Extravagant rock extroverts excite

So there's a big fella with a beard yOu could lose a badger in done up like a Las Vegas-era Jesus Christ fronting a bunch of ageing hooligans who l‘(}8(}ll‘t)’(} the Icon biker ‘seCurity guards' from Altamont. He's bellowing away like something half-way between Robert Plant and Robbie Coltrane. ‘.'.'illi(} the ii‘iisii: is caught between the Who and Kinks ribbed-for-pleasure pop and a Lep Zep scarred by the claws of Black Sabbath. This is the Soundtrack of our Lites.

After years in the shadows. the Swedish sextet have emerged. Noel Gallagher endorsed ‘not always a good thing. grantedi. to rock eyeryone's ‘.',’()t‘i(i_ Big,

beautiful and bound to put a smile on the face. ilvlark Robertson) I Ligtiid Room. 0870 769 0700. 26 Aug. 7.30pm, £70.75.

Juice played the first cabaret so it's fitting that they headline the last and combined with DJs until 5am. It's a one stop for the best Edinburgh has to offer. (David Pollocki

I Bongo Club. 558 7604. until 26 Aug. 70.30pm. Etbc.


:CANTO VIVO! Up close guitar magic 0...

Some adVice: get to

this show early. or else y0u may have to make do with a neck-craning View from the seats by the door in Valvona

and Crolla's intimate

performance area. For everyone else. though. soprano Claire Debono

and guitarist Simon Thacker prowded a fluent. not to say da7/ling. selection of classical Spanish and MeXIcan music. Debono's powerful vocals are particularly satisfying. as are her warm lyrical explanations. Thacker

takes centre-stage too.

though, for the odd mean instrumental. Culminating in a well— deserved. show-offy guitar toss. In fact. it's ObVlOUS to everyone in the sold-Out audience that this is a show that deserves a bigger stage. iDaVid Pollock‘i I Valvona and Cro//a. 556 7800. unti/ 23 Aug. various times. 88 $6,.


The arch-drude arrives

1. He is a COlT‘tpllCEltE—Bd man: musician. mythologist. historian and writer. More than most and better than many. 2. He enhghtenexl the world to the genius of Can. The 708 improVisational pioneers holed themselves up in a castle in Germany for over a decade creating some of the most mesmeric and diverse music. In Cope's book. Krautrocksamp/er. he happily tells it like is with them. 3. He wrote a pair of autobiographies Head On and Reposesseo’l that were interesting to read and not just an indulgence. 4. Onstage. armed with only a guitar and an armful of the most infectious skewed pop songs. he's an absolute charmer. 5. ‘Reward'. "Beautiful Love'. ‘Elegant Chaos'. 'Sunspots'. ‘Jehovakill'. ‘lncredibly Ugly Girl'. 'Bill Drummond Said'. All bloody good songs. What more do you need?

Liquid Room. 0870 769 0700. 24 6’. 25 Aug. 7.30pm, £74.


Rizla has had a presence at the Edinburgh Festival for many years now, and has made many friends "‘ and die-hard fans along the way. So while it’s existed unofficially for ages it decided to get everyone . ' r“ ,‘ together this year and formally create its very own Rizla Clan. ' ' "

Here’s how it happened . . . Rizla’s designers, who created the limited edition Tartan Rizla packs , (from RIZIE. blue, green, yellow and red), thought festival goers deserved a little piece of Rizla memorabilia in 2002. So they designed their own exclusive tartan.

The Rigla drag queens, Hollywood and Darcy have been in Edinburgh throughout August sampling a excluswe tartan packs with great origami instructions. Keep your eyes peeled for them in the bars, clubs and on the streets of Edinburgh and you might just get yourself your own souvenir Rizla pack from this year’s festival.

To win one of these fabulous ladies kilts, just tell us:

What four colours make up the Rizla tartan?

Answers on an email marked ‘RIZLA’ to or on a postcard to The List, 14 High St, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE. Deadline for entries is 30 August 2002.

Please include a daytime telephone number and address. ' Terms & Conditions: This is a ladies kilt and comes in one size and style only. Usual List rules apply. ¢ \ ' "-" "I"