details.

Dykes Night Out l’t) Bo\ lot). lilll 3l.l'. Social eyenings for women. Lesbian Line 557 ()75l. Mon tk Thu 7.30 lllpin. llelpline.

LGBT Police Link [tilt ('etitrc. 6t) Brotighton Street. Mon 6 "pm. Weekly. ('all 620 5138/62“ 5l4l) if you want a chat with your community officer.

Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 55o 404‘). 7.3a lllplll eycry day. Helpline.

Stonewall Youth Project (‘oniaei (32: 22M) t()flicel til' (TS-1.5 l l5” “()5 tYouthlinei. Social eyeiits for l.(ili'|' under 26.

33v: .Y .‘ THE LIST 69