Music rock & pop listings
Friday 26 continued
I Free Radicals, Buddha Crush, Hide and The Ruffness Barfly tl‘ormerl)‘ the l3th .\'ote (‘luhL 260 (‘l_\'de Street. 0870 ‘)()7 ()‘)‘)‘). S.l5pm. £4.
I The Primes and Ursula Minor 'l’he l3th .\'ote ('al'e. 50-00 King Street. 55.3 lo3h’. ‘)pm. (iuitar/sainplex combo from l'rsula Minor.
I Tartarus, Cosmos and Recliner Fury Murry» ‘)() Maxwell Street. 22l ()5! I. 9pm. £4. including entry to post- gig club.
I Hustler, Freeway and Kilo
Straw herr} l’ields. 5o ()\\\'ald Street. 22l 787 I. 7.30pm. £4. including entry to pmt-gig club.
I Fever (irand ()Ie ()pr). l’aixle} Road To“. 42‘) 53‘)(i. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 mernherxi. ('ountr).
I Abba Tribute Bourbon Street. 108 George Street. 552 0141. 7pm. £5 (£14.50 \\ ith dinner). Tribute to the Swedixh l‘ah four.
I The Ducks .\te(‘liuill's. 40 High 811111.552 2l35. 10pm. l‘ree. Retro garage rock conducted at a frenzied \peed.
I Roost .\lacSorle_\ 'x. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 858 I. With. l‘ree.
I Rush Hour Samuel l)o\\ ‘x. ()7 ‘)l \ithxdale Road. 423 0|07. 8.30pm. Free.
I Bearsuit, Purple Munkie and We Become Less The Venue. l7 2] ('alton Road. 557 3073. Split. £5. Scottixh debut from .\'or\\ ich indie xex'en- piece and John Peel favourites Bearxuit who hill llk‘lthc‘hc‘x ax Belle and Sehaxtian-meets-the ()nl} ()nex. a good combination one would think.
I Frantic Chant, My Electric Love Affair and Baltic (‘ounting litilhc. \VCSI \tc‘tilson Street. (167 0870. 7.30pm. £4. A triple hill of alternative
rock. px) chcdelia and indie \\ ith l)J\ \pinning ax \tlppol't.
I Tom Hingley 'l‘ollmoth 'l'heatre. Jail W} nd. 0l7tS’o 274000. 7.30pm. £(i t£4i. Iix-lrontman ol' Manchexter \hoega/ers the llhpit'dl ('arpets.
Glasgow I The Gelflings, Mugshot and Standoff King 'l’ut'x \Vah \Vah Hut.
Vacant Stare p
all -
lay Studio 2, Edinurgh, m 1‘9 Jul
27231 St \IlliCL'iii Street. :Zl 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 pltlx hooking tee.
I Eska and Hex Nic‘e'ii'Slezil). 42] Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)(i37. 0pm. Alternatixe heax} rock. particularl} from the Big Black/Snans-influenced lle\.
I Malloy, Stapleton and Last Years Fall the 13m Note ('ale. fill-(in King Street. 553 lo3S. ‘)pm.
I Jean Genie, Sneak Attack Tigers, Vega, Little Miss Debbie and the Scumbag Boogie Band, the Guijins and Major Threat 'I‘annahill ('entre. l-"erguxlie. l’aisle). S47
4013/4643. lpm. Free. Another Sl’l.\' dose of tree li\‘e inuxic.
I Cloud Show and The Rodents Strawberry l'ieldx. 5(i ().\\\itltl Street. 22l 7871. 7.30pm. £4. including entry to poxt-gtg L‘ltth.
I Scheme The l'err). (‘l}de Place. 42‘) l0l0. ‘)pm. £3.
I Madonna Tribute Bourbon Street. IUS (ieorge Street. 552 014 1. 7pm. £5 (£10.50 \\ ith dinner).
I Open Stage The Hall Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 504 1527. 4 Spin. i'hl'L'L‘. \VL‘L‘lx‘l} \exxion for local lllllSlCilllh. I Carlito The Hall Bar. l(i0 \Vtitttllillttlx Road. 564 I527. ‘)pm. l-‘ree.
I Cool Heels Samuel l)o\\ ‘x, ()7 ‘)l Ntlltxtlltlt‘ Road. 423 ()lll7. S.3()pm. llt'L‘L‘. I Jamie Barnes and Cochise MacSot'le) \. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 XSXI. (rpm. l‘ll‘L‘C. Residenc} l'til‘ illL‘ Rtkll \‘L‘lCl'tttt.
I Live Music (irand ()le ()pi}. l’;ll\lc‘_\ Road loll. 42‘) 5390. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 members). ('ountr};
0 James Yorkston, the Zephyrs and Malcolm Middleton The Venue. 17 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £7.50. (‘ountrilied blues and Americana l‘rom Yorkxton and a \imilarl} bourbon- drenched xet ol' \upports.
I Mute Media, Endorphin and Starless The Mercat. 223’ West .\Iait|and Street. 225 3861. 7.30pm. £3. Donald McDonald returns \\ ith his new pow er rock combo .\lute Media.
I Stealer .\'.B.\. Balmoral Hotel. I l’rincex Street. 556 24 l4. ‘)pm. liree. Funk-rock from lidinhurgh's Stealer.
I Rock Out West l'eat Rogue Star, Dirge and Qwijbo lit)“ den Park ('entre. 0150(i 433034. 7pm. £0 t£4 i. A trio oi local rock actx.
onth fringee
the programme.
To enter just tell us,
cancelled. Usual List rules apply.
Are you sad that T in the Park is over for another year? Well don’t be because the music-loving folks at Tennent's Lager and Df Concerts have put together an amazing month of gigs in Edinburgh to satiate everyone‘s tastes and it’s called T on the
Since the launch in August 2000, T on the Fringe has worked to bring an astounding mix of new and established artists to Edinburgh and this year has truly excelled itself with a killer line up which takes place over the month of August in four venues!
Gigs will be taking place at the Liquid Room and Corn Exchange as well as the newly acquired Royal Highland Centre and Queen‘s Hall. The event boasts gigs by the Stereophonics. DJ Shadow. Faithless. Doves, Natalie Imbruglia, Badly Drawn Boy and Elvis Costello to name just a few.
To celebrate T on the Fringe. we are offering the chance to win a Guest List spot for one reader and a mate for the whole month! This Guest List place will guarantee two tickets for every gig in
We also have loads of tickets for various gigs as runner up
Which country does Natalie lmbruglia hail from?
Answers on an email marked ‘T ON THE FRINGE‘ to promo- or on a postcard to The List, 14 High St, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE. Deadline for entries is 31 July 2002. Please include a daytime telephone number and address.
For more info check out wwwtonthefringecom or call Ticketmaster on 0870 169 0100.
Terms 8. Conditions: Entrants must be over 18 years of age. First prize mnners tickets are not transferable. The List does not take responsrblltty for gtgs are that
68 THE LIST “1
' AM.)