I Coded at \ault. llpitt 3am. £5 t£~ll. \\'eekl). lhe} 'te lt'ttllt {1 record xlttl‘e. \U the tunex are goiitg to he l'rexh and highl_\ lttnk). aren't the} ‘.’ A rotating roxter ol' l)J.x affiliated to 35rd l’recinct .xuppl} houxe-led groot ex at tlte nett cltth. Sleten .\lc('i'eet') ix tlte main man. httt the pool of talettt inclttdex Bill} Kiltie. Billy \Voodx and Antanda l’rice.

I Crash at tlte Shed. ll).3(lpm 3am. £3 (£3). Weekl}. (‘l‘ttxll lttltt the \\ eekendx with tltix hugel} popular night \\ itlt tlte Southxide xet. (iarage tl).l (ierr_\ l.}tttix hoxtx tlte ntaitt hall \tith tlte ttltintate eclectic pitt'l} xottntltt'ack and DJ l);t\ e Mulholland ((‘uhet takex tlte ltelttt iii tlte l.ot't upxtairx \\ ith a itiglit ol claxxic Rtkli.

I Fresh at the Polo l.ounge.

llpttt 3am. £5. \Veekl}. Micltelle attd And} take cltarge ol tlte ntuxical dtttiex in thix delicioux Mercltant (it) mi\cd cltth. \Vhether )ott're itt tlte 'lt'oph} Room or on tlte danccl‘loor. the lunex \\lll ltlel _\ottr happinexx.

I Friday Street Mod Night at Mc(’hui|l'x lliglt Street. Spin midnight. Monthl}. The regular l'rida) Street l)J.x xpitt elttxxie mod xotttttlx l'or one til the tttoxt real. dottn to eartlt ntuxic ptthx/eltlhx in (ilttxgott. .ltlxl check lltttxe lapelx. hah}.

0 Gain at Alaxka. llptn 3am. £ ll) (£8l. () Atig. Monthl}. (‘ra/t' tecltno night lt'ottt Slant takex the paxxiott attd inxpiration hehintl (‘arl (‘o\’x cull underground lahel lntec Recordx. 1)] (’l. and ptttx ltittt at tlte deckx tor a xexxion that \\ ill knott no genre hottndariex.

I Gigantic at Barll} llormerly the l5llt .\'ote (‘luht 0pm 3am. £4 (£5). \Veekl}. lake on [he pet'xoltat ol' )ottl' choxen indie heroex. From the le} Morixxe}; the hagg) llapp} .\lolttl;t}x and the too cool hit xkool Strokex. (iigantic pla}x all ol' the xottgx _\ou need to ltear \tithottt itixttltittg the intelligence ol' the xchmindie connoixxeur. or heittg loo ele\ er.

I Global Love at Archaox.

llpiit 3am. £7 t£5l. \Veekl}. llttge cltthx need huge nightx. l’rogrexxite ltottxe and trance ix xer\ ed tip h} rexident l.ixa l.ittle\\ood. attd lapped tip h} a nicel} xttitcd arid hooted crotx d (it _\oting people.

I Hustle and Bustle at Baha/a. (rpm 3am tl)Jx lrom l lpml. l'ree hel'ore l lpm: £5 alter. \\'eekl_\. l’aul 'l'ra_\nor and Stett art Mc('allunt rip it tip \t ith xottte highl) charged Rtkli and hip ltop mixed \\ ith t'unk_\' attd lunkier trackx.

I In at the Deep End at .-\d l.ih.

l lptn 5am. £5. \\'eek|_\. Ad l.ih clear the tahlex aua} once again ax Richard and lndica take control. .lackin' heatx and xolitl grootex dominate tthile Higltiol Monke} prot idex the littext qualit) lite percuxxion.

I Life at l.ile. ltlpm 3am. liree helore midnight: £7 alter. \Veekl}. Ket'in Mcliu‘lane (Beat 10m and (iortlon Miller take on the [\H) roomx \\ itlt a xolid l'ttnk. xottl. garage and old-school clttxxiex selection.

I Latin Fever at llatana. 9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. 1)] Keith I) xpinx tip xonte (‘olumhiaiL ('tthan. New York and Alt‘ican xalxa. adding a l\\ ixt ol l.atin chart. R&H attd glohal heatx to the l'lt}llllllleitl xtett. 'l'axt}.

I Keeping it Sound at the Medicitte Room Bar. 8pm lattt. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. A li_\hrid ol' 1)] xetx aitd lite perl'orntancc. \tith nodx to all the lunkiext and deepext ltottxe xourcex. lit coming tt'eekx the night Will he playing ltoxt to xome ol~ tlte coolext underground outlitx around.

I Mad Professor at the Areltex. ()pm midnight. £‘). ‘) Attg onl}. Modern duh legend Mad l’l'ttlexxttl‘ takex centre xtagc at thix. a croxx het\\ eeti a cltth ttigltt and a Spaced ottt litlxx) haxx httiiiperx on acid and phat heat xtructurcx lt'ottt the other \itle ol' the edge.

I Manga at Alaxka. llpni 3am. £0 (£7). lh Aug onl_\. Ax part ol' the ol‘ltcial launch lor the Bl§("x new digital radio xtation. BIK' l Xtra. Manga prexentx the

ol‘ticial I)rtint aitd Baxx launch part) \\illl prcxenterx Baile} lS\terte/Metalhead/l and Flight lMctalltcatl/l 'l'hcrc'x alxo .\l(' (i to keep tou alert to the prexxure lunk.

I Midi Hi-Fi at the (ilaxgott School ol~

Art. ltlpnt 3am. £‘). l(iAtig. Monthl}. Blinding ttiglttx are contttton currenc} ‘rottnd Midi lli-l‘i \\a_\. aitd thix itigltt ix the experience \\ rit large: I“ ixted queen and general leitgeixt xtraddler Mixx Kittin joinx up \\ itlt (ioltlenho). .loll_\ .\ltlxie . .\ltt \lttl‘t'tx. “li\\ilclt and Not make xure that _\our hraitt ix tried to hugger}. See pret iett.

I Jackin’ at MAS. llpm 5am. £7 t£5). “'eekh. (iood rexitlcntx. a xmart \entte and a uxuall) attracti\e crottd make tltix one ol‘(ilaxgo\t 'x huxiext tteekl} l-‘t'i nighterx. Bill} \Voodx. Darin) Sltarke} and Marcello l)ella ('roce axxttme the poxition. xo to xpeak. All ol' tltix and a cracking next xound \) xtem ntakex lot” a great night otit.

I Nurture at ('ltth (t‘). llpttt 3am. £5. ‘) Attg. .\'urtttre \telconte .littt lltttchinxon ll‘akel to the lold tor a nigltt ol‘ turtttahle tricker). alongxide rcxident .latttie tBaxic l.e\ cl l.

I Offset at (‘tthe. ltlpm 3am. £7 t£5t. Weekl). 'l‘hix part} ix \\llll rexidentx (ieol‘l' M and Ste\ ie Sole. Martin llexketh and John l._\onx.

I Public Spirit at Budtla.

llpttt 3am. £7 (£5). Weekl}. .lon l)a Silta ix one ol thoxe l).lx \tho \xill. lor the text (ll. ltix tla} x. lillltl tlte \tot'tlx ‘lhe legendary tacked on to the xtart ol' liix name. He and the Adorphiliacx are ha\ing their \teekl} part) at thix might} \enue. xo he in el'l'ect.

I Pure til the \'el\et Rootttx.

ltlpm 3am. £3 hel‘ore midnight; £(i t£-lt alter. \Veekl). Muxic tor adultx. Rotational rexidentx pla} Rtkll and hip hop iii the upxtairx arena \\ ltile the tlottnxtairx lounge getx the lunk} xoul treattttent l'rom Hill} Milligan. .\'ote: don't conluxc tltix \\ itlt the legendar} lidinhurgh techno night ol' the xame name. 'l‘hat'd he xtttpid.

I Red and Gold Room at At'ta. lllpm 3am. l-‘rcc hel'ore l lpm; £7 alter. \VL‘L‘lx‘l}. l).l Keith D ptipx up It) \pllt ttttl) the linext xalxa and l.atitt tunex to a \er} \\ ell lteeled .-\l'l;t (fund.

I Shakra at the Ri\erxitle (‘luh Midnight 3am. £8. lo Aug. .\lottlhl_\. .\'e\\ night \tith l'ottt‘ deckx. pcrcuxxion. inxtrumentx and l).lx \\llll perl'ormerx. Spinning lunk to trihal ltottxe \\l[ll a touch ol' retro. All in the en\ ironx ot' thix might) little \entte.

I Tantra at 'l‘raxh. ltlpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Veekl}. \\'a|l-to-\\all drttnk people: \tahc}l l.ixa l.itlle\\ootl and lain 'l‘homxon pla_\ uplront ltottxe to a packed dattcc l'loor. \\ itlt l).l Rohert pla) ittg l'unk_\ hottxe. dixco and indie itt roont tut).

I Urban Groove at (‘Itth ltttdda. llpitt 3am. £4 l£3l. \Veekl). l‘eaturing the talcntx ol~ Domenic Martin. \\ ho xeamlexxl) mergex l'S houxe and garage. deep ltottxe. dixco. xoul. ltlltlx and tau.

\\ ltile adding the odd tlaxh ol~ l.atiit aitd alto groot ex.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Aerodynamico at Bar 0 l.

()pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekl}. 'l'he xtttpetttlouxl} cool .'\L‘I‘U(l_\llitllllett kick till \that \\ tll he one (ll. tlte C(ltllL‘Sl pit“ cluh xexxittltx in [mm at lltix. one (ll. tlte C(ltllL'Sl liitt‘x llt tlte Merchant (ill). Broken heatx alto}?

O Bubblin’ Under at the Al’chex (‘al'e Bar. 9pm midnight. l-‘ree. It) Attg. l'ttl’llllgltll}. (io xuhterranean it] one ol' the cit} 'x moxt attractite harx/cal'ex. In Date Moore ix iuxt the man to take care ol the groot ex.

I Chillin’ at llatana. 3pm midnight. l‘ree. lll Atig. l'tll’lltlgltll). l’remier Axian ntuxic l)J Rl‘ getx tlt)\\ll attd dirt} \\ ith a xelection ol' Rtle hhangra attd hip hop. ('hunk} l'unk).

I Cul de Sac at the (‘ttl de Sac.

0pm midnight. l’ree. l7 Attg. l‘ortnii—‘htl_\. A 1)] ol xome calihre. Michael l’eck. cutx and xcratchex ltix \ta} throttglt the delectahle record hag \\ itlt c\er_\thing trout hip hop to t'unk. lt‘ottt ltottxe to the hext ol‘ the rext.

I Dirty Wriggles at tlte \‘at-tet) Bar. 0pm midnight. l‘ree. \\eekl_\. A lechno‘n‘electro pre-cluh xet l'rom Dirt} \Vrigglex of M} xtec Beau.

I Electric Cafe at \\'exi l3.

8.30pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekl}. l).lx Rohotttik aitd ('thettohead taka Stet en attd .lolttt lt'ttltl Bixl xhottcaxe the hext in x_\nthetic pop.

I Fake at Bar ll). 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekl}. l‘ake l)Jx Jim lltttcltixon and Brian Murnin take to the deckx to delix'er a killer pre-cltth xet itt tltix heautilttl. cool aitd claxx} cit} centre ptth.

I Fourward Thinking at l’our ('al‘e Bar l('('.»\t. ‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekl}. Bcatx attd hreakx cltaractcrixe thix pre-cluh xexxion at the (’('A. .lttxt the ticket.

I Freakmoves at the School ol- Art tl‘ront galler} l. lllpnt .‘~am. £(t (£5 £4): £55” (iS.v\ \ltltlettlx. \Veckl}. (iltlxxy di\erxe xet hour the collccli\ e hext

knott n tor their hip hoppin' xkillx. A chance to xample the llatour iii more intimate xurroundingx. alottg \\llll l)i\ inc and M} Machinex upxlairx.

I Mapuchi at Moloco. 7 llpttt. l‘ree. \Veekl}. l).l Marcello digx deep iii the

\ in}l \atiltx to unearth the hext iii ltlltlx. xoul. tau and l.atin.

I Paul Rea at Nico‘x. ()pm ntidttigltt. l'iree. \Vcekl}. (’luh hitx and chart lttxtittt'itcx lor the lotcd up .\'ico‘x cttxltttttet‘x.

I House Frenzy at Retoltttion.

Spin midnight. l'irec. \Vcekl). l’ertcct pre-cltth ttinage \\ itlt the Reutltlllttll houxe t‘exitlentx. (ietx _\ou iii a \er_\ ltlltlx} llltttttl.

listings Clubs

I Slick at Moda. ‘ll‘m 3am. l’ree. \Veekl}. Barr) (iemmel and (iortlon Miller eaxe their \\1t_\ through the night \\lllt the \er} hext iit houxe. garage attd Rtkli till 5am. Hit ol claxx.


I Bailamos at lla\ana. ‘)pm 3am. liree. \Veekl}. l).l Keith I) ltringx tou a world xelection: xalxa. Rtkll. l.atin chart action and \thate\er elxe llltl\ ex _\ou.

I Bennet’s at Bennei‘x.

ll..‘~(lpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. l-eel the goddatttn lunk ax Shattn attd Annie gite the Bennet'x part} poxxe c\actl_\ “hat the} “ant: commercial dance mi\cd \t. itlt it xelection ol~ 7(lx_ Sllx and Ullx ltilx_

I The Cathouse at the (‘atltouxe lllflllpm 3am. £3.51! t £2.5llt hel'ore

l 1.30pm: £4 alter. \Veekl}. lndic. rock. grunge aitd heatx acroxx l\\() l'loorx at one of the hext attended cluhx in tott n.

I Club Cuba! at (‘uha \orlc.

9pm 3am. liree. \Veekl}. (iet itt touch

\t itlt )our l.atin .xpirit at thix claxx} night ol~ dance. lhe linext l.atino heatx arc xttpplied h_\ l)ttncan. l‘arah and Shannon and make xure _\ou arritc call} to guarantee entr}.

Colours at the Arcltex. llpitt 3am. £lS. lll Attg. Monthl}. Maxxite one l’or (‘olottrx arid the man the} call Saxha. ax he launchcx hix alhum .lin/no: tit/(teem. Alxo in lull cl'l'ect \\ ill he .lamex /.ahicla. Ra} Roc. Richard Scam}. Wall} l.ope/. Angel l.intle. and mute ol the linext rexidentx around. cottt'lex} ot ( 'olottrx See pretrial.

I Cube Class at ('ulte. llpnt lant. £7 l£5). \Veekl}. l’ro\ ing that thix \enuc didn’t die \\ itlt tlte Suh (‘luh. ('uhe ix lltm hugel} xttccexxlul lll itx tt\‘.ll rigltt. ()ltl-xchool ltottxe claxxicx attd up—to-date atttltentx are the order ol' the da_\ at thix packed Sat nigltter. thatth to main room man Matt l.e l‘unk. lit the hack l).\l(i xer\ ex tip Rth.

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It :. THE LIST 31