The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 18
I Investigators Studio I. (il'ti\\L‘llt)l' Hotel. B}re\ Road. HI 6516. 0pm. Free. A mix of \oul. l'unk attd Rth
Edinburgh I Mario Caribe Quintet Henry's Ja/l (’ellar. 8 Morrixon Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. I atitt tlamttred tall from tltix httxxixt hacked h) some stttt'x ol~ the Scottixh scene: Martin Kershau. Malcolm Mcl-‘arlane. Brian Kellock attd Joltn Rae. I Beat Root Juice The Beat Ja// Basement. 1 ('hatnhers Street. 078] I 375374. 0pm. liree het'ore l0pm: £2 £3 alter. A head) mi\ ol'ja/l. \xorld aitd l.atitt heatx. hand detailx still to he CUIHil'lllCd. QDjaoush Macholi Orchestra The Bridge Ja/x Bar. 82 Sottth Bridge. 78 2510. 0pm. l‘ree. Young (ierman \l.\- piece \Vllt) .ttix \\()l'ld. imprm. classical and tnore ittto their own brand ol‘ja/I.
THE FREEWHEELERS l..o(:lr.'/tnno(:h seems a highly
I Clyde Quartet Silt er 'l'axxie. .'\llllitdil Street. 8pm. Free. Straigltt up ia/l \\ ith \pecial guests at the llatttiltott Ja/l ('ltth.
I Al Hughes Belt} .\‘ieol\. High Street. 0l502 200282. 8.30pm. liree. Bluex guitar attd \ttL‘;tl\ trom the Lightx ()ut B} \ine l‘t'ontman.
I Masquenada Henr} \ Ja/z ('ellar. 8 Morrion Street, 467 5200. Midnight. £5. :\ l.atin-intuxed jax/ \election trom tltexe tormer (’ate (iral'liti regulars. ittclttding ('himp oi Salxa ('eltica tame on percuxxion attd (‘olin Steele on trumpet.
I Vente d’Est Henr} \ Ja// (‘ellatz 8 Mot‘l'ixon Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. .\'e\\ _ia// ensemble tormed h} guitaristx laitt ('arleton arid (iraham Higlt u ith \lttlllllxl [an King.
I USB - Unplugged The Bridge Ja// Bar. 82 Sotttlt Bridge. 478 25 I0. 0pm. l‘ree. Special unplugged xexxion l'rom the high energ) ja/l l‘unk l'uxionixtx.
Saturday 20
I The Karri McKenna Quartet Brel. 30 43 .-\\hton l.atte. 342 4066. 3pm. l-‘ree. li\cellent lilautixt attd \oealixt attd her hand.
Edinburgh I Green Juice Heur} ‘\ Ja/l (‘ellar. 8 \ltll'l'ixon Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £5.
Iilectrottic break-heat ja/l trom (ireett Juice. featuring \ttXtipltoniSI Martin Kt‘hlttm. Will} .\lolltt\on attd Sl} Si. Pith rapper Frost} J.
I The Piano Trio The Bridge Ja// Bar. 82 Sotttlt Bridge. 478 25 10. 2.30pm. l’ree. Regular piatto alternoon xexxion teaturing \ttl’lUth pianists and their [l‘lt)\.
I Sophie Bancroft Quartet Henr} '\ Ja// ('ellat'. 8 \lttl‘l‘lxtm Street. 46',” 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Vocalist Bancrott \tlhll) \teaxex folk and jaw illHtlL‘ltL‘C\ into a mix of Slillltlill'tlS attd contemporar} numherx. I The Bridge House Band The Bridge Ja// Bar. 82 Sotttlt Bridge. 478
25 I0. 0pm. liree. A regular lite-piece u ith a \ariahle line-tip pla} ittg \peciall} L‘Ullllltl\\i0ltCtl arrangements.
I Kantaro lil Barrio. l04 \Vextport. 22‘) 8805. 10pm. £5 t£4t. l'pheat l.atin \Utllld\ itt tllt\ lite \et.
I Mo’s Company l’rincex Square. 48 Buchattan Street. 221 0324. lpm. l-‘ree. .\ guitar dtto \\ ith Spanish attd Neapolitan inl'luencex.
I The Big Blues Jam Studio I. (irtmenot' Hotel. B)re\ Road. 34] 65 I6. 6pm. iii-CC. The .\'e\\ BlllL‘S Slil‘lt‘l‘S lloxl a night ol' hluex \Utltldx \\ itlt \arioux \pecial guexh \tlc‘ll ax Rc\ l)oc. John l)oole attd
I Sylvia Rae Henr} \ Ja// ('ellar. 8 Morrixou Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. ;\n indit idttal take on iax/ \ocalx ax Rae dehutx \ongx lrom her next album ('lmt' litmus/i.
unlikely birthplace fora band featuring an English saxophonist.
an Australian trotttboi‘tst. a Scottish bassist and an Antoneatt (lrutttttter. but it's all true. Rob Hall ll)l(ZItll'(}(ll. Chris Grieve. Mike Dunning and Paul lvltlfs first got together to explore the potential of a ‘btanoless' quartet at the Village's Festival on the Water last ear. and liked the result so much they (i()(ll(l()(i to form a band. They launch their debut CD. Free-world Mus/t: iFlv‘lR Recordsr. at this gig. Rob Hall. lll(3<’ilt‘.'/lill(3. is also running a J£1// school in Glasgox-r and Edinburgh in August - ring
01360 31 1992 or check on the web at Ja//<:otit'se.(;otn for details. tKettny Matittesonl
I Freew/tee/ers play the Bridge Ja// Bar. Edinburgh. on Sun 2/ Jr 1/.
70 THE LIST 'it .; .
I The Sempiternal Hoon Bongo ('luh. l4 .\'e\\ Street. 558 7604. 0pm. £4. Ja// funk :Jl’t’mex hour The Hoon hacked up h} it selection til l)J\ at The ['H) ('Iuh. I Ross Hamilton Quartet the Beat Ja// Basement. 1 (’hatnhcrx Street. 078i I .‘75374. 0pm. £2 hettxeen 10pm lattt tl‘ree at all other timexi. littnl‘} ia/x l'rom haxxixt Hamilton.
I The Freewheelers The Bridge Ja/l Bar. 82 South Bridge. 478 25 I0. 0pm. l’ree. Saxophonist Roh Hall'x tour-piece ia// hand launch their next (I).
I Night Porters Studio I. (ii‘ouenor Hotel. B}re\ Road. 34l 6516.0pm. l-‘ree. Blue\ from the 50x.
I The Jam Session The Bridge Ja// Bar. 82 South Bridge. 478 25 10. 0pm. Free. Regular ja// jam xexxion ax \ttl'ltttlx gllL‘\l\ drop in to join the UM id Patrick 'l'rio.
I USE The Beat Jal/ Basement. l ('hamherx Street. 078i I 375374. l0pm. £2 hettteen l0pm lam (tree at all other [llllL‘\l. High energ} ia/l l‘unk l'uxion \tith Bra/ilian intluencex.
I Freddie King The Beat Ja/l Baxement. l (ilittlllik‘l'S Street. ()78l I 375374. 0pm. £2 hetueen 10pm lattt tl'ree at all other timext. Renouned \ocalixt around lidinhtirglt and London and lather ot a \\ hole ia/l tamil}. King brings his hehop \Utllld to pa} ltontage to the “hole gatnttt ol great _ia// \ingers.
I The Latin Quarter lil Barrio. I04 \Vextport. 220 8805. l0pm. £3 t£2l. l.i\e l.atin-llamured l-lllllx} iaH.
Wednesday 24
I Lynne O’Neil Henr} 'x Jan ('ellar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. 1.}nne ()’.\'eil suppliex the \ocalx tor a night ol‘ l‘unk) _ia// \ounds.
I The Usual Suspects The Bridge Ja// Bar. 82 Sotttlt Bridge. 478 25 I0. 0pm. l‘ree. l-‘octtxing on the hottext )oung ia/l pla}er\ in Scotland. all led h} Bill K} le on drumx ax the} rttn tltrottglt a \eriex ol' \ltllldtll'd\.
0 Guitar Festival Opening Concert Dundee ('ontemporar} Arts. 152 \ethergate. 0| 382 000000. 8pm. £8 t£6t. lnno\ atit e ia/l muxicianx l)on l’atet‘xon and Stet e llatniltott open the Dundee (ittitar liextital.
I Ev Jazz 4 Hem'} \ Ja// ('ellar. 8 .\lorri\on Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm.
£5 £6.50. 'l‘uo ol l.ithuania\ hext ia/I llttlxlc‘ldlh t\;l\ttpltttni\t \'_\tauta\ l.ahutix and httxxixt Leonid Sinkarenkor lead thix melodic quartet.
I El Cometa All-Stars the Beat .la/x Basement. l (’hamherx Street. 0‘8l l 375374. 0pm. l‘ree het‘ot‘e l0pm; £2 £3 al‘etr. Iiditthurgh'x linext l.atin-ia/I e\pottent\. ntade up trom ntetttherx ot' Salsa (‘eltica. the liaxt ('oaxt Ja/I l’roiect attd l'il'cxltl} Stlllct‘lcd. hear do“ n \\ ith ltL‘;l\_\ ttrhan l.atitt I'lt}lltltt\. lidinhurgh'x linourite \ene/uelan \inget'. (’arlox l’etta. pl‘m idex lltc‘ \ocalx.
Hannhon I Clyde Quartet Sil\ er tame. :\ltttada Street. 8pm. l‘ree. See Thu 18.
I Dundee Guitar Festival Varioux \t‘tttlcx. (H 582 900000, £2 U2 (\tttltc C\L‘tlt\ l‘l't‘t'i. .-\ \\ hole hth of tlctx \htm oil their dell guitar \killx including Scott 'l‘ennant. the Bra/ilian (ittitar Quartet. .-\llan