Film index

0 Frailty ( is» 0000 (Bill l’axton. IS. 3001) Bill Paxton. .\lattheu .\lc(‘onaughe_\‘. l’im'erx Boothe. lt)t)min. l-‘milri‘ heginx \xith l’enton .\leikx (.\lc(‘onaughc_\'r going to the ’l'exax l'lil headquarterx to tell him and hix hroiher'x xtor'}. xtarting when their lather tl’axtoni had a \‘ixiotl l‘rom (lod. corrimanding him to kill the ‘demonx' that lixe on liarth in human form. liext knoxxn ax an actor. Paxton xllo\\x real talent behind the camera; it'x an old-xter lilm in which the Violence ix implied rather than xhoun. Axxur'ed cult .xtatux it not more. l-‘riu‘lir ix mature and thoughtful cinema. See preriexx and revieu. (ieneral releaxe. Freaks t 15) 0.... (Todd Bron nrng. l'S. W33) Harry liarlex. ()lga Baclanoxa. Wallace l-‘ord. (i-lmin. A rare xcreening iii a totally unique lilm that xome may find in duhioirx taxte. although it hax to he xaid that. dexpite the title. it [With irx caxt without rexorting to yo) eurixm. A beautiful trapc/c artixi xeix out to cheat a circux midget out of hix l'oriune. mil) to lace a terrible re\enge from hix l‘ellou perforrrierx. l)ixco\ er} 'l'hcatre. lxle ()l Rule.

The Guru 115i... tl)aix} \‘on Scherier. l'S. 2002) Jimi .\lixtt‘). lleather (iraham. .\larixa 'l‘omei. ltitimin. 'l'he Ari/line [It/l learn do Hollywood. Dance teacher Ramii (iupta t.\lixlr') l mm ex t'roru Bombay to New York to purxue hix dream of" hecorning an actor. But the old) job he can lind ix on a porn lilm and. unfortunately. he can’t get it up. Help ix on hand. him ex er. \\ hen hix co»xtar Sharonna ((irahami takex pit} on him and xtartx going him adxicc on improxing hix xexiral performance. Suhxequentl} Ramu realixex hix dream ol becoming a xtar h} paxxing himxell' oil ax a xe.\ guru. mixing Bollyuood dance ttio\'cx \\ ith Sharonna'x adVice. The occaxionall} hilat'iollx t'exltllx may make your tl)elhii hell} ache. (ieneral releaxe.


Hana-Bi 1 ISI 0... I'lakexlii Kitario. Japan. l‘NSr Beat 'lttkLNlll. K;i_\oko lx'ixhimoto. Ren ()xugr. lthrn. Kitano. a mega-xtar in .lapan. returnx to the director'x xeat tor Ilium “I. in \xhich he xtarx ax a cop xultcring houtx ol guilt. llix \xile ix

d} irig in hoxpital. hix partner hax heen par'al_\xed during a xtakeout and he‘x xo tar in deht to the Yaku/a that he’x contemplating rohhrng a hank. the title. in Japanexc. meanx 'lii'e\\or'kx'. hirt thix lilm doexn‘t c\plode like 'lakexlii'x earlier lilmx. tin/en! (ii/r and Sour/line. lnxtead. a more xuhdued atmoxphere l'loatx o\ er a \xork that xkill'irll} draux together llx \ ixual and erriotional plainx. l’ilmhouxe. lidinhurgh. Human Bodyit'i t. t'S‘. Znot i .\lin thc. Simulation ride hringing )Ull the lull hloun murder of all thoxe reall}. reall_\ xttlatll placex ilixtde tlx. l.\l:\.\. (ilaxgou.

I Have Found It i l 'i (Rain .\lenon. India/lamil. liltitii litlmin. 'l‘he lmagineASlA xeaxon continuex \xith thix lndian \erxiori ol .larre Airxten'x claxxic Seine (Ult/ Si'lixilii/r'lx. here relocated \xiihin 'l'amil culture. l'ilriihoiixe. lidinhurgh.

Ice Age tl'i C. t(’hrix \Vedgc tk ('arlox Saldanha. 1S. 2002) \tilc‘ex of John l.egui/arrro. (iot‘att Vixniic. .lack Black. Slmin. 'l‘here'x a taint air ol c)nicixm in thix xlor'_\ of a moroxc mamriioth. a humhling xloth and a \\ il} tiger \\lto ioin lorcex. dexpite all their better inxtinctx. to return a human hah} to hix lather. Ax the planet getx colder. the} head in the oppoxite direction ol' the animal irrigration. to hattle xtto\\dt‘ill\. \olcanoex. icc ca\ex and pt'edalot'x. ewrituall} delhering their charge. the animatorx tr_\ dexperatel} to make _\ou tall in lo\e \\ ith thix unlikel} hand ol creatui'ex. to make _\oil xee the good heartx heneath the l'roxt) exteriorx. but the} don‘t deli\cr that all important charru. \xit. Hair and imagination Selected t‘cleaxe.


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12 September 2002

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65 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 21L Linda Dodds - 0131 225 2266

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30 THE LIST ' 'Tr’r:

The Importance of Being Earnest l t 'i 00. r()li\ er l’arker. l'K/l’SA. 2002i Rupert li\erett. (‘olin l'ii‘th. Judi l)cnch. 97min. l-‘anx ot‘()xcar \Vilde'x ‘tri\ial corned) lor xerioux people‘ \\ ill be more than lamiliar \x ith the plot. Rural gent Jack \Vorthing tl‘irthi imentx an errant hrothcr called liarncxt ax a meanx ol' excaping the rnundanitiex ot' a lite in the countr). .lack. or rather liarnext‘x partner-in-crime. the \\ il_\ Alg} .\loncrielltpla} ed to pcrlection to liwretii alxo hax a made-in lriend \\ ho he \ ixitx in the coiintr‘} to outrun the deht collectorx \xho purxue him in the cit). lhix douhle dualit} comex a cropper. though. \xhen hoth men go courting \\i\cx (\Vitherxpooii and ()’('onnori. 'l'he eiixuing larce. conducted \ ia \Vilile'x hrilliantl} \\itt_\ epigrammatic xt}le r‘.v\uxtralia‘.’ l‘d xooner diel‘ t. ix a delight to watch although committed \\'i|deanx \\ ill tind that the} t'orcxee the punchlinex hclor'e the} happen. See rex ieu. (iener'al l-L‘lk‘ilSC.

In the Bedroom l 15» O... i't‘oitit liicld. 1S. 3001 i Sixx) Spacek. 'I‘om \Vilkinxon. .\larixa 'l‘omei. litimin. lnxpired h) Andre l)uhirx' xhort xtor'} Kill/Anew. III Illt’ [in/mom ix an c\ccptional

dehut l'caturc l'rom actor-turnedelilmmaker

lodd l-‘ield. lt examinex. with great xcnxirn it) and inxight. the altermatlr ol an une\pected herea\ emcnt \\ hen the xon of Matt and Ruth l-ouler (\Vilkinxon and Spaccki ix murdered. St) lixtrc indulgencex are prudentl} kept at ha}. and tl’x ttlxo l‘lL‘SSL‘tl \\ lllt ;I \et'tex ol' e\pertl_\ calihrated pcrlirrmancex. not Ieaxt l'rom \Vilkinxon and Spacek. Arid there‘x no clear—cut cloxure or cheap redemption. ()deon. lx'ilmarnock.

In the Company of Men t is» O... (Neil$ute. [‘S. l‘)‘)()r Aaron lickhart. .\latt .‘\lollo_\. Stac_\ liduardx. 07min. 'l'hc mixanthrop} ol' American commerce ix right up there on xcreen. tilt} leet high. ax ('had and llo\\at‘d plan to date the xame \ ulrrerahle “Milan and diiirip her \\ ithout \xarning. lt’x corporate America‘x xtrongext-u ill-xiir\ i\e ethox \xhich ix the real target in thix pouct'lttl independent that'x lull ol' xucker punchex. ('ameo. lidinhur'gh.

0 Insomnia I tit .00. t('hr'ixti’l‘lter Nolan. l‘SA. 2()()_‘i Al Pacino. Rohin \Villiamx. .\lartin l)ono\arr. 1 13min. .\Jolan re-directx the Norwegian thriller ol the xame name ax a xmartl} - plotted rh} llillar} Seit/i Aruericarr crirrrc drama which halaricex line characterixation and thematic concernx

\\ ith xtunning xet piecex. 'I‘lie lilm centrcx on a hattle ol' \\ illx het\\ ecti l’acino‘x \eler'ari cop and \Villiamx' dixturhingl) normal killer. Said hattle occurx in the northern Alaxkan to“ nxhip ol \ightmute. a place of perpetual da) light “here l’acino‘x \Vill l)ormer can‘t get no xatixlaction. ne\ er mind xleep. You‘re unlikel} to xee xuch conlident genre lilmmaking come out of lloll'uxood again thix _\ear. (ieneral releaxc.

Into the Deep it'i (Varioux. [1%.

Still] l .\lin thc. .il) l.\lA.\ prexentatiori. l.\l.'\.\. (ilaxgou.

Iris t l5) 0... tRiclrard li}re. l'lx'. Illtll l Judi Hench. Kate \Vinxlet. .lim liroadhent. 00min. 'l'hc |o\ e xlot'_\ ol' l\\o ol thix centur} ‘x moxt xignilicant \\r'iter-- academicx. lrix Murdoch and John

Ba} lc_\. ix lo\ingl_\ created from Ba} R} ‘x recent mernoir'x. lt iiltimatel) plotx .\lurdoch‘x dcxcent into the agottixitig log ot’.v\l/heimer'x. hut ix inter»cut \\ill1 xcenex ol the earl). lctilali\ e lo\ e hetu een thexc l\\o ()xl'ord xtarletx. Although the later )eaix are more iti\ol\ ing than the earl} onex. the mo nar'r'atnex x\\ itch \xrth deli xlicknexx. lake tixxuex. _\ou might need a text. Vikingar ('inema. largx. Italian for Beginners t t5) 0... Schcrlig. Ital). liltili l 13mm. The lirxt outright corned} iron) the l)ogme xchool ot lilmmaking. Si\ ('openhagen itex tall in lo\e \\ ith one another and cr'oxx the harrrerx ol claxx. temperament. e\ err language. 'l‘hink .\like lcrgh cr'oxxed \\ ith Ian \on 'l‘rier. ll that‘x poxxrhle.

l‘ilmhouxe. lidinhurgh.

Kin tthci tlilainc l’roctor. South

Alrica/l K. 3002) Miranda ()tto. lxaiah \Vaxhington. ('hrix (‘hameleorr 89min. ln thix romantic drama xet agaian the hackdrop ol' the xlaughter ol elephantx in Namibia. ()tio‘x conxcr\ation uor'ker tallx in lo\ e \\ ith \Vaxhington‘x l;r\\_\er l'rom (Jiicago. Ster (‘entur'y lidinhurgh.

Kind Hearts and Coronets tl’(il O... tRohert llamcr. l'lx'. l‘H‘h Dctltltx l’rice. Alec (ittttlttcxx. .loatt (ireermood. Valerie llohxon. loomin. Blacker than hlack lialing corned} hax a \tt;t\e and xophixticated l’t'icc killing oll an entire lamil} tree tall pla_\ ed h} (itlttlttexxi in order to mm c himxell cloxer to the d‘Axco'Hre lamil} title. l.o\\ kc_\ c} nicixm and dixarming callouxnexx make it a true gem ol Britixh poxt—nar cinema. l'(i(' Renl'reu Street. (ilaxgou. Kissing Jessica Stein t tSr COO 1(‘harlex llerman \Vurmleld. l'S. ltltlli lleather .luergenxcn. .leriniler \Vextl'eldt. Unrriin. \Vextlcldt pla)x .lexxica. a neurotic iour'rralixt uho'x led tip “Hit the xtring ol loxer datex xhe'x had in the paxt. ()li a \\llltlt. xhe anxuerx an intriguing uoman xecking \xoman pcrxonal ad and meetx llelen (.luergcnxen i. a xe\ual|} curioux art galler} o\\net‘ intending to embark on her lir'xt lexhian allair.

lhe perlormaricex are xuperh \\ ith a \er} xtrong xupport caxt \\ ith xomc great .\lanhattan location \xork ltiol an eax} acliic\ement in xuch a \ ixuall} lamiliar cit) l. lltix hax oodlex ol quirk} independent appeal. Recommended. (‘incxxorld & l’l‘ll ('inema. l‘alkirk. The Ladykillers it’( n O... t.v\le\ander .\lackemdrick. l‘lx'. l‘HSi Alec (iurnnexx. ('ecil l’arker. Katie .lolrnxon. 07min. A hunch ol' not—xo hright crookx planning a daring rohher} get more than the) hargain l'or “hen the} xet up lrcadiiuarterx \\ ith a xecmingl} harmlexx little old lad}. \Vr} lialing corned}. \\ ith (iuinnexx ax tixual oiitxhining a plethora ol' \ igoroux comic character actorx. (il‘wl‘. (il;ixgo\\.

Q Lantana r 1m 0000 in”;

la“ rence. Auxtralia/( ierman}. Ititlli Anthon}’aglia. (ieot't'rc) Ruxh. liarhara llerxhc}. 12 l min. 'l'hix xmall cinematic gem c\plorcx the great tlremcx ol [me and Iorielinexx in a \cr} quiet and conxidered Iiianner. liour marriagex in total are hr'otlglit into pla}. each ol' them urouglit \\ ith guilt. pain and lonelinexx. and hecairxe the lilttl opettx \\ tilt tt cloxe tip of a dead \xoman'x hod} concealed in a denxe thicket. \\ e kno\\ that in the courxe ol the action. one ol' the marriagcx \\ ill reach the ultimate end. l’art murder in} xter}. part px) chological drama. part |o\ e xtor}. Ion/um] keepx )Utl on )oiii' toex \xhile it alxo makex _\ou think ahorrt the \\a} x in \xlrich \ie deal. or rather don't deal \\lllt ettioliottttl [Hit]. Selected t‘elL‘;t\e.

The Lavender Hill Mob it» C... t('|tar‘lex ('richton. l'lx'. l‘JSIJ Alec (irrinnexx. Stanle) liollrma}. Sidne} .lamex. "Smin. (‘harming l-.aling coined} that hax mild-~mannered hank clerk (ittitittcxx heing dragged into it gold hirlliori rohher}. Smaxhing xatirc and cracking car chaxe. (il’l'. (ilaxgo\\. Lone Starr IS» 000. tJohrr Sa} lex. l'S. l‘)‘)(ii ('hrrx ('ooper. lili/aheth l’ena. Krix Kr'ixtollcrxon. l35min. \Vhen a modern-da} 'l'e\an xher'il'l imextigatex .r decadex‘old murder. paxt claxhex \\ ith pt'excttt and local t1l_\lliologtex l1a\ e to he rec\arnined. Sa) lcx'x \arioux xuh-plotx don‘t dixtract hour each other: in tact. the} t'e-inlor‘cc and counterpoint. building a comp|e\ xocial. hixtorical and political hackdrop to the rixetmg thriller on the xirrl'ace. Another irraxterprece trom .'\ltlet'lt';l\ f_‘l'c;tlc\l Independent iltt'cc‘li‘t. l‘tlttlliothc. l'dmhurgh.

The Lord of the Rings it’(;r CC... tl’eter .lackxoir. \eu

/.ealand/l S. jtltil l lair .\lclx'ellen. l-erialr \\'ood. in l} lei. ('atc lilancliett. \ iggo .\lortenxen. I".\'mm. At long laxt. .r x\\ord and xorcer} adwnture that reall_\ delrxerx

the goodx. .l.R.R. 'lolkien‘x great