I Acoustic Jam Nicc'n'Slcal). 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9M7. 9pm. With a ll‘cc drink as inccntix'c for participants.
I Summertime Pop Concert :\lhcrt Halls. I)umharton Road. 0|7S’o 473544. 7.30pm. £7.50. Scc Sun 4.
Tuesday 6
I The Bus Drivers, Shootin’ Goon, Muff and Misled Youth 'l’hc (‘athoUsc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 348 (3606. 7.30pm. £5.50. ()\ci‘- 14s show. I Queen Adreena and Pointless Creation Barfly (l‘ormcrly thc 13th Ntitc (‘luhL 3o0 (‘l_\‘dc Stt‘cct. 0870 907 0999. 8.30pm. £7. Asylum rock from Kat} and ('rispin. thc crstu‘hilc tcrrihlc twosomc hchind l)ais) (‘hainsaw Should hc a l’i‘cak)‘ ‘llt)\\.
I Breschnev and The Social Lepers \VCst l3th. l3 Kcltinhaugh Strcct. 57o 5018. 8pm. l-icc. l'ndcrgi'ound punk sounds from Holland.
I The Martians Bcansccnc. l9 Skii'Vlilg‘ Strcct. 033 8090. 8pm. lircc. I Stuart’s Session t'ixgc Bcatha. 333 Woodlands Road. 564 I596. 9pm. l'rcc.
I Live Music The l3tli .\'otc (‘al't’x 50 o0 King Strcct. 553 1038. 9pm.
Wednesday 7
0 Sophia, Malcolm Middleton and Kristofer Astrom Barfly ll'ormcrl} thc l3lh .\'olc (‘luhL 300 (‘l_\dc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 8.30pm. £7. Scc prc\ ic\\ l'oi' Sophia. Support from thc Arab Strap guitar man \k'lio
will soon rclcasc his first solo album. Scc pt'cvicu.
I Redpath 'l‘hc |3th .\'otc (‘al'ti
50 o0 King Strch 553 M38. 9pm.
I Jo Mango Brcl. Ashton l.anc. 343 49oo. 8.30pm. I’rcc.
I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘lic Halt Bar. 160 \\'oodlands Road. 504 I537. 9pm. i-‘rcc.
Thursday 8
I Katastrophy Wife and Finest Hour King Talk Wait Wait Hut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33] 5379. 8.30pm. £7 pltis hooking l'cc. Spccd} rcturn for thc latcst cathartic outlcl ol' Kat Bjclland. cx-Bahcs [n 'l‘oyland singcr and all- round riot grrrl rolc iiiodcl.
I Beachwood Sparks, Vera Cruise and Eugene Kelly \Vcsl l3th. l3 Kcltinhaugh Strcct. 57o 50IS’. Spin. Old school hipp) jangling from this hcatilic .-\mcrican hand \tlppot'icd h) tv.o cstiniahlc local mclod)‘ makcrs. I Recliner, Locosea and Sunday Void 'l'hc l3th .\'otc ('alc. 50 (ii) King Strcct. 553 lots. 9pm. l’rcc.
I Southside Studio ()nc. (iroucnor llotcl. (il't)\\L‘iltli' 'I-ct't‘acc. 3—H (filo. 9pm. I’rcc. 'l’cxas trihutc.
I Roadhog Manka 'l'chai ()\'na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4534. Split. Hm.
I The Optimystics Bcansccnc. S (‘rcssu'cll Lanc. 334 (i770. Spin. l’rcc. I Dave Dickson 'l‘intlcrlmx. lS9 By'c‘ Road. 339 3|0S’. 9pm. l’rcc.
I The Vagabonds 'I‘hc Scotia.
ll: ll-l Stock“ cll Strccl. 553 ShSl. 9pm. I-‘rcc. Popular co\ crs.
I Jam Session Samucl i)0\\ \.
(37 9| Nithsdalc Road. 433 0l07. 8.30pm. l'i't‘c‘.
I Live Music .\lacSoi'lc_\ s. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 34S S5S’I. 9pm. lircc. Local hands.
jazz listings Music
ia// “llli spccial gucsts at thc Hamilton
.Ja/x (‘Iuh
The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
I Jazz Saboteurs 'l'hc Britlgc Ja/l Bar. 83 South Bridgc. 478 35H). 0 8pm. I’rcc. Brilliant _\oung trio from Kim. l'caturing Alcxandra I’rimakma on an. I Jazz Summer School Showcases 'l‘hc llridgc Ja/l Bar. S3 South Bridgc. 478 3510. 8.30pm. I‘rcc. Scssion l'caluring lidinhurgh‘s lalcnt taking part in this )L‘;ll"\ .\'apicr Summcr School.
I Beat Root Juice 'l‘lic licat Jal/ Bascnicnt. l ('hamhcrs Strcct. 078] I 375374. 9pm. £3 £3 llrcc hcl'orc £l0pmi. .\ hcad) mi\ ol'ja/x. \xorld and l.atin hcats. l'caturing 'l‘oh} Shippc} on trumpct. Barnc} Harnctt on sa\ and (lids (ircixc on tromhonc.
I Keith Edwards Quartet 'I‘lic Bridgc Ja/l Bar. 83 South Bi'idgc. 478 35l0. l0pin. I‘rcc. Bc-hop.
I Aberdour Festival Various \cnucs. 01383 S(i()3(i3. .-\ \xcck-long lcstixal oi music. drama. jazz and ccilidh dancing.
Hamilton I Clyde Quartet Silxcr 'liasslc. .-\lmada Strcct. Spin. l-‘rcc. Straight Up
I Sydney Zenith St :\ndt‘c\\ \ in thc Squarc. ()l‘l~ Saltmarkct. St Andrcu 's Strcct. 548 (i030. £5 £0. .-\s part of ‘A Sxxinging Ja/l Part} \Vcckcnd' at St Andrcu 's in thc Squarc. S}dnc} /.cnith's .\'c\\ ()rlcans .la// Band conic all thc \\a_\ from Anstralia to bring do“ n thc liousc.
I Napier University Jazz Summer School Napicr l'ni\crsit}. (’raighoUsc Road. £3301£SOL Scc Thu 1. I Jazz Summer School Showcases 'l‘hc Bi'idgc Ja/l Bar. 82 South Bridgc. 47S 35 I0. 8.30pm. l’rcc. Scc 'lilitl l.
I Trouble at the Blue Note The licat Ja/x Bascnicnt. l ('hanihcrs Strcct. 078] I 375374. 9pm. £3 £4 ll-‘rcc hcl‘orc £|0pmi. lirik l)a Viking and llohhcs host this rcsidcnts spccial oi 3lst ccntur) ja/I. I The BackBeat Band The Britlgc .la// Bar. 83 South Bridgc. 47S 35“). l0pm. l-"rcc. I-‘our-piccc clcctric ia// night l‘caturing thc hcst in local talcnt.
Aberdour I Aberdour Festival VarioUs \cnucs. (H.333 800303. Scc Thu |.
I A History of Scottish Jazz St :\ndrc\\ 's in thc Squarc. ()l‘l' Saltniarkct. St .'\iltll'L‘\\ \ Strcct. 548 (i030. £5 £0. .'\\ part of thc S“ inging Ja/l l’art) \Vcckcnd at St Andre“ 's in thc Squarc. l‘ionna Duncan. I-‘orric ("aims and othcr l‘ornicr mcmhcrs oi thc ('lansnicn and ('l}dc \allc} Stompcrs do thcir thang.
To enter, just tell us:' . i ., - I
What is the name or the night club at vzoozr Answers on an emailmarked ‘V2002’ to promotiOnsolist.co.uk or on a postcard to The List, 14 High St, Edinbu h, EH1 1TE. Deadline for whims 9 August 2002. Please include a aytime telephone number an ress.
And if you can't be there to enjoy it all in person, you can watch ten
The List has linked up with Virgin Mobile, headline sponsor of V2002, to offer users the chance to win VIP tickets to V2002 at Weston Park in Staffordshire. With Sony Ericsson on board as Virgin mobile's official handset partner, we have a pair of VIP weekend tickets with camping and a sleek and s lish Sony J7 mobile phone up for grabs for one ucky winner. Virgin rains have also offered the winner return train travel for them and their lucky friend from Glasgow or Edinburgh. ‘
The superb line up this year features a range of performers including
headliners Stereophonics, Travis and Badly Drawn Boy. Virgin Mobile and Sony Ericsson will be offerin festival oers the chance
to recharge their mobiles for free, use a rial and ial phone for the weekend and visit the Virgin Mobile Red Light Club - the first nightclub ever seen on site at a festival!
The club will feature DJ sets sets from Rob Birch from the Stereo MCs, Andrew Weatherall and Mark Rae from Rae and Christian, wrth many more huge names to be added to the bill over the next few weeks, so watch this space!
The hugely popular ‘Text the Fest' will also be back, which at V2001 saw 25,000 hilarious text messages to the huge jumbotmn screens either side of the main stage.
Virgin Mobile has set up a FREE V2002 text message service - whichever network you are on for festival-goers. To register, simply send a text message saying ‘ON' to 07905 492 898
hours of the fun on lTV2 on Sunday 18 August from 7.30pm and Monday 19 August from 8.30pm.
To find out more about Virgin Mobile visit www.virginmobite.com or call 0845 6000 600. For more cool festival information visit www.wearethelaw.tv
Terms 8 Conditions:
Entrants must be 18 years old or over. Winners must provide their own camping equipment. No cash alternative is available. In the event of cancellation! illness, The List takes no responsibility for supplying alternative prizes. Usual List rules apply.
.- THE LIST 25