I FUN :tt ('tthe. l l.30pm .3ttm. l‘ree. \Veekl). Sztme ere“ its the .\lon night. really. httt thttt doesn't mean at let-up in the era/mess. Shawn and (iemg) -Bo_\ mun the decks.

I Juicy Tuesdays ill the \‘eltet Rooms.l lpm 3am. £4 (l‘ree). \Veekl)‘. Bill} .\lilligztn spins student elztssies in the ttpstttirs suite \Vhile Seott .\le.\lill;tn pl;l_\\

R&B and hip ltop it) the (ltmnSlilll'S lounge.

Chart & Party

I GI ill :\reh;tos. llptn 3am. £3 (£2 ). Weekly l);t\ e (iilmottr tllltl .\like Winters provide tlte ehee/} pop ttnd pztrty unthems to the putt} minded students.

I Laid ttt Shuelt. l0.30pm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veeltl). 'l‘he Shttek is otte ol' the husiest eltths itt l()\\ll right no“; This is :1 night of simple httt piqttttnt pleztsttre. l’tttnp up the \olllllte.

I Shooting Stars an tlte (iatrttge.

l lptn 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. (tet'r) and latin keep the drunk kids llilpp} \\ ith L‘llitt'l} house and pop ltits.

I The Shimmy Club at Bennet‘s. ll.30pm 321m. £.3 l .50). \Veekl}. A straight-ish and student) (tight ttt the

guy venue. with R;t)'tttottd l)it\t'elt maintaining tlte purl} atmosphere.

I TIT tit 'l'rttsh. l0.30pm 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. (iruhztme Ferguson and Seott l-‘ree spiit garage and house in the main room. while 1)] Rohert keeps the kids entertained ttith plenty of eheese in room t\\o. (iirls: diuntztnte hooh tubes are it must. othem ise you could look slightl)‘ ttndet‘dt'essed.


I Ad-Lib lll llope Street. 243 («.45. I Air Organic 36 Kelt-ingrote Street. 504 520]. I Alaska l42 Bath Lane. 248 1777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3l8‘).

I The Arches .\litllttntl Street (on Jumztiezt Street). 090] 022 0300.

I Asylum 70 ('ottettddens Roztd. 332 “()8 l.

I Babaza 25 Royztl lixehttnge Stlttttre. 204 ()llll.

I Bennet’s St) (llttsst‘ortt Street. 552 57M.

I Blacktriars 26 Bell Street. 552 5924.

I Bankers ()7 Hope St. 248 5884.

I Brel 3‘) Ashton Lame. 342 4‘)()().

/- ’5 (N \W“

, (fill / hi7 _ Setv‘iwl’ it" JL 3 part four.



I Fluid tit the Polo lounge. l0pnt lttnt. Free. \Veekl}. DJ Winne l)i\on mi\es tIp elttssie l’nnk. soul and diseo \\ ith :t dztsh ol eonletttpot'ut‘} tttneztge. illltl there are hull- priee eoektttils to mztke sure things go \\ itlt at \\\ mg.

I Mark Robb til the ('ttl de Stte.

0pm midnight. liree. \Veekl}. .\lztrk Rohh ol‘ Bull ('lnh liztme pro\ ides the retro funk and soul grom es to the West lind ntttssit e. I Moda ill .\lodat. 8pm lttm. l-‘ree. Weekly Smooth and soulful Rtkl) \\llll l)l .\'i;t|l. at one of the s\\;tttkit‘st looking Venues it) (on n.

I Post (it Bloe. .\'e\t dttte 28 .'\ll:_‘.

I Russell’s ill Rttssell's. ‘) l lpttt. l-"ree. \Veeltl). l)] Y3)“ hrings his \torltl mttsie e\tr;t\;tg;tn/;t to the )nppie masses.

I Salsa Fuente ttt llil\1lll;l.

8pm midnight. £4 \Veelsl}. Sztlstt elttss l'olltm ed h} sztlsn 1)) Jorjito through till elosing tinte.

I Samba with Thaissa! ttt (‘uhtt .\'orte. 7pm midnight. £5. \Veekl}. Another good :tlterntttn e to the house. teeltno :tnd ehees} nights llltlt

dominate (ilztsgots 's nightlile. l.e;trn stttnhat eztrnnztl st} Ie tts \\ ell its ehillittg ottt to sumhtt reggtte hettts. ()r tno\ e ll[)\l:lll'\ to tlte litPHS lel‘ and get (t hit :nnhient.

I Tango Bar ztt Bluelxlriztrs.

7.30pm I l.30pm. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. .-\rgentini;tn tnttsie and tlilllL‘L‘. itt the most eeleetie l)it\ettlelll ill to“ n. This \\ ill he ;t

I Budda l42 St \‘ineent Street. 22l 5060.

I The Cathouse l5 l'nion Street. 248 ()()()().

I CCA 350 Sttttehiehttll Street. 352 4000.

I The Cran I038 .v\rg_\le Street. 248 688 l.

I Cuba Norte )7 John Street. 429 3848.

I Cube 34 Queen Street. 220 8000. I Cul De Sac Ashton Lane. 334 889‘).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 ()227.

I Fury Murry’s (N) .\lll\\\ ell Street. 22l (5] l.

I The Garage 400 SttllL‘lllCllélll Street. 332 ll2().

I Glasgow School of Art l()7 Renl‘re“ Street. 332 ()(t‘)|.

I Glasgow University Union 32 l‘nitersit} .’\\enne. 33‘) Sot)7.

I The Griffiny 2(t(t Bull) Street. 33‘) 8697.

I Groucho St Judes It)() Bath Street. 3.3l .5 l 7 l.


stihlime session.

I TMA ;tt Btteehtts. 8pm lznn. l’ree. Basement heats tllltl eleetro lront [)1 real l.\l;ltl l)og). .\lilll (Keep on Keeping ()n) and l) eho lll\ e).


I Bennet’s ztt liennet‘s. l 1.30pm 3am. £2.50 l .50). \Veekl}. Sttrtt takes eontrol onee tnore in the ehth l'umons lor mttdness and tin. (them. liherul ehttt-ttp polie}.

I Elastik ill Bttrl'l) (lormerl) the l3th .\'ote ('ltth). 1 1pm 3am. £2. \Veeltl}. l)l ()nat lill\il .\llltllltltt l'rom His) and [)1 .\lingo-go. take in er the IIILISlL'tIl seleetion lor the l'ot'eseezthle l'tttttre while 803 tnltes tt hreztk to eoneentrute on other things. Injeeting some mneh needed oestrogen ittto the “(WM ol' l).ling :tnd pl;t}ing some damn line eleetro nti\etl tttto (I rundoml} seleeted sottndsettpe.

I FAB att Hahn/ti. l lptn 3am. l'ree helot'e | lpm: £4 (£3) :tl'ter. \Veekl). [)l Skttd hlends guruge. Rt&li and hunt} hottse.

pltt) ittg to :t dressed-tip erottd \\ ho ltelp to niatke this one ol' the httsiest lllltl\\L‘Cl\ tttgltlx ltl (ilttsgtm.

I Joints and Jams ttt (‘tthe

llpm 3am. £3 (£2). \Veekl}. lit the bath rootn llttrr} l3 and Brian 'I‘ present Loungin'. it seleetion ol' l-llllh} (melts and laid-httek tttnes. “line in the main rootn. u rotating roster ol‘ l)Js Suppl} Rtkli. hip hop illltl soul.

I The Jumpin’ Hot Rhythm and Blues Club ttl the \‘eltet Rooms.

()pm ltllll. £3 (£2). \Veelxl}. \t‘\\ night M

I 92 474 Sttttehiehull St (hehind the (iztrttge). 35.3 3| l l.

I Havana 5t) llttpe Street. 248 4406.

I Life (httsement ol‘ ('orinthiun). l‘)l lngrttm Street. 552 MM.

I The Lighthouse 5o .\liteltell Street. 22l ()302

I The Living Room 5 litres Rutltl. 330 85l l.

I MAS 2‘) Rosnl li\eh;tnge Sqnttre. 22l 7080.

I The Medicine Room 30-32 I Moloco I2S’7 Arg} Ie Street. 334 48l3.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Sztttehiehttll Street. .333 9037

I O’Henry’s I4 l)l'lll'_\ Street. 248 375l.

I Pivo Pivo, l5 Waterloo Street. 504 8l()()

I Polo Lounge S4 \Vilsott Street. 553 I221.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'ni\ersit} (ittrdens. 33‘) 0784.

|)\\Ill ( ..l\( |\\()\

listings Clubs

|i\ e mttsie \sith it resident “and pl;t) ittg R&l3. stt ing. and l);t\lL‘;|ll\ :tnxthttng \sith (t glut“ C. i I K

I People Music :ll .\l.\S. Itpnt 3am. £4 (£2). Weekl}. .\'e\\ night ol hip hop :md house l'roin t\\o ol the hetter tmdergtountl (ilztsgots ho}s. .\liehttel l’eek :md ‘lont Reet e ruek them up and knoek them tl()\\ll. (il'L‘dl for u \Ved.

I Shackass :tt Shuek. |0.30ptn 3.30am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. 'l'he. er. initnituhle l)J 'l‘ottst spins the linest in ehttrt L‘lilSSleS. \tith at health) smattering ol eheese tllStt.

Chart & Party

I Fit ttt .-\reh;tos. llpnt 3am. £3 (£2). \Veekl}. .'\l)\oltllel_\ eolossul student ttigltt \tith John Riehatrtlson ttnd (itts .\lieltuels Sll[)[)l}lltg ehees} pop. putt} ttnthents :tnd eontmereiztl house.

I Klass :tt Destiny )0th 32m). £2 hel‘ore I lpttt (£3 :tlter). \Veekl}. .-\ night ttimed ttt those who lune) tt pztrt) night out httt eun't stttntl those pesk} kids elttttering up the dztnee lloot'. ()\ er 28s ottl}.

I Media ttt .\leditt. llptn 3am. £3. Weekly ('httrtistr}. kztrnolse and :t rttlte ol hoo/e: \thttt tnore eottld _\ott possihl} ;t\l\' lot"? Drinks promos the the tettl honus (atll drinks £l hel‘ore ltlllll.

I Souped Up ttt the (tttruge.

l0.30pm 3ztm. £3 (£2). \Veekl). You should hill)“ the seore here. and il' )otl don't then ton mttst ll;t\ e heen residing in at etne lot" the lttst tet) )eztrs. l);tlt pop and student} ntztdness tn the l)ll\le\l eheeselest it) to“ n.

I Reds. 375 Suttehiehttll Street. 33! l(t35.

I Riverside Club l-'o\ Street. 509 7287.

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 Next Slletltlolt Street. l’nisle). 552 579).

I The Shack 103 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba l l .\litehell Street Lane. 204 2404.

I Soundhaus 47 ll)tlL‘p;ll‘ls Street. 22l 465‘).

I Spy Bar l53 Bull) Street. 22) 77l l. I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tztgo Lane. 357 4524.

I Tempus (‘(‘..\. 350 Sutteltieltttlt Street. see :tho\ e.

I 13th Note 2(tl) ('l'Hle Street. 243 2l77

I The Tunnel .\‘4 .\liteltell Street. 204 l()()().

I Variety Bar 40lSatttehiehatl| Street. 332 444‘).

I The Velvet Rooms 520 Sttttehiehttll Street. 332 0755.

I The Woodside Social Club 329 North \Vootlsitle Rotttl. 337 l()43.

I Yang 3.3 Queen Sll'L‘el. 24S 3434.

[here \\;ts no eoneterge .‘ll llte (irent l:;tstern llolel httt :t et‘zt/ed

resident \\ ith plastie bugs on his I‘eet :tnd :t lool\ ol‘eotttplete


ll) Ill I'll \H l) llllS l \l I, ll)l|\\\ l)l I'I'IS l()\\ll \\|l l\l S

l-‘.\() Rnttl \\'tll\es

enough to he totnlh eonl‘tdent

nt:t|e\ olenee lll his eses hnnded me .‘I telegtnnt :ts I entered

e;)ll me :tt onee l It;t\ e stt‘enl nens stop h;t\ e dtseot ered :t Inne— nt:tehine \lt)|)_lllSl intttgine seeing ho\\ \te dressed 5. (r. 7 _\Cill‘S :tgo ho\\ \\ e duneed \\ h;)l teeords \\ e ltstened to stop I e;tl| it the Seottntl (r|;tsgo\\ l.(lllll)l|l'}_’ll Shuttle stoptoin nte .‘Il onee to

t'e\ l\ e ottr |‘|:t;,'.s'.tng e:treers stop \\':)\ erlt is the stop stop

lll'lllL‘. drum and hnss reeords stop l)oetor 'l \\ tteh

lloh shit I muttered :ntd h_\ the time I reztehed the door lll_\ henrt \\il\ l‘ttll ol‘gios It \\;ts (little 1) plnee tltts soup dodge eit_\ httt l l‘or one \\:ts ttlnd to Ian e l\\:ts :t mnn on the nto\ e :tndtttsl siek

.4...: it So: THE LIST 107