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c\l;tl1lt\hcd I‘M:

Join a new Edinburgh walking group of It)» and 3(l-somcthings. Walks on all In elx. liind out about the neu one on 0131 554 1097. Email hkbrown531 @hotmail.com

I Ann Summers: Have a laugh (and earn some L‘ttxlll \\ ith the ultimate girlx‘ night in? To book )our part}. call l.i//ie on 0131 673 I420. limail li//iehill(u icscotlanduet

Edinburgh Naturist Swimming Club runs \\\ int/sauna sessions ‘)-l()pin cxet'} l’rida} at (ilcnogle Baths. For more inl'orination please \ tin www.ensc.uklinux.net/ or call 07880 618 073

Don't Miss Out on Fun

Dinners and Events for

Single Men and Women with

[QAEBUIQN 0141 333 1321

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- adventure sports 0 parties 0 pub-nights 0 dining

0 hill-walks 0 films 0 theatre

0 dancing & lots lots more.

Glasgow 07050 248164

Edinburgh 0131 332 1342

I Bellydance Classes Glasgow (‘it_\ (‘cntte li\cning and lunchtime lun sessions suitable tor \xomen ol till ttgcx lilncxx lc\cl\ and \i/e\. Tel: 07765 205 KIT limail

\ ix idli\ ingintow aol.coni

Buy 8: Sell

MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE Year 2000 Specialized M2 Stumpjumper. 18". Very good condition. £500 ono. Tel: 0131 668 3596

Bands & Music

I Lead/rhythm guitarist sought b} lidinburgh band/song“ riter tor recording project. Album and single\ released and lolx ol airpla}. l’rolcxxional approach. Melodic indie pop. 'I'el: (ll 3] 477 4072.

Bands I)o _\ou need a qualit} l)emo ('l) to help promote )ourselt'

and/or )our music'.’ We pro\ ide

a complete tttltxic recording and

pt‘txlttcliott sen ice. \lltxicituts mailable loi' xolo artists. l'i‘ee

\\cb\ite\ and promotional ttsxixltttlcc tor neu tuli\l.\ and \ottg“ riterx

(‘entral Scotland location.

Tel: 01324 882 882

Rehearsal studios. l-'or lttlhic‘lttltx. l)J\. ttllt\lL‘- makers. Ii\ce|lcnt rooms and location. liax} access. lrec secure parking. l’.-\ a Backline. liqpt hire tk tuition mailable. .'\tl:_'lt\l special. £0.50 per hour. Book [\ko \L‘\\iotl\ get one ll'L‘L‘. 'lhe Liglthouse, Edinburgh Tel: 0131 551 5788. Mobile: 07931 331 489

I Covers, Bands and nix required. Send details and demos to 53 .\luirkirk l)ri\c. Anniexland. (ilasgou (il3 llll. I Singer/songwriters, duos. bands. Record _\our (‘1) at Music House Productions. lop \L‘\\lllll pla}er\ arranger and producer on hand to help. Seriouxl} ainbilioux’.’

('all John 014] 337 3358. u\xu.musichiiuwpnxluctitinx.co.uk


Photographers/Video-l Film-makers.

l)o }olt need \\oi'k\pacc / \tudio/Pt'oduction lacilitiex'.’ \\‘L'.\L‘ got lot\ ol' ill li\ccllent itL‘L'L‘\\il\lL‘ location \\ illt ll‘L‘L‘ \ecurc car parking. largest space i\ 3ltlni \qltttt'c \\ ith a height ol llm. 3-phaxc pou er. lilectric roller door Illm\(un. production ollicc (k tool l‘ootll tor \ct building. (ireat rates. The ' , Edinburgh Tel: 0131 551 5788. Mobile 07931 331 489

Photographer specialising in modern black tk \\ hite portloliox l'or actors. models tk pcrl'ormcrx.

()n (location photoxhootx lrom £35 inc prootx.

Tel: 0131 653 0682


Gestalt Psychotherapy one-to-one help u ith lite problems. \cll-e\ploration (& personal growth

Chris McKinnell

0131 667 9658

Scottish Gestalt Association member

' Repatteming ® :\ gL‘ttllL‘ ttttd L‘L‘lL‘L‘liL‘ healing \} \lL‘ttl that transtornis the negatn e beliefs and beha\ iour patterns that prc\ent lt\ from reaching our lull potential. (ieot‘gia \Vollxoll BAlllonxl .\ll'~:\ Registered Holographic Repatterning l’ractitioner Tel: 0141 423 2164 www.georgiawolfson.com

Person-centred cousselling caur help _\ott to underxtand autd change lite pn ibleins. tlcptl‘xxiott. abuse. \lll‘xx. relationship ditliculties. and beam eman Ring Marion Osborne in Glasgow on 07931 527 243

Body 8: Soul

Copacabana has moved. l’iercing. tattoos. braiding. e\tension\. ten ellei}. tantas) L'llllllL‘\ no“ til 3 ( iillL‘\piL‘ (‘t'L‘WL‘tlL Tel: 0131 228 8666 / 07710 558 027

I Available now - prayer and meditation room. Bruntxtield. Ji\a. Vie“ tonh. ('all ()1 3| 23‘) ()(N‘) or drop in 7.3(l-‘lpm Mon- l‘ri. .-\l\o a\ai|able ttx creatix‘e \pacc. ll;t\ piano. good acoustics.

Sahaj Marg: Heart-centred meditation .\ natural path ot‘ tranxl'ormation

trom \\ ithin that balances spiritualit} “ith exeryla) lite. .\'o lees. ()pen to all regardless ol' background or pL‘t'\tltt\iott. Contact: 01875 830 358


0141 339 1343 (Glasgow)

Glasgow Zen Group /.a/en each 'l‘uesda} and Saturda}. un\\.glasgo\\/en.org.uk e-mail in li'aZ‘lh’7(i(a aol.coin.

Tel: 0141 339 3888

Dare to succeed \Vanting more our of lile'.’ What's holding )ou back‘.’ Lite coaching gets results. Face to lace or b_\ phone. l-irxt \L'\\lt)ll tree. It )titt'i‘e \\ illing to do what it take\. call Heather". Lite ('oach. Tel. 0131 476 2585. coach©enlighten.uk.com

Art Studios

New Studios Edinburgh \fifl \fh-‘x '-" '-.*“'. f‘ " a if: “f .r ;" :lll‘sll t. .‘l.t"'\x"‘ .t . I i‘a- tli'n; it ? J'UX'.» ei‘uf Il"-"x .25‘ ’s [.1 w” ‘.'.-_

WW“. '»;‘ a-q'x . arr.” ’3 7 \t‘t 3 “'7' -" illl‘r'i"; slut-e '.. ll: ' Tami-2s» 'ln‘f’i “as gm: "mi 3 I” "'l‘li‘I " .‘l iegfaxf‘ i Etta

'\ ‘4‘ .' it‘tgt; ".‘Il't":"\

Roxy Art House (/0 18 Atholl

Crescent lane, Edinburgh EH3 8El

Space to let

Arts organisation has office space to let in the (‘on gate. approximatel) 48 square metres. Would \ltil indix idual ot' \tttttll team. Shared meeting room and storage mailable. Please contact officespace© art-in-partnership.org.uk or tel: 0131 225 4463

if d


Jobs Classified

Space for rent in lidinburgh l'nix'ersit)‘ area for \UL‘litl L‘\‘Cttl.\ and private tuition classes. l)a_\'/e\ening. Reasonable rates. Call Mcfeely’s Bookstore 0131 662 8568








call our Classified Department on 0131 550 3060

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