Clubs listings
Glasgow Wednesdays continued
I Elastik at Bar”) tl'ormcrl) lhc ch .\’otc (Juli). llpm 3am. £2. \Vcckl). l)J ()na taka .-\manda lt'om Bis) and DJ .\lingo-go. takc o\cr thc tnuxical \clcction lor tltc l‘orcxccahlc luturc u hilc 803 takcx a hrcak to conccntratc on other thing. lnjccting \t)lllL‘ much nccdcd ocxtrogcn into thc “mid of l)Jing and pla_\ itig \omc damn linc clcctro mi.\cd into a t'atidolttl) \clcctcd \t)tttitl\c;tpc.
I FAB at Baha/a. l lptn 3am. l‘rcc hcloic llpm; £4 (£3) altcr. \Vcclxl). l)J Skud hlcndx garagc. Rth arid lunk} llotISC. pla} ing to a drcxxcd-up croud \\ ho hpr to makc thix ouc ol' thc huxicxl
ittid“ L‘Clx tlighh ilt (ilaxgtm.
I Joints and Jams at ('uhc.
I lptn 3am. £3 (£2). \Vcckl). in thc hack rootn Hart} B and Brian ’I‘ prcxcnl Loungin‘. a \clcction ol lunk} trackx arid laid-hack tuncx. uhilc iii thc main room. a rotating roxtcr ol l)J\ \uppl} Rtle hip hop and \oul.
I The Jumpin’ Hot Rhythm and Blues Club at thc \chct Rootilx.
Upm lam. £3 (£2). \M‘ckl). .\'c\\ tiight ol Iix c lllllxic \\ ith a rcxidcnt hand p|a_\ ing Rth. S“ ittg. and haxicall) aintltang \\ ith .l gt'ooxc.
I People Music at .\l.'\S. l lpiti 3am. £4 t£_‘). \Vcckl}. .\'c\t night ol hip hop and houxc lrom l\\() ol thc hctlcr undcrground (ilaxgott ho} \. .\iichac| l’cck and Tom Rcc\ c raclx thcm tip and knock thcm
do“ n. (ircal lor a \Vcd.
I Shackass at Shack.
lllfillpm 3.30am. £5 t£3 ). \Vcckl). 'lhc. cr. inimitahlc l)J ioaxl \pinx thc lincxt iti chart c‘laxxicx. \\ ith a hcalth} \mattcring ol L'llL‘L‘SL‘ tllxt).
Chart & Party
I Fit at .-\t‘chao\. llptn 3am. £3 (£2). \Vcckl}. .r\h\o|tttcl_\ coloxxal \lttdcttl night \\ ith John Richardxon and (iux Michaclx xuppl) ing chccx} pop. part} anthcmx and commcrcial houxc.
I Klass at l)L‘\lill}. ll)pm 3am. £2 hcl'orc I lpnt: £3 altcr. \Vccld}. .\ night aimcd at llioxc‘ \\ ho lanc_\ a part} night ottt hut can't \tand thoxc pcxk} kidx cluttcring tip thc dattcc liool'. ()\L‘t' 33x t)[)l)_
I Media at .\lcdia. llpm 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. ('harlixtt'). karaokc and a rakc ol hoo/c: \xhat morc could )ou poxxihl} axk lot".’ l)riuk\ promox arc tltc rcal honth tall drinlw £l hcl‘ot'c lam).
I Souped Up at lhc (iat‘agc.
10.30pm 3am. 1,519.2).\Vccklyiott \hould l\llt)\\ thc \cotc hcrc. and il' _\ou doul thcn _\ott muxt hat c hccn rcxiding in a ca\ c l'or thc laxt tcn _\car\. l)alt pop and \ltltlctil} ttlutlttc“ til th‘ ittl\lc\l L‘llL‘L‘SL‘lLWl in lt)\\ n.
I Toast at Shack. 10.30pm 3am. £5 (L5). \VL‘L‘H}. ll ltL' Ilt\l\l L‘llL‘llCtl lllllL‘S lititl do“ n \\ ilh allccliot) lor )our dclcctation h) 'loaxl and DJ (J. How can _\ou t'cxixl'.’
Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Henry Northmore.
Back of A List card
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, you can get a brand new card in the next issue.
Edinburgh Thursdays
I Ballistic at ('it} (‘alc. 9pm 3am. l'rcc. 18 Jul. i‘ortnightly. I)angcrou\l_\ haxx-hcax} lunk and solid lllltC\ lront Bcli\ c and \Vi'cckagc (Boogic Mo'
l)_\ namo).
I Bar Union at Bar l'nion. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Part} pcoplc in tlta hotGC at} ‘lait’ itx Scratch I)J l.) lc} mi\c\ tip thc hip hop madncxx.
I Beluga at Bcluga Bar and (‘antccn chtaurant. Spm lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). l)ccp gromcx ol thc littlISL' and garagc \arict} lrom .r\nthon_\ Small t IS .lttl and l Aug ). ('ontcmporar} and old \ltool jal/ l'rom thc inimitahlc Big Bcal l)J\ ch. Stuart Bcnnct and Situon llodgc (35 .llll ).
I Drop at thc l.i\ ing Room. 9pm lam. l‘rcc. IS Jul. l‘ortnightl}. l.a)itig th)\\ll thc hcxt in tcchno tpintx at £1 until I lpm a holllh).
I Eccentric at Bam Boti. 9pm lam. l‘rcc. lS Jul. liuan Jamcx. Stuart Sandcman and Murra} pla} l'S ltouxc at thix oricntal sl)lc l31ll’\L‘\\it)ll. I Immersed in Music at l’im (‘allc. ()pm lam. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. .'\ ncu l)J \chcdulc \ccx rotational rcxidcntx Smokc} and Tim Bandit. Si|\cr Storik. ('raig (icc attd Bcan} \\ arm tip lor thc \\cckcnd \\ ith di\cr\c takcx on thc lunk} hoth tnodcl.
I In House at (’it} ('al'c. 0pm lam. l‘rcc. 35 Jul. i-'ortnightl_\. Ncu qualit} liotlxc \hindig ll'tht Murray Stuart Sandcman and littan .lamcx.
I Made in Iguana at lgttana.
9pm latit. l‘rcc. \\‘cckl_\. (iarcth Sommcr\ ilic lH‘t‘ilkS thc tnottld ol' llix l'ltragrom c guixc. pla) ing \\ arm \ctt York houxc. di\co and old-\chool hip hop.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.oungc. .\'oon lllptn. \Vcckl}. (ilohal ia/I
grom c\ and \otti \\ itlt Boh ('airnx
tnoon 5pm) and tilxct). Rth and garagc lrom lirik l)a \‘iking t5pm lllpm).
I Suede at .\l;ttlog\. lllpm 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckl). ‘(’tit‘|}' l)a\ id takcx ttx hack to thc hcad} da) \ ol Studio 5-1 u ith a mi\ oltlixc‘t). ltmk. \oul atid R&B.
This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card. You can use this pass as many times as you
Valid from: 18/07/02
Until: 31/07/02
lli‘: l ii)I-‘) /-\ l
can) It) a (ll.‘3(,()tllll schorno ()ttly iilt(l IS él‘.'£i.litl)l(3 to llt()S(: éiiltr'l l}: ,tmt» anti (Jilléf. All participating clubs l'(:S(}l\.’(j lll(: tight to refuse €l(l."tf,1):(;ll. i'»: tum, llztf» ttt, ll‘()li(:litl'y Vétlllt: and IS valit.‘ for only out: l)!‘:lf;()l‘..
90THE LIST .-. ')'-.;.
I Yo! Below at Yo! Bcltm. 0pm lam. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc \uxhi \t) Ic har gctx ltmkcd up with l.atin jal/ and “mid titltxic l’rom l)J
I Baptism of Reggae Fire at Bongo (‘luh l().3()pm 3am. £6 (£5). 35 Jul. 'I‘hc .\l;tlll\ l).\' Sound Systcm and 'I'igcr 'l’igcr (Ii\ c) la) do“ n thc dccp titihhy grom cx,
I CC Blooms at ('(' Blotitttx. illnillpti) .itlltt. l'il'L‘L‘. \VL‘L‘H}. ‘l‘t'ip thc light l'antaxtic to lli-.\'R(i dancc action at thix c\cr-popttlar ga} bar.
I Genetic at ('itrux ('Iuh.
llpm 3am. £2. \Vcckl}. Still a might} popular night that \llt)\\L‘il\L‘\ altcrnativc. indic and lo-li. .\'o \tnokittg in thc har arca. tnind.
I Glow at ligo. lllpm 3am. £5. IS .ltil. llard hotth night \\ ith gucxt l)J\ tiizikcx a MC“ homc at ligo. l)ctai|\ \till to hc conlirmcd at timc ol going to pt'L'\\.
I Jon Pleased Wimmin at i’lanct ()ut. lS Jul oli|_\. 'l'hc l'ormcr trann} and all round tip top houxc I).l Lil'op\ in at thix Smirnoll lixpcricncc \pccial. l’lcaxc L‘ttll lhc \L‘tlttL‘ l‘ot' ltlll LlL‘lilllS ol lit)\\ to ohlilil) lic‘lxc‘h.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Loungc. lllpm 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. SICVIC (i \\ ith lilllL‘lL‘\\ \ocal lt()tl\L'. dixco and part} tuncx.
I Opium at ()pium. ll).3l)pm 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). Rock. nu-mctal and altcrnati\c/indic.
I Snatch at thc Liquid Room. ll).3()pm 3am. £.‘~.5l) t£2.5()). \Vcckl). .\ filth-livich limit) dixco-cum- caharct. comical!) cotnpcrcd h} .\h' llarr) :\itt\\\ot‘lh and dcck manipulatcd in a cod l'ttnlx and hip hop \t} Icc h} Bahcx. Biggic and Spank}.
Chart & Party
I The 6, 7, 8 Special at \Vh} .\'ot'.’ llptn 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .\ magical littl\it,‘;tl journc) that takcx }t)ll through thc ()llS, 7th, Sllx and ‘)t)\ \\ ilh plule \urx i\ot‘ l)i\co Bill} and hix ncu lt'icntl l)i\c‘o l)i\;t I)alc. ('agc tittltL‘L‘tN and \alxa c|a\\c\ a dclinitc honux.
I Blast from the Past at Stilma) \\'c\t lind. 7pm Ram. £3 (£1 ). \Vcckl}. llil\ l'rom thc ()(l\ to thc prcxcnt da)
\\ ith cra/_\ til"it]l\\ priccx to match.
I Clubstars 2 at Sulma} \cht iind. 7pm 3am. £3 t£l ). \Vcckl). Your chancc to u in a ridc in thc Sulma} limo thtihhl) includcd) at lilix kitxch kat‘aokc challcngc.
I Old Skool Disco at cholution. ll).3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcclxl}. Rctro hoth night hosch h} [M 'l‘om \\'i|\on. I Relax at l’cppcrtnint Loungc.
llpm 3am. £3. \Vccld). .v\ll thc llil\ l'rom thc Sllx and plcnt} ol' drinlw promos to uaxh it do“ n \\ ith.
I Tease at B;th_\lott. lllpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Incorporating Sludcnt Pop Idol )otir chalicc to u it) £ Hill”, I Thursday in the City at (‘tuh .\lcrcado. 8pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. ('ommcrcial chart and dancc cottrtc\_\ ol' Radio Forth l)J\ (irant Scott and .\lic|\_\ (im in. plus drinkx pl’tllltth aplcnt} lor lltoxc \\ ho \\ ant to \tart thc ucckcnd ltlxlliottttltl) carl}.
Edinburgh Fridays
I Ad Lib at thc Waxh. 0pm lam. l-rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc hcxt iii l.atin. \ttttl. lllttlx and nu-iau. l'rom thc c\cr rcliahlc .-\li (’amphcll. Smoking.
I Bar Union at Bar l'nion.
9pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. \icola lloc} lircx tip thc l‘ri lt'ixlxillg' \\ ith a prc-cluh \csxion lcaturing pop houxc and dixco Lilil\\lL'\.
I Bass:Trap Sessions at Bani Boti. 9pm lam. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). Wixc .\langa maxtcr ( i--.\lac hoxtx hix \tcckl} li\ ol' hand-piclwd narcotic hrcalw and hcatx. including all lhc lalcxl hip hop. 1 \tcp hrcakx. R&B and drum «k haxx.
I Beluga at Bcluga Bar and (‘antccn chtaurant. Slim lani. l-‘rcc. \\'cck|_\. l)otn l‘lanagan \pinning \ottl. _ia// and hotth with \pccial gltL‘SI .\lartin Valcntinc and llix ('hicago hottxc lilithitll'L‘tl [Jinx l I‘) .ltil ). \\ hilc Yogi ’I)a Bcar' llaughton \pilt\ ili\ \ingulm- \clcction ol urhan \t)tll plattcr\ tlo .lttl). I Candy! at (iildcd Saloon.
Spin lam. l‘rcc. Io .lttl. lilcctropopxoull‘unkclaxsicx. “hat morc do }a itccd lo \a} .’
I Guaranteed Pure at \liltlt):_'\. Midnight 3am. l'rcc. 1‘) Jul. Amanda l._\on and SIM c \Vilxott pc‘l‘lot'ttl li\ c rcnditionx ol claxxic tuncx.
I Immersed in Music at l’im ('al'l'c. 0pm lam. i-‘rcc. \\'cckl_\. 'l’hc anard-u inning (‘Icch thcmc har Iaunchcx a ncxx I)J \chctlttlc. lcaturing thc cram ol local talcnt land a lt‘\\ (ilaxgou Iadx) \uch ax (icorgc 'l‘. Krix chgan. thc Jcngahcadx and llugg}.
I Local Heroes at Bihlim.
Spm lam. Wch). I’rc—cluh part} \ctx lrom 1.}lc} tScratch). .»\J and l'nclc l";t\\a/ tYuxh) \\ ith a l'rccl'orm hlcnd ol‘ hip hop. ragga. lunk and \ottl.
I Made in Iguana at Igttatta.
Upttt littti. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. (‘olilt (‘oolx‘ tl'ltragroox c) pla} \ \otiic rcal dcal hoth lilthic‘. l'rom thc mpcrimcntal to thc tough and tribal \\ ith random l.atin inllucnccx llll't)\\ n in lor good mcaxurc. \N'ith \pccial gucxt .v\nt\ Small and ltix \oull'ul houxc \clcclion on Io Jttl.
I Mixed Bag at l’opRokit.
0pm lam. l'rcc. \Vcclxl}. St} lcr tSolcltixton) and Spank) tSnatch (‘|uh) dig dccp in thcir lunk. wt)! and tlixc‘o knapsack.
I Oxygen at ()\)gc‘ti Bar and (irill. 9pm lam. l‘rcc. \‘t'c-ckl}. ()n a rotational haxix. ('raig Smith tl)i\trict) \tlppiiL‘S \ltlUUlll and \otllllli hoth
\\ llilL‘ (‘l'illg (iL‘L‘ ll'il'L‘L‘l-lllll lttlxc‘\ lllL‘ lircd-up and lllttlx’} approach.
I Provocateur? at Magoo‘x Baxcnicnt. Spin lam. i‘rcc. \Vcckl}; Sil\crgroo\cr Pl'L‘SL‘lllx a lrcxh dircction at a mm |_\ opcncd \cttuc. l)J\ c\plorc thc cclcctic rcalmx ol machinc ltllll\. a l'uxion ol' c.\pcrimcntal houxc. clcctro. intclligcnt tcchno and all thingx l)ctroit. I Quality at .\latiog\. () 11.30pm. l'il‘L‘L‘. \VL'ClNl). .'\ \L‘iL‘L'litm Ul lUL'ill l).l\ hclp kick-\tart _\otrr night \\ ith a pal} — up sclcction.
I Spoilt it Island at (iildcd Saloott. Spin lam. l’rcc. l‘) Jttl. l)J\ 'l‘hc Jcrk and .\li\\ Bcnt Youth prcxcnt thcir L'L‘L‘L‘llll‘it‘ liltl\iL‘ lUI‘ l'L‘L‘tH L‘l'illg ;l\L‘L‘liL‘\. .\ tni\ ol' altcrnati\ c rock. clcctronica. pop. hip hop and morc \\ ith a littlc hpr l'rom Slimho) l-‘at.
I Three Sisters at lltL‘ 'l‘hrcc Sile‘l‘x. 0pm lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .\ mi\ ol chart and part}. Rtle and liolht‘.
I Yo! Below at Yo? Bcltm.
llpm midnight. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc \llxlli \l} lc har gct\ thc hoth atid danccl‘loor \oul trcatmcnt lrom Icon lid\\ard\.
I Angel Delight at thc \cnuc. lllpm 3am. £(i (£5). ‘) .'\llg_'. Montlil}. l’op—taxtic lttn and lrolic\ \\ ith l)J Michcllc and gucxtx at llll\ all-nctt club night lor \\t)lllL‘ll oltl).
I Arakataca! at Bongo (‘Iuh
llpm 3am. £5. ll) Jul. I)J\ Jal'lcr tScncgal) and /.ttppa lnglcxc (Bogota) hoxt a licr} mi\ ol‘ \ttlxtl. .r\lrican. l.atin and ('arihhcan dancc. .»\\ thc} '\ c hoth hccn l)Jing lior mm 30 )carx. thix i\ thc ltcxt \clcction ol' paxt. prcxcnt and luturc tropical dancc )ou'rc likcl} to litttl.
I Beats N Pieces at thc \cnuc. ll)..i()pin 3am. £(i. 2o Jul. .\lonth|_\. .\ ncxt \oircc \hottcaxing cwryhing l‘rom claxxic lunk to hard-cdgcd tcch-hottxc lrom rcxidcntx .>\l|an llcadxpin. Richic Vallcn/ and thc Bo} .'\lc\.
I Behave? at llonc_\ comh. Io Jul. .\lonthl_\. Scriouxl) high qualit} drum & haxx night. l)ctailx to hc conlirmcd. plcaxc call \cnuc lor lurthcr inl'ortnation.