Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk 8. World listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.
Thursday 1 8
I Dar Williams St Andrew ‘s In The Square. ()ff Sallinarket. St Andrew‘s Street. 555 8000. 8pm. £10. ()ne of the finest l'S songwriters. the young .\'e\\ linglander returns with her poignant and amusing take on life. She's here promoting a new album. The (iirr'ii RUN/H. I Songwriters’ Competition The Star (‘ltib. Riyerside('1tib. liox Street. 5697287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Annttal new songs showcase.
Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Riyerside ('lub. l-‘ox Street. 248 3144. 8pm. £6. Liye bands.
I Guid Crack Club \Vayerley Bar l'pstairs. 7.30pm. £2.50 (by donation). Storytelling club's guest talespinners and singers are Milly (iray and John l‘ee.
Saturday 20
Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Riyerside('1ub. l-‘ox Street. 248 3144. 8pm. £6. See Fri 19.
I Ceilidh with Wild Geese Bongo ('ltib. New Street. 7 10pm. £5 (£3). Stonkitt’ alternatiy e Scottish ceilidli with an eccentric caller.
I Ceilidhs at the Caley ('aledonian Brewer}. Slateford Road. 623 8066.
7pm 1am. £6 (£5). lidinbttrgh‘s last \‘ictorian brewery. with liye music from Sandy Legget‘s Band.
I Kantaro lil Barrio. Westpot't. 229 8805. 10pm. £5 (£4). l‘pbeat Latin/world dance sounds.
I John Crawford 8. Tom McKean Wee l-‘olk (‘Iub. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. Aberdeen— based duo celebrate the ballad and song traditions of the north-east of Scotland.
I Tindorama til Barrio. \Veslpot‘l. 22‘) 8805. 10pm. £3 (£2). Brazilian dance sounds plus l)Js.
I Cliar 'l‘olbooth 'l‘lteatt'e. Jail \‘y'ynd. 01786 274000. 7.30pm. £8 (£5.50). Blair Douglas. Bruce Mac(iregor attd the others in one of the best (iaelic-t‘ooletl bands around.
I Session with Curragh Stirling (5qu (‘Iub. '1‘erraces llotel. Meh ille 'I‘errace. 01786472268. 8pm. £1. A local trio play music and song. leading an open session.
Tuesday 23
I The Latin Quarter lil Barrio. \Vestporl.229 8805. 10pm. £3 (£2). l.iye l.atin-flayotired tall/funk.
Wednesday 24
Edinburgh I Hebble Bebble The Beat Jan
72 THE LIST lit .Jti: 1. Aug 2362)
Basement. ('haitibers Street. ()781 I 375374. 9pm. Free before 10pm; £3 after. Scottish/world outfit with Keith Reid on yoeals.
I Heather Heywood The Star (’lub. Riyerside (‘lub. l-‘ox Street. 569 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Songs and ballads from one of Scotland's fittest singers.
I Helen Reeves Trio Studio I. (it‘osyenor llotel. Byres Road. 341 6516. 9pm. l‘ree. Winner of a ‘1)anny‘ award at this year‘s (‘eltic Connections.
I El Cometa All-Stars The Beat Jan Basement. (‘hantbers Street. ()78l 1 375374. 9pm. liree before 10pm; £2 £3 after. lidinbtirglt dancey Latin-ja/zers. made tip from members of Salsa Celtica. the Iiast (‘oast JaH Project and freshly Squee/ed. With \‘ene/uelan singer ('arlos l’ena.
I Collectively Speaking til Barrio. \Vestport. 229 8805. 10pm. £3 (£2). (ilobal funk outfit led by American drummer l’atil Mills.
I Claire Mann and Aaron Jones lilphinstone llotel. High Street. 01899 221663. 8pm. Flute/fiddle play er Mann play s music from her debut (‘1). w ith botI/ouki and guitar accompaitiment from Aaron Jones of ('raobh Rua.
I Ceilidh Dance Riyerside (‘lub. l‘o.\ Street. 248 3144. 8pm. £6. Liye music from the Sandy Leggett Band.
I John Carmichael Band St Andrew's In The Square. ()ff Saltmarket. St Andrew’s Street. 548 6020. 8pm. £6 (£4). Seollish ceilidli dance led by the John ('armichael Band. calling old and new dances.
I Guid Crack Club \Vayerley Bar l'psiairs. 7.30pm. £2.50 (by donation). Storytelling club's guest talespinner is Stuart Mcllardy.
OLomond Folk Festival .\loss 0‘ Balloch. 01389 757561. 2pm. ('oncerts. workshops. craft fairs and children's ey-ents. liyening ceilidlt dance. See Sat 27.
I Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies ('omtnunity (’entre. 01333
3| 1080. 8pm. l-‘our-piece from the north- east of lingland. Support comes frotn Steye and Martin.
Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Riyerside('1ub. l-‘ox Street. 248 3144. 8pm. £6. See Fri 26.
GSalsa Celtica Queen’s llall. ('lerk Street. 668 201‘). 8.30pm.
£1 1.50 £16.50. Dance to Latin. African. ('uban and ('eltic.
I Makossa l-LI Barrio. \y’estpurt. 229 8805. 10pm. £5 (£4). Liy e African- influenced band.
I British Pipe Band Championships Low (ireen. () l 292 617420. 10am 6pm.1~‘ree.
OLomond Folk Festival .\loss 0’ Balloclt. 0| 38‘) 757.561. As Lift 20 Dltls afternoon folk cruise on the Loch. and main eyenittg concerts featuring Jock 'l'amson's Bairns. with Irish singer/l'illean piper Tomas Lynch and
E Lomond Folk Festival High or low. take the road to the Lomond Folk Festival. where there's music on the water (folk cruises) or on the bonnie banks themselves - headlined by Aly Bain. Phil Cunningham and Jock Tamson‘s Bairns (pictured). Also workshops. sessions. concerts. craft fairs. children's events and an evening ceilidh dance. Moss 0' Ballocli, Fri 26—Sun 28 Jul.
at John Rae’s Celtic Feet One of the few outfits to have interestingly melded jazz with folk. Celtic Feet have Scotland's master pianist in Brian Kellock. with superb reeds. bass and drums (the latter played by their eponymous leader) and the stylishly accomplished partnership of Eilidh Shaw on fiddle and Simon Thoumire on concertina. Hub. Edinburgh, Tue 30 Jul.
Salsa Celtica Pipes. reeds and drums — timbales. bongos and congas — mixing strathspeys and sambas. Cuban-style: it's all hot music for a cool north when Salsa Celtica pile back into their favourite Edinburgh venue. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Sat 27 Jul.
young bands Back of the Moon and Hell for Leather.
Sunday 28
I Robert Jones Princes Square. Buchanan Street. 221 0324. 1pm. 1’ree. Spanish/classical guitar pieces from South America and Europe.
I Emily Druce Wee 1-‘o1k ('lub. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. Soulful. blues-tinged singer- songwriter showcases her latest (‘1) New Day.
I A Cappella Workshop led by Black Umfolosi 'l‘ulhuoih Theatre. Jail Wynd. ()1 786 274000. 2pm. £4 (£3). A unique chance to learn yocal techniques from the fatued Zimbabwean singers/dancers.
OLomond Folk Festival Moss 0’ Balloch. 01389 757561. As l'li 26, plus afternoon folk cruise on the Loch and eyening concert by Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham.
Monday 29
I North Sea Gas Stirling 1’oll\'('ltib. 'l’erraces llotel. Melyille 'l‘errace. ()l786 472268. 8pm. £5 (£4). lidinburgh-based tnulti-instrtiinental four-piece with new boy lllll ()' Leary on fiddle.
.‘ggfi. Tuesday
Edinburgh GJohn Rae’s Celtic Feet The
llub. ('astlehill. Royal Mile. 473 2000.
12.30pm. £7. Brian Kellock. keys; Phil Bancroft. reeds: Mario (’aribe. bass;
liilidh Shaw. fiddle. and Simon 'l'hotiinire. concertina. ftise folk atid jazz g 3'. - led by the inimitable drums of John
j Rae himself.
Isle of Mull
r; I Ceilidh An lobar. Argyll 'l‘errace. “I 'l‘obermory. 01688 30221 I. 8pm. £4.
Mtisic. song and dance with local and yisiting musicians.
Wednesday 31
I Kwasa Kwasa and Demon The Beat Ja/z Basement. ('hambers Street. 0781 I 375374. 9pm. £3 (free before 10pm). linergetic liast African rock frotn Kwasa Kwasa.
I Steve Kritzer Dunfermline 1‘olk (‘lub. 'l'histle'1'ayern. Baltfridgeburn. 01383729673. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). (itiilitl‘isl attd \‘ocalist froin the LS.
I Gail Davies 'l'ron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267. £l0. Influential country singer (iail l)a\'ies. known for her sophisticated style. perforitis original songs for a one-off appearence at The 'I’ron.
I TBC Star ('lttb. Riyerside ('lub. 15o.\ Street. 5697287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4).
I Delta Croft Revue Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £5. As part of the ()ak's summer season. 1idinbtirgh-based Delta (‘roft Reytie play blues atid folk originals and coyers.
I The Wonderful Songs of Robert Burns the lam ()‘Shanter lixperience. Murdocle Loan. 01292 313205. 2pm. £5 (£4: children free). Jitn Malcolm's contemporary take on the Bard.
Isle of Mull
I Cliar Aros llall. Main Street. 'l‘obermoi'y. 01688 302415. 8.30pm. £8 (£6). See Sun 21.
Folk & world
The following details are for regular free weekly dates: see main listings for one-off or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to-date details are supplied to us. Folk 8. World Residencies listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.
I Molly Malone’s llope Street. 9pm. Free. Live group.
I Ben Nevis Argyle Street. 8.30pm. Free. Liye music.
I Finnegan’s Wake St Vincent Street. 248 4989. 9pm. liree. lrish theme pub. Liye bands.
I Riverside Club Ceilidh Dances l-‘ox Street. 8pm. £6 (last entry 9.30pm).