Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

About a Boy I tit .00. t(‘hrix and Paul \\'eit/_ t'K/I'S. 2002i Hugh (irant. Nicholax llotilt. Toni Collette. itllmin. (irant breakx tree ot‘ hix poxh t‘op xcreen persona to play layabout \\ill Freeman in thix wining adaptation of Nick Hornby'x noy'el. Supporting a loat‘crx‘ life of telly. booze and birdx with wealth from hix late father. I‘reeman'x womanixing bringx him into contact with .\Iarcux tIloulti. the young xon of xuicidally deprexxed Iiiona t(‘olIettei. who proceedx to change the w‘axtrel’x life. The \\cit/ brotherx keep thingx bright and breezy. btit top honourx go to (irant and Iloult who xpend the tilm xwapping placex ax the titular

character. I’I‘ll (‘ineina. I"alkirk; Adam Stiiith.


Amadeus - Directors Cut mm 00.0 t.\Itlox l‘oi'nian. IS 1084! Murray Abraham. 'l'om llulce. tilt/abeth tierridge. I‘lmm. Whether we need a new \crxion ol' I~'orman'x ()xear w iiitittig lite ol .\Io/art ix a moot point. Screenwriter l’ctcr Shaller‘x xtory ol \tenna court coitipoxer Antonio Saheri and hix plot to engineer the downtall ol \\oll‘gang Amadcux .\Io/art. a 'gtggling. dirty -minded creature with a (iod glycn muxical talent. thanklully remainx intact. But what ix tiioxt clear hour a repeat \ icwmg ix the undiminixhed quality ol Abi‘aham’x performance. giy mg depth to a glittcrball ot a ttto\ ie whoxc colourlul xtii‘tacc cottld otllet'wtxe he too tll\et'tttlg. Selected releaxc. The American President I IS» 0000 lRob Remer. I'S. I‘)‘)5i .\Iichael Douglax. Annette Betting. .\Iartin Sheen. I 13min. \\tdow er and leader of the “extent world Andrew Shepherd tl)oug|axi taIIx tor a xparky eiiyironmeinal lobbyixt tllcningi. but tindx that prexx intruxion. oppoxition qui‘x and hix day today chorex get in the way ol' romance. Director Renter t When Harry .llt'l Sit/Iii again pullx oil a pcrleclly balanced romantic comedy. throw mg to write xertoux pointx along the way. ()dcon. Dunlernthne.

Arms and Peace I IS. .\tm the. The (il’I‘K montth debate orientated programme. the Sunday Supplement. kickx oil the dixcuxxton with a xelecttoti ot xhort tiImx dealing w ith the Iii'itixh armx trade atid the country 'x peace moy cmenl. (il'vl‘. (ilaxgow. Austin Powers 3: Goldmembert I2. .0 day Roach. I’S. Ittttli .\like .\chrx.

.\Iichael (lune. licyonce lx'nowlcx. ‘Mmm. Iior

the xccond xetittel to the enoinionxly popular xpy xpool. .\Iy.-rx hax w ritten Innixelt a third

\ illamoux part xo that hix xiytiex xuper xpy now hax to deal w ith not only I)r liy ll and Iiat Itaxtai‘d. btit .tlxo a lella with a golden The three \ illamx ttht'ce and a halt it you cottnt .\Imt~.\lei once again turn to time trayeI to rid themxcly ex ot' the intertcrtng I’owei‘x. opting to go back into the p;th to kidnap :\ttxtin‘x dad. Ntch t('ainei. lteather (iraham. Michael York and Robert Wagner return ax. rexpectiyely. American agent lielicity

Shagw ell. Auxtin'x boxx Baxil lixpoxition and Dr liyil'x Number Two. (ieneral releaxe. Bend it Like Beckham t I2) 0000 t(iurinder ('hadha. t'K. 3002i I’armindcr K Nagra. Keira Knightley. Jonathan Rhy x- .\leyet'x. 1 13min. The parentx ot llounxlow teenager Jexx tNagrai want her to concentrate on her xtudiex. to learn how to cook traditional Indian lood. and to marry a rexpectable young man. chx. how eyer. ix tar more paxxionatc about play mg tootball. and ix .txketl lty lelloyy xcltoolglt’l Jtllex tKnightleyi to tom the local womenx‘ team. Ax with Blur/'1' on Illt' limit It and ll'littl'y ("tutti/1;! ’, w ritct‘ director ('hadha conlidently tixex comedy to e\plore xocial. racial and latinlial l\\tle\: with tootball a dey ice to itiyextigate what it meanx to he young. lcmale and xelt-conlident iii contemporary Britain. tldcon. Ayr.

Big Fat Liar t Hit 0 tShawti I.e\y. I'S. Ititili I‘iankie \Itmi/. l’aul (iiamatti. Amanda Ilynex hbiinn I-I year~old Michigan xchoolboy .laxon Shepherd hax htx oyerdue teim papei xtolen by eyil moxie mogul .\Iarty

\\olt'. who intendx to turn it into a blockbuxlcr. Jaxon and bext triend Kaylee xet oll. l..-\-bound. on a llllxxlttll to ptit the xituation to rightx. l‘t’I'I'IA Ifue/ler-quue momentx reiiiinixcent of John lIughex' 80x work. \‘ikingar (’inema. I,argx.

Big Trouble .00 ttli (Barry Sonnent‘eld. t'K. 2002i Tim Allen. Rene Rtixxo, Stanley 'I'ucci. 85min. Sonnenl‘eld’x bonkerx but otherw ixe harmlexx comedy crime caper t'ell foul of the 9/! l backlaxh becauxe a crucial xcene iny'oly'ex xmuggling a nuclear dey'ice onto a plane. under the noxcx of incompetent .xecurity stall. The real inyxtery. however. ix how it had ay'oided the attentionx ot' the plot police? Carl Hiaaxen- .xtyle screwball logic i.x' one thing. but a Miami setting and a barrelful of cheap laughs cannot wholly excuxe the weak .xtoryline. Lexxx dixciplined than (it)! Shorty. t'ar funnier than Men in Black 2. and crazier than a xackt'ul of feral catx. See review. General releaxe.

Birthday Girl t ISI .00 (Jez. Tom and Stephen Butterworth. t'K. 2002) Nicole Kidman. Ben (’haplin. .\lathieu Kitxxtiy'ltl. 03min. St. Albanx batik clerk. John. t('hap|ini marriex Rtixxian internct bride. Nadia. tKidman i. 'I‘heir xuccexxt'ul xeyual. il' noti- coninmnicatiye relationxhip ix dixrupted with the arriyal ol‘ two Ruxxian couxinx w ho threaten to kill Nadia it' John doex not rob ltlx ow ii batik. An aw kward and curiouny ttimxy hour-and-a-halt'. not quite managing to combine ltx oyct'all light coniic tone with xome ol itx darker pretenxionx. Vikingar (inertia. I.argx.

Black Knight tI’( ii 0 t( Bil Junger. t'S. 2002i .\Iartin Lawrence. .\Iai‘xha 'I’homaxon. 'I‘om \\‘ilkinxon. 05min. The t'unniext thing about thix \o-called comedy ix that an implauxible pitch about a greedy black American janitor tl.awrencei who goex back in time to become a knight in the year I330 and who helpx oyet'throw an cy il king. got green-lighted by Hollywood in the tirxt place. Attemptx at humour reyolye around Jamal trying to bring xome modern-day ghetto xayyy itito the medieyal xettmg: he trainx the ti'oopx with xkillx honed on the \pot‘tx lield and giyex xottle 'xottl' to the King'x muxicianx. II it doexn't xotnid l'utiny that'x becauxe lI ixn‘t. Sec re\ iew. (ieneral rclcaxe.

The Bourne Identity t I’( it t Doug l.iinani Matt Damon. l‘ranka I’otente. ('Iiyc ()wcn. ('hrix ('ooper. mein. I’rey iew xcrceiiing ol the Robert l.udlam xpy not eI adaptation. which updach the action from the 30x to the prcxent day. I)amon playx Jaxon Bourne. a xuper axxaxxin xut'lering l'rom amnexia. Briinton 'l'hcatrc. tidinburgh.

The Closet t ISi 0.0 il‘rancoix Veber. I‘rance. 2002) Daniel Atitietil. (icrard I)epardieti. .\lichelle l.arot|ue. 85min. I‘rancoix tAutetuli tx a company man

perceiy ed ax bland and one-dimenxionai. But hc'x xeen dillcrently when a touched tip photograph xuggcxtx that the xtraight l-‘rancotx l'i‘equentx xome rixque gay nightclubx.

Iiyery body at the condom factory where he workx tI)epardieu. I.arotiue. boxx Jean Rochet‘orti xeex a new man. ax it" finding xoniething of their own poxxibilitiex within Francoix‘ apparently libertine behaviour. The (low! does a xurprixingly xkill'ul job of .xuggexting that gaynexx can be a healthy if \‘irtual mode of being. while also. in I‘raiicoix' employment anxieties. attaching itxelt‘ to the workplace film that so preoccupiex French cinema at the moment. Adam Smith. Kirkcaldy'.

The Crocodile Hunter tPGi COO tJohn Stainton. Auxtralia/I'S. 2002i Steye Irwin. Bro/lie Drew'ett. Sam lily'nn. .\Iin the. John Staintoii‘x comedy ady'enture prexery'ex the xtraight-to-caiiiera technique from the Auxtralian'x highly xuccexxltil xiiiall-xcrceii documentary xeriex. 'I'hix enablex the Iarrikin xtar to deIiycr hix tixual 'crikey' xtrewn lecturex on the likex til the bird-eating xpidet" and the lieree xtiakex |xtc|. w hile dealing plauxibly with a xketchy dramatic plot

inyoly ing a ('lA mixxioii to recoy'er a craxhed American xalcllite in North ()ucethlaiid and Irwin‘x attempt. along with wife ’I‘erri. to relocate a cattle-deyouring crocodile. Worth the money itixt to xec Irwin do liix thing. l-‘air dinkuin. (ienet‘al releaxe.

index Film

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