Comedy listings

Comedy, Fri 2, Glasgow

Frankie’s Pick of the Fringe llte Stand. 333 \Voodlalltlx Road. 0870 000 0055. ‘lpin. £0 l£5l. Iii-e l-‘loor .S‘lioii- \lill‘ lirankie Bo) le intl‘odtteex \‘ladimir .\le'l'a\ l\lt. .l)l‘Ul-C\\lUlllll (ioolliall. l'lL‘Ll Anderson and star of Peter Kat ',\ l’ltm'nit .Visg/tlt. Jtixtin .\loorhou\e.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurx. l'(i(' Building. Rentreu Street. 0870 787 0707. 7.30pm. L I 3. See Hi 3.

Frankie’s Pick of the Fringe 'l'lte Statid. 333 \Voodlanth Road. 0370 000 0055. ()pin. [7. League ol' 'l‘ediuin imentor Simon .\lunner} eaxtx aside his might} all-seeing sword to talk eandidl} iii the stand-up tradition. Sttpport eoinex l'rom I)otigie l)unlop. Ste\ e Hughes and host l-‘rankie lio}le.

Madcap Comedy Club State Bar. I48 llolland Street. SS3 3334. 9.30pm. £5 tL'4l. Bill} Bonkel‘x introdueex l)a\ id Kea). \eil \lel‘arlane. \ix (iee and open \Ptll\.


Craic’s Best of the Fringe (‘til de Sac StillllhltlL‘/x\lllc. l 17‘) l’tlllok\ll;l\\\ Road. 04‘) INN/04‘) 47l7. Spin. £4. Ne“ York one-liner \peeialixt Sal and a host ol‘ aetx l‘rom the Fringe loin host Jainie \laeken/ie. 'l‘he Sotlllhide Soul :\\\;t\\ltt\ prm ide the \tttllltlx.

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 Woodlandx Road. 0870 000 0055. 8.30pm. £4 (£3 l. (‘oine \\Ul'\lllp at the eomed} altar ol' the laeonie ll'lSlllllilll and ol'l'er praise to lll\ \litlltl-llp tlle‘lplL‘x \UlllC ol~ \\ltUttt ma} ha\ e ll)ll(l\\ ed in his lootxlepx l‘t‘om lllC \int'ull) lunn} dens ol' lidiuhurgh.


Hang the VJ The Three Sisters. l3‘) (‘ottgattx 033 0300. ()pm lain. l‘i‘ee. Join llarr) Ammoth and HM e Strong

28 THE LIST ' X- . ; .9

laka 300] l’errier \eueoiner \\ innerx (iarth ('ruikxhank and liddie .\le(’ahel as the} tranl the murk} depths ol tlte pop ah} xx iii their \xeekl) gtti/ \hou.

Wednesday 7


Stand Up Scotland The Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road. 0870 000 0055. 9pm. £5 lL'4). Si\ ol' the Stand\ young guns linettp to line the tiring squad. Bruce I)e\ lin eomperex.


Rabbit Warren Comedy Club \iehol litl\\;il'd\. Niddt'} Street. 0794 l‘)3 033‘). 9.30pm. £5. Queen of l’\'('. Sarah \Vilxon lllll'ULlllCL‘S .\like Boon. Stephen Barnah). Jacqueline Hannah. John (iordon and John Seott. :\ll door ltlklltgs go It) l'itll'lll.\ llL‘lp :\ (‘lttltl Appeal and tltere \\ ill he a eharit} atietion on the night.

Thursday 8


The Why Front (‘(‘.'\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. 338 3374. 7.30pm. l'lCL‘. l‘lll llL‘kL‘lL‘tl. SL‘L‘ llltl l. Frankie’s Pick of the Fringe The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 0055. 9pm. £0 t£5l. .\lild- inannered eomed) gent ('hrix Addison \lttlltl\ up alongside Barr} ('axtagnola. .\lark l‘elgate and eoinpere Bruce Morton.


Rabbit Warren Comedy Club \iehol l'.tl\\;ll‘tl\. Niddl'} Street. 0794 103 933‘). Spin. £5. lt'x ladiex‘ night and the l'eeling‘x right at the Warren. l’\'(' Queen Sarah \Vilxon introdueex Jacqueline Hannah. JoJo. Sandra Johnston. Marjorie aiid Re/.

Snatch Club the Liquid Room. 0e \‘ietoria Street. 335 3504. l0ptn 3am. £3.50 l£3.50i. See lllll l.


Joon Broon Dundee Rep. 'I‘a) Square. 0l3S3 333530. 0.30pm. Stand—up and outrageous L‘t)\lllttlL‘\ l'rotn l)ttndee\ linourite delinquent daughter.

Chris Addison takes comedy to a molecular level at the Stand on Thu 8


Relax . . it’s just Sex

Stiltll‘lOr on TV and you don't expect great gay weaving, but take a look. You

(:an smile at l'/ii'/ and Grace Willi Erie lvleCorinaek finally appearing eo'iilortal_)le paying a gay :awyer hero. though don't expect any saute-sex passion in an American situation (Z()l‘l(}(ly. He :s upstaged gloriously by his camp Sl(l(}l<l(2l< Sean Hayes. Have you ever seen laeial ties like it?

liiitia'ly over-hyped. Six Fee! Under continues to exert its cool. so slow and deliberate. and at last the nerdy gay brother. so repressed and antsy. .s loosening his stay s as he struggles to commit to its Afro—Aiiieriean Christian po-ieenian loner. If only we all had that problem.

But one of the host gay -iiitorest programmes is O/ stuck l.'l Channel .1 late— iiiglit scheduling hell. Froti‘. HBO. O is set in a men's l)(}l‘.|l(}llll£tr‘,’ arid rs brutal. political and noiiio—erotie. O/ has a reu'elatohy' attitude to exploring sex betisxeen iiiaie prisoiims. The men have .'l() possih'lity of eontaet ‘.‘.’|ll‘ ‘.'.’()ltl(}ll. therefore gray sex is the norm. It doesn't shy array from race and oass polities and is


.ith |l‘-(If(}(lll)i(} (ignity. paexing a mighty puneh. If you ever i.'.'ondered

what happened o Rita Moreno iAiiita 0‘. the lll()‘.’l(3 of West Side Story/i catch her

here as an .ii‘derstaiid ng psychiatrist. Recent ‘.i(l(1‘() roease Relax . .

. is Just Sex.’ Is s it: a rnzsleaoiiig title. PJ

Cateliaoa's delglittui onse'iiole comedy drama is set ll‘ LA. and s about a group of ‘rierids. 'i‘aii‘“, 4(}E3l)|£l'l and gay ‘.'.’llll a ‘e'.'.' stragl‘ts. who make til) a'i {tttlél/l'lg 'alteriiateye‘ fatiii y. Exp oreo through the eyes of struggling unrite" Viieey ‘l)V‘;ll£ll‘.ll‘y performed by Michel Aridersoiii who feels sihg?e le‘C. alone. when all

his ‘nends 009.0 coupled of .

The ‘.'."l()i(2 of late :s exploreo here as people redefine their sexualty. in, for (Il‘|l(l"(}i" ai‘d ‘aoe up to l‘lOF'thlity Crzsis arriyes for the group ‘.'."ll()'ll tux/o of :ts ll‘i(}'l‘.l)(}l8 are utieer bashed. and t looks as .f they ".'./!ll go their ox'J'i separate ways tore-yer. Poigi‘arit. heartfelt arid lul of great perfortiiaixxzs. John Billl“(}l I ‘. 1/. .l and Grace. Chan/‘e/ J. 9.30pm: Six Feet rider. Chat‘r‘e/ J. f/i'oir.

7 4.0:) out: O/. Little/Tel 4'. Tues. / (i/Iillll./i’(}f) l/Ii/lr’.’ll()(j’<1 l/‘(KX/ R<3ftlwv

Glasgow Thursdays


Venom :\la\ka. I43 Bath Street. 348 I777. llpm 3am. £3. \Veekl}. ‘(ilainour \\ itli a haintner' l\ promised at this ne\\ eltih iiiglil.


Steve Retson l.(il&'l‘ (‘eniie l l l)i\on Street. 33l 7303. 5.30 8.30pm. l‘ree. \Veekl}. (ia) men‘s \L‘\ll;tl health iltl\l\t)l'} \eiwiee. ('ontaet 3| l 8001 tor appointments.

Lesbian Health Clinic Santl_\l‘ord lnitiati\e. Sauehiehall Street. 3| l 0700. 5.30 Split. l'll'L'L‘. \VL‘L‘kl}. llL‘llllll ad\iee. TFI Bi-G-Les Youth Group t.(iB‘t‘ (‘entt'e. ll l)i\on Street. 33l 7303.

4 Spin. l-"ree. \Veekl}. .-\n open meeting for _\oung l.(ili'l‘ up to the age ol‘ 35. Gay and Lesbian Badminton Club Knightxttood Seeondar} School. 00 Knightxuood Road. 7pm. \Veekl}. All welcome at this lrieiitll} eluh. eontaet l)onn on 07035 031 057 for more tlL‘ltlll\.

Glasgow GOC Swimmers ('ontaet 04‘) 5800. 7.30 0pm. \Veekl}. lnl'orinal



The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ('iti/enx' 'l‘heatre. l l‘) (iorhalx St. 43‘) 0033. 7.30pm. £7.50 tL'3.50l. 'l‘htt l Sat 3 :\llg‘. Spot the lexhian xtihte\t in .‘xluriel Sparkx' coined} about a \ttpportn e schoolteacher and her ‘gelx' ax perl‘orined h) the enterprising Seottixh Youth ’l‘heatre.

tip/n; Relax it's Jas.‘ Sex 78, «'00nw:

Glasgow Fridays ~


Girls on TOD BL‘llllL‘l‘S. (il;t\\l‘0l‘d Street. 553 5701. llpiii 3.30am. £3 L0 033 £5l. Hi 3 Aug. Monthly l)J Sara pl‘o\ide\ the \ottnd\ l'or thix month's \iomen-onl) night \\ ith a inaxxn e ticket gheaua} \tith l'reehiex lor Natalie ltnhruglia. the Indigo (iirlx atid lilton John up l'or grahx.


TFI Bi-G-Les Youth Group Drop In l.(}B'l' (‘entre. ll l)i\on Street. 33l 7303. 4 8pm. Free. \Veekl). Support l'or l.(}ll'l’

tip to the age til 35.

TheaUe The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 'l’hu l Sat 3 Aug. See ’l‘hu.

Glasgow Saturdays


LIPS (ilaxgtm \Voiiien\ l.ihrar_\. I00 ’l‘rongale. 553 8345/7530. 3 4pm. l’ree. Sat 3 :\ug. l‘ortnightl}. Support l'or lexhianx and hi\e\ual \toinen under 35.

Theahe The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 'l‘hti l Sat 3 .-\ttg. See 'l‘liti.

Glasgow Sundays


Icebreakers l.(ill'l‘ (‘eiitie ll l)i\oii Street. 33l 7303. I330 3pm. l-‘ree. Sttii 4 :\ttg. .\lontlil_\. (iroup tor lesbians. gap and lii\e\ual\ next to the \eene.