Classified I Saw You


I Double bedroom in Stnckbridgc In sharc with nnc prnlcssinnal Inalc. n/s pt'clct't'cd. £270 pcm + bills. 'l'cl: 07855 4| .3 380.

I Marchmont. Sunny single rnntn in tidy. n/s I'lat. Scparatc sitting rnnm. pnIishcd t‘lnnrs «k all Itind cnns. Sharing with 3 malcs. Quict arca. unrcstt'ictcd parking. £270 pctn including ("II 'l'cl: 0l50l 7(i2 55 I.

I Double bedroom with nwn liy ing rnnin ck 2 singlc rnnms. in gay I‘ricndly sharcd lilat nl'l‘ l.cith \Valk. £2 III—£200 pcitt including ("1‘ + bills. 'l‘cl: 0|3| 557 8(i4l.

I Double room, the Sltnrc. |.cith. In sharc w ith nnc nthcr. .r\\ai|ablc ‘)th Scptcmbcr. £330 pcm. 'l‘cl: 078 I0 884 ()4 I.

I Leith. Double room in sharcd l‘lat axailablc bcginttittg nl‘ Scptcmbcr. Suit prnlcssinnal nr pnstgraduatc studcnt. prcl‘crably n/s. £300 pcm + ("I + bills. 'l'cl: 0|3| 553 l045.

I Bright double room Int prnlcssinnal n/s. iii a spacinus flat in l.cith. .'\|| tnnd cnus. Ircc parking & l0 tninutcs l‘rnm (‘cntrc. £270 pcm including all bills. 'l’cl: 0| 3| 555 4‘)4(i.

I Double bedroom in lnycly largc l.cith \Valk llat. all mnd cnns. sharing with 2 nthcrs. tnalc & Icmalc. £220 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0|3| 555 4l30.

I Room in friendly flat in Brnughtnn arca In shat'c \\ ith 4 nthcrs. l‘cmalc prclcrrcd. :\\ai|ablc Irnm thc lst Scptctnbcr. L402 pcm + ("l. + bills. 'l‘cl: 0l3| 55b (00].

I Double room in sharcd (‘in (’cntrc llat. £250 pcm. 'l'cl: 07047 883 294.

I Double room available in Ha! sharing with nnc nthcr. £220 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0| 3| (i52 425| day 0|3l 557 5308 cycning/wcckcnd.

I Central. Large double rnnm with priyatc shnwcr in Inxcly lilat. Sharing with 2 nthcrs. \Vnuld suit prnlcssinual ni’ ltnstgt'aduatc. :\\ailablc l'rnm 3rd Scptcmbcr. £230 pcm + dcpnsit + ("l‘ + bills. 'lcl: 0| 3| 557 2(i32.

I Double room in bright 3rd llnnt' liastcr Rnad I‘lat nppnsitc Mnntgnmcry Stt'cct. Sharing with l n/s prnl'cssinnal nn initial (i mnnths lcasc. £262 pcm. 'l‘cl: 07068 50| 830.

I Double or twin rnnttt ayailablc in ('cntral lidinburgh. l-‘ully I'urnishcd with cnlnur Iclcy isinn. hi Ii. \\'.\l. (k tclcphnnc ctc. .\'n bills. I40-£45 pcr pcrsnn pw. 'l‘cl: 0|3| (i57 1‘).

I Meadowbank. Room in bright. spacintts. n/s Hat. with

\ icws nycr l‘nrth. 5 minutcs walk lrntn Mcadnw batik Stadium [k llnlyrnnd l’ark. l’riyatc gardcn. n/s pi'nlcssiniial nnly & nn pcts. £238 pctn + ltllls. 'lt‘l: 0| 3| Nil 030:,

I Flatmate required, Meadowbank arca. Sttit maturc sIudcnI/ynung pi‘nlcssinnal. £200 pcttt + bills. 'l‘cl: 0|3l 258 0855.

I Double room available in I'lat nll llnllywnnd Rnad bclnw Rnyal .\lilc. In suit n/s. [)I‘Iilt‘ssltillttl lt‘lltttlL‘. £247.20 pctn + ("l‘ + bills. 'l‘cl: 0778‘) 247 4| l (day | (it 0|.3l .557 3484 Icycning l.

124 THE LIST 7'. 5m. “3' Set 9!,- ,1/

I Corner Bank. Single rnnm ayailablc in l'ully I'urnishcd. bright. tnndcrn I'lat sharing with 2 nthcrs. \Vnuld suit n/s prnlcssinnal lnnking l'nr (i mnnths Icasc nr mnrc. .>\\ai|ab|c 7th Scptcmbcr. £2|7 pcm+("l‘+bil|s. 'lclz0l3l 3|545|3. I Tidy, easygoing female. n/s. wanch I'nr largc singlc rnntn in ('lcrk Strcct. \Vnuld suit pnstgraduatc stttdcnt nr tt‘a\cllcr. :\\ai|ablc Irnm 8th Scptcmbcr. L' I50 pcnt + bills + dcpnsil. 'lcl: 0| 3| 007 l l(i7 nt‘ 0700.3 |8(i 542 nt' 077ll 347 572. I Two rooms available in largc .\'cw ingtnn Ilat. all tisual lacilitics includcd. \xnuld suit [Xhlgl'ilklllilk‘ nt' littal ycar studcnt. £200/L‘240 pcm. .'\\ai|ab|c immcdiatcly. 'l‘cl: 078 | 3 07‘) 87 l. I Double room available in clcan. Iricndly Hat with L‘\L‘L‘llL‘ttl l-iIL'lllllL‘S In slittl‘L‘ \\ Ill] 2 nthcrs. £200 pcm + ("l’ (£30) + bills. 'l'cl: 0| 3| 558 8340.

I Double room in spacintts. I‘ricndly Marchmnnt l'lat sharing with 3 nthcrs. .»\l| mnd cnns. \n |)SS nr studcnts. n/s csscntial. .-\\ai|ablc mid-Scptcmbcr. £240 pcin including bills cxccpt IL‘lL‘pltnltC. .I‘L‘l: 0| 3| 447 820‘). I Large bright double rnntn in Marchmnnt I'lat. Suitablc l‘nr n/s prnl‘cssinnal. £250 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0| 3| 228 300‘). I Marchmont room in attractiy c. wcll cquippcd 3 pct'snn Hat with all mnd cnns. .\|ust bc n/s prnl'cssinnal. £200 llcm + ("l‘ + bills. :\\'ai|ab|c (i ninnths starting l'rnm lst ()L‘Inbct'. 'lcl: 0| 3| 008 3804.

I Single room in .\Iarchmnnt Inr n/s. “(i5 pcm + ("l‘ + bills. 'l‘cl: 0|3| 22‘) 4 I04. I Gorgeous Marchmont coach hnusc \\ ilh gardcn. 'l'wn dnublc rnnms ayailablc Inr prnlcssinnal/pnstgraduatcs tn sharc \\ ith 2 l'cmalcs. Sunny. Iargc Inungc. study & prixatc parking. £275 pcm including ("l‘ & (i(‘l|. 'l‘cl: 078th 0(i‘) 48l. I Morningside. Fab double rnnm in spacinus light lilat tn sharc \\ ith | nthct‘. all mnd cnns. n/s prnl‘cssinnal prclcrrcd. £325 pcin + bills. 'l‘cl: 0l3| 452 8755 nr

0131 718 4| In.

I Friendly, professional male llatmatc wanch Inr lat‘gc. sunny gat'dcn flat in 'l’hc (irangc. Sharing with 3 nthcrs. £250 pcm + ("l‘ + bills. .'\\ai|ab|c lrnm lst ()ctnbcr. Tel: 0704‘) 030 424 nt‘

077 I4 340 057.

I Decent sized single ninth in bcautilttl ccntral “at. In sharc with 2 nthct's. largc sitting rnnm. .-\\ailab|c lnth Scptcmbcr. £255 pcm including ("II Sttit pnstgraduatc nr wnrking pcrsnn. .\'n l)SS. 'l'cl: 07‘)7l 002 .552 tIlIL'I‘ l3llt Scptcmbcr.

I Central furnished room. all mnd cnns. sharing with l nlhcr. :\\ailablc immcdiatcly. £300 pcm + bills. 'l‘cl: 0788l 003 (330.

I Room in large ltntlsc h} [llt‘ \L‘tt in an‘llt ()UL‘CIISICI'I‘). 2.5 minutcs Irnm lidinburgh with Irain & bus scry iccs ncarby. l.nnking l'ni' prnlcssinnal malc nr Icmalc. 9; W0 pcm + bills. 'l‘cl: 0| 383 4|2 284.

I 2 rooms available in Iargc. l'ricndly liruntslicld lilat. Sharing with 3 nthcrs. Rcasnnablc rcnt.

lcl: 0| 3| 22‘) 8002.


V I saw you (0 thc wcc bar. I' R thc bcst barmaid in (llasgnw. I'm 2 shy 2 ask ynu nut...ask mc nut...plcascll ('nl xx. [7450/1

V I saw you guitar man l’rnm /.uba. laying snmc mcllnw snllltds ntt IltL' CUIIL‘L‘IIL‘ZIIIS All 'l‘indcrbnx. \Vltcn ynu gctting a hair cut‘.’ [7450/2

V I saw you l-‘inna (II thc bus ship in \Vnndlands Rd. waiting nn Ihc nnl l bus. Wc chattcd & ynu askcd In scc my mnnn- walk. \Vcll'.’ (ict in Inuch-- l)nugic. .\'. [7450/3

V I saw you Iwn ycars agn. and cannnt l'nrgct. ynu scnt inc 'l'aknn inyitc and spaccdust. \Vc misscd cach nthcr. ('nntact Inc. [7450/4

V I saw you 'l‘indcrbnx - 14.8.02 l0pm. l'-brnwn alligatnrs t-shirt and glasscs lnnking sad and Inncly. .\lc- chick and lt‘lltl in l't'nnll l.L‘Is dn lunch! [7450/5

V I saw you lictty lnnkalik‘c. nIltL‘I‘u‘isL‘ L‘illlcd Mags (amnngst nthcr llliligsl wcat' that pink mnhair cardigan Inr mc nnc Iunrc tittth l'll shnw u hnw In usc that ('hristtnas surprich |.u\' Inal [7450/(i

V I saw you tlcspcratcly sccking KII'SU‘II I.. l.L‘l's \‘Isll ynur nanny nnw shc is l'ccling bcttcr. l'yc misscd hcr hnmcmadc lint pic. [7450/7

V I saw you Sinbhan Mcl" ynu urban l‘nx. Ynur cnursc pcasant I'cattu'cs makc ynu sn hnt In [full [7450/8

V I saw you bchind Ihc bar at thc 'l'rnn with yntir scxy black shirt. Wants a cuddlc.

lny c ynu. [7450/9

V I saw you blnndic bny bchind thc bar. Think I'm iii luryc... [7450/10

V I saw you ynu bnld I'cd haircd bcauty. lying tint sitting in thc cutc tight bnx nl'licc. I instantly l'cll l‘nr ynur Irish charms. "('inctna 2? l)nwn Ihc cnrridnr nn thc right." [7450/l l V I saw you Stcphcn .\lc|.. ynu gingcr stunncr. thc thnught nl' ynu makcs my nnstrils llarc & lips quiycr. . .lct's dn a runncr In thc mnntll [7450/l 2

V I saw you Andrcas. was war das l'ucr cin \Vcin. dcn ich l)ir atti l-‘rcitag itn ('uba .\'anc w cggctrunkcn liabc'.’ l.usI auI hillwalking'.’ (il'tlss an |)it'k. ['ta .'\llllL‘. ['/450/|3

V I saw you at cychatcgnd. dark hair.dimplcs and lrccklcs. l was thc Inn cnnl. gnnd lnnkiltg dudcl maybc w c w ill tncct again. just tuaybc. p.s l hcard ynu had a sistci“.".".’ [7450/l4 V I saw you Kliyc. ynu big arsc - lillc [7450/l5

V I saw you in Kclyinbridgc I'ndcrgrnund I | I40 ant l‘ri 23/8/02) ynu wcrc Ihc girl with Ihc blnndc hair. liccls and black cnat. l'm thc guy in thc grccn t—- shirt w hn wrntc a nntc nn a pagc nl‘ his diary. Inrc it ntit. and almnst slippcd it intn ynur cnat pnckct. thc nnlc said: 'ynu'rc bcatttil‘ull' [7450/ln

V I saw you lnnking Iast in thc clcctt'ical dcparttncnt. Ihcn ynu wnn mc nyct' at thc sltllil. party... Ihank ynti l’nr Ihc bcst ycar cycr. lnyc I‘rnm that girl xxx [74.50/17

V I saw you in ()ctnbcr (‘at’c l-‘ri 23rd. ynu stunning with camnullagc Inp and jcans. ynu lnnkcd nycr at Inc and smilcd. mc rcading llcrald wcaring

black 'l‘-shirt+jcans smilcd back.

Ynu w crc with l‘ricnd. as was l. Ynu lcl‘t bcl'nrc I had Ihc chancc In appt'cciatc ynu liurthcr. Shamc.... Will ntir paths crnss again‘.’ I hnpc sn. [7450/l8

V I saw you Munchic with ycr lcg in plastcr-ynu arc nnc hclluya girl! What will bccnmc nl‘ lltL‘ [IIIIICL‘HUUI' whilc ynu ttt'L‘ gnltc I’ll (IL'I \\ cll snnn. 'l‘hc (innmc. [7450/1‘)

V I saw you l.’I‘l’l.. llt‘sl thcrc was pcrsnnal rcspnnsibility Ihcn Iltcrc was scrambch cggs. nnw Ihcrcs an ccnnnmy driy c and a lil'ctimc tngcthcr'.’ ynur aw rigltt. ttn bad and nnI a littlc stunning? l.'l'|’.\l [7450/20

V I saw you Sttsan BA l4'.".’ llcathrnw In (ilasgnw. lhc day bcl'nrc nur anniycrsat'y. did yntt rctncntbct"? l'm still nu‘rwhclmcdl Just had In tcll ynu \'()[' arc Ilic l.n\ c nI tny |.il'c. l lnyc ynu attd I miss ynu. l’s that was a stalcmcnt tint a qucstinn. [7450/2l

V I saw you princcss britc.w iIlt urc straw bcrt'y rcd hair and 'l'llA'l smilc. lIs bccn a ycar and l ltt\ c ynu mnt'c than anything. l.cts makc it last l‘nt'cycrsxx [7450/22


V I saw you slccping at l.u\'cly. Shanc. |()th August. Wish w c had chattcd mnrc. Did I put ynu In slccp nr wnuld ynu likc In nich Inr a dt'ink/cnl'l‘cc‘.’ l’lcasc cnnlact .‘ylikc

I Mcadnwbank ). [7440/30

VI saw you ('in (‘th black Inp. icans. My hcatt had an cchn lnnking at ynu scxy girl. [7450/24 V I saw you an ()I‘t'icc (‘utic. .\lc cnmpctitinn winnct‘. Ynu cluclcss abnut l.y nnc Ramsay. l.cI's gct Ingcthcr and ('atch 'l'hc Rat. [7450/25

V I saw you llclln bcatitil'ttl. I saw ynu acrnss thc l-‘ringc ()l'licc \\ ilh ynur radiant rcd hair. Ynu rcturncd with blnndc hair and bccamc minc at thc liilitilinusc. .\'c\t ycar ynu'll bc minc l'nrcycr. l.n\ c always. [7450/2h

V I saw you whilst sitting ncxt In ynu in ('in ('alc l3/8/2. \Vltcn I'm with u l c nnnnc clsc. llnpc 2 c u c\ cry day l'nr I‘t‘sl nli my lilt‘. [74.50/27

V I saw you ctitc barmaid in ('in ('alc. picrccd lip and tiny pnnytail. nn 'l‘ucsday l3/8/02. 5“ CH Ass! [74.50/23

V I saw you gnt‘gcnus rcd- litlll'L‘tl L‘nstltiL‘. ..l \\tIIII In hayc cnl'lcc Innrnings and mullins big IittlL‘ll l.n\‘c Yntt Klinyy \thl [7450/2‘)

V I saw you. llclln littlc bcar. I saw ynu...5 ycars agn acrnss a crnwdcd l-‘ringc plinnc rnnm. :\ cnnycrsatinn abnttt l’aul \Vcllcr and a I'cw ycars lalcr ynu arc gning 2 bc my husband. (ind blcss Ihc l-‘ringcl! [74.50/30

VI saw you blnnd and niggcd but in a whcclchairl 2 brnkcn lcgs. want In brcak my hcan'.’ [7450/32

V I saw you l)ntty in chtts sccing thc girls nl'l‘ In Michigan. .‘ylc tall. dark. lythcsnmc. imprcsscd by ynur l)nctnr’s and intct'cstcd in a datc I‘rnm ynu that‘s nnt In dn with irnn nr brnn/c! [7450/3l

V I saw you. In I'cspnnsc In "Is this thc l‘acc that launcltcd 1000 ships?" in Starbucks. Watcrstnncs - l stlppnsc that dcpcnds whcthcr ynu'rc l’aris nt' l’riam. Still at Starbucks in Watcrstnncs. [7450/33

V I saw your bcll. Nucl l’iclding. at llrnnk's Bar. It was widc and studdcd and pct'chcd at a jaunty anglc nn ynur hips. [7450/34

V I saw you gnrgcntis l.iy 'l‘ylcr lnnkalikc. .\'nw ynu'yc lCl'I SI Alltll‘CWX [IIC \Vnt'ltl is ynur nyslcr. Ynu'll gn l'at‘ darlin'. ynu. [7450/35

V I saw you (‘amcn cincma sat in ynur scxy ycllnw mac and yiyid rcd hair. cnwcring In Ihc scary latc night dclights nI Dark Watct' - lclt (practically) spccchlcss by ynu - 'l'all (iingcr linglishman [7450/3h

V I saw you llait‘drcssing hitman at Barnny Bar lidin. March. I shnuld ncycr hayc lcl‘t. dn yntt want ynur pltyscic sitlL‘kiL‘k back '.’ \ [74.50/37

V I saw you scrying mc l’ilsncrs at |.a Bcllc' nn thc l7th. ynu \yct'c lnnking hnI bchind Ihc bar. I was Ihc guy in thc bnxl‘rcsh tnp. Scc yntt at thc ncxt I'ltragrnnyc. [7450/38

V I saw you. Saltircs in ynur cycs. ynu smich at Inc as Ihc sun sltincd nn |.cith in thc middlc nl‘ Ihc night. I lnyc ynu Scnttish bny. dnn'I gn xxx [74.50/30

V I saw you wnrking in Watcrstnnc's [Wcs't lindl. nnc Saturday. Ynu had rcd hair and cnuldn't stnp laughing... I askcd ill ynu snld Blank Bnnks I!!! chp laughing. ynu hayc a lnycly smilc... [7450/40

V I saw you llamc haircd bcattty (Jinty'.’) at l’np Rnckct |(i/8/2002. Ynu wcrc ycry lntid and sitting ncxt In Ihc cutc guy. Ynu saw Inc (scyct‘al titncsl). .‘ylc thc Iall guy with thc black shirt and wnnly hat. l will bc Ihcrc l‘nr thc ncxt I'cw l-‘ridays. maybc wc can hpr snmc nthcr pnnr lady pull ltcr skirt I'rnnt hcr knickcrs Ithc cutc guy l‘ntind that I'cally I‘unny. bad man). Scc ynu. .‘yl. [7450/4l

V I saw you Miss lirin. nl‘l imaginc I saw ynu dancing at llcadspin. all giddy with fun. whcn will w c dn it again. I miss & lnyc ynti.(‘J [74.50/42

V I saw you Mr Rcckic in Sydncy. tcars Ill nttr cy cs. 0' nnly ynu Innk my adyicc (will ynu cyct".’) and stay cd hct‘c. Ynttr back at 'l‘hc (ilnbc atid whcrc am l'.’ [7450/43

V I saw you bcatil'ttl blnndc girl at thc llnncycnmb .\lnthcrl‘unk 'l‘ucsday 27th August 2002. l danccd with ynur l'ricnd. (brnwn haircd girl with glasscs) l was w caring stripcd shirt. dcnims and lcathcr shncs. l.nnkcd l'nr ynu at thc cnd btit ynu wcrc gnnc. slitlI nursc whn wants tn Iakc ynu nn linliday cycn Ihnttgh l ncycr talkcd In ynu. plcasc cnntact Incl [74.50/44

V I saw you lnnking shranky in thc Subway Saturday |4Ih Aug. | wnrc I'cd and ynu wnrc a III)“ II. (in liL‘L‘kl
