Film index

Mehndi Waley-Hath it’( h tSyt-d Noni; l’akixtan. 2000i Saima. .\lnammar Rana. llabar .r\li. Shatan ('heema. \irina \rtgliIIIa. llahar. th‘tlmin. ('ritical look at the cuxtom in xome rural areax ot the Punjab nl' marrying ott' women to the Quran in order that laud—owning tamiliex can ayoid parting with their wealth. l‘ilmliouxe. lidinburgh.

Memento t 15) CO... it‘hrixinphcr Nolan. [8. 2000i (iuy l’earce. ('arrie Ann .\loxx. .lne l’antoliano. l 10mm. Beginning where moxt other lilmx would end with an act ol' \eugeance. w riter-- director Nolan tellx hix xtory by

gradually workitig backwardx in time. Leonard Shelby tl’L‘ul‘cL‘l ix bet‘xxL‘tl with ayenging hix w it'e'x rape and murder. 'l‘rouble ix Leonard xutt‘erx trom a condition of xhnrt-term memory loxx. and xo he reliex on an elaborate xy xtem ol‘ mementoex mapx. polaroidx. body tttttoox - to piece together the cltlcx in hix iny extigatiou. .-\ compelling. elliptical reconxtruction oi the rey enge thriller. which xkitl'ully eyaminex the connectinnx between memory. identity and perception l'ilmhouxe. lidiuburgh.

Men in Black II mm .0.

ttlarry Sonnentcld. t'S. 2002i Will Smith. lottme Ice .loiicx. l.ara l‘lynn Boyle. 103mm. the tagline l'or tlt'n in [film A ll xumx tip the tihn tiuite xuccinctly: ‘Same planet. New xcum‘. ()r. to ptit it another way: Same lilin. New xpecial etlectx. ()nce again we are llllHKlUCCti [0 the tittttxl nl'licial

goy ernment agency. \llll. which xecrctly policex the multitude ot alien immigrantx who. unbeknown to Joe l’ubhc. haye made a home on liarth. .v\nd once again :\:JL‘ltlx .lay (Smith) and Kay l.ltillL‘xl don \iléltik'\ and black xllilx In x.i\ e the world in cool. laconic taxliioii. 'l'he gagx come thick and taxt. the cheinixtry between .lonex and Smith remainx and Sonnenleld directx with the kind ol tlare he

[tHUIll PHUL Jfll'lES

completely lnxt on the dreadlul lli/t/ lli/t/ lli’yl. (icttt‘l'ul t't'leaxe. Minority Report t I)» 0.0 iSteyen Spielberg. [8. 2002! loin (‘ruixe. Samantha Morton. .\la\ you

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32 THE LIST ' 5w:


Sydow. lllmin. Submerged beneath Spielberg'x patented layer ol xentiinental xchmalt/ and another \ igornuxly xeltl llttitllfJL'ltt perl'ormance t'i'om ('ruixe ix a halt decent tutui'ixtic thriller. 'l‘he xcribex get the credit littt' thix: \Cl'k‘k'll\\l'ltt‘l' Scott Hank and the late writer Philip K. Dick. In the year 205-1 the murder rate in .\merica‘x crime capital t\\'axhington l)('i liax been reduced to man through the introduction oi the controyerxial prer- crime police diy ixinii. l’xychicx predict murderx bet'ore they happen. ('ruixe'x Detectiye .lnhli s\tttlct'ttitt tlt'l'L‘xtx i-CIUll\ tor crimex they w ill (or rather won't) commit. But when .\torton‘x ‘pre cog‘ predich a murder committed by .-\nderton himxell. the l)etectiy e goex on the run. (ieneral releaxe.

Monsoon Wedding l tit .00.. t.\lit'a \air. India/t "K. 2001) \axeeruddin Shah. l.illete l)ubey. \iiay Raw. l l3min. ()n the eye oi the longed l'or. cooling mnnxnnn xeaxon. the tar tlung memberx ot' an upper-Huddle claxx Indian tamin gather in Delhi tor a typical l’uniabi wedding. llut ax the big day tiit\\ll\. the \\ L'dding c‘titilt';tctttt"x promixex become more cyaxiy‘c. while the bride'x hard-prcxxed lather \\‘Ul'l'iL‘x how he ix going to pay tor everything. .\'air‘.x xpraw ling. carniy'alexque drama combinex the colour and vibrancy of Hollywood with an earthy realixm. And while .xbe can be .xharply' satiric. Nair treatx her characterx. high and low, without condexcenxiou. (il’l'. Glaxgow. Monster’s Ball ( IS» 00. (Marc liorxter. [757. 2002) llalle Berry. Billy Bob 'I‘hornton. Sean (‘ombx. l l lmin. \Vallow in the deep South mire with thix painful tale of death. bigotry and awkward redemption. 'I'hix ix xo bleak it makex Sti'indbei'g'x .lliyy Julie look like a lake lull ol' laughing monkeyx. (ireat pert'ormancex though. Adam Smith. Kirkcaldy.

Monsters, Inc. tt‘» 0... (Pete Under. [8. 2t)t)| l .lolin (inndman. llilly ('ry xtal. Stey e lluxcemi. 02min. 'l'he Iatext (‘(il animation horn [in Story makerx l’i\ar ix xet largely in .\lnnxtrnpo|ix. a city inhabited by the toulext ol beaxtx. 'l'he mnnxterx power their city by xending ‘xcarerx' through donrx which teleport them into childi'en'x roomx. Once there. they pull l’acex at the

Josh Hartnett engineers murderous jealousy inn0

kidx. producing xhriekx nt' terror. which are bottled back in .\lonxtropolix and uxed ax a xource nl' energy. lt'x a neat idea. btit what really Mix the lilm ix the xeuxe ol littti that [M‘Hadex the whole moy ie. .llnnylt'ry, lllt’ runx ax xmnntth ax a tairgrnund xlide. that no one ix too big to enjoy. Hamilton: SB('. llamilton. Mujhse Dosti Karoge tt'i (Ktmal Knhh. India. 2002) llrithik Roxham. Rani \lukherii. Karceua Kapont'. 150mm. lu thix x\xian take on [he 'I'rul/i .-l/mul (ti/y (llltl Huey. three trieitdx meet in India and tttoy e to London. But when triendxhip bloxxnm into on e. xomeone ix xure to get hurt. l'ilmhotIxe. lidinburgh; t'('|. (‘Iydebank

Muktir Gaan t 18) illii‘eqtie and ('atheriue .\laxud. Bangladexh. 1005i "8min. 'l‘hix blend ot' documentary. drama and muxical tellx the true xtory ot' a troupe ot muxicianx tray elliug through retugee campx during the W7] liberation War in Bangladexh. (il’l'. (ilaxgnw.

Music of the Heart mm 0.

«\Vex (’ray en, ('8. 1900) Meryl Streep. .'\iden Quinn. (iloria lixtetan. l.‘~()min. Strcep play x Roberta (iuaxpari who. after being left to bring up her two boys alone by her cheating huxband. headx for New York where .xhe takex a poxt teaching the \‘lOlll‘t to pre-teenx at a llarlem .xchool. While it'x clear that thix ix material close to (‘i'ayen‘x heart. the tilm ney'er rises above the level of a proficiently' executed made-ior-TV moy‘ie. It'x nice to .xee (‘ray‘en finally moy'ing outside the narrow continex of horror. lt‘x juxt a pity that hix tirxt cl‘l’ort i.x ax ordinary ax itx protagonixt. ()deon. tidinburgh.

My Little Devil tt'l t(iopi Dexai. lndia. 2000) 00min. ln thix tilm about childhood and xncial awarenexx. a ten— year-old boy ix xent aware trom hix

\ illage to attend boarding \L'ilUUi. where he hax problemx titling in. l-ilmhouxe. lidinburgh.

A Night at the Opera «Hi» 0... (Sam \Vond. l'S. 1035) the .‘\lat‘\ llrotherx. Margaret Dumont. Kitty ('arlixle. .v\l|an .lonex. \Vallet' \VUU” Kl”? Utlruin. 'l‘he llrotlierx tminux Zeppoi w ere at the height oi their comic pow erx when they made thix maxterpiece. 'l‘hix time they 're helping an opera company get back on itx teet. but not bet’nre they ‘ye